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毒品犯罪集中体现了毒品问题在刑法规范、司法实践、社会评价等诸多层面的碰撞与反思,从毒品犯罪的历史、现实、未来的多重考察可以发现:超越对毒品犯罪的一般技术性、规范性、社会性认识,逐步引入毒品犯罪的刑事政策分析,尤其在禁毒国策的框架中思考毒品犯罪及其刑事政策发展,将能够对毒品犯罪的规范认定、社会共识取得更深刻的理解.自建国以来,毒品犯罪刑事政策经历了从线性到多元的历时性发展过程:建国初期的禁绝毒品刑事政策、无毒国时期的禁毒刑事政策、新时期的多元化综合治理刑事政策.当代中国惩治毒品犯罪的定罪刑事政策以考量严密犯罪圈为主要思路:对毒品犯罪的任何可能环节都考量设置罪名、量刑刑事政策以考量刑罚的最高压区为主要思路:对毒品犯罪始终保持最严重的刑种与刑度.从更具有长效意义的角度出发,可以认为:最好的禁毒社会政策就是最好的毒品犯罪刑事政策.  相似文献   

仇万娥 《社科纵横》2008,23(12):91-93
由于法律制度存在缺陷,在贯彻宽严相济刑事政策中难以保障被害人的合法权利,应完善法制,以促进司法公正和社会的和谐建设.  相似文献   

宽严相济刑事政策是构建社会主义和谐社会的基本刑事政策,其基本依据仍然是犯罪的社会危害性,并以犯罪人的人身危险性为考量因素.对于轻罪来说,宽严相济的刑事政策要求原则上以宽为主;但是如果犯罪人的人身危险性较大,则应考虑以严济宽.在宽严相济的刑事政策视野下,对轻罪定罪标准的指导主要在于灵活运用"情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪"这一规定,坚持化解矛盾,走非犯罪化的道路;对轻罪量刑标准的指导,则主要表现在根据犯罪人的量刑情节,大胆适用非刑罚化的处理方法以及大胆适用非监禁刑.宽严相济并非一律从宽,而必须是在社会危害性和人身危险性的综合评价下,依据特定的社会治安形势,该宽则宽、该严则严、宽严互济.坚持法律效果和社会效果的统一.  相似文献   

非公有制经济刑法保护的刑事政策再定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国对非公有制经济的刑事政策伴随着我们党对其的认识和探索经历了一个由歧视性待遇向有限平等保护方向发展变化的过程.在我国当前的刑法立法和刑事司法中,对非公有制经济实行不平等保护的现象依旧存在.为了促进非公有制经济健康稳步的发展,立法者应当确立并强化非公有制经济与公有制经济人格平等的观念.就司法而言,一方面最高司法机关应加强有关的司法解释工作;另一方面,司法工作人员应公平执法,对所有市场主体的合法权益实行同等的保护,从而为非公有制经济稳定、健康、快速的发展改进和优化人文环境.  相似文献   

李克艳 《创新》2010,4(5):46-49
由于各种因素影响,我国刑事错案时有发生。错案的发生不仅严重侵害公民的合法权益,也使刑事诉讼的目的无从实现。司法体制不健全、无罪推定原则的缺失、不合理的证人出庭制度等都是导致我国刑事错案发生的根本原因。因此,必须进一步健全司法体制,完善刑事诉讼的相关制度并转变执法理念,将错案遏制在最小范围内,最终促成立法的不断完善。  相似文献   

德国环境犯罪刑事政策经历了漫长的演变,有着深刻的社会经济、理论与法律背景,是诸多因素综合的产物。德国环境犯罪刑事政策具有行政从属性特点,将违反行政法义务作为环境犯罪的构成要件,运用刑法与行政法共同应对环境犯罪。环境法益被赋予有限独立性,与人类法益共同成为环境刑法的保护法益。预防性理念备受青睐,抽象危险犯在德国环境刑法中得到普遍运用,刑法介入提前。德国环境刑事政策对我国的启示是,应摒弃绝对化的环境犯罪刑事政策,兼顾人类法益与环境法益,建立"并行"的环境犯罪刑事政策;同时,应改变以结果犯为主的立法模式,适当设置危险犯,以有效防止环境犯罪的发生。  相似文献   

