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基于知识管理与企业创新相关理论,以经营传统行业的日本长寿家族企业为案例对象,对传统继承与跨代创新的关系进行案例分析.首先揭示长寿家族企业的创新方式:1)对传统知识的学习;2)传统工艺与现代技术的结合;3)新产品蕴含鲜明的传统风格.分析发现,消费需求变化、代际传承更替会给长寿家族企业带来创新契机.其中,实现产品创新需要对传统工艺继承和革新,追求跨代创新需要对家族传统继承和学习.而知识管理则支撑了在跨代创新中传统知识的继承、革新.在工艺传统方面,形式化技艺传统更依赖于知识传授,而非形式化技能传统更依赖于知识整合.在隐性家族传统方面,家业传统更依赖于知识外化,而经营传统更依赖于知识社会化.案例分析还发现传统继承的知识管理机制在一定程度上依赖于有效的家族经营结构.研究结论解释了长寿家族企业为何能够不断革新,同时也揭示了其坚守传统的价值.  相似文献   

当前,中国的家族企业大部分都处在代际交接的关键时机,面临着跨代成长的重要挑战。本文通过系列案例研究,探寻家族企业基业长青的秘诀,并从:控制权保有;持续创业和家族治理三个方面,为家族企业跨代传承提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

代际传承是家族企业可持续成长的关键。然而,二代继承人往往因为权威合法性不足面临着"少主难以服众"的尴尬局面。针对上述现象,本文从权威理论和比较期望理论出发分析二代继任的权威合法性不足的问题。这一研究从过去主要关注家族企业传承什么和如何传承的问题,转向对代际传承与组合创业的关系及其微观机理的研究。本文的基本假设是,二代继承者一个可能的选择不是简单地继承父业,而是"另创领地"进入其他行业或领域,这一组合创业是其面对自身权威合法性不足以及比较期望过高的不利环境时,构建个人权威和显示其能力合法性的战略选择。同时,制度环境作为改变比较期望的参考框架,也会影响二代进行组合创业的倾向。这一研究模型将家族传承、权威合法性与组合创业理论有机地结合起来,拓展和深化了家族企业代际创业与传承的研究。运用我国上市家族企业的数据,本文分析检验了上述理论命题,给出了稳健性较好的实证支持,对我国家族企业二代传承与组合创业的关系给出了一个制度情境依赖的解释。  相似文献   

运用2004~2011年的非平衡面板数据,对创业型家族企业中的亲缘关系如何影响代理成本进行实证研究。结论如下:1家族成员卷入企业经营管理的可能性和程度可以有效地降低代理成本;2家族成员担任董事或者CEO可以有效地降低与在职消费关联的代理成本,但在降低与管理效率关联的代理成本方面作用并不显著。此外,研究表明董事会规模和独立性不能有效地降低代理成本。  相似文献   

社会关系资本与华人家族企业的创业及发展   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
本文根据实地调研和文献研究,侧重于从社会关系资本的角度对华人家族企业的创业与发展进行分析,认为华人家族企业主所拥有的社会关系资本状况对其创业以及企业的可持续发展有着至关重要的影响。  相似文献   

五大因素使我国家族企业普遍遭遇前所未有的“权杖”交接之“生死大劫”。针对这一现象,理论界和实践层唯有投入更多关注的“目光”,共同探讨、寻找基于我国同情的有效应对办法,确保我国家族企业“权杖”的顺利交接。  相似文献   

本文从创业家族的成长发展的角度综述2007年11月在浙江杭州-慈溪举行的国际研讨会上提交的论文。家族企业往往起源于以家庭或家族为单位的创业活动,成功的家族企业在其成长过程中逐渐转变成为创业家族,探索中外创业家族的成长轨迹可以发现一些规律性事实,其中包括家庭—家族结构与人际关系网络在家族企业形成过程中的作用,家族企业组织与治理结构的转型,家族企业向创业家族转化过程中的制度创新与组织学习等。迄今为止,中国家族企业成长依然是一个尚待深入开发的研究领域。  相似文献   

