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Let G = (V,E) be a plane graph with nonnegative edge weights, and let be a family of k vertex sets , called nets. Then a noncrossing Steiner forest for in G is a set of k trees in G such that each tree connects all vertices, called terminals, in net N i, any two trees in do not cross each other, and the sum of edge weights of all trees is minimum. In this paper we give an algorithm to find a noncrossing Steiner forest in a plane graph G for the case where all terminals in nets lie on any two of the face boundaries of G. The algorithm takes time if G has n vertices and each net contains a bounded number of terminals.  相似文献   

Center and Distinguisher for Strings with Unbounded Alphabet   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Consider two sets and of strings of length L with characters from an unbounded alphabet , i.e., the size of is not bounded by a constant and has to be taken into consideration as a parameter for input size. A closest string s* of is a string that minimizes the maximum of Hamming1 distance(s, s*) over all string s : s . In contrast, a farthest string t* from maximizes the minimum of Hamming distance(t*,t) over all elements t: t . A distinguisher of from is a string that is close to every string in and far away from any string in . We obtain polynomial time approximation schemes to settle the above problems.  相似文献   

Let D = (V, A) be a directed graph, for each vertex v V, let +(v) and (v) denote the sets of arcs leaving and entering v, and be intersecting families on +(v) and (v), respectively, and and be submodular functions on intersecting pairs. A flow f : A R is feasible if
Given a cost function c on A, the minimum cost polymatroidal flow problem is to find a feasible flow f with minimum cost {c(e)f(e)ve A}, it is a significant generalization of many combinatorial optimization problems.Given a feasible flow f*, cost and restriction functions on A, the inverse polymatroidal flow problem is to modify c, optimally and with bounds, such that f* becomes a minimum cost polymatroidal flow under the modified cost.It is shown in this paper that the inverse problem can be formulated as a combinatorial linear program and can be further transformed into a minimum cost circulation problem. Hence it can be solved efficiently by strongly polynomial combinatorial algorithms. We also give a necessary and sufficient condition for the feasibility of the inverse problem.  相似文献   

Given a finite set V and a set function , we consider the problem of constructing an undirected multigraph G = (V,E) such that the cut function together has value at least 2 for all non-empty and proper subsets of V. If f is intersecting submodular and posi-modular, and satisfies the tripartite inequality, then we show that such a multigraph G with the minimum number of edges can be found in time, where is the time to compute the value of f(X) for a subset .  相似文献   

We study the approximability of the weighted edge-dominating set problem. Although even the unweighted case is NP-Complete, in this case a solution of size at most twice the minimum can be efficiently computed due to its close relationship with minimum maximal matching; however, in the weighted case such a nice relationship is not known to exist. In this paper, after showing that weighted edge domination is as hard to approximate as the well studied weighted vertex cover problem, we consider a natural strategy, reducing edge-dominating set to edge cover. Our main result is a simple -approximation algorithm for the weighted edge-dominating set problem, improving the existing ratio, due to a simple reduction to weighted vertex cover, of 2r WVC, where r WVC is the approximation guarantee of any polynomial-time weighted vertex cover algorithm. The best value of r WVC currently stands at . Furthermore we establish that the factor of is tight in the sense that it coincides with the integrality gap incurred by a natural linear programming relaxation of the problem.  相似文献   

Hypergraph 2-colorability, also known as set splitting, is a widely studied problem in graph theory. In this paper we study the maximization version of the same. We recast the problem as a special type of satisfiability problem and give approximation algorithms for it. Our results are valid for hypergraph 2-colorability, set splitting and MAX-CUT (which is a special case of hypergraph 2-colorability) because the reductions are approximation preserving. Here we study the MAXNAESP problem, the optimal solution to which is a truth assignment of the literals that maximizes the number of clauses satisfied. As a main result of the paper, we show that any locally optimal solution (a solution is locally optimal if its value cannot be increased by complementing assignments to literals and pairs of literals) is guaranteed a performance ratio of . This is an improvement over the ratio of attributed to another local improvement heuristic for MAX-CUT (C. Papadimitriou, Computational Complexity, Addison Wesley, 1994). In fact we provide a bound of for this problem, where k 3 is the minimum number of literals in a clause. Such locally optimal algorithms appear to subsume typical greedy algorithms that have been suggested for problems in the general domain of satisfiability. It should be noted that the NAESP problem where each clause has exactly two literals, is equivalent to MAX-CUT. However, obtaining good approximation ratios using semi-definite programming techniques (M. Goemans and D.P. Williamson, in Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1994a, pp. 422–431) appears difficult. Also, the randomized rounding algorithm as well as the simple randomized algorithm both (M. Goemans and D.P. Williamson, SIAM J. Disc. Math, vol. 7, pp. 656–666, 1994b) yield a bound of for the MAXNAESP problem. In contrast to this, the algorithm proposed in this paper obtains a bound of for this problem.  相似文献   

