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“大村庄制”:农村社区建设新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为社会工作实务方法之一的社区工作,在我国的具体实践方面,主要表现为社区建设。在城市社区建设的带动下,党的十六届六中全会尤其是党的十七大之后,农村社区建设工作也开始正式启动。在没有历史经验可借鉴的情况下,各地开始探索适合自己发展的模式,“大村庄制”是山东省临沂市在近两年的实践中探索出来的适合当地发展的新模式。  相似文献   

城市“单位制”的衰落与“社区人”的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金小红 《社会学》2003,(1):24-27

社区,是人类社会的基本单元,兼有人群与地域两大要素,是人类生存和发展的基层社会关系共同体,是社会有机体系统中相对独立的微观社会空间。社区发展是社会现代化和城市化的重要组成,是社会发展的重要内容。本文通过对社区这个概念的阐释,从制约城市社区发展变量的角度来提出建设我国城市社区的一些建议。  相似文献   

生活在繁华的都市,当你经过一天的疲惫工作后,你需要一个让你身心放松的惬意空间。如果家是承载现代人身体与精神休憩的温馨居所,那么社区就是一个包容许多家庭温暖的大港湾。让生活在同一个社区里的人都感到快乐,是快乐社区的基本要求,但要真正做到这一点却很难,因为这不仅需要强大的产品硬件支持,更需要细致体贴的服务配合。在这方面,早安北京就是一个完美的典范,近日记者探访了这个150万平米的快乐社区,下面就从6个方面为大家揭秘早安北京的快乐绝招吧。  相似文献   

2008年,上海市浦东新区开始探索社区戒毒康复新模式,根据吸毒人群既具有违法性又是受害人、病人的特性,更新理念和方法,在社区卫生服务中心建立社区戒毒康复指导室。社区戒毒康复指导室整合社会各方资源,以社会工作方法和技巧,结合医疗戒毒技术进行综合干预,为辖区内社区戒毒、社区康复人员提供人性化、专业化的服务。  相似文献   

2008年10月,有这样一对年过七旬的“帅哥”、“靓女”在央视《家庭》栏目中亮相,他们多次双双走上舞台,参加当地的“选美比赛”,获得过比赛冠军,他们还上过中央电视台的《星光大道》节目,让国人见识了他们的精彩表演。对他们来说,老年生活成了一生中最快乐的时光。可谁能想到,这对明星老夫妻是“半路夫妻”,大半辈子却经历了非常坎坷的人生。现在,他们成了越活越年轻,越老越出名的大明星。  相似文献   

米飞飞 《职业》2014,(10):43-45
财富不是目的,他要做大事业〈br〉 北京东三环有一座写字楼,与中央电视台新址、人民日报社隔街相望,居于全国传媒行业的核心地段。刘栋的公司就在写字楼的11层。透过明净的玻璃窗,首都CBD的高楼大厦一览无余。他所从事的舞台视频行业,已经做到了国内最顶端。  相似文献   

《社区》上旬刊 《社区》杂志创刊于2001年.是中国城市社区建设的国家级权威刊物。《社区》上旬刊,遵循以人为本、服务居民的理念,以引导社区发展,普及社区知识为己任,为广大社区工作者搭建交流经验的平台。《社区》杂志着重突出权威性、示范性、操作性、前瞻性、普及性。通过专栏专版及时传播党和政府的和谐社区发展理念,传达来自各个政府系统的法规政策;“视点”栏目突出策划,深入剖析与点评社区典型事件:“社区服务”等栏目系统地报道各地在社区建设中创造的新鲜经验;  相似文献   

“咏年楼”是一个以社区失能预防为主的服务设施。2010年10月,按照“社会福利社会化”、“养老事业社会办”的发展思路,上海市黄浦区外滩街道与上海新途社区健康促进社合作建立“咏年楼”社区生活中心。1年来,“咏年楼”以其独特的功能定位、创新的运营模式和丰富的服务内涵,成为黄浦区社区老年服务的亮点、日间照料中心运营模式的典范。  相似文献   

老社区是一个城市发展的缩影.老街、老巷、老邻居.一个“老”字道尽了城市的沧桑。而随着社会变迁,老社区在岁月流逝中逐渐老去。曾经熟悉的邻里和温暖的情谊,曾经”远亲不如近邻”的守望相助,也渐渐淡出了人们的视野,生活在悄无声息却又不可避免地发生着改变。  相似文献   

Using qualitative interviews with lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual female Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) fans, I argue that the (perceived) large lesbian attendance at WNBA games enables the construction of a lesbian community by lesbian and bisexual fans in a site qualitatively different from traditional locations of lesbian community. Because the WNBA is not an explicitly lesbian or queer space, the process of speculating about which players, coaches, and fans are lesbians is a meaningful part of being a WNBA fan for many lesbian and bisexual fans. Fantasizing a large lesbian presence enables lesbian and bisexual fans to actively and interpretively create lesbian community at the games. The women socialize and connect with lesbian and bisexual women, construct lesbian ownership of WNBA games, and define WNBA games as a unique space that is different from lesbian bars and other traditional "gay-only" spaces.  相似文献   

