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高校是科普工作的重要力量,通过资源共建共享可以营造良好的科普氛围,提高科技资源利用与转化,推动大学生科普工作深入发展。文章以重庆师范大学为例,介绍了资源共享的具体思路和实施策略。  相似文献   

高校是科普工作的重要力量,通过资源共建共享可以营造良好的科普氛围,提高科技资源利用与转化,推动大学生科普工作深入发展。文章以重庆师范大学为例,介绍了资源共享的具体思路和实施策略。  相似文献   

重庆自然博物馆的科普教育资源   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重庆自然博物馆是一个具有历史渊源的对外开放、对公众进行科普教育的场所,是卢作孚创建的中国西部科学院发展而来的.它集多个教育基地为一体,它也集标本资源、人才资源、展示教育资源为一体,对实现博物馆的科普教育有着重要的作用.  相似文献   

2011年11月,教育部职成司出台〔2011〕202号文件《关于实施国家示范性职业学校数字化资源共建共享计划的通知》,要求按照“育人为本、服务产业、需求导向、标准引领、共建共享”的基本原则,依托国家示范性职业学校的人才、技术、资源和经验优势,开发包括网络课程、虚拟仿真实训单元、生产流程模拟软件、名师名课音像制品、通用主题素材库、资源管理信息系统以及专业群落教育网站等多种媒体形式的职业教育优质数字化信息资源,加快提高职业教育数字化资源开发的标准化、专业化和产业化水平,大幅提升全国职业学校协作发展、共享资源和改革创新的能力,并委托中国职业技术教育学会信息化工作委员会具体负责组织实施资源共建共享计划。  相似文献   

现代网络环境的催化下,信息资源的数量激增,为更好地满足用户的需求,疾病预防控制中心进行了信息资源共建共享活动。时代发展造就的客观环境给信息资源共建共享带来更多成长和转变的空间,相关研究者和建设者孜孜不倦的努力使我国信息资源共建共享活动的水准不断提升。本文通过分析疾病预防控制中心信息资源共建共享的原因、发展现状和现存的问题,并结合现实条件提出一些合理的建议,希冀疾病预防控制中心能迎合时代,使信息资源共建共享稳中求进,提高该项活动的发展水平。  相似文献   

<正>理性重塑治理理念与价值规范:为全民共建共享提供思想根基。树立合作共治的理念。坚持以人为本的理念和价值准则。重塑公平正义理念。确立全民共享改革发展成果的价值观念。科学定位多元主体与要素涵盖:为全民共建共享提供体系支撑。在全民共建共享社会治理格局  相似文献   

科普场馆的理论研究对于科普事业的发展至关重要。本文通过对科普场馆发展现状、管理模式、展示内容等方面的研究,提出科普场馆的发展方向和管理策略,推动科普事业的创新和发展。科普场馆是科学普及和科学教育的重要场所,对于提高公众科学素质和促进科学技术的发展具有重要作用。本文旨在探讨科普场馆的理论研究和创新发展,结合长春中国光学科学技术馆,总结科普场馆理论研究和实践探索中的经验和教训,为科普场馆的进一步发展提供借鉴和参考,促进科学普及事业的发展。  相似文献   

档案资源作为企业管理、经营、决策的一种重要信息资源,同其他信息资源一样,共建共享才能从真正意义上实现资源的有效利用,最大限度发挥资源管理所带来的支持决策作用。本文从金融资产管理公司档案管理工作的特点入手,分析了档案资源共建共享对资产管理公司发展的重要性,提出集团化管理模式下档案资源共建共享的途径。  相似文献   

以微信公众号为代表的新媒体在改变信息传播方式的同时,也给青少年科普工作带来了深远的影响。该文分析了新媒体背景下,青少年科普工作面临的机遇与挑战,以福建省青少年科普公众号为例,分析其发展现状和存在的问题,并提出新媒体背景下做好青少年科普工作的几点思考。  相似文献   

基于科普对科学研究的重要性,同时为推动我国科普事业的发展,提高公众参与科学的积极性,本研究总结了英、美等发达国家在科技计划项目科普化中的丰富经验,对我国制定相关政策提供了参考。  相似文献   

