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When the authors of this article undertook a study into the way the Australian legal process managed child abuse allegations in custody and access disputes following partnership breakdown in de facto and legal marriages, they encountered what they came to think of as ‘the child abuse and divorce myth’. The myth centred around a belief that child abuse allegations made during or after partnership breakdown were weapons fashioned to gain advantage in the marital war. Therefore, they were not real; therefore, they should not be taken seriously. Despite little previous research, these views were strongly held by both families and professionals. The article examines the myth, believed to be an international phenomenon, and shows, in detail, how the study's findings do not support it. In fact, the findings from this unique study contradict the myth in its totality and in its specific aspects. Thus, it is argued that the myth should be abandoned and a new knowledge base for professional intervention that recognizes the reality of this problem be adopted instead. As a result of the study, a new specialized intervention program for children involved in residence and contact disputes where child abuse was alleged is being trialled in the Family Court of Australia. Hopefully, the introduction of further intervention programmes based on the reality of child abuse in these circumstances rather than on the myth will follow. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The last ten yean have seen a rapid development of conciliation in matters relating to divorce and separation, both in the accessibility of services and in the styles of conciliation practice. Throughout this period the vexed question of the involvement of children in conciliaion has persisted. Should children be involved at all and, if so, how? This paper outlines these debates, in the light of data collected during the study of conciliation commissioned by the Lord Chancellor's department between 1985 and 1988 (Ogus et al., 1989). It is the first of two papers on this subject in this issue and a third., by Fiona Garwood, will appear in the next issue  相似文献   

In this article the phenomena of the declining financial status of children following the divorce of their parents are explored. Two cultural beliefs are proposed as particularly relevant for understanding why some parents do not provide financially for their children following divorce: the belief that the nuclear family form is the only one that is normal and natural, and the belief that an individual's rights are of supreme importance. The consequences of these beliefs for the financial support of children are discussed, and suggestions for addressing the situation are presented.Marilyn Coleman and Lawrence Ganong received their doctorates from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Their research interests include divorce and remarriage issues, belief systems about family life, and sex roles in couples and families. They may both be reached at 31 Stanley Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study of 576 lottery winners from 12 states. Respondents to a mailed questionnaire included winners of sums ranging from $50,000 to millions. The data indicate that popular myths and stereotypes about winners were inaccurate. Specifically, winners came from various education and employment backgrounds and they were clustered in the higher income categories than the general population indicating that lotteries might not be as regressive as popularly believed. Winners were older than the general population and more often male (60 versus 40%). There was significant association between the amount a person won and his or her work behavior. Individuals with psychologically and financially rewarding jobs continued working regardless of the amount they won, while people who worked in low paying semi-skilled and unskilled jobs were far more likely to quit the labor force. Contrary to popular beliefs, winners did not engage in lavish spending sprees and instead gave large amounts of their winnings to their children and their churches. The most common expenditures were for houses, automobiles and trips. It was found that overall, winners were well-adjusterd, secure and generally happy from the experience.This study was funded by a grant from the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies in White Plains, New York.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2000,14(3):293-312
This article examines how family history affects the odds of private pension receipt and how these effects vary by sex. Analyses indicated that family history had opposite effects for men and women. Compared to continuously married men, men who were single or divorced had lower odds of pension receipt; having children was associated with higher odds. For women, being single or divorced was associated with higher odds of pension receipt, and having children decreased their odds. After reanalyzing the effects of family history in the context of couples' joint pension receipt, the negative association between pension receipt and children becomes insignificant for women, and being single, divorced, or widowed has negative effects for both men and women. These results suggest that if individuals stay together as a couple, they increase their chances of access to a pension and financial well-being during retirement.  相似文献   

C. Wright Mills directed sociologists to use sociological imaginations to understand the happenings in the world at large and to understand people through points where history and biographies intersect. Using this approach as it applies to sociology as a discipline, I examine its intersection of history and biography with regard to silencing voices that are not the status quo, i.e. white, male, and middle class. I do this using the metaphor of a magic show with three magic acts: Pulling a White Rabbit out of a Black Hat, Levitation, and The Vanishing Woman. These acts refer to the history of sociology of repressing the voices of the nonwhite, non-middle class and of women.  相似文献   

Economic consequences of divorce, especially for women, are negative and persistent according to a range of research studies. The question is whether, given changing social circumstances, this negative economic fallout from divorce is likely to diminish in the 1990s and beyond. Dramatic changes suggest both reasons for optimism and pessimism. On the positive side are the trends toward more continuous labor force participation among women and smaller contemporary family sizes. Negative influences include changes in the labor market for women, continuing problems with child support compliance, the persistence of the wage gap, and the difficulties of combining parenting and employment.The writing of this paper was supported in part by National Institute on Aging grants AG04895 and AG06591. We are grateful to Marina Adler, Sharon Price, Mara Skruch and Lynn White for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.(Ph.D., University of Southern California) conducts research on divorce, widowhood, older women's issues, and family support in later life families.(Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) focuses her research on divorce, bereavement, and the impact of life events on adjustment.(Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University) studies economic trends in U.S. society.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom holds that private sector labor unions are in “crisis” due to the loss of millions of members over the past two decades which has resulted in a dramatic decline in their economic viability and political power. Financial data for selected years between 1960 and 1987 are analyzed to show that, contrary to prevailing opinion, private sector unions are financially prosperous despite membership erosion. Evidence is also presented which indicates that union political efforts and influence have increased rather than declined in recent years. Resources have been allocated to political advocacy to obtain a more favorable public policy environment for labor organizations and to achieve gains that have eluded unions in collective bargaining. The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Ms. Sybil Jones at the National Institute for Labor Relations Research.  相似文献   

Discernment counseling is designed to help couples considering divorce arrive at a greater sense of clarity and confidence in their decision making about the future of their marriage. Possible outcomes include making no change to the marriage, divorcing, or attempting reconciliation through couples therapy. To date, no research has been done on whether or not discernment counseling helps couples who decide to divorce with their post‐divorce family life (i.e., coparenting). We surveyed 11 people (from male–female couples) and conducted in‐depth interviews with eight who had undergone discernment counseling and subsequently divorced to see what impact discernment counseling had on their post‐divorce coparenting relationship. We analyzed the data from a phenomenological perspective. Respondents described their discernment counseling experience as helpful for achieving clarity and honesty in the divorce decision‐making process, they shared their appreciation for the structure of the intervention, and indicated that it led to a greater coparental cooperation post‐divorce.  相似文献   

"The present study was designed to explore whether unemployment has a deleterious impact on family life, resulting in lower rates of marriage and births and higher rates of divorce. Time series data were available for twelve nations for the 35 year period of 1950 to 1985, and the present paper reports analyses of these data sets." The results indicate that unemployment is associated with lower marriage and birth rates and higher divorce rates.  相似文献   

Therapists today are seeing an increasing number of victims of rape. The article deals with the on-going psychotherapy of raped women; the impact the presenting problem has on both client and therapist; and some ways forms of imagery. The meaning of the myth is explored within the context of the author's experience with these women.  相似文献   

This paper investigates notions of transition and independence, as well as the current circumstances that detain countless disabled people in employment endeavors that not only pay meager wages but also cement a lifelong servitude to the workshop. Sheltered workshops exist on the basis and replication of a structure that incarcerates disabled people within vocational-like settings. This paper begins a discussion of the social contract that occurs between the disabled person in the workshop. The workshop is no longer a place of societal liberation that affords the individual the opportunity to learn vocational skills, but rather it has become an institution that creates its own army of workers that will forever be subjected to a life in the workshop because of their disability status.  相似文献   

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