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辱虐管理一直是负面组织行为的研究热点,近年呈现一些新趋势,特别是在崇尚“不打不成器”的本土情境下,挑战视之为“绝对恶魔”的呼声渐起。理论创始人Tepper也呼吁进行更多的研究来比较与整合其正面和负面效应。摒弃已有研究忽视辱虐管理主观目的性的研究惯例,从概念本源出发,整合感知控制理论与有限控制理论双重线索,探讨了辱虐管理与下属绩效的倒U型关系及其成因。453份配对样本的Fieller法和J-N法检验结果支持了倒U型假设,并揭示辱虐管理对下属自我努力有凹型影响,较大程度上促进下属的纠偏努力,对自我损耗有凸型影响,加剧损耗;正负效应的叠加导致倒U型净效应出现。研究结果有助于深化辱虐管理影响机制研究,也有助于丰富和拓展非线性方法研究。  相似文献   

This research proposes that the use of emotion regulation strategies by employees in the service professions determines their perceptions of fairness in interactions with clients, which in turn influences their emotional exhaustion. Based on social exchange theory and models of self-control, the investigation tested whether: (1) the type of emotion regulation strategy that employees use to meet the emotional demands of their job role partially influences their perceptions of distributive justice (i.e. that clients respond to their efforts), and (2) these perceptions mediate the relationship between emotion regulation and emotional exhaustion. To test this, a longitudinal field survey study of a sample of primary care workers in Spain (general practitioners and nurses; N?=?233) was conducted. Findings showed that the relationship between emotion regulation and emotional exhaustion was mediated by perceptions of distributive justice. A bootstrapping mediational analysis showed a significant indirect effect of surface acting on emotional exhaustion through distributive justice when inter-individual differences at T1 and when intra-individual changes between T1 and T2 were considered. Deep acting indirect effects were not significant for intra-individual changes. The findings indicate that employees’ perception of distributive justice has implications for understanding the impact of emotion regulation on well-being.  相似文献   

Building on the conservation of resources theory and self-determination theory, the present study develops and tests a moderated mediation model of organizational citizenship behaviour, in which a) emotional exhaustion serves as a mediating mechanism linking role overload with organizational citizenship behaviour, and b) supervisor autonomy support moderates the relationship between role overload and organizational citizenship behaviour through emotional exhaustion. Results of a time-lagged study of 144 workers from various Canadian organizations provided support for the hypothesized model: supervisor autonomy support buffered a negative effect of role overload on emotional exhaustion and, indirectly, organizational citizenship behaviour. This research sheds light on the intervening variables that may explain the relationship between challenge stressors and extra-role behaviours. It also provides information on managerial practices that may protect employees’ optimal functioning against an excessive workload.  相似文献   

The study examines the relationships between abusive supervision, subordinates’ perceptions of organizational politics (POPs), and political behavior. The moderating roles of Machiavellianism (Mach) and guanxi in these relationships are also examined. Data were collected from 280 supervisor–subordinate dyads in a Chinese taxation bureau. Results indicate that, under abusive supervision, subordinates experienced heightened POPs and were more likely to engage in political behavior. Furthermore, the relationship between abusive supervision and POPs was stronger among low-Mach subordinates. Moreover, the relationship between POPs and political behavior is strongest among high-Mach individuals who have strong guanxi with their supervisor. The findings indicate that abusive supervision has important implications for political dynamics in an organization, and the political perspective serves as a meaningful theoretical lens to examine its impact.  相似文献   

Abusive supervision is detrimental to both subordinates and organizations. Knowledge about individual differences in personality related to abusive supervision may improve personnel selection and potentially reduce the harmful effects of this type of leadership. Using the HEXACO personality framework, we hypothesized that subordinates perceive leaders high on Agreeableness and Honesty-Humility as less abusive. In a sample of 107 unique supervisor-subordinate dyads that filled out the online questionnaire, we found that both Agreeableness and Honesty-Humility were negatively related to subordinate perceptions of abusive supervision. Our findings contribute to our understanding of the origins of abusive supervision and hopefully stimulate future research on supervisor personality and abusive supervision.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the discussion on how to manage knowledge in organizations. Taking a perspective which acknowledges the importance of, but does not privilege, IT as the decisive element, it reports the results of a study investigating the process of establishing as opposed to conducting knowledge management. Based on a grounded theory approach to the analysis of the empirical data, a model of establishing knowledge management in organizations is developed. The model emphasizes how the organizational members make sense of the action and behavior of management, and how this understanding influences their own perceptions and actions in the process of establishing knowledge management. This leads to an understanding of knowledge management as an autonomous venturing process. The model is then used to suggest an explanation of why establishing knowledge management was not successful in the case which was investigated. Conclusions are provided on how the model can be further exploited for studying and improving the practice of knowledge management.  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing within and between teams is of vital importance for organizations. The influence of interpersonal trust in general and trust in management in particular on knowledge sharing is evident. However, it is not clear how the relationship between interpersonal trust and knowledge sharing works. This study provides a better understanding of that relationship by demonstrating that fear of losing one's unique value and knowledge documentation have a mediating effect on the relationship between trust in management and knowledge sharing. Specifically, trust in management increases knowledge sharing through reducing fear of losing one's unique value and improving willingness to document knowledge. These findings have important implications at both a managerial and theoretical level. For managers, this paper emphasizes the individual's central role in the knowledge sharing process in terms of knowledge documentation and fear of losing one's unique value. On the theoretical level, this study provides empirical evidence for two mechanisms that help explain the effect of trust in management on knowledge sharing. In future research, this study could be extended to include other psychosocial phenomena that enable knowledge sharing in organizations.  相似文献   

