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日常仪式化行为:以知青为例的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴艳红 《社会》2005,14(6):172-190
一、导论仪式(ritual),虽然早在19世纪就进入了社会科学的视野,然而关于日常仪式化行为的研究却是近些年的成果。对日常仪式化行为的关注延续了将仪式从起初集中于神圣的、宗教的、神秘的活动拓宽至世俗的、日常的活动的传统,从而将现代社会中具体的、日常的具有象征性意义的活动也纳入仪式的研究领域(Gusfield&Michalowicz,1984)。在日常仪式化行为的研究中,关于日常仪式化行为的功能及意义的研究占据了主要地位。这与传统仪式研究的特征有关(Roth,1995),也与日常仪式化行为与行为人之间的密切关系有关。本文关注日常仪式化的行为,虽然部…  相似文献   

鲍静静 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):138-139
民国时期的新式中学教育处于起步期,在近代中国教育史上占有重要的地位。本文以广雅中学的学生日记为主要资料,从民国时期中学生的家庭状况、职业教育和体育课程几个方面探讨民国中学校园生活,以加深对民国中学生这一群体的认识。  相似文献   

在近现代重要政治人物中,蒋介石有着特别的故乡情结.通过对其日记的分析,可见到这种情结来自对故乡山水的热爱和对家族的情感.因此他对故乡建设多有效力.而且故乡对蒋介石个人性格的养成有重大关系,一定程度上影响到他对国事的处理.  相似文献   

卢敦基 《浙江学刊》2005,3(6):106-114
古代文人的日常文学生活,随着历史研究视角的转换,也成为文学研究的对象.李慈铭的<越缦堂日记>,为晚清文人的日常文学生活研究提供了丰富的史料.本文考察了十九世纪处于江南绍兴的士绅李氏的社会、经济地位和日常生活,重点考察了他的日常文学生活,并揭示了其生活对文学创作的关系和影响.  相似文献   

胡雪龙 《社会》2023,43(2):184-209
“知识是一种社会建构”命题是涂尔干研究人类总体知识的落脚点,也是伯恩斯坦理解教育知识的社会性质的起点。本文试图重新理解涂尔干这一重要却不断被误解的命题,从“圣俗二分假想”入手,还原涂尔干知识社会学背后的问题意识,并呈现伯恩斯坦对圣俗二分的思考。研究发现,伯恩斯坦一方面继承和推进了涂尔干对知识及其社会基础的思考,从双重社会性假设出发阐释了教育知识的分类原则,另一方面也阐明了圣俗二分所蕴含的教育解放的可能性。  相似文献   

林维红 《浙江学刊》2007,(4):211-219
近代中国,西学东渐的初始,如何面对西方文明?大多研究所呈现的图像基本上以男性为中心。本文透过《曾纪泽日记》,挖掘出曾纪泽女眷随其出使英、法期间不多的信息。尽管,这些信息并不是来自她们自己的声音,但是,对于研究近代中西文化接触及中国妇女生活史来说,仍不失为可贵的资料。  相似文献   

王樱颖 《社会福利》2006,(11):43-44
流浪儿童大多数是青春期的孩子,这个阶段是个体身体发育的鼎盛时期及性成熟时期。生理上的成熟使他们在心理上产生成人感,他们希望获得成人的某些权力,找到新的行为标准并渴望变换社会角色。然而,由于他们的心理水平有限,有许多期望不能实现,从而导致产生挫折感。由于此阶段身心发展不平衡,使他们中间的一部分人面临种种心理危机,并出现一些心理行为问题,最后离家出走。  相似文献   

昝飞 《社会福利》2009,(5):30-31
积极行为支持是在应用行为分析基础上发展起来的一种行为干预方法,这种干预方法以个体问题行为的功能评估结果为基础开展干预,已经在多类障碍儿童上使用,是一种很有效的行为矫正方法.  相似文献   

本文认为,改革开放前的30年,我国经济活动追求的是经济行为的社会整体伦理结果,是以既定的整体伦理标准来限制、决定经济行为的实现方式。而现今,经济活动的主要任务是实现从事经济行为主体的经济结果,最大限度地达到经济行为的自身目的。文章就此作出了分析并提出,在我国从伦理经济走向经济伦理过程中,建立完善的经济伦理规则是保证中国经济体制改革获得成功的关键。  相似文献   

昝飞 《社会福利》2009,(4):14-15
孤残儿童由于其特殊的成长环境,会表现出多种问题行为,如何对孤残儿童的问题行为开展评估与干预是非常重要的.本文所介绍的功能评估方法是上个世纪80年代末至90年代初发展起来的一种行为评估方法.以此行为功能评估结果为基础进行干预的策略已经在多类障碍儿童上使用,是一种很有效的行为矫正方法.  相似文献   


