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本文分析了传统FAGM(1,1)模型建模过程中存在的误差,提出了一种基于Simpson公式改进的FAGM(1,1)模型。首先,基于分数阶累加生成算子和分数阶累减生成算子建立分数阶FAGM(1,1)模型。其次,利用Simpson积分公式对FAGM(1,1)模型的背景值进行改进,建立SFAGM(1,1)模型。进一步,应用遗传算法确定SFAGM(1,1)模型的最优阶数以提高模型的预测精度。最后,以中国人均GDP为例,对比分析GM(1,1)模型、Simpson改进的GM(1,1)模型(SGM(1,1))、FAGM(1,1)模型、SFAGM(1,1)模型的模拟结果,并对"十三五"时期的人均GDP进行预测,其结果表明SFAGM(1,1)模型比GM(1,1)、SGM(1,1)、FAGM(1,1)在人均GDP的预测方面有更高的精度,"十三五"期间人均GDP年平均增长率为10.64%,到2020年达到83146.97元,是2010年人均GDP的2.69倍,以2010年的人均GDP为基准,到2020年将能够实现翻一番的目标。  相似文献   

基于VaR-EGARCH-GED模型的深圳股票市场波动性分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文应用模型EGARCH(1,1)-GED和GARCH(1,1)-N计算了深圳股票市场成份指数的日对数回报VaR值。通过后验测试和统计分析表明,对深圳成份指数的波动性分析,模型EGARCH(1,1)-GED优于GARCH(1,1)-N。在此分析结果基础上,文中进一步分析了深圳股票市场的系统性风险并提出了相关结论与政策建议。  相似文献   

We investigate a class of semiparametric ARCH(∞) models that includes as a special case the partially nonparametric (PNP) model introduced by Engle and Ng (1993) and which allows for both flexible dynamics and flexible function form with regard to the “news impact” function. We show that the functional part of the model satisfies a type II linear integral equation and give simple conditions under which there is a unique solution. We propose an estimation method that is based on kernel smoothing and profiled likelihood. We establish the distribution theory of the parametric components and the pointwise distribution of the nonparametric component of the model. We also discuss efficiency of both the parametric part and the nonparametric part. We investigate the performance of our procedures on simulated data and on a sample of S&P500 index returns. We find evidence of asymmetric news impact functions, consistent with the parametric analysis.  相似文献   

We initiate the study of relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labelings of graphs. Suppose \(G\) is a graph. Let \(u\) be a vertex of \(G\). A vertex \(v\) is called an \(i\)-neighbor of \(u\) if \(d_G(u,v)=i\). A \(1\)-neighbor of \(u\) is simply called a neighbor of \(u\). Let \(s\) and \(t\) be two nonnegative integers. Suppose \(f\) is an assignment of nonnegative integers to the vertices of \(G\). If the following three conditions are satisfied, then \(f\) is called an \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling of \(G\): (1) for any two adjacent vertices \(u\) and \(v\) of \(G, f(u)\not =f(v)\); (2) for any vertex \(u\) of \(G\), there are at most \(s\) neighbors of \(u\) receiving labels from \(\{f(u)-1,f(u)+1\}\); (3) for any vertex \(u\) of \(G\), the number of \(2\)-neighbors of \(u\) assigned the label \(f(u)\) is at most \(t\). The minimum span of \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labelings of \(G\) is called the \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling number of \(G\), denoted by \(\lambda ^{s,t}_{2,1}(G)\). It is clear that \(\lambda ^{0,0}_{2,1}(G)\) is the so called \(L(2,1)\)-labeling number of \(G\). \(\lambda ^{1,0}_{2,1}(G)\) is simply written as \(\widetilde{\lambda }(G)\). This paper discusses basic properties of \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling numbers of graphs. For any two nonnegative integers \(s\) and \(t\), the exact values of \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling numbers of paths, cycles and complete graphs are determined. Tight upper and lower bounds for \((s,t)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling numbers of complete multipartite graphs and trees are given. The upper bounds for \((s,1)\)-relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labeling number of general graphs are also investigated. We introduce a new graph parameter called the breaking path covering number of a graph. A breaking path \(P\) is a vertex sequence \(v_1,v_2,\ldots ,v_k\) in which each \(v_i\) is adjacent to at least one vertex of \(v_{i-1}\) and \(v_{i+1}\) for \(i=2,3,\ldots ,k-1\). A breaking path covering of \(G\) is a set of disjoint such vertex sequences that cover all vertices of \(G\). The breaking path covering number of \(G\), denoted by \(bpc(G)\), is the minimum number of breaking paths in a breaking path covering of \(G\). In this paper, it is proved that \(\widetilde{\lambda }(G)= n+bpc(G^{c})-2\) if \(bpc(G^{c})\ge 2\) and \(\widetilde{\lambda }(G)\le n-1\) if and only if \(bpc(G^{c})=1\). The breaking path covering number of a graph is proved to be computable in polynomial time. Thus, if a graph \(G\) is of diameter two, then \(\widetilde{\lambda }(G)\) can be determined in polynomial time. Several conjectures and problems on relaxed \(L(2,1)\)-labelings are also proposed.  相似文献   

