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住房分配货币化是中国城镇住房制度在现实的历史条件下符合我国国情的重大改革措施。它将改变传统的住房实物分配方式,引入市场机制,形成新的住房分配体制。实现这一转变的一个重要步骤就是把住宅的最终消费者——居民推向住宅市场。 一、对货币化分配制度基本特征的认识 住房分配货币化是指在住房社会再生产中最终消费者以有偿货币方式取得住房,也就是单位将住房的实物分配转化为按照职工工资、工龄、业绩、住房现状等核定并发放的用于取得住房的货币工资(包括住房补贴、住房津贴、住房有价证券等形式),让职工凭个人收入到市场上购买…  相似文献   

经济适用住房制度在特定的历史阶段起到了不可替代的作用,但其“保障性质”在房地产日益市场化的进程中被弱化:(1)有效供给不足;(2)管理存在制度缺陷。从经济学角度分析了以北京为例的实证,本文提出:发展用于出租的经济适用住房;成立非营利的专门机构来负责经济适用住房的开发建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

澳大利亚社会住房创意项目 为了应对经济危机中,澳大利亚政府在2009年2月,在新的国家建设和经济激励规划中,包括了社会住房创意项目(Social Housing Initiative)。项目计划联邦政府在三年之内提供64亿澳元的资金,用来修缮和建设廉租住房。这个项目由联邦政府和州政府,以及非盈利部门共同实施,  相似文献   

新当选的国务院总理朱镕基宣布,今年下半年出台房改政策,全国停止福利性分房,改住房实物分配为货币化分配,实行新房新制度。这标志着——  相似文献   

上海动拆迁问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了“八五”期间上海动拆迁工作的成绩和存在的问题,并从级差地租的分配、动拆迁的主体、动拆迁行为的性质和动折迁与住房制度改革等方面,对有关理论问题作了较深入的探讨。文章认为,动拆迁过程中产生的级差地租收益应由国家、开发商和动迁居民共同分享;城市房屋动迁是一种民事行为,必须遵循“自愿、公平、等价、有偿”的原则;动迁户的安置应尽可能采取货币化形式,并最终实现动迁与住房制度改革的接轨。  相似文献   

住房制度的改革已经在全国城镇普遍展开。住房制度改革的实质是把住宅这个大商品纳入商品经济的轨道,按照价值规律来组织、实施住宅生产、分配,使之实现住宅的商品化。从而实现住房资金投入和产出的良性循环。目前绝大部分城镇和企事业单位的住房改革方案还是租金改革,也就是普遍称为“提租加贴”。例如作为全国试点城市的烟台、唐山市实施的为“提租加贴”空转起步、唐山市分二步到位。第一步按住宅使用面积稍稍提高一些租金,每平方米只提几分钱。第二步才真正实施“提租补贴”到位。仅以第一步的做法全市每季就能净增租金一千多万  相似文献   

刘敏 《社会》2001,(6):25-27
从一定意义上讲 ,广告是社会的一个缩影。基于此 ,笔者收集了自1994年以来所有3月2日的《新民晚报》 ,试图通过商品住房广告来说明近年来上海市社会变迁的一些基本情况。之所以选择1994年作为临界点 ,是因为 :第一 ,1994年以前 ,面向国内普通居民的商品住房广告寥寥无几 ,再往前比较已不具有可比性 ;第二 ,1994年是我国房改制度创新阶段的起点 ,之后我国的房改进入实质性阶段———住房货币化阶段。一、从广告的变化看住房制度的变迁住房是一个特殊商品 ,住房市场的发展情况与有关政策紧密相关 ,商品住房广告的变化状况能…  相似文献   

石油企业在我国国民经济发展中具有重要地位,石油企业的特殊性质使得其住房制度改革成为整个企业改革的至关重要组成部分.成功的住房制度改革不仅要有一套切实可行的改革方案,还要对其成效进行实时评价.评价石油企业住房制度改革需要从企业住房供应体系、企业住房分配货币化、企业职工住房负担水平、企业职工住房质量四个子系统出发,从定量和定性两个方面对石油企业住房制度改革进行综合评价.石油企业住房制度改革模糊综合评价指标体系是一个多因素组成的多层次的复杂系统,模糊综合评价法同其他评价方法的根本区别在于判断矩阵的模糊性,能够简化人们判断目标相对重要性的复杂程度,借助模糊判断矩阵实现定量转换,可以进一步判断住房制度改革的效果,对影响住房制度改革发展的问题提出早期顸警.  相似文献   

路径之一:加大政府扶持力度 首先,对养老机构实施政策性补贴,加大对养老机构的投入,并切实落实优惠政策。政府投入应以政策性补贴为主,政策性补贴可以有效缓解养老机构建设与经营压力。政府对养老机构应加强协调,切实落实优惠政策,如对养老机构实行运营补贴和床位补助,帮助养老机构降低建设成本和经营成本,  相似文献   

日本在“日元国际化”的口号下,推行日元基准货币化计划,谋求建立以日元为核心的亚洲货币体系和以日本为主导的区域性经济网络。在亚洲金融危机中,“亚洲日元圈”首次进入了组织化、制度化阶段。它无疑将对中国的经济发展和对外政策产生众多的制约,大大约束中国经济政策和对外政策的选择余地。本文依据基准货币的基本特性,在亚太地区国际关系格局的框架内,探讨了日本推行“亚洲日元圈”的经济动因和政治动因;从亚洲地区经济的各层面和基准货币的三种货币功能分析了“亚洲日元圈”的既成基础及日元基准货币化的近期可行性;并根据冷战后日本国内外的政治经济环境预测了“亚洲日元圈”前景中的不确定因素  相似文献   