The purpose of this groundbreaking study was to evaluate outcomes of 482 LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning) youth and young adults who received services and supports through the Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances Program (CMHI). This study was a secondary data analysis using data from a larger study of 3208 LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ youth ages 11 through 21 who had a serious emotional disturbance (SED). This study is significant in that it evaluates functional outcomes for young people identified as LGBTQ based on a specialized service framework (i.e., system of care approach). In essence, do LGBTQ youth with SED benefit from a specific approach to intervention? In addition, a comparison at intake on suicidality, bullying and victimization was conducted between the LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ identifying youth from the larger sample. The youth and a caregiver were interviewed face-to-face separately at intake, 6-months, and 12-months. Significant improvements were found across all of the dependent variables, supporting the viability of SOC for improving outcomes for LGBTQ youth. Future research should continue to build on this study by adding to the design a control group to improve internal validity of the findings.  相似文献   

刘保刚 《唐都学刊》2007,23(6):112-115
中国青年党是中国现代史上仅次于共产党和国民党的第三大政党。然而关于青年党的研究却极其薄弱。在有限的研究文章中,还没有文章对青年党的国家主义理论进行深入探讨者。青年党的国家主义理论来源于欧洲浪漫主义思想家。主张以感情、文化认同作为民族主义的基础。因此,青年党反对阶级斗争理论、反对无限制的民族自决理论,也不认同国际主义。青年党关于阶级斗争等问题的看法虽然偏颇,甚至反动,但是它主张以感情、文化认同作为民族主义基础的理论还是有深刻合理性。  相似文献   

北京市老年人休闲生活研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对北京市老年人休闲生活的抽样调查数据,描绘了老年人日常休闲活动的日程安排;概述了老年人在体育、文娱兴趣、学习、公益及旅行游玩5大类休闲活动的参与情况;采用聚类分析的方法将老年人口及其休闲行为分成3个类别,并进行了类间比较;探讨了伴侣、子女及友人等在休闲和日常生活中的陪伴对老年人社会支持的提升以及对休闲生活品质的促进作用。  相似文献   

兴起于20世纪八九十年代的日常生活批判理论是以人自身的现代化为宗旨,植根于中国现代化进程中的具有相对独特性的文化哲学理论。经过20余年的发展,中国的日常生活批判已取得阶段性的成果,并辐射到文学、史学、教育学、法学、伦理学和城市规划等不同领域,显露出自身潜在的创造力与生命力。  相似文献   

成长小组是社会工作的一种重要手段,因其具有特殊的优势,与青少年群体自身所具有的特点紧密结合。本文从这一潜在契合点出发,首先对成长小组相关知识进行概述,其次分析了当前青少年群体的心理——社会特征,进而阐述了成长小组运用于青少年社会工作中所具有的优势,最后探索了一条开展青少年社会工作成长小组的实践模式和策略,以期对相关领域提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

陈芬 《学术交流》2004,23(4):12-17
社会形态的发展是一种自然历史过程,具有客观物质性、合规律性和合目的性。在自然历史过程中的生产实践,集中体现了合规律性和合目的性的有机统一,是人类的第一历史活动,是全部社会生活的基本本质所在。  相似文献   

The European Union’s (EU) Youth Guarantee aims to improve the labour market situation of young people. Rather than prescribing a uniform policy model, it acknowledges that supportive measures need to align with national, regional and local circumstances. It thus seeks to promote mutual policy learning through the open method of coordination. As an innovative measure, the EU has deployed funding programmes to support the domestic measures related to the Youth Guarantee. We therefore examined in this study whether this mix of recommendations and financial incentives has entailed a convergence of member state policies. Our analysis of policy outputs for the period 2007?2014 yields a mixed empirical picture. There is catching‐up convergence regarding policies’ sectoral coverage but increasing divergence concerning the number of adopted policy instruments. The first two years of financial incentives did not produce any effect on enhancing policy experimentation among less active member states. We offer an optimistic and a pessimistic interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   

In 2013, the European Council approved the Youth Guarantee (YG) to counteract youth unemployment. Because of its specific features, the YG is useful for understanding whether the EU has triggered policy change in national youth unemployment policies. Contrary to most of the literature on similar topics, we focused in this study on the effect of this specific European measure rather than on broader EU strategies or policies. The study contributes to the literature by qualifying the degree of fit/misfit and suggesting a counterfactual analysis, using the case of France. We first situate the article within the broader Europeanisation debate and present our research design. The second section introduces the policy structure of the YG and investigates youth unemployment policy in France, prior to and after the European initiative. The third section discusses whether the French youth unemployment policy would have been developed in the same way without the YG. A final section concludes.  相似文献   

This study examined the quality and fluctuation of daily moods as well as health routines and means of recovery from work strain among employees (n = 38) working nonstandard, often unpredictable schedules in the retail and services sector in Finland. Data were collected via a background questionnaire and a one-week mobile diary. The results indicated that the daily moods of employees were relatively positive but varied greatly from day to day. Hectic working days, unpredictable changes in work schedules, and compounded responsibilities at home and work were reported as causes of daily strain stemming from work. In contrast, more sleep and exercise were positively associated with daily mood and, therefore, are likely to enhance recovery from work related strain. Additional activities employees reported as useful in recovering from work strain included low-effort leisure activities along with social activities with family and friends, as well as mastery experiences stemming from successful work experiences.  相似文献   

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