针对传统GM(1,N)模型未考虑参数随时间变化的动态特征及未明确驱动因素作用机制的问题,首先引入线性时变参数以及驱动因素控制函数,构建基于驱动因素控制的线性时变参数DLDGM(1,N)模型,论证DGM(1,1)、NDGM(1,1)、TDGM(1,1)、DGM(1,N)、DCDGM(1,N)模型均是该模型在不同参数取值下的特殊形式;然后基于白化信息充分和匮乏的两种情况,给出驱动因素控制参数的识别方法;最后应用所提模型对河南省粮食产量进行预测,验证模型的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

We study the optimal pricing and replenishment decisions in an inventory system with a price‐sensitive demand, focusing on the benefit of the inventory‐based dynamic pricing strategy. We find that demand variability impacts the benefit of dynamic pricing not only through the magnitude of the variability but also through its functional form (e.g., whether it is additive, multiplicative, or others). We provide an approach to quantify the profit improvement of dynamic pricing over static pricing without having to solve the dynamic pricing problem. We also demonstrate that dynamic pricing is most effective when it is jointly optimized with inventory replenishment decisions, and that its advantage can be mostly realized by using one or two price changes over a replenishment cycle.  相似文献   

针对小样本条件下具有相互制约关系的多变量系统,本文提出了一种新颖的多变量MGM(1,m)自忆性耦合系统模型,用来统一描述系统各变量间关系并且提高其建模精度。该模型通过有机耦合动力系统自忆性原理与传统MGM(1,m)模型,综合了两者各自的优势。系统的自忆性方程包含多个时次初始场而不仅是单个时次初始场,从而克服了传统灰色预测模型对初值比较敏感的弱点。对基坑变形预测的实例研究结果表明,所构建模型能够充分利用系统的多个历史时次资料,可以紧密捕捉系统演化趋势,模拟预测精度显著高于传统多变量MGM(1,m)模型。研究结果表明,新模型丰富和完善了灰色预测理论,值得推广应用于其他类似的多变量系统。  相似文献   

Motivated by the challenges small‐ to medium‐size companies face in export‐oriented industries, we consider a competitive market for a set of substitutable products. Depending on the assortment of the firms and the substitution behavior of the customer, either a product is sold to the customer or the sale is lost. We consider the cooperation of independent producers that offer a combined set of products to their customers. Producers use discounted price contracts to manage the exchange of products among themselves. We propose an analytical model that enables us to determine the characteristics of firms and their products that would facilitate a beneficial cooperation. We conclude that a cooperation between symmetric single‐product firms is always beneficial, whereas threshold‐type criteria should be satisfied so that assortment‐based cooperation is beneficial for asymmetric firms. We also show that commonality in product assortments of cooperating firms has adverse effects on the benefit from cooperation. For the most general problem setting, we propose a method to determine the set of firms that should cooperate and set the parameters of the contract among the members of cooperation in such a way that each member of the cooperation is better off. We use a numerical study to draw insights on the conditions for which our cooperation scheme is beneficial in the most general problem setting.  相似文献   