Independent living and community care: a disempowering framework   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The British disability movement has had significant achievements in its struggle for independent living. However, the current community care framework contains many barriers to independent living. This article sets out a conceptual framework for an understanding of independent living and provides an analysis of the barriers posed by the social care system. These range from financial incentives for placing disabled people in residential care, to a failure to address needs relating to employment, parenting and leisure. Disabling attitudes held by social services professionals about 'risk' and 'capacity' are also major barriers. It is clear that, unless the legislative framework is amended to include an entitlement to independent living, disabled people will continue to be denied their full human and civil rights.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors report on qualitative findings on the role of family in supporting recovery for mental health consumers living in structured, community housing in a large Canadian city. Despite living separately from families and relying heavily on formal services, residents identified their families more often than mental health professionals, friends, and residential caregivers as those who most believe in them and their recovery. Families supported recovery by providing affection and belonging, offering emotional and instrumental support, and by staying actively involved with residents. Families are a vital, untapped resource for social workers in promoting independent living.  相似文献   

Community involvement may be a nuanced aspect of individuals' lives, and the place of residence could play a role. In this paper, we created a measure of four different styles of community involvement using cluster analysis, then investigated how education, work involvement, family stage (marriage and parenthood and age of the youngest child), gender, and the local residential community influence the style of involvement for a randomly sampled survey of residents in four upstate New York communities (N = 1006). The locally networked were involved through informal exchanges, and their friends were mostly family and neighbors; the institutionally embedded volunteered and made friends through organizations and work; moderates invested in formal institutions and local networks, and the loosely connected were minimally involved in local community life. Family stage, educational level, work involvement, and local community of residence helped predict styles of community involvement.  相似文献   

熊惠平 《城市》2007,(12):60-62
一、从权利贫困到居住权利贫困的“穷人经济学” 以科技、经济与社会保障的“三驾马车”驱动经济的发达国家.社会公平被置于更突出的位置。发展中国家基于追赶发达国家的宏大志向.往往将经济增长置于首位。但不可避免地会引发各种社会矛盾甚至危机。  相似文献   

This study examines supportive community programs in Israel, which aim to improve the quality of life of the elderly. These innovative programs pool existing resources to provide a benefits package that includes medical services, an emergency call switchboard, a "neighborhood facilitator," and social activities. Data were collected in 2000-2001 using qualitative and quantitative methods. The program provides specific services to meet needs that otherwise are not adequately addressed. The major contributions of the program reported by the members was increasing their personal security (two-thirds), easing the burden on their children (one-third), and enabling them to remain at home (one-quarter). The supportive community program enriches the variety of services available, thus providing the elderly with the choice of staying within their familiar surroundings of their homes and neighborhoods. This model appears to be both a cost-effective way to facilitate aging in place and a way to meet many of the elderly's essential needs, thereby maintaining their quality of life.  相似文献   

The goal of inpatient rehabilitation services should be directed towards returning persons with mental illness to the community by producing measurable gains in functioning that promote increased personal independence, self-direction, and care to prepare the patient to live in the least restrictive environment. Aftercare compliance was increased and the recidivism rate was cut in half when the aftercare nurse saw the person with mental illness before discharge and a specific appointment was scheduled with the aftercare nurse. The scope of community outpatient services that can be authorized is determined by the outcome of negotiating and communicating between the clinician and case manager.  相似文献   

Art can be a transformative process that not only offers youth opportunities for self-expression, but enables them to connect to their communities as part of the healing process. Having a public role offers those who are often without power to have a voice and a presence. This chapter provides information on the Arts Incentives Program at the United South End Settlements, a therapeutic, arts-based youth and community development program working with high-risk girls ages eleven to eighteen. Young people engage in community building within the program and become agents of positive community change. In revitalizing their communities, they rebuild a sense of self as essential, valued, and creative, bringing together the resources of participants, agencies, and the community.  相似文献   

黄志宏 《城市》2006,(6):31-34
一、引言 城市是具有一定人口规模与密度,以非农产业为主的一种特殊聚居地,是一个国家或地区的政治、经济与文化中心地."产业革命"以后,西方国家城市迅速转向以工业职能为主,社会生产力得到很大发展,但在物质财富迅速增加的同时,由于环境不断恶化,人地矛盾的加深,以及社会矛盾的激化,各种城市问题相应而生."二战"后人们深刻地认识到经济发展并不等同于社会进步,其城市发展战略逐渐转入调整期,最明显的是强调城市社会、经济与环境三者间的协调与可持续发展,由原先的惟经济发展模式,转向注重"可居性"等以人为本的城市发展观.  相似文献   

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