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We propose that the purposeful sharing of strategic decisions and the process of making and taking those between the dominant coalition of an organization (Strategic Shared Leadership or SSL thereafter), initiated and supported by a focal strategic leader or small team, engenders Organizational Dynamic Capabilities (ODCs) though the transfer of individually-residing DCs within the SSL team, the transformation -co-creation of novel ones and their embeddedness-institutionalization within the organization. It also enhances organizational cognition which mediates the relationship by enriching co-created ODCs and their capacity to deliver reliably change through sensing, seizing and reconfiguring. Accordingly, SSL serves as a co-creator and key predictor of the emergence of ODCs. This helps address the challenges of DCs to marry stability with change, be predictable and to be capable of predicting.  相似文献   

动态统筹的战略管理理念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要做好战略管理在根本上必须澄清三个核心理念企业是什么?企业的目的是什么?如何实现企业的目的? 笔者认为,企业是动态的社会资源转换系统;其目的决不仅是满足企业(或投资者)利润最大化的需要,而是要首先满足顾客的需要并进而满足更广泛的利益相关者的需要;实现这个目的的途径是对企业的内、外环境,特别是对企业的资源、能力和竞争能力进行动态统筹,以形成企业较之竞争者的竞争优势.本文将这些考察企业战略管理的理念称之为"动态统筹的战略管理理念".  相似文献   

苏敬勤  张琳琳 《管理学报》2013,10(6):802-809
选取海尔作为案例研究对象,探究在创新国际化的不同阶段动态能力各维度作用的变化。研究发现,动态能力维度与创新国际化阶段相互关联:在创新国际化的起步阶段,以环境洞察能力、组织学习和组织革新为主,组织柔性最弱;在发展阶段,以环境洞察能力、组织革新和组织学习为主,但组织柔性有较大幅度提升;在高级阶段,以环境洞察能力和组织柔性为主。在这3个阶段中,环境洞察能力是最重要的维度;同时,在创新全球化的高级阶段,企业要注重组织柔性的培养。  相似文献   

基于战略群组理论视角,分析了企业战略定位中不同战略维度的匹配问题。以境内外交易所上市的中国互联网企业为样本,选取移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度这两个关键战略维度,采用面板数据回归模型检验了研究假设。研究发现,当企业的移动互联业务比重和IT投入强度同时处于较高水平时,这一战略组合能为企业带来高绩效,是一种合理的战略位置;另一合理的战略位置则是较低的移动互联业务比重配以较低的IT投入强度,它也明显好于一者较高、另一者较低的战略组合。以上结果表明,战略定位的关键是实现不同战略维度决策之间的合理匹配,从战略组合的角度理解行业中的战略位置。研究结论不仅有助于理解移动互联市场的竞争战略与绩效,也验证了战略群组理论在战略定位研究中的重要意义,对战略组合的分析不可简化为对各战略维度的单独分析。  相似文献   

The field of dynamic capabilities has developed very rapidly over the last ten years. In this paper we discuss the evolution of the concept, and identify two major current debates around the nature of dynamic capabilities and their consequences. We then review recent progress as background to identifying the contributions of the seven papers in this special issue, and discuss the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative studies for investigating dynamic capabilities. We conclude with recommendations for future research arguing for more longitudinal studies which can examine the processes of dynamic abilities over time, and for studies in diverse industries and national contexts.  相似文献   

Dynamic Capabilities: Current Debates and Future Directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The field of dynamic capabilities has developed very rapidly over the last ten years. In this paper we discuss the evolution of the concept, and identify two major current debates around the nature of dynamic capabilities and their consequences. We then review recent progress as background to identifying the contributions of the seven papers in this special issue, and discuss the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative studies for investigating dynamic capabilities. We conclude with recommendations for future research arguing for more longitudinal studies which can examine the processes of dynamic abilities over time, and for studies in diverse industries and national contexts.  相似文献   

Research on dynamic capabilities emphasizes the importance and role of organizational routines in explaining interfirm differences in performance. While performance differences are well documented, few empirical analyses explore the processes inside organizations that lead to dynamic capabilities or attempt to define and measure their performance effects. This paper examines one type of dynamic capability – the development and introduction of new process technologies in semiconductor manufacturing. This dynamic capability is an important source of competitiveness in the semiconductor industry, given the short product lifecycles, rapid price declines, and rapid technological advances that define the industry. Because much of the knowledge that underpins semiconductor manufacturing is idiosyncratic, firm-level R&D organization and information technology practices that facilitate problem solving and learning-based improvement provide important and enduring advantages. We derive models of the rate of improvement in manufacturing yield (i.e. the quality of production) and cycle time (i.e. the speed of production) following the development and introduction of new process technologies in manufacturing facilities, and test the empirical specifications of these models. The ways in which semiconductor manufacturers accumulate experience and articulate and codify knowledge within the manufacturing environment build new process development and introduction dynamic capabilities that improve performance.  相似文献   