Closed‐loop supply chains (CLSC) have product returns at the center of attention. Our view is that CLSC are best managed from a business perspective where organizations seek to maximize value recovery. The research in the feature issue, and our experiences, shows that there are still numerous, unresolved, managerially relevant issues that deserve further investigation. We also observe that there is a pressing need to validate the assumptions in our models using interdisciplinary, industry‐driven research. The time is right for production and operations management to play a central role in the sustainability movement slowly taking hold in practice.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to link arsenic exposure and influenza A (H1N1) infection‐induced respiratory effects to assess the impact of arsenic‐contaminated drinking water on exacerbation risk of A (H1N1)‐associated lung function. The homogeneous Poisson process was used to approximate the related processes between arsenic exposure and influenza‐associated lung function exacerbation risk. We found that (i) estimated arsenic‐induced forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) reducing rates ranged from 0.116 to 0.179 mL/μg for age 15–85 years, (ii) estimated arsenic‐induced A (H1N1) viral load increasing rate was 0.5 mL/μg, (iii) estimated A (H1N1) virus‐induced FEV1 reducing rate was 0.10 mL/logTCID50, and (iv) the relationship between arsenic exposure and A (H1N1)‐associated respiratory symptoms scores (RSS) can be described by a Hill model. Here we showed that maximum RSS at day 2 postinfection for Taiwan, West Bengal (India), and the United States were estimated to be in the severe range of 0.83, 0.89, and 0.81, respectively, indicating that chronic arsenic exposure and A (H1N1) infection together are most likely to pose potential exacerbations risk of lung function, although a 50% probability of lung function exacerbations risk induced by arsenic and influenza infection was within the mild and moderate ranges of RSS at day 1 and 2 postinfection. We concluded that avoidance of drinking arsenic‐containing water could significantly reduce influenza respiratory illness and that need will become increasingly urgent as the novel H1N1 pandemic influenza virus infects people worldwide.  相似文献   

As much as 50% of effective capacity can be lost to setups in printed circuit board assembly. Shigeo Shingo showed that radical reductions in setup times are possible in metal fabrication using an approach he called “Single Minute Exchange of Dies” (SMED). We applied SMED to setups of high speed circuit board assembly tools. Its key concepts were valid in this very different industry, but while SMED typically emphasizes process simplification, we had to add modern information technology tools including wireless terminals, barcodes, and a relational database. These tools shield operators from the inherent complexity of managing thousands of unique parts and feeders. The economic value of setup reduction is rarely calculated. We estimate a reduction of key setup times by more than 80%, and direct benefits of $1.8 million per year. Total cost of the changes was approximately $350,000.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(6):1279-1305
Modern infrastructures are becoming increasingly dependent on electronic systems, leaving them more vulnerable to electrical surges or electromagnetic interference. Electromagnetic disturbances appear in nature, e.g., lightning and solar wind; however, they may also be generated by man‐made technology to maliciously damage or disturb electronic equipment. This article presents a systematic risk assessment framework for identifying possible, consequential, and plausible intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) attacks on an arbitrary distribution network infrastructure. In the absence of available data on IEMI occurrences, we find that a systems‐based risk assessment is more useful than a probabilistic approach. We therefore modify the often applied definition of risk, i.e., a set of triplets containing scenario, probability, and consequence, to a set of quadruplets: scenario, resource requirements, plausibility, and consequence. Probability is “replaced” by resource requirements and plausibility, where the former is the minimum amount and type of equipment necessary to successfully carry out an attack scenario and the latter is a subjective assessment of the extent of the existence of attackers who possess the motivation, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the scenario. We apply the concept of intrusion areas and classify electromagnetic source technology according to key attributes. Worst‐case scenarios are identified for different quantities of attacker resources. The most plausible and consequential of these are deemed the most important scenarios and should provide useful decision support in a countermeasures effort. Finally, an example of the proposed risk assessment framework, based on notional data, is provided on a hypothetical water distribution network.  相似文献   