胡苗 《社科纵横》2023,(1):54-59
深化区域协同合作,是提升兰西城市群整体经济实力和竞争力的重要举措。作为我国西部欠发达省区的城市群,兰西两市必须打破城市申报和审批行政的界限,积极探索两地产业间的合理流动,建立省会城市及城市群联席会议、重点领域专项合作、省市部门工作落实机制。  相似文献   

宏观调控中的土地政策传导机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在运用土地政策参与宏观调控的过程中,传导机制是否通达顺畅,对土地调控政策的有效发挥至关重要.本文首先探讨了土地政策传导机制的内涵、构成要素和传导渠道,然后重点分析了土地政策传导的时滞性问题,并提出了减少时滞的政策建议.  相似文献   

詹勇 《社科纵横》2012,(1):48-50
对毒品犯罪的惩处一直存在重刑化倾向,应予适当修正。司法实务中认定运输毒品罪的既未遂标准不利于实现量刑均衡。运输毒品罪与非法持有毒品罪在具体适用时难以区分,可考虑合二为一。  相似文献   

由于相同的意识形态等原因,苏联时期的立法对新中国的立法产生过重要影响.因此,中国刑事立法同苏俄、俄罗斯刑事立法的关系是值得深入研究的.中国新民主主义革命时期的刑事立法基本上参照了苏俄早期的刑事立法,并突出表现在刑事立法的阶级属性上.新中国成立后,刑事立法仍然大量参照了苏俄早期的刑事立法,20世纪30年代后期苏俄刑事立法的新成果并没有被借鉴到1979年新中国第一部刑法典中.苏联解体后的俄罗斯刑事立法与中国刑事立法已经在刑法原则、犯罪论及刑罚体系等多方面存在较大差异,但是,反映当今俄罗斯市场经济需求的刑事立法可以、而且也应当对中国的刑事立法起到借鉴作用.同时,俄罗斯对刑法典进行适时地多次补充与修订也是值得中国刑事立法关注的.  相似文献   

马进 《社科纵横》2008,23(1):139-141
民族政策与民族团结的教育是形势与政策课的重要组成部分,也是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分.不论党和国家所面临的形势和任务,在不同时期、不同阶段,出现什么样的变化,不论形势与政策课的内容与方法,在不同时期、不同阶段,怎样调整和改进,民族政策和民族团结都是最基本、最经常的教育.但是,目前的形势与政策教育存在着被忽视和淡化的倾向,解决的方法是在提高对民族政策与民族团结教育的重要性和紧迫性认识的同时,在内容和方法方面,注意把这方面的教育与中国特色社会主义理论体系的教育、与科学发展观的教育结合起来,这样的形势与政策课才是完整的、能够反映党和整个国家面貌的形势与政策课,也才能全面、完整地体现高校的思想政治理论课的政治优势与政治特色.  相似文献   