With big data analytics growing rapidly in popularity, academics and practitioners have been considering the means through which they can incorporate the shifts these technologies bring into their competitive strategies. Drawing on the resource‐based view, the dynamic capabilities view, and on recent literature on big data analytics, this study examines the indirect relationship between a big data analytics capability (BDAC) and two types of innovation capabilities: incremental and radical. The study extends existing research by proposing that BDACs enable firms to generate insight that can help strengthen their dynamic capabilities, which in turn positively impact incremental and radical innovation capabilities. To test their proposed research model, the authors used survey data from 175 chief information officers and IT managers working in Greek firms. By means of partial least squares structural equation modelling, the results confirm the authors’ assumptions regarding the indirect effect that BDACs have on innovation capabilities. Specifically, they find that dynamic capabilities fully mediate the effect on both incremental and radical innovation capabilities. In addition, under conditions of high environmental heterogeneity, the impact of BDACs on dynamic capabilities and, in sequence, incremental innovation capability is enhanced, while under conditions of high environmental dynamism the effect of dynamic capabilities on incremental innovation capabilities is amplified.  相似文献   

王国顺  杨昆 《管理学报》2010,7(3):395-399
在揭示运作能力与动态能力的关系以及两者的知识基础上,提出一个以知识演进为基础的动态能力模型,并在知识活动与动态能力框架的3个维度之间建立起了联系.同时,利用能力生命周期概念,在动态能力、运作能力改变阶段和知识演进之间建立起紧密的联系,阐明了运作能力的改变阶段既反映动态能力的作用,又与知识演进步骤相对应,从而进一步佐证了动态能力的知识基础.  相似文献   

客户关系管理的内涵、驱动因素及成长维度   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
20世纪90年代后期以来,客户关系管理已成为一个时髦的商业术语。遗憾的是,目前各界就客户关系管理的内涵和定义尚无达成共识。本文在文献回顾的基础上,对客户关系管理的定义进行了总结、归纳和重新界定,并从顾客价值、关系价值和信息技术等三个方面探索了客户关系管理的合理内涵。此外,本文还探讨客户关系管理的主要驱动因素,即市场因素、技术因素和经济因素。最后,本文提出了关系成长三个维度的思想,将客户关系管理归纳为实现关系在宽、远、深三个维度上的成长,精辟而形象地反应了客户关系管理的目标。  相似文献   

动态能力的测量与功效:基于中国经验的实证研究   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:27  
本文通过理论分析初步界定了测量动态能力的6个维度。为了验证此评测体系的科学性和实用性,本文对国内29家企业的高层管理者进行了半结构性访谈,并在探测性检验的基础上将动态能力的测量维度调整为市场潜力、组织柔性、战略隔绝、组织学习与组织变革5个方面。最后通过大规模的问卷调查,基于363份有效样本,对我国企业动态能力的制约性因素,以及它对企业绩效的贡献进行了检验,结果表明,动态能力在一定程度上受到经济结构的影响,在动态能力对企业绩效的有限的贡献中,不同能力因子的作用存在一定的差异性。  相似文献   

A major challenge for managers in turbulent environments is to make sound decisions quickly. Dynamic capabilities have been proposed as a means for addressing turbulent environments by helping managers extend, modify, and reconfigure existing operational capabilities into new ones that better match the environment. However, because dynamic capabilities have been viewed as an elusive black box, it is difficult for managers to make sound decisions in turbulent environments if they cannot effectively measure dynamic capabilities. Therefore, we first seek to propose a measurable model of dynamic capabilities by conceptualizing, operationalizing, and measuring dynamic capabilities. Specifically, drawing upon the dynamic capabilities literature, we identify a set of capabilities—sensing the environment, learning, coordinating, and integrating—that help reconfigure existing operational capabilities into new ones that better match the environment. Second, we propose a structural model where dynamic capabilities influence performance by reconfiguring existing operational capabilities in the context of new product development (NPD). Data from 180 NPD units support both the measurable model of dynamic capabilities and also the structural model by which dynamic capabilities influence performance in NPD by reconfiguring operational capabilities, particularly in higher levels of environmental turbulence. The study's implications for managerial decision making in turbulent environments by capturing the elusive black box of dynamic capabilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Many firms are undertaking a strategic shift from cost leadership (through process management) to differentiation based on radical product innovation. Success in such transitions has been mixed, as have findings on the role of performance measurement and management in the process. This study explores the challenges of managing this transition, with specific focus on the role of performance metrics. Conventional wisdom indicates that top management can use metrics - measures, standards and rewards - to communicate new directions and priorities. Based on findings reported in this paper, this approach is found to be potentially fatally flawed when applied to a situation where both the corporate goals and the means of achieving these goals have changed. Using detailed data drawn from a multi-level analysis of a major international corporation undertaking such a strategic shift, this study explores the process by which metrics are formed and deployed, and the impact of this process on the ability of the firm to successfully achieve the change. Using measures such as the percentage of sales from new products, top management in the case study had the impression that the strategy was being successfully carried out by the various operating divisions. However, radical innovation (the desired result) had been replaced by incremental innovation. This study identifies the reasons for this situation. A major finding is that the performance measurement and management system can both allow and conceal this failure. Firms trying to significantly change their strategic directions must change their selection of performance metrics to focus less on the intended outcomes and more on the means by which these outcomes are to be achieved.  相似文献   