A variation of the classical channel assignment problem is to assign a radio channel which is a nonnegative integer to each radio transmitter so that ??close?? transmitters must receive different channels and ??very close?? transmitters must receive channels that are at least two channels apart. The goal is to minimize the span of a feasible assignment. This channel assignment problem can be modeled with distance-dependent graph labelings. A k-L(2,1)-labeling of a graph G is a mapping f from the vertex set of G to the set {0,1,2,??,k} such that |f(x)?f(y)|??2 if d(x,y)=1 and $f(x)\not =f(y)$ if d(x,y)=2, where d(x,y) is the distance between vertices x and y in G. The minimum k for which G admits an k-L(2,1)-labeling, denoted by ??(G), is called the ??-number of G. Very little is known about ??-numbers of 3-regular graphs. In this paper we focus on an important subclass of 3-regular graphs called generalized Petersen graphs. For an integer n??3, a graph G is called a generalized Petersen graph of order n if and only if G is a 3-regular graph consisting of two disjoint cycles (called inner and outer cycles) of length n, where each vertex of the outer (resp. inner) cycle is adjacent to exactly one vertex of the inner (resp. outer) cycle. In 2002, Georges and Mauro conjectured that ??(G)??7 for all generalized Petersen graphs G of order n??7. Later, Adams, Cass and Troxell proved that Georges and Mauro??s conjecture is true for orders 7 and 8. In this paper it is shown that Georges and Mauro??s conjecture is true for generalized Petersen graphs of orders 9, 10, 11 and 12.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate how public opinion surveys can be designed to collect information pertinent to computational behavior modeling, and we present the results of a public opinion and behavior survey conducted during the 2009–2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic. The results are used to parameterize the Health Belief Model of individual health‐protective decision making. Survey subjects were asked questions about their perceptions of the then‐circulating influenza and attitudes towards two personal protective behaviors: vaccination and avoidance of crowds. We empirically address two important issues in applying the Health Belief Model of behavior to computational infectious disease simulation: (1) the factors dynamically influencing the states of the Health Belief Model variables and (2) the appropriateness of the Health Belief Model in describing self‐protective behavior in the context of pandemic influenza.  相似文献   

Yacov Y. Haimes 《Risk analysis》2011,31(8):1175-1186
This article highlights the complexity of the quantification of the multidimensional risk function, develops five systems‐based premises on quantifying the risk of terrorism to a threatened system, and advocates the quantification of vulnerability and resilience through the states of the system. The five premises are: (i) There exists interdependence between a specific threat to a system by terrorist networks and the states of the targeted system, as represented through the system's vulnerability, resilience, and criticality‐impact. (ii) A specific threat, its probability, its timing, the states of the targeted system, and the probability of consequences can be interdependent. (iii) The two questions in the risk assessment process: “What is the likelihood?” and “What are the consequences?” can be interdependent. (iv) Risk management policy options can reduce both the likelihood of a threat to a targeted system and the associated likelihood of consequences by changing the states (including both vulnerability and resilience) of the system. (v) The quantification of risk to a vulnerable system from a specific threat must be built on a systemic and repeatable modeling process, by recognizing that the states of the system constitute an essential step to construct quantitative metrics of the consequences based on intelligence gathering, expert evidence, and other qualitative information. The fact that the states of all systems are functions of time (among other variables) makes the time frame pivotal in each component of the process of risk assessment, management, and communication. Thus, risk to a system, caused by an initiating event (e.g., a threat) is a multidimensional function of the specific threat, its probability and time frame, the states of the system (representing vulnerability and resilience), and the probabilistic multidimensional consequences.  相似文献   

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