This study examines the mediating role of service recovery judgments between pre-recovery emotions and post-recovery satisfaction, and investigates the role of firm reputation in this mediation context. Using a moderated mediation framework, the authors test the model with data from 366 customers who experienced a banking service failure and complained to a third party. The results show that distributive, procedural, and interactional justice dimensions mediate the relationship between pre-recovery emotions and satisfaction. Firm reputation moderates the relationship between emotions and satisfaction via distributive and interactional justice, but not via procedural justice. This study provides evidence for the notion that pre-recovery emotion is an antecedent of service recovery process and firm reputation plays an essential role in this process.  相似文献   

Building on theories of differentiated leadership and knowledge sharing, this study investigated the influence of dual-level transformational leadership on three group climates, leader–member exchange (LMX), and knowledge sharing. Using data from 275 employees of 71 work groups in five companies, we found that group-focused leadership and individual-focused leadership both facilitated knowledge sharing while the three group climates and LMX acted as mediators at the group level and individual level, respectively. In addition, our analysis showed an interesting finding in Chinese organizations: an innovativeness climate and a fairness climate contributed to an affiliation climate, which in turn promoted knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

威客的持续参与意愿是维持众包平台可持续性发展的关键因素。在众包参与过程中,平台实施的控制机制是否会影响持续参与意愿还缺乏系统的理论分析和实证研究。基于感知组织支持理论,本文构建了被调节的中介模型和相关假设,探讨行为控制如何通过归属感的中介作用影响持续参与意愿,以及在不同的程序公平水平下,行为控制通过归属感提升持续参与意愿的机制会有怎样的变化。基于“猪八戒网”搜集的290份样本数据,对模型进行实证检验。结果表明,归属感在行为控制影响持续参与意愿的关系中起部分中介作用;同时,程序公平正向调节上述中介作用,即程序公平越高,归属感在行为控制与持续参与意愿关系间的中介作用越容易实现。研究结果丰富、扩展了已有的众包理论研究,并为众包实践提供了管理启示与指导。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between perceived intent of supervisors and subordinates' counterproductive responses to abusive supervision. Data were collected in two waves approximately one month apart from 268 full-time employees from the United States and in various occupations. Two forms of perceived intent of abusive supervision were assessed: hostile intent (i.e. abuse believed to be intended to cause harm to the subordinate) and motivational intent (i.e. abuse believed to be intended to motivate good performance from the subordinate). In general, subordinates who reported greater frequency of abusive supervision of both types at Wave 1 were more likely to engage in counterproductive work behaviours (CWBs) at Wave 2 than those who reported less abuse. As hypothesized, abusive supervision was more strongly associated with CWBs when perceived hostile intent was high rather than low. Contrary to expectations, abusive supervision was also more strongly associated with CWBs when perceived motivational intent was high rather than low. Our findings show that abuse by supervisors can result in CWBs by subordinates even if those subordinates believe that the abuse is intended to be motivational.  相似文献   

This study examines employee evaluations of HR practices (HRPs), which are a critical and yet underexplored antecedent of their effectiveness. Drawing on the Job Demands–Resources model, it proposes a moderated mediation model that studies the relationship between employee satisfaction with HRPs and in-role and extra-role performance as mediated by engagement. The results suggest satisfaction with HRPs influences both the performance dimensions considered, although its effects are greater for extra-role performance. Engagement intervenes significantly only in the relationship between this satisfaction and extra-role performance. Furthermore, the study acknowledges the burdens HRP-related resources may place on the workforce and examines the moderating effects of a personal resource such as health on the satisfaction with HRPs-engagement link, finding that it significantly strengthens it. It also finds that the indirect effect of satisfaction with HRPs on extra-role performance is stronger for healthier employees. These findings provide novel insights into the HR causal chain and help practitioners to better manage HRP design, communication, and audits.  相似文献   


Research on the determinants of coping behaviour has focused primarily on stressor-specific influences and on personal attributes and skills that serve as coping resources. However, coping resources can also include aspects of the organizational and social environment. This study investigates the role of supportive work relationships and of participation and influence in decision-making in determining the coping behaviour of employees in a manufacturing plant. Since the relationships between worksite coping resources and employee coping behaviours may be causally reciprocal, longitudinal models were analysed to sort out causal priorities. Results showed that organizational and social coping resources did influence subsequent coping behaviour. Perceiving oneself to have influence over decision-making at work predicted increases in active, problem-solving coping attempts and decreases in resignation in response to worksite stressors. Also, employees who perceived their co-workers and supervisors to be supportive were more likely to increase their mobilization of that support when faced with worksite stress. In addition, the use of certain employee coping behaviours influenced subsequent levels of participation in decision-making, as well as the quality of relationships with co-workers and supervisors.  相似文献   