组织能力:资源基础理论的静态观与动态观辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄培伦  尚航标  李海峰 《管理学报》2009,6(8):1104-1110
基于资源基础理论的演化过程,将组织能力区别为静态能力和动态能力;企业的静态能力集中表现为企业实力,企业的动态能力集中表现为企业活力.静态能力和动态能力是企业能力的不同解释.据文献回顾,基于静态观而形成VRIN模型,基于动态观而形成动态能力模型.阐明了组织能力、静态能力和动态能力的概念.并且对静态能力与动态能力的关系进行辨析,认为动态能力是对静态能力的一种扬弃.进而,提出了企业组织能力研究模型并探讨动态能力进一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

钟帅  章启宇 《管理科学》2015,28(2):69-79
基于消费者-品牌关系视角的品牌资产研究代表了品牌资产研究的新阶段,但目前还缺乏具有良好理论基础的测量模型和量表。以社会心理学人际关系发展理论为基础,界定基于关系互动的品牌资产概念和维度,建立测量模型;在系统分析已有研究的基础上,结合焦点小组访谈,开展大规模问卷调研,开发基于关系互动的品牌资产测量量表,利用信度分析、探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析方法对量表信度和效度进行检验。研究结果表明,基于关系互动的品牌资产量表具有良好的信度、内容效度、收敛效度和判别效度,该量表包含品牌个性、品牌互惠、品牌礼遇、关系地位和关系能量5个维度。研究结果为后续的实证研究提供了测量基础,同时也为品牌管理者提供了品牌资产评估工具。  相似文献   

The growing popularity of explaining firm performance through dynamic capabilities has motivated plenty of conceptual development in the field. However, empirical approaches to measuring dynamic capabilities have so far not been under comprehensive scrutiny. The authors; purpose is to assess the extent to which different ways of measuring dynamic capabilities in quantitative studies correspond to the theoretical essence of the concept, and develop recommendations for future research. They find that four types of operationalizations have been used: (1) managers’ evaluations; (2) financial data; (3) company's experience, actions and performance; and (4) managers’ or employees’ experience, actions and performance. Based on their analysis, the authors provide eight recommendations for future research that relate to identifying ordinary and dynamic capabilities, avoiding common method bias, taking into account the quality and fitness rather than the quantity of dynamic capabilities, and acknowledging the cumulativeness of dynamic capabilities through the use of longitudinal data. They conclude that refining the dynamic capability operationalizations would help to formulate competing hypotheses and to increase the theoretical precision of the field.  相似文献   

企业动态能力及其功效:环境不确定性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前关于动态能力的维度及其功效还存在较大分歧,有些学者甚至认为动态能力毫无价值,应该摒弃动态能力研究.本文从战略过程视角,依据相关文献与访谈调查,将动态能力分解为组织意会能力、柔性决策能力及动态执行能力,探讨了动态能力与持续优势的关系及环境不确定性在其中的影响作用.通过对中国地区217家企业的实证研究发现,动态能力确实对持续优势有显著的正向影响,环境不确定性是动态能力的驱动因素而非调节变量,环境动态性对企业持续优势有显著的正向影响,敌对性则对持续优势有显著的负向影响.本研究的结论澄清了动态能力的价值前提,探明了环境不确定性的影响机理,对理论研究与实践操作都有一定的启发意义.  相似文献   

企业战略管理:"静态模式"与"动态模式"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据对中国企业环境动态化与动态竞争的分析,以整合两大战略管理流派的理论贡献为切入点以提高动态环境下企业战略管理的有效性和效率为目的试图提出一个新的战略管理模式--"动态模式".这个新的模式把战略管理行为看成是事前计划与事中反应的结合,"点决策"与"过程决策"的结合,理性决策与非理性决策的结合,强调速度与创新在动态竞争中的作用,关注战略管理三个阶段之间的内在联系与交叉影响.重视公司治理、组织结构、管理机制、控制万式、高层管理团队构成以及企业文化对战略管理有效性与效率的保证作用.  相似文献   

This paper advances the concepts of knowledge accession and knowledge acquisition in strategic alliances by identifying supplementary and complementary dimensions to these knowledge transfer modes. Complementary knowledge transfer reflects the similarity of knowledge that the partners have and is conducted in pursuit of higher efficiency and productivity to enhance partner firms' existing competitiveness. Supplementary knowledge transfer occurs when partners each possess distinctive core competences and the information that is acquired or accessed increases the business scope of partners. As knowledge accession entails knowledge amalgamation that does not involve organizational learning, costs associated with the transfer process are lower and trust is easier to establish than in the case of knowledge acquisition. The paper reviews the implications of these transfer modes on trust building in alliances and their costs implications and presents a number of propositions for further exploration.  相似文献   

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