随着中国家族企业理论研究共同体的形成与扩展,中国家族企业研究表现出前提一致化、视角独特化、理论情境化、方法多样化和国际化等特点。本文对第十二届创业与家族企业国际研讨会上交流的研究成果进行了综述,展现了中国家族企业研究在以下研究议题上取得的新进展:(1)家族企业基业长青的关键因素;(2)家族企业异质性战略行为背后的家族动因;(3)引发家族企业行为差异的制度要素;(4)实现家族企业传承与代际创业的有效路径。研讨会为打造中国家族企业持续健康成长的智慧百花园做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

很多成功的社会企业创建者都有着丰富的先前工作经验,且工作经验对创业过程有着重要的影响。对此,在结合了资源基础理论、知识转移理论的基础上,运用扎根理论,通过收集分析典型社会企业的案例资料,构建出"社会企业创建者的先前工作经验对创业资源整合的影响"的理论框架,并分析了先前工作经验对社会企业创业资源整合的影响机制。研究结果表明,社会创业者的先前工作经验对创业资源的整合能力有正向的影响关系。  相似文献   

家族企业涉及家族和企业2个系统,前者以情感为维系逻辑,后者以能力效率为运营逻辑,二者之间既存在互补关系,也存在冲突。家族逻辑和企业逻辑之间能否平衡决定着家族企业成功的概率。S公司案例表明,在中国文化背景下,以孝悌为核心的家族伦理影响着创业者的家族地位和家族社会资本的汇集,进而影响家族企业的文化理念和社会责任。只有在制度理性的约束下,伦理文化才有利于企业运行效率的提升,因此,家族企业获得竞争优势的机制在于家族伦理—企业伦理-制度理性三者之间的有效制衡与共振。  相似文献   

Whileknowledge transfer is one of the key components in determining Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) success, the current M&A literature has produced inconsistent findings regarding its antecedents and consequences. To address this research gap, this study explores the roles of functional integration and shared goals in facilitating knowledge transfer, which will in turn determine M&A success. To provide a more nuanced understanding of knowledge transfer, this study examines bilateral knowledge flows (e.g., knowledge transfer to a target firm from the UK acquiring firm and knowledge transfer from a target firm to the UK acquiring firm). Our research framework is built upon two different theoretical perspectives, namely resource orchestration and social capital theories. Our propositions were tested empirically across a sample of 131 UK cross-border M&A firms. Our results reveal that the affirmative roles of functional integration and shared goals in increasing knowledge transfer both to and from a target firm are confirmed and that knowledge transfer to the target firm is deemed decisive for M&A success. Based on the findings, we discuss theoretical and practical implications, followed by limitations and future study consideration.  相似文献   

家族企业的权威系统与代际传承   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从合约理论的视角提出家族企业领导人的权威是对以其为中心的不完全合约的有效治理结构;并进一步以盖尔西克的三环模式为基础,将其依赖的权威解析为来源于所有权的合法权威,来源于管理才能、人格特质的领袖魅力权威和来源于亲缘关系的家族权威3类.提出在家族企业代际传承过程中,合法权威可以通过股权转移和管理职位任命而直接继承;另外2类权威却只能重建,由此造成代际传承中的权威失落和传承失败.采用实证方法检验家族权威与领袖魅力权威差别的同时,运用权威系统分析红豆集团和海鑫集团2个典型案例,突出代际传承中权威重建的意义.  相似文献   

The effect of market type and product technology on innovation was studied using data from 3800 employees in 88 small businesses. Results demonstrate that: (1) organizational context effects on innovative activity are significant at administrative and strategic levels, (2) organizational members in consumer markets initiate more innovations but implement fewer than organizational members in industrial markets, (3) members of service-providing organizations report less innovative activity than those in goods-producing organizations, and (4) operative level employees appear to play a small role in the innovation process.  相似文献   

