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企业信息化下的财务监控问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以计算机网络应用为特征的企业信息化是企业发展的必然趋势,如何在信息化条件下做好财务监控工作,已成为各信息化企业目前一个严峻而迫切的任务。本文首先分析了企业信息化对财务监控的影响,接着从构建适时财务监控机制和建立基于价值流的财务监控系统两个方面提出了完善信息化企业财务监控的对策。  相似文献   

方圣敏 《经营管理者》2012,(2X):274-274
公司治理与财务监控密不可分,公司治理是实行财务监控的制度环境,是财务监控有效运行的前提,财务监控,通过对企业资金、核算、财务制度的监控,能够有效保证企业的代理人的行为符合股东的要求,从而促进公司治理水平的提高。企业财务风险贯穿于企业经营活动的全过程,只有加强企业财务监控意识,完善财务监控体系才能形成财务监控与公司治理的良性互动。  相似文献   

这次全球金融危机的原因之一是金融机构的财务风险监控出了问题,本文在分析财务风险监控现状的基础上.对如何优化当前的公司治理结构和加强财务风险监控提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国公司财务治理结构基本构成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务治理是公司治理结构中的一个异常重要的组成部分。企业财务治理效率的高低直接影响到公司治理的好坏,以及企业的生存和资本市场的健康发展。因此财务治理结构的搭建就显得尤为重要。通过对公司财务治理结构的五项基本构成做逐一分析,论述了共同治理的财务决策机制是实现多方治理主体的参与治理的前提条件;而激励机制和内部控制制度是实现以内部治理为主的主要手段;良好的外部市场是外部治理的必要条件,也是促进内部治理的有效手段。  相似文献   

论公司财务管理在公司治理结构中发挥的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司制企业财务管理存在着三个层次,即出资者财务、经营者财务和专业财务;它们在公司治理结构中发挥着不同的作用.出资者财务以资本的终极所有权为依据,以资本的安全和增值为目的,对其出资及运用状况进行管理,是一种间接约束机制;经营者财务以法人所有权为依据,在出资者的监控下,以直接控制的方式对企业的资金运行进行管理,发挥在治理结构中的纽带作用,处于财务管理的核心地位;专业财务以现金流转为管理对象,保证经营者财务决策的顺利执行和预期效益的实现.三者的辩证统一是实现公司有效治理的关键.  相似文献   

本文以我国上市公司财务监控系统在财务方面的治理绩效为研究对象。实证研究检验了大股东在财务方面治理既有积极作用,也有消极作用;财会专业背景独立董事在抑制盈余管理、提高财务安全性方面发挥了积极的作用,财会专业背景独立董事与执行董事这两类人员在治理中的作用有所不同;审计委员会的作用已经显现,有必要继续改善制度建设。财务总监制度和财会专业背景监事在财务方面的治理绩效有待改进,企业财务监控系统在财务安全性方面的作用也有待加强。  相似文献   

以互联网为代表的信息技术的广泛应用推动了学术界和实务界对企业网络财务报告的应用研究.本文选择中小企业的网络呈报作为研究重点,结合中小企业板上市公司网络财务披露的实际情况,探析了中小企业网络财务呈报水平、网络财务呈报形式、网络财务呈报态度以及融资困境与财务信息化的关系等问题,并提出变革中小企业网络财务呈报的建议.  相似文献   

当公司出现了代理人问题,即股东和职业经理人的利益出现不一致的时候,经营者往往会做出利己的决襄,特别是财务决策,很多时候会严重侵害了所有者的利益。这样,公司的财务治理问题就摆在了我们面前。财务治理是公司治理的核心,是公司治理的关键。财务治理应发挥出怎样的作用?我们又应该怎样改善公司的财务治理?这是摆在我们面前的课题。  相似文献   

薛斌 《经营管理者》2012,(2):194+192
随着我国经济的快速发展,伴随着规模不断的扩大,企业在公司治理和财务控制方面出现了很多的问题,本文通过对公司治理和财务控制的分析,认清两者之间的关系,认为目前我国企业的公司治理在董事会的财务控制和经理人的激励约束方面存在缺陷,进而通过完善财务组织结构,完善董事会监督控制和经理层激励机制,组建专业化的监事会和加强内部审计来改善我国公司治理的财务控制。  相似文献   

