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This paper surveys recent development in bootstrap methods and the modifications needed for their applicability in time series models. The paper discusses some guidelines for empirical researchers in econometric analysis of time series. Different sampling schemes for bootstrap data generation and different forms of bootstrap test statistics are discussed. The paper also discusses the applicability of direct bootstrapping of data in dynamic models and cointegrating regression models. It is argued that bootstrapping residuals is the preferable approach. The bootstrap procedures covered include the recursive bootstrap, the moving block bootstrap and the stationary bootstrap.  相似文献   

Bootstrapping time series models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper surveys recent development in bootstrap methods and the modifications needed for their applicability in time series models. The paper discusses some guidelines for empirical researchers in econometric analysis of time series. Different sampling schemes for bootstrap data generation and different forms of bootstrap test statistics are discussed. The paper also discusses the applicability of direct bootstrapping of data in dynamic models and cointegrating regression models. It is argued that bootstrapping residuals is the preferable approach. The bootstrap procedures covered include the recursive bootstrap, the moving block bootstrap and the stationary bootstrap.  相似文献   

Non-nested hypothesis tests provide a way to test the specification of an econometric model against the evidence provided by one or more non-nested alternatives. This paper surveys the recent literature on non-nested hypothesis testing in the context of regression and related models. Much of the purely statistical 1iterature which has evolved from the fundamental work of Cox (1961, 1962) is discussed briefly or not at all. Instead, emphasis is placed on those techniques which are easy to employ in practice and are likely to be useful to applied workers.  相似文献   

Non-nested hypothesis tests provide a way to test the specification of an econometric model against the evidence provided by one or more non-nested alternatives. This paper surveys the recent literature on non-nested hypothesis testing in the context of regression and related models. Much of the purely statistical 1iterature which has evolved from the fundamental work of Cox (1961, 1962) is discussed briefly or not at all. Instead, emphasis is placed on those techniques which are easy to employ in practice and are likely to be useful to applied workers.  相似文献   

Binary response models consider pseudo-R 2 measures which are not based on residuals while several concepts of residuals were developed for tests. In this paper the endogenous variable of the latent model corresponding to the binary observable model is substituted by a pseudo variable. Then goodness of fit measures and tests can be based on a joint concept of residuals as for linear models. Different kinds of residuals based on probit ML estimates are employed. The analytical investigations and the simulation results lead to the recommendation to use standardized residuals where there is no difference between observed and generalized residuals. In none of the investigated situations this estimator is far away from the best result. While in large samples all considered estimators are very similar, small sample properties speak in favour of residuals which are modifications of those suggested in the literature. An empirical application demonstrates that it is not necessary to develop new testing procedures for the observable models with dichotomous regressands. Well-know approaches for linear models with continuous endogenous variables which are implemented in usual econometric packages can be used for pseudo latent models. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Diagnostic tests as residual analysis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many applied workers are strongly oriented to residual analysis for assessing model adequacy. Formal test statistics of adequacy however are frequently derived from likelihood theory, particularly through Lagrange Multipliers. In contraGt, the present paper derives the formal statistics by concentrating Upon the distribution of residuals. It is shown that most existing tests can be derived in this way from a few elementary principles of specification analysis. One advantage of this alternative methodology is that it highlights some difficulties in existing approaches and simultaneously indicates a resolution of them; a good example being testing for heteroscedasticity in simultaneous equations. Other issues such as independence and robustness of diagnostic tests are also easily explored within the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Many applied workers are strongly oriented to residual analysis for assessing model adequacy. Formal test statistics of adequacy however are frequently derived from likelihood theory, particularly through Lagrange Multipliers. In contraGt, the present paper derives the formal statistics by concentrating Upon the distribution of residuals. It is shown that most existing tests can be derived in this way from a few elementary principles of specification analysis. One advantage of this alternative methodology is that it highlights some difficulties in existing approaches and simultaneously indicates a resolution of them; a good example being testing for heteroscedasticity in simultaneous equations. Other issues such as independence and robustness of diagnostic tests are also easily explored within the proposed framework.  相似文献   

This article considers the problem of testing for linearity of stationary time series. Portmanteau tests are discussed which are based on generalized correlations of residuals from a linear model (that is, autocorrelations and cross-correlations of different powers of the residuals). The finite-sample properties of the tests are assessed by means of Monte Carlo experiments. The tests are applied to 100 time series of stock returns.  相似文献   

空间回归模型选择的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间计量经济学存在两种最基本的模型:空间滞后模型和空间误差模型,这里旨在重新思考和探讨这两种空间回归模型的选择,结论为:Moran’s I指数可以用来判断回归模型后的残差是否存在空间依赖性;在实证分析中,采用拉格朗日乘子检验判断两种模型优劣是最常见的做法。然而,该检验仅仅是基于统计推断而忽略了理论基础,因此,可能导致选择错误的模型;在实证分析中,空间误差模型经常被选择性遗忘,而该模型的适用性较空间滞后模型更为广泛;实证分析大多缺乏空间回归模型设定的探讨,Anselin提出三个统计量,并且,如果模型设定正确,应该遵从Wald统计量>Log likelihood统计量>LM统计量的排列顺序。  相似文献   

Specification tests for the error distribution are proposed in semi-linear models, including the partial linear model and additive models. The tests utilize an integrated distance involving the empirical characteristic function of properly estimated residuals. These residuals are obtained from an initial estimation step involving a combination of penalized least squares and smoothing techniques. A bootstrap version of the tests is utilized in order to study the small sample behavior of the procedures in comparison with more classical approaches. As an example, the tests are applied on some real data sets.  相似文献   

