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在为自己体重超标发愁吗?希望减肥吗?那么,为什么不来试试中医的针刺减肥呢?  相似文献   

随着生活水平的提高、肥胖患者的增多,减肥已成为一个社会热点。但是,有关专家指出,当前在减肥问题上还存在着某些误区。  相似文献   

To lose weight, one must pay attention to science. Any exercise that goes against the laws of science will not produce the effect one expects and may even run counter to one's expectation. One should avoid the following unscientific ways to exercise:  相似文献   

在过去几十年中,"苗条文化"的思潮席卷全球。许多人都认为骨感美代表性感,因此减肥也成为他们生活中的一个重要日程。据最新中国减肥产品市场调查报告显示,到2006年为止,中国减肥产品的年产值将近100亿元,其中女性消费占70%以上。然而,对"苗条"的片面追求给一些女性带来了严重后果。爱美之心人皆有之,但人们应当思考如何采用科学的方法进行减肥。  相似文献   

As the political flame of the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) died out,love,as if a dormant volcano,erupted.Taken by surprise,Chinese people ushered in a new era:Freedom of love.  相似文献   

生于60年代的郭培,在中国还没有时尚设计这个职业的时候,就已经梦想成为一名流行服装设计师了。现在,作为中国顶级设计师之一的她,为名人们设计和制作纯手工的服装。  相似文献   

Dear Readers, This is to say hello to you. In this column, we plan to publish articles written by foreign readers who are interested in our magazine. We would like to hear about your work or life experience in China, and impressions about Chinese women. Views and opinions on any topics you specialize in, which concern China, are also  相似文献   

自1992年以来有数万名中国儿童被西方家庭收养,其中大部分是女孩儿。这些孩子长大后也许会问:为什么我的中国妈妈不要我了?与此同时,数以百万计的海外华裔儿童们对他们的中国根知之甚少——什么是中国文化?母爱之桥组织的使命就是帮助他们解答这些问题,在中国和世界、母亲和孩子、出生地文化和收养地文化之间架起一座爱的桥梁。  相似文献   

暑期中各类整形美容机构纷纷打出青春牌,类似大学校园中"丑小鸭变成白天鹅"的温情广告频繁见诸媒体。有瑕疵者要修复缺陷,平凡者更求锦上添花。那么,日臻进步的整形美容科技能否换来"美丽"人生?  相似文献   

"Ladies' Night"是一些酒吧和俱乐部举行的优惠活动,每周定期有一天为女性提供消费优惠。  相似文献   

The founding of SWF indicated that the movement of women in Shanghai had entered a completely new phase. With the SWF in the lead, the women of Shanghai broke free from the shackles old China imposed on them, bravely got out of their home and integrated society. Proud of the  相似文献   

Couple Finds Prosperity in Quail Farming养鹌鹑巧致富Fu Bing and his wife,Zhang Qinxiu,live in Rishai Village,Daxing Town,in Linshu County,in eastern China's Shandong Province.They have benefitted from efficient quail-breeding techniques,and they have begun earning 60,000 yuan(US $8,571)  相似文献   

Hundreds of migrant children, on behalf of all the children whose parents are migrant workers in Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, were recently invited to visit Taihu Lake, a famous scenic spot of Wuxi. A campaign, entitled "Pal Plan," was launched to help migrant children in the district.  相似文献   

Blowing Kisses at Vegetables给蔬菜宝宝一个吻A group of kindergarten children in Lijin County, Shandong Province, enjoyed the time they spent, recently, playing with vegetables. The educational game was designed and organized by the county's first experimental kindergarten. The purpose of the kindergarten is to foster children's desire to explore and discover, and to teach the children to exercise their hands.  相似文献   

Health Consultants Visit Village"保健顾问"进农家"Hurry up! Health consultants are coming,"Chen Jinhua,a woman who lives in Sishisan Hu Village of Huanghekou Town,Kenli County,Shandong Province, yelled to her neighbors.It was the afternoon of February  相似文献   

'Love Phone Calls'"亲情电话"Many"left-behind children"——whose parents work in other areas of China——in remote mountainous regions in Yixian County,Anhui Province,are having a difficult time,as they have little or no contact with their parents. However,101 children in the villages of Kecun Town,in Yixian,have been lucky.Why? Since March 2007,some telephone landlines,known as"love phone calls,"have been set up to help"left-behind children"stay in touch with their parents.The children are happy to hear their  相似文献   

Visits Promote Friendship Between Chinese, Russian Families家庭互访增进中俄民间友谊The women's federation in Suifenhe,in China's Heilongjiang Province, and the local government of Partizansk,a city in Primorsky Krai,Russia, organized several visits between Chinese and Russian families to promote  相似文献   

Love for Left-behind Children情系留守儿童Welcoming the New Year with‘Mothers of Love’和"爱心妈妈"一起过年During the afternoon of December 28,2006,laughter filled the campus of Sencun School in Shexian County,Anhui Province.The"Mothers of Love"had arrived to welcome the New Year with left- behind children,whose parents left the county to find work in cities.  相似文献   

In the autumn,the season of harvest,you should be grateful.Each creature enjoys nature's bounty,and everyone needs nurturing love from their family members,sweethearts and friends. Since ancient times,Chinese have taught their offspring to show gratitude to their loved ones,and to people who have helped them. The verse"such kindness of the warm sun,cannot be repaid by grass,"  相似文献   

'Left-behind Women' Benefit from Groups"留守妇女"互助促和谐As a large number Of workers in China's rural areas have moved tO cities Or Iarger regions in search of better work ODportunities and livelihoodS in recent years,seemingIy countless women have been Ieft behind in their hometowns.Most Of those women are living with  相似文献   

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