公司治理结构下现代企业的财务分权管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公司治理结构下,现代企业的财务分权管理,具有客观必然性。本文从出资者财务、经营者财务和专业财务角度出发,阐述了现代企业财务管理,要建立合理的企业法人治理结构,确定经营者财务的主体地位,进行专业财务的准确定位。  相似文献   

资本结构、金融中介和公司治理   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
公司治理作为当前国有企业改革的重要措施之一,受到了人们广泛的关注。而金融中介机构的发展与成熟程度直接影响着公司的资本结构和治理结构,进而影响着公司的竞争能力。本文借鉴西方财务理论和日美公司治理方面的经验与教训对金融中介机构是否应积极参与公司治理进行了较深入的探讨,提出其积极参与公司治理的理性决策模型,同时也回答了如何来完善我国上市公司的公司治理结构的问题:重构现代金融体系,激励国有商业银行,大力发展资本市场、培育机构投资者以及修改与制定相关的法律制度,促使其积极参与公司治理。  相似文献   

This paper addresses corporate governance inthe light of two relatively new developments inorganizational form, respectively towardsdevolved initiative within firms andpartnerships between firms. In so doing, itargues for an extension of corporate governancetheory and practice to take better account ofthe problems arising from double and multipleagency. New organizational forms can bereconciled with the requirements for corporategovernance through a number of complementarydevelopments, including the cooptation ofemployees and junior partners into ownershipand governance, more inclusive forms ofcontrol, mutual monitoring and the promotion oftrust.  相似文献   

公司治理于财务困难公司效果之研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国Enron案发生后,为维护资本市场安定与保护投资大众,各国均致力提倡公司治理,如强化董监结构、股权结构与提升透明度等。然而,在主管机关与公司管理当局均认为企业公司治理机制已有显著的强化后,台湾企业诸如博达、讯碟等公司仍然持续爆发弊案。因此,治理政策是否确实落实执行于各企业,值得深入探讨。因此,本研究拟以财务危机公司的公司治理机制及其影响为探讨重点。首先了解公司爆发财务危机前的公司治理运作情形,进而讨论在发生财务危机后,采用各项公司治理机制是否对提升公司财务状况有所帮助,提供主管机关及投资人决策之分析。实证结果显示,董监事持股,控制股东担任董事监察人、专业经理人担任董事席位数、董事会规模这三项皆可做为投资人投资公司的参考,及财务危机公司是否能转危为安的判断依据。  相似文献   

Two topics which currently receivesubstantial interest are corporate governanceand start-up companies in the new economy.However, research combining both subjects israre. The present study aims to fill in thisgap because corporate governance is assumed toinfluence start-ups' performance. Sincepeculiarities of start-up companies exclude asimple application of extant governance wisdom,we develop propositions about corporategovernance structures of start-up companies inGermany – a country which has the most activestart-up scene in Europe but is also known forits far-reaching regulations of company law.This regulatory impact is most significantlyassociated with the choice of a legal form ofbusiness organization. While a certain legalform can provide some important advantages, itcan require at the same time corporategovernance structures which could imposeproblems on managing high-tech start-ups.Focussing the increasingly prevalent stockcorporation, we argue that this form, on theone hand, is advantageous for gaining resourcesand for the comprehensiveness of strategicdecision making. On the other hand, regulationsas the obligations to have collectiveresponsibilities in the management board and toset up a supervisory board can be expected todecelerate decision making and thus to putfirms at a disadvantage in high pacedindustries. We suggest that start-ups,therefore, make hidden modifications in orderto design effective corporate governanceconfigurations. The implementation of thesemodifications is facilitated by socialrelationships. First empirical insights intothe governance modalities of German start-upsare offered for illuminating our proposals.Thus, our study contributes to understandhow start-ups try to reconcile the governancedemands of both their business and their legalenvironment.  相似文献   

政府治理、产权偏好与资本投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从投资机会和融资约束视角分析了地方政府治理水平影响企业投资行为的机制,认为地方政府通过提供高质量的公共治理水平,帮助企业获得更多的投资机会和融资渠道,扩大企业投资规模,提高投资效率。以我国2005-2007年间上市公司为研究样本,本文实证检验的结果表明,较高的地方政府治理水平会提高公司的资本投资规模;政府治理影响企业资本投资与投资机会的敏感度在民营企业中更为显著,政府治理对国有企业资本投资的影响随着实际控制人的行政级别提高而降低。进一步研究发现,政府治理能够降低企业的融资约束,提高企业投资效率。  相似文献   