This survey of recent developments in testing for misspecification of econometric models reviews procedures based on a method due to Hausman. Particular attention is given to alternative forms of the test, its relationship to classical test procedures, and its role in pre-test estimation.  相似文献   

This survey of recent developments in testing for misspecification of econometric models reviews procedures based on a method due to Hausman. Particular attention is given to alternative forms of the test, its relationship to classical test procedures, and its role in pre-test estimation.  相似文献   

Time series in traded markets such as currencies and securities involve supply/demand interaction, so they might be expected to contain distinctive and identifiable structures in comparison with data based on natural phenomena such as river flows or sunspots. This paper tests this proposition using standard econometric tests including variance ratios, modified rescaled range (R/S) ratios and BDS statistics together with non-linear prediction models. Four time series of each type (market or natural) are subject to a battery of tests for random walk and non-linear dependence. Surprisingly, the tests provide no reliable discrimination between the two types of series or reveal any embedded specification differences.  相似文献   

This study considers the problem of testing for a parameter change in integer-valued time series models in which the conditional density of current observations is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. As a test, we consider the CUSUM of the squares test based on the residuals from INGARCH models and find that the test converges weakly to the supremum of a Brownian bridge. A simulation study demonstrates its superiority to the residual and standardized residual-based CUSUM tests of Kang and Lee [Parameter change test for Poisson autoregressive models. Scand J Statist. 2014;41:1136–1152] and Lee and Lee [CUSUM tests for general nonlinear inter-valued GARCH models: comparison study. Ann Inst Stat Math. 2019;71:1033–1057.] as well as the CUSUM of squares test based on standardized residuals.  相似文献   

Integer-valued time series models make use of thinning operators for coherency in the nature of count data. However, the thinning operators make residuals unobservable and are the main difficulty in developing diagnostic tools for autocorrelated count data. In this regard, we introduce a new residual, which takes the form of predictive distribution functions, to assess probabilistic forecasts, and this new residual is supplemented by a modified usual residuals. Under integer-valued autoregressive (INAR) models, the properties of these two residuals are investigated and used to evaluate the predictive performance and model adequacy of the INAR models. We compare our residuals with the existing residuals through simulation studies and apply our method to select an appropriate INAR model for an over-dispersed real data.  相似文献   

空间计量模型的选择是空间计量建模的一个重要组成部分,也是空间计量模型实证分析的关键步骤。本文对空间计量模型选择中的Moran指数检验、LM检验、似然函数、三大信息准则、贝叶斯后验概率、马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法做了详细的理论分析。并在此基础之上,通过Matlab编程进行模拟分析,结果表明:在扩充的空间计量模型族中进行模型选择时,基于OLS残差的Moran指数与LM检验均存在较大的局限性,对数似然值最大原则缺少区分度,LM检验只针对SEM和SAR模型的区分有效,信息准则对大多数模型有效,但是也会出现误选。而当给出恰当的M-H算法时,充分利用了似然函数和先验信息的MCMC方法,具有更高的检验效度,特别是在较大的样本条件下得到了完全准确的判断,且对不同阶空间邻接矩阵的空间计量模型的选择也非常有效。  相似文献   

We propose a structural change test based on the recursive residuals with the local Fourier series estimators. The statistical properties of the proposed test are derived and the empirical properties are shown via simulation. We also consider other structural change tests based on CUSUM, MOSUM, moving estimates (ME), and empirical distribution functions with the recursive residuals and the ordinary residuals. Empirical powers are calculated in various structural change models for the comparison of those tests. These structural change tests are applied to South Korea's gross domestic product (GDP), South Korean Won to US Dollar currency exchange rates, and South Korea's Okun's law.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with direct tests of the rational expectations hypothesis (REH) in the presence of stationary and non-stationary variables. Alternative methods of converting qualitative survey responses into quantitative expectations series are examined. Testing of orthogonality and the issue of generated regressors for models estimated by two step methods are re-evaluated when the variable to be explained is stationary. A methodological approach for testing the REH is provided for models using qualitative response data when there are unit roots and cointegration, and alternative reasons are examined for rejecting the null hypothesis of orthogonality. The usefulness of cointegration analysis for both the probability and regression conversion procedures is also analysed. Cointegration is found to be directly applicable for the probability conversion approach with uniform, normal and logistic distributions of expectations and for the linear regressicn conversion approach. In the light of new techniques, an existing empirical example testing the REH for British manufacturing firms is re-examined and tested over an extended data set.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with direct tests of the rational expectations hypothesis (REH) in the presence of stationary and non-stationary variables. Alternative methods of converting qualitative survey responses into quantitative expectations series are examined. Testing of orthogonality and the issue of generated regressors for models estimated by two step methods are re-evaluated when the variable to be explained is stationary. A methodological approach for testing the REH is provided for models using qualitative response data when there are unit roots and cointegration, and alternative reasons are examined for rejecting the null hypothesis of orthogonality. The usefulness of cointegration analysis for both the probability and regression conversion procedures is also analysed. Cointegration is found to be directly applicable for the probability conversion approach with uniform, normal and logistic distributions of expectations and for the linear regressicn conversion approach. In the light of new techniques, an existing empirical example testing the REH for British manufacturing firms is re-examined and tested over an extended data set.  相似文献   


In this paper, we prove some theoretic properties of bilinear time series models which are extension of ARMA models. The sufficient conditions for asymptotic stationarity and ivertibility of some types of bilinear models are derived. The structural theory of discussed bilinear models is similar to that of ARMA models. For illustration, a bilinear model has been fitted to the Wolfer sunspot numbers and a substantial reduction in sum of squared residuals is obtained as comparing with Box-Jenkins ARMA model.  相似文献   

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