基于我国股市5分钟高频数据为研究样本,采用非参数方法估计了Fama-French25个股票组合的已实现跳跃波动率的主要成分(规模、均值、标准差和到达率等),实证分析表明:(1)已实现跳跃波动的主要成分可通过线性和非线性(交叉项)形式预测大部分股票组合的超额收益率.(2)已实现跳跃波动率成分在一定程度上可以通过线性方式解释股票组合的横截面收益.(3)已实现跳跃波动率可能是Fama-French三因子模型中规模因子和账面市值比因子的背后驱动因素.  相似文献   

Family business research typically views family firms using the frameworks developed for non-family businesses (e.g., agency theory, institutional theory). Thus, using an evolutionary perspective on family may help address gaps in the family business literature, particularly regarding deviance. In the current study, we use kin selection theory to predict that family members receive preferential treatment and this history of privileges can create entitlement and lead genetically-related employees to misuse company resources. Using an experimental vignette methodology and data from 161 people recruited from an online panel, we found that the participants’ purported genetic relatedness to the owner of a business increased their theft intentions and decreased their expected severity of sanctions and likelihood of being reported. Biological sex moderated the relationships between genetic relatedness and theft intentions, as well as between expectations of punishment and theft intentions. Specifically, when females expected higher severity of sanctions or likelihood of whistleblowing, they were less likely to report theft intentions, compared to males. The results of this study suggest that family business owners should protect against theft by all employees, including genetic relatives. Future research using field samples would help provide context for these findings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects ofpersonality variables and functional management role,either entrepreneur, manager in an entrepreneurialfirm, manager in a traditional firm, or small businessowner, on perceived business values. Functionalmanagement role had minimal discernible effects;personality variables differentiated entrepreneursfrom managers and produced many effects for ratings ofbusiness values. Results are discussed in terms ofMBTI and DISC theoretical constructs and theirimplications for entrepreneurship and management.  相似文献   

We study the Mean-SemiVariance Project (MSVP) portfolio selection problem, where the objective is to obtain the optimal risk-reward portfolio of non-divisible projects when the risk is measured by the semivariance of the portfolio׳s Net-Present Value (NPV) and the reward is measured by the portfolio׳s expected NPV. Similar to the well-known Mean-Variance portfolio selection problem, when integer variables are present (e.g., due to transaction costs, cardinality constraints, or asset illiquidity), the MSVP problem can be solved using Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) techniques. However, conventional MIQP solvers may be unable to solve large-scale MSVP problem instances in a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, we propose two linear solution schemes to solve the MSVP problem; that is, the proposed schemes avoid the use of MIQP solvers and only require the use of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) techniques. In particular, we show that the solution of a class of real-world MSVP problems, in which project returns are positively correlated, can be accurately approximated by solving a single MILP problem. In general, we show that the MSVP problem can be effectively solved by a sequence of MILP problems, which allow us to solve large-scale MSVP problem instances faster than using MIQP solvers. We illustrate our solution schemes by solving a real MSVP problem arising in a Latin American oil and gas company. Also, we solve instances of the MSVP problem that are constructed using data from the PSPLIB library of project scheduling problems.  相似文献   

外商投资企业人力资源管理与绩效关系研究   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
根据对62 家制造业外商投资企业的调查结果,分析了人力资源管理实践与企业绩效之 间的关系. 研究发现,企业绩效不仅同人力资源管理与企业战略的整合程度有关,而且同企业 使用的“高绩效”人力资源管理系统之间存在积极的联系.  相似文献   

A firm's orientation to ethics is influenced largely by its national and organizational culture. Research shows that a growing number of Indian firms place a distinct emphasis on long-term orientation to business strategy with a social mission, underpinned by firm commitment to core organizational values, employee development and welfare. Through a case study of a large Indian multinational conglomerate, this article provides preliminary evidence of how some emerging economy firms are successfully mixing and matching indigenous business and people management strategies with the Western emphasis on meritocracy and professionalism to compete in the contemporary global economy. It further shows how the human resource development (HRD) discipline can play a pro-active role in embedding ethics and values throughout the organizational and HR architecture. The HRD professionals in the case study firm also face several structural and cultural challenges in discharging their ethics-driven HR mandate, such as management's ethnocentric attitude to global staffing and clash of work cultures.  相似文献   

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