Research on the determinants of coping behaviour has focused primarily on stressor-specific influences and on personal attributes and skills that serve as coping resources. However, coping resources can also include aspects of the organizational and social environment. This study investigates the role of supportive work relationships and of participation and influence in decision-making in determining the coping behaviour of employees in a manufacturing plant. Since the relationships between worksite coping resources and employee coping behaviours may be causally reciprocal, longitudinal models were analysed to sort out causal priorities. Results showed that organizational and social coping resources did influence subsequent coping behaviour. Perceiving oneself to have influence over decision-making at work predicted increases in active, problem-solving coping attempts and decreases in resignation in response to worksite stressors. Also, employees who perceived their co-workers and supervisors to be supportive were more likely to increase their mobilization of that support when faced with worksite stress. In addition, the use of certain employee coping behaviours influenced subsequent levels of participation in decision-making, as well as the quality of relationships with co-workers and supervisors.  相似文献   

工作不安全感作为组织变革过程中产生的重要压力源,不仅引发员工对工作持续性和稳定性的担忧,同时导致员工诸多心理健康问题.研究工作不安全感对员工工作态度和行为的作用机制,基于资源保存理论和压力源-压力框架,构建情绪劳动为中介的工作不安全感对情绪耗竭影响和作用机制模型,从资源角度阐述认知性工作不安全感和情感性工作不安全感如何通过情绪劳动引发情绪耗竭,运用层次回归分析、相关分析等统计方法对10家企业的197份样本数据进行模型检验.研究结果表明,认知性工作不安全感和情感性工作不安全感对情绪耗竭均有正向影响,工作不安全感通过表层扮演和深层扮演两种情绪劳动的方式消耗心理努力以导致情绪耗竭.因此,组织不仅可以通过调岗等人事管理方法增加个人组织匹配,还可以通过心理辅导等培训活动改变员工的工作态度,采取积极的方式缓解工作不安全感对情绪耗竭的负面影响.  相似文献   

田林  余航 《管理科学》2020,23(9):1-18
共享经济(sharing economy)作为一种新的经济业态,给消费者、企业、共享平台等市场参与主体带来深远影响的同时,也产生若干社会问题.关于共享经济所造成的外部影响,经济与管理学科领域的定量研究成果快速增长,但缺乏系统而全面的梳理.综合整理共享经济现有理论(解析)类和实证类定量文献,从消费者、企业、共享平台与社会这四个视角对共享经济的外部影响进行梳理、归纳及展望,为国内学者展开更深层次的研究提供思路,为企业、平台及政策制定者科学决策提供参考,助力共享经济的理论研究与科学实践.  相似文献   

利用性技术创新是企业把已有的知识、技术和市场转化为商业价值的手段,能够塑造企业的竞争优势。本研究基于创新的互动观点和领地性理论探讨了组织领地氛围对企业利用性技术创新的影响,并识别出其发挥作用的中介机制和边界条件,由此构建出包括组织氛围(领地氛围)、组织结构(控制导向的HRM系统)和各部门主体(跨部门协调)在内的整合模型。本文以146家企业的2113名成员为样本,收集了多源数据,结果发现组织的领地氛围作为约束组织成员行为的"软"的要素会降低跨部门协调进而不利于利用性技术创新的实现。进一步,控制导向的HRM系统作为组织的结构性要素,是约束组织成员行为的"硬"的要素,能够通过调节跨部门协调与利用性技术创新之间的关系来缓冲领地氛围对利用性技术创新的消极的间接效应。研究结果对领地性理论、技术创新和HRM系统研究具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   


In spite of the considerable number of studies on co-worker incivility, knowledge on this topic needs to be further enhanced. In particular, no studies have focused on the reciprocal nature of the relationship of incivility with other important aspects of working life, i.e. employee well-being and the quality of the working process. The aim of the present study was to examine the cross-lagged associations among co-worker incivility, work-related exhaustion, and organisational efficiency in a sample of healthcare workers. Based on the conservation of resource theory, we hypothesised that those three variables affect each other reciprocally over the time. Data from a two-wave study design (with a one-year time lag) were utilised, and cross-lagged structural equation models were performed. Results confirmed that incivility and efficiency affected each other reciprocally over time. On the other hand, whereas incivility positively predicted exhaustion and exhaustion at inversely predicted organisational efficiency, the opposite paths were found to be not significant. The study suggests that efficiency is crucial for understanding incivility because it operates both as its cause and as its outcome. Interventions aimed at promoting civility and respect in the workplace may help prevent co-worker incivility, work-related exhaustion, and enhance organisational efficiency.  相似文献   

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