关注科技实力的评估、指标和排序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们正处在一个经济、科技、教育日益全球化的时代。为了驾驭日益复杂和迅速变化的科技系统,各国决策者必须依靠同样比较复杂的指标系统和定量分析。对综合国力、科技实力的计量分析,不仅在国内,即使在国家外,也是一门新兴的学科。为了科技兴国,为了改变我国总是处在被评估、被解释、被冲击的“三被”地位,我们必须关注和建设起基于自己数据资料和分析的科学计量学指标体系与评价方法。  相似文献   

This article considers the role of scientific rationality in understanding statements of risk produced by a scientific community. An argument is advanced that, while scientific rationality does impose constraints on valid scientific justifications for restrictions on products and practices, it also provides flexibility in the judgments needed to both develop and apply characterizations of risk. The implications of this flexibility for the understanding of risk estimates in WTO and NAFTA deliberations are explored, with the goal of finding an intermediate ground between the view that science unambiguously justifies or rejects a policy, and the view that science is yet another cultural tool that can be manipulated in support of any decision. The result is a proposal for a dialogical view of scientific rationality in which risk estimates are depicted as confidence distributions that follow from a structured dialogue of scientific panels focused on judgments of evidence, evidential reasoning, and epistemic analysis.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that the precautionary principle, as applied to the regulation of science and technology, cannot be considered in any general manner inconsistent with the norms and methods of scientific knowledge generation and justification. Moreover, it does not necessarily curtail scientific‐technological innovation. Our argument flows from a differentiated view of what precaution in regulation means. We first characterize several of the most relevant interpretations given to the precautionary principle in academic debate and regulatory practice. We then use examples of actual precaution‐based regulation to show that, even though science can have varying functions in different circumstances and frames, all of those interpretations recur to scientific method and knowledge, and tend to imply innovation in methods, products, and processes. In fact, the interplay of regulation and innovation in precautionary policy, at least in the case of the interpretations of precaution that our analysis takes into account, could be understood as a way of reconciling the two fundamental science and technology policy functions of promotion and control.  相似文献   

In two experimental studies we investigated the effect of beliefs about the nature and purpose of science (classical vs. Kuhnian models of science) on responses to uncertainty in scientific messages about climate change risk. The results revealed a significant interaction between both measured (Study 1) and manipulated (Study 2) beliefs about science and the level of communicated uncertainty on willingness to act in line with the message. Specifically, messages that communicated high uncertainty were more persuasive for participants who shared an understanding of science as debate than for those who believed that science is a search for absolute truth. In addition, participants who had a concept of science as debate were more motivated by higher (rather than lower) uncertainty in climate change messages. The results suggest that achieving alignment between the general public's beliefs about science and the style of the scientific messages is crucial for successful risk communication in science. Accordingly, rather than uncertainty always undermining the effectiveness of science communication, uncertainty can enhance message effects when it fits the audience's understanding of what science is.  相似文献   

The publishing conduct of scientists is increasingly becoming the object of science-based ethical considerations. Studies have shown that questionable publishing conduct is not a rare phenomenon in this area. National and international scientific organisations are making recommendations about appropriate scientific publishing conduct and, in doing so, are referring to universal ethical principles. A number of science-related ethical norms, for example the prohibition to fabricate or manipulate data, can be justified for all sciences by the goal of knowledge and common epistemological assumptions. On the other hand, other science-related ethical norms, such as rules governing the assignment of authorship and the prohibition of plagiarism, can be justified by means of a science-specific incentive mechanism, which was only explicitly analysed for the first time in detail by Merton (The sociology of science. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, pp. 286–324, 1957/1973): the attainment of recognition in the scientific community through published original articles on scientific progress. Particularly in conjunction with forms of remuneration based on this, this incentive mechanism leads to the temptation to make one’s own contribution to the development of science greater than is actually justified.  相似文献   