The worst-case behavior of the critical path (CP) algorithm for multiprocessor scheduling with an out-tree task dependency structure is studied. The out-tree is not known in advance and the tasks are released on-line over time (each task is released at the completion time of its direct predecessor task in the out-tree). For each task, the processing time and the remainder (the length of the longest chain of the future tasks headed by this task) become known at its release time. The tight worst-case ratio and absolute error are derived for this strongly clairvoyant on-line model. For out-trees with a specific simple structure, essentially better worst-case ratio and absolute error are derived. Our bounds are given in terms of t max, the length of the longest chain in the out-tree, and it is shown that the worst-case ratio asymptotically approaches 2 for large t max when the number of processors , where is an integer close to . A non-clairvoyant on-line version (without knowledge of task processing time and remainder at the release time of the task) is also considered and is shown that the worst-case behavior of width-first search is better or the same as that of the depth-first search.  相似文献   

We investigate the computational complexity of two special cases of the Steiner tree problem where the distance matrix is a Kalmanson matrix or a circulant matrix, respectively. For Kalmanson matrices we develop an efficient polynomial time algorithm that is based on dynamic programming. For circulant matrices we give an -hardness proof and thus establish computational intractability.  相似文献   

Sorting by Reversals (SBR) is one of the most widely studied models of genome rearrangements in computational molecular biology. At present, is the best known approximation ratio achievable in polynomial time for SBR. A very closely related problem, called Breakpoint Graph Decomposition (BGD), calls for a largest collection of edge disjoint cycles in a suitably-defined graph. It has been shown that for almost all instances SBR is equivalent to BGD, in the sense that any solution of the latter corresponds to a solution of the former having the same value. In this paper, we show how to improve the approximation ratio achievable in polynomial time for BGD, from the previously known to for any > 0. Combined with the results in (Caprara, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 3, pp. 149–182, 1999b), this yields the same approximation guarantee for n! – O((n – 5)!) out of the n! instances of SBR on permutations with n elements. Our result uses the best known approximation algorithms for Stable Set on graphs with maximum degree 4 as well as for Set Packing where the maximum size of a set is 6. Any improvement in the ratio achieved by these approximation algorithms will yield an automatic improvement of our result.  相似文献   

The solution value of a stochastic version of the capacitated facility location problem is studied. It is shown that, for large numbers of customers n, the value of can be closely approximated by , where the constant is identified as a function of the parameters of the underlying stochastic model. Furthermore, an extensive probabilistic analysis is performed on the difference that includes an exponential inequality on the tail distribution, a classification of the speed of convergence and a central limit theorem.  相似文献   

We show that the problem of finding a perfect matching satisfying a single equality constraint with a 0–1 coefficients in an n × n incomplete bipartite graph, polynomially reduces to a special case of the same peoblem called the partitioned case. Finding a solution matching for the partitioned case in the incomlpete bipartite graph, is equivalent to minimizing a partial sum of the variables over = the convex hull of incidence vectors of solution matchings for the partitioned case in the complete bipartite graph. An important strategy to solve this minimization problem is to develop a polyhedral characterization of . Towards this effort, we present two large classes of valid inequalities for , which are proved to be facet inducing using a facet lifting scheme.  相似文献   

Approximation Algorithms in Batch Processing   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A polynomial approximation scheme for minimizing makespan in a batch processing system under dynamic job arrivals is presented. A lower bound of on the competitive ratio of any on-line algorithm is proved. This is matched by an on-line algorithm for the special case of unbounded machine capacity.  相似文献   

Given a graph G = (V,E), we define the locally optimal independent sets asfollows. Let S be an independent set and T be a subset of V such that S T = and (S) T, where (S) is defined as the neighbor set of S. A minimum dominating set of S in T is defined as TD(S) T such that every vertex of S is adjacent to a vertex inTD(S) and TD(S) has minimum cardinality. An independent setI is called r-locally optimal if it is maximal and there exists noindependent set S V\I with |ID (S)| r such that|S| >|I (S)|.In this paper, we demonstrate that for k-claw free graphs ther-locally optimal independent sets is found in polynomial timeand the worst case is bounded by , where I and I* are a locally optimal and an optimal independent set,respectively. This improves the best published bound by Hochbaum (1983) bynearly a factor of two. The bound is proved by LP duality and complementaryslackness. We provide an efficientO(|V|r+3) algorithm to find an independent set which is notnecessarily r-locally optimal but is guarantteed with the above bound. Wealso present an algorithm to find a r-locally optimal independent set inO(|V|r(k-1)+3) time.  相似文献   

For a Boolean function given by a Boolean formula (or a binary circuit) S we discuss the problem of building a Boolean formula (binary circuit) of minimal size, which computes the function g equivalent to , or -equivalent to , i.e., . In this paper we prove that if P NP then this problem can not be approximated with a good approximation ratio by a polynomial time algorithm.  相似文献   

Semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations are proving to be a powerful tool for finding tight bounds for hard discrete optimization problems. This is especially true for one of the easier NP-hard problems, the Max-Cut problem (MC). The well-known SDP relaxation for Max-Cut, here denoted SDP1, can be derived by a first lifting into matrix space and has been shown to be excellent both in theory and in practice.Recently the present authors have derived a new relaxation using a second lifting. This new relaxation, denoted SDP2, is strictly tighter than the relaxation obtained by adding all the triangle inequalities to the well-known relaxation. In this paper we present new results that further describe the remarkable tightness of this new relaxation. Let denote the feasible set of SDP2 for the complete graph with n nodes, let F n denote the appropriately defined projection of into , the space of real symmetric n × n matrices, and let C n denote the cut polytope in . Further let be the matrix variable of the SDP2 relaxation and X F n be its projection. Then for the complete graph on 3 nodes, F 3 = C 3 holds. We prove that the rank of the matrix variable of SDP2 completely characterizes the dimension of the face of the cut polytope in which the corresponding matrix X lies. This shows explicitly the connection between the rank of the variable Y of the second lifting and the possible locations of the projected matrix X within C 3. The results we prove for n = 3 cast further light on how SDP2 captures all the structure of C 3, and furthermore they are stepping stones for studying the general case n 4. For this case, we show that the characterization of the vertices of the cut polytope via rank Y = 1 extends to all n 4. More interestingly, we show that the characterization of the one-dimensional faces via rank Y = 2 also holds for n 4. Furthermore, we prove that if rank Y = 2 for n 3, then a simple algorithm exhibits the two rank-one matrices (corresponding to cuts) which are the vertices of the one-dimensional face of the cut polytope where X lies.  相似文献   

Breakpoint graph decomposition is a crucial step in all recent approximation algorithms for SORTING BY REVERSALS, which is one of the best-known algorithmic problems in computational molecular biology. Caprara and Rizzi recently improved the approximation ratio for breakpoint graph decomposition from to + 1.4348 + , for any positive . In this paper, we extend the techniques of Caprara and Rizzi and incorporate a balancing argument to further improve the approximation ratio to + 1.4193 + , for any positive . These improvements imply improved approximation results for SORTING BY REVERSALS for almost all random permutations.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a few important tree optimization problems with applications to computational biology. These problems ask for trees that are consistent with an as large part of the given data as possible. We show that the maximum homeomorphic agreement subtree problem cannot be approximated within a factor of , where N is the input size, for any 0 in polynomial time unless P = NP, even if all the given trees are of height 2. On the other hand, we present an O(N log N)-time heuristic for the restriction of this problem to instances with O(1) trees of height O(1) yielding solutions within a constant factor of the optimum. We prove that the maximum inferred consensus tree problem is NP-complete, and provide a simple, fast heuristic for it yielding solutions within one third of the optimum. We also present a more specialized polynomial-time heuristic for the maximum inferred local consensus tree problem.  相似文献   

It is known that (Cai, 2001). The reverse direction of whether ZPPNP is contained in remains open. We show that if the zero-error algorithm is allowed to ask only one query to the NP oracle (for any input and random string), then it can be simulated in . That is, we prove that . Next we consider whether the above result can be improved as and point out a difficulty in doing so. Via a simple proof, we observe that BPP ⊆ ZPPNP[1] (a result implicitly proven in some prior work). Thus, achieving the above improvement would imply BPP ⊆ PNP, settling a long standing open problem. We then argue that the above mentioned improvement can be obtained for the next level of the polynomial time hierarchy. Namely, we prove that . On the other hand, by adapting our proof of our main result it can be shown that . For the purpose of comparing these two results, we prove that . We conclude by observing that the above claims extend to the higher levels of the hierarchy: for k ≥ 2, and . Research supported in part by NSF grant CCR-0208013. A preliminary version of the paper was presented at COCOON′05 Cai and Chakaravarthy (2005). Part of the research was conducted while the author was at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  相似文献   

Improved Bounds on Relaxations of a Parallel Machine Scheduling Problem   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs withrelease dates on m identical parallel machines to minimize the average completion time of the jobs. We prove that the ratio of the average completion time of the optimal nonpreemptive schedule to that of the optimal preemptive schedule is at most 7/3, improving a bound of Shmoys and Wein.  相似文献   

The simple graph partitioning problem is to partition an edge-weighted graph into mutually disjoint subgraphs, each consisting of no more than b nodes, such that the sum of the weights of all edges in the subgraphs is maximal. In this paper we introduce a large class of facet defining inequalities for the simple graph partitioning polytopes n (b), b 3, associated with the complete graph on n nodes. These inequalities are induced by a graph configuration which is built upon trees of cardinality b. We provide a closed-form theorem that states all necessary and sufficient conditions for the facet defining property of the inequalities.  相似文献   

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