Any study of the uses of elimination is necessarily an excursion into the darker regions of criminal policy. The eliminative ideal strives to solve present and emerging problems by getting rid of troublesome and disagreeable people with methods which are lawful and widely supported. Much of this article provides a historical overview of some of the most significant episodes of the potent and perennial pull of elimination, notably Britain's use of Australia and the island of South Andaman, France's involvement in New Caledonia and Guiana, and Russia's reliance upon Siberia. Rather more detailed attention is given to Germany between 1933 and 1938. This first phase of German concentration camps brought together many elements of the eliminative ideal, including an ever-widening range of perceived internal enemies, but also the lip-service paid by the authorities to legality and public legitimacy. Finally, reference is made to contemporary developments in California and, at least by implication, to Britain. The eliminative ideal sits all too comfortably with contemporary pressures for social exclusion and, invariably, its most explicit and brutal expression is to be found within the realm of criminal policy.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, home ownership has been seen as a privilege of military and civil officers since the R.O.C. government moved to Taiwan in 1949. Taiwan has become a more democratic regime since martial law was repealed in 1987 and presidential election by popular votes was initiated in 1996. Using documentary data, this paper aims to relate the transition in housing policy to Taiwan's political transition from authoritarianism to democracy. We found that after the lifting of martial law, a growing number of social movements were triggered in response to political democratization. Since then, concerns and debates have started on how to revise the housing legislation to promote the welfare and social inclusion of vulnerable groups. A new housing policy that was influenced by the advocacy efforts of an action group was developed in May 2005 to meet social needs and achieve social equity.  相似文献   

Focus groups were formerly associated with market research but have recently gained some measure of social scientific respectability. In this article, I briefly recapitulate the history of focus groups and then examine their role in 4 (2 Dutch, 2 American) policy research projects. In each case, the focus groups provided an understanding of the interests and values of different stakeholder groups and per-mitted the analysts to predict the groups' reactions to policy alternatives. This served to link the focus groups to the underlying policy problem, to set the policy issues in their appropriate context, to take due account of the technical complexities of the situation, and to orient toward integrating the results of the focus groups with the other tools used in the policy analysis. The four cases shared a "spiral" model approach to focus groups, in which the discussion moves from generic to specific toward the object of focus rather than tackling it directly. This permits both a breadth and depth of perspective and helps avoid posturing. I conclude that focus groups provide a value for policy analysis because they enable participant stakeholders to become part of the process, help uncover misunderstandings that conceal underlying agreements among stakeholders, and uncover potential problems of implementation.  相似文献   

董雪 《创新》2009,3(12):57-60
我国起诉分流制度应建立在审查起诉部门的内部审查和公开调查的基础上,综合考虑国家、社会、个人利益,依据犯罪的情节、可能判处的刑罚、被追诉人的表现、被害人的态度,决定是否提起公诉以及起诉的方式。必要情况下,采取公开听证或协商程序。分流的途径包括:酌定不起诉、暂缓起诉、刑事和解、辩诉交易等。  相似文献   

In this paper some of the evidence relating to the incidence of racial discrimination in the criminal justice system will be critically examined. It will be argued that equal opportunities policies have been adopted in the British case with the stated aim of tackling the exclusionary effects of racial discrimination. The notion of equal opportunities has been contested not least by those who have advocated anti-racist approaches towards discrimination. Anti-racism has been represented by some of its advocates as reflecting a critique of the authentic source of racism which is loosely defined in terms of social structure and capitalist social relations. The case for reconstituting anti-racism in such a way as to make it relevant to the lives of black offenders will be made. Finally, a framework for developing policies based upon the implementation of specific and clearly stated rights will be made.  相似文献   

本文比较了1946~1980年期间美国各届总统的经济决策的组织结构、信息与建议渠道、决策和协调特点及得失,描述了那些协助总统管理国家经济的机构和人物的角色、作用及相互关系,从一个侧面分析美国这架庞大的经济机器是如何运转的。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Dr Gill Mclvor, Social Work Research Centre, Department of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland. Summary In the last five years major changes have occurred in the provisionof social work services to the Scottish criminal justice system.The present article charts recent developments in statutoryand voluntary community-based social work services to offenders,locating them in the context of contemporary penal policy. Thecontribution of social work at various points in the criminaljustice process is discussed with particular reference to theintroduction of national standards and full central fundingof statutory social work services. The new funding arrangementshave, it is suggested, provided an impetus to the developmentof statutory services but at the expense both of services notcurrently subject to the 100 per cent funding mechanism andof increased central government control. The article concludesby outlining the challenges to be faced by social work departmentsover the next few years, including an ever-widening remit andthe uncertainties surrounding local government re-organization.  相似文献   

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