Understanding how a firm's scientific capability influences its technology development has important implications on the firm's research and development (R&D) strategies. However, the current literature reveals a puzzling outcome in its empirical investigations on the science–technology relationship. While many studies show the positive influence of a firm's scientific capability on its technological performance, a few others indicate that if a firm focuses its attention more on cutting edge science, its overall technological performance will suffer. We suggest that these findings can be reconciled by conceptualizing and measuring the scientific capability of the firm differently. This paper attempts to demonstrate how different notions of scientific capability are associated with different performance outcomes. Furthermore, a firm's scientific capability facilitates the integration of new knowledge to produce valuable technologies when a firm broadens its search for new knowledge. The paper highlights the nuances of conceptualizing and measuring the firm's scientific capability in two different ways: number of scientific publications and non-patent references. The findings also shed light on the mechanism through which science accelerates technological progress inside a firm.  相似文献   

The contribution traces the history of coaching and its relationship to science. First-generation pioneers have based the development of their concepts on then current scientific foundations. Pronounced scientifically oriented approaches, such as the Evidence-Based Coaching, however, emerged only after the pioneering phase. In the second practitioners’ generation, following the pioneers the relationship to science is mostly declining. Here, the top 50 in the internet popular training programs differ between the U.S., UK and Germany. The article closes with a discussion of alternative possible developments of coaching in the future third generation and its relationship to science.  相似文献   

本文简介了攀钢顾问华罗庚教授亲自指导完成的攀枝花钒钛资源综合利用中的国家重大攻关项目成果,以“国家科技进步一等奖”中的典型大数据分析案例为例,来论述华罗庚教授所创建的管理科学理论对钢铁工业大数据分析、智能优化算法和工艺智能制造上的指导作用。通过对具体案例和算法的介绍,能够帮助我们更深刻地理解华罗庚管理科学36字方针的丰富内涵。特别是在今天数字经济时代,如何应用华罗庚管理科学理论指导工业生产线智能制造技术的研发,具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

Defining "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system" in the context of Article 2 of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) presents a complex challenge for those developing long-term climate policy. Natural science has a key role to play in quantifying vulnerabilities of elements of the Earth system and estimating the risks from a changing climate. But attempts to interpret Article 2 will inevitably draw on understanding from social science, psychology, law, and ethics. Here I consider the limits of science in defining climate "danger" by focusing on the potential disintegration of the major ice sheets as an example of an extreme impact. I show that considerations of timescale, uncertainty, and learning preclude a definition of danger drawn purely from natural science. Decision makers will be particularly challenged by one characteristic of global problems: answers to some scientific questions become less accurate over decadal timescales, meandering toward the wrong answer, a feature I call negative learning. I argue for a precautionary approach to Article 2 that would be based initially on current, limited scientific understanding of the future of the ice sheets.  相似文献   

The practice of chlorine disinfection of drinking water to reduce microbial risks provides substantial benefits to public health. However, increasing concern around potential risks of cancer associated with exposure to chlorinated disinfection byproducts confuses this issue. This article examines the science agenda regarding chlorinated disinfection byproducts (CDBP) and cancer in Canada and the United States, focusing on the social construction of scientific knowledge claims and evidence. Data for this analysis were obtained from published documents as well as from in-depth interviews with epidemiologists and toxicologists centrally involved with the issue in both countries. Results of the analysis suggest that toxicological scientists want to close the door on the "chloroform issue" due to increasing evidence that chloroform is safe at low doses, because epidemiological scientists can no longer move forward the cancer science until significant improvements can be made in assessing human exposures, and because the scientific foci of research on DBP have shifted accordingly. Further, a distinction emerges in terms of how scientific uncertainties are interpreted when they cross-cut disciplines in the context of human health risk assessment. We suggest this tension reflects a balance of how uncertainty and authorities are managed in a mandated science-policy domain. Sufficient evidence was provided to keep the DBP issue on the regulatory agenda and to generate additional research, yet authorities and concomitant interpretations of uncertainty were contested. Such science generation and contestation inevitably influences complex risk assessment processes with respect to what water-related health risks are addressed and how.  相似文献   

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