This paper explores how large UK financial institutions (FIs) pursued a private corporate governance agenda with their portfolio companies. It also investigates the role of financial reporting in private and public corporate governance. The case financial institutions argued that the limited quality of public information, especially in financial reports, was a major constraint on their ability to act in fund management and corporate governance roles. However, the financial reporting cycle determined a private institutional and company meeting cycle and this created opportunities for private information collection and for governance influence by FIs. In addition, the perceived limitations of public governance mechanisms such as voting encouraged private governance approaches. As a result, the case financial institutions had the incentive and the means to improve the quality of their sources of corporate information and to obtain a competitive edge over other financial institutions and the market through their direct contact with companies. Despite the limitations of public information, the paper reveals how public disclosure in financial statements and the financial reporting cycle played a central role in corporate governance. Public sources of information were combined with private sources to create a financial institutional knowledge advantage. The institutions used this knowledge to diagnose problem areas in strategy, management quality, and the effectiveness of the board, and their impact on financial performance. The financial reporting cycle meant that the quasi insider financial institution had the access opportunity and the joint public/private insight to influence companies across a wide corporate governance agenda and in a range of corporate circumstances. The case institutions exploited these private access and knowledge advantages for investment purposes and for Cadbury style corporate governance purposes. Thus, the private governance process was critically dependent on the FI knowledge advantage, which in turn relied on both financial reports and private disclosure. This wide ranging governance behaviour by institutions corresponds to recommendations subsequently made by the Hampel report in 1998 concerning UK corporate governance. The paper ends by exploring how the private institutional and company meeting agenda can suggest new directions for financial reporting and public disclosure and how this can further improve public and private corporate governance.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102017
Previous research about the effects of board structure and process on the firm financial performance is based on conflicting theoretical perspectives, and empirical results, mostly based on regression analysis, are inconclusive. Building from Complexity Theory and configurational analysis, this study offers clarity to inconclusive previous empirical results about the link among several board features and firm financial performance. From a sample of 295 non-financial firms from Southern Europe for the period 2001–2010, and by using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, findings of this study show that firm financial performance depends on a complex configuration of several board features (board size, board independence, leadership structure and board activity) and several corporate characteristics (firm size, firm leverage and firm age). This paper has implications for academics. Despite different theoretical arguments and inconclusive results of the wide empirical literature addressing the effect of board characteristics on the firm performance, building from Complexity Theory this paper adds to our knowledge because it empirically explores under which circumstances different board features should contribute positively or negatively to firm performance. The results of this study have also implications for policy makers and practitioners by providing some useful hints to the controversial relationship between corporate governance and financial performance. In this sense, general corporate governance recommendations must be rethought.  相似文献   

治理弱化与财务危机:一个预测模型   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:53  
本文首先讨论了治理弱化与财务危机的辨证关系;然后在分析13个变量的基础上,运用Logistic回归给出了判别上市公司财务危机的一个模型。这一模型包括四个变量:毛利率、其它应收款与总资产的比率、短期借款与总资产的比率、股权集中系数。其中,股权集中系数是公司治理结构的直接表征,也是本文模型异于其他预测模型的首要区别。本文模型的回判准确率为84.52%,而对2000年新增加的“ST”公司的判别准确率则达到了95.45%。  相似文献   

财务困境、财务困境间接成本与公司业绩   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
本文研究了上市公司财务困境、财务困境间接成本及其与公司业绩之间的关系.通过实证研究企业陷入财务困境以后业绩变化的情况,本文认为,我国上市公司的间接财务困境成本显著为正,从总体来看,公司的间接困境成本大约为企业价值总额的25%-36.5%之间,资本结构对这种业绩的变化所引起的困境间接成本具有显著影响.负债率越高的企业,在困境期内将损失越大的市场份额和利润.  相似文献   

马晨  张俊瑞 《南开管理评论》2012,15(2):143-150,160
本文以我国2005-2009年间A股市场补充与更正报告中出现"会计差错更正"项目的公司为研究对象,以是否发生财务重述为因变量,采用配对样本分析的Logit回归方法研究了管理层持股、领导权结构与财务重述之间的关系。本研究发现,管理层持股比例与财务重述之间存在显著的U型关系,领导权结构对财务重述没有显著影响,然而管理层持股的利益协同效应(堑壕效应)在两职分离(两职合一)的公司中更容易得到发挥。本研究发展了财务重述、管理层持股以及领导权结构的研究内容,为完善公司治理机制、防范会计错报提供了相应的思路。  相似文献   

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