Objective. This article examines the effects of residential mobility on social connections that are likely to affect children's well‐being. Methods. We use data from a survey of participants in a housing experiment in Los Angeles, California to examine whether families that moved from public housing projects to other neighborhoods suffered short‐term losses of social capital. Results. Results indicate that residential mobility is associated with a reduced likelihood of parents talking with the parents of their children's friends. However, the effects of residential mobility on social capital are sensitive to adjustments for poverty levels in destination neighborhoods and factors that influence the probability of moving. Conclusions. Our results suggest that at least some of the negative effects of moving shown in previous studies may be due to negative selection. That is, families that move may be less successful at developing social ties than families that do not move. This finding suggests that future research on residential mobility needs to pay closer attention to factors that influence why and where families move.  相似文献   

Among Canada’s visible-minority population 65 years of age or older, nearly four out of ten are Chinese. However, little research has been devoted to the examination of the role of the housing environment in building social capital for older Chinese despite the increase in this population and related social issues. The purpose of this paper is to examine Chinese elders’ experience of social capital and how it is affected by their residential environment in a Canadian context. In this qualitative study, forty-three Chinese elders in a Canadian context were interviewed with a focus group approach. Findings indicate that the environments in which these older adults lived either hindered or assisted them in building or increasing their social capital. A culturally and linguistically homogeneous residential environment does not necessarily provide positive support to older Chinese for their acquisition of social capital. Adversities in the environment, such as maltreatment or lack of support from their immediate micro environment (family), tended to motivate older adults to improve their social capital for problem-solving. The study offers implications from research findings to social work practice and concludes with an analysis of limitations.  相似文献   

The lack of housing in areas where young adults have greater opportunities to study and get work complicates young adults’ entry into the adulthood. Difficulties in accessing housing may therefore delay childbearing and may negatively have an effect on education opportunities. To increase housing accessibility, some municipalities have earmarked apartments for young adults. These “youth dwellings” are criticized for being small and not necessarily facilitating family formation and fertility, better suiting students’ needs. We have in this paper compared the long-term pattern of childbearing and education for young adults that entered their housing market through small cheap youth housing with those youngsters that received a rental apartment from the ordinary housing stock. To be able to draw the conclusion that differences in fertility and educational pattern between these two groups comes from the different housing situation and not from differences in in preferences when it comes to childbearing or individual prerequisites for higher education, we have used a geocoded data and information on the individual’s family background as well as a matching technique to create a comparison group that are similar to the treatment group in several aspects. The present results indicate that building affordable housing that is small and space efficient is sufficient and positive if the aim is to promote higher education. Affordable housing is on the other hand not enough to promote childbearing, instead, it seems to inhibit childbearing until there is a possibility of moving on in the housing career. Our result also indicates that the next step need not necessarily be homeownership, as earlier research has indicated. Entering the housing market via youth housing and then being able to move on to rental accommodation in the ordinary housing market also seems to have a positive effect on overall childbearing, although moving to cooperative housing or owned housing has an even larger effect.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence of the role of the euro in the genesis of the recent Irish financial-economic crisis. By using a Taylor rule we measure the appropriateness of the ECB’s one-size-fits-all policy rate for the Irish economy. A counterfactual analysis suggests that the Irish interest rate should have been on average 6.5% higher. Using a BVAR and multivariate housing model, we provide econometric evidence that under an alternative sovereign monetary policy, the average house price would have been 25–30% lower just before the housing bust. In addition, it shows that a monetary policy tailored to the needs of the member state prevents housing prices from dramatically increasing.  相似文献   

Israel’s rapid population growth, deriving from its unique demographics, is generating a consistent rise in the demand for residential housing. The low interest rate environment in Israel since the beginning of the last decade has also contributed to the rise in demand for housing, which exceeded the available supply and led to a continuous rise in the price of housing. The various government programs all attempted to halt the rising prices, with no long-term success, if any. Policymakers focused on making ownership of housing affordable for young couples but directed their activity at repressing the demand for housing among investors and housing upgraders. This interpretive article focuses on analyzing Israel’s housing policy and indicates the built-in failure engrained in this policy, as the demand for housing in Israel is a rigid demand deriving from the country’s demographics and values and therefore attempts at repressing it are futile in essence. The housing policy aimed at making housing affordable for young people must examine, before it is finalized, their overall incentives to own housing on one hand and the obstacles they encounter that prevent them from opting for rentals on the other, and accordingly formulate the features and different terms of the policy. The research conclusion indicates the need to implement a public policy that will promote the rental alternative as an efficient way of meeting the demand for housing on one hand and of curbing the price of housing on the other.  相似文献   

缑文学 《创新》2012,6(4):121-125,128
政策性农村住房保险是一种由政府推动,农户自愿参保,财政资金补助,保险公司经营,以农民居住用房为保险对象,按照保险合同约定对倒塌房屋损失予以赔偿的新型保险制度。广西壮族自治区从2011年起,在全区范围内推广政策性农房保险,对灾后农户重建家园、恢复基本生产生活起到了积极的保障作用,取得了应有的成效,但由于推广时间短,还存在一些不足和缺陷,要采取相应的政策和措施,及时的调整和完善。  相似文献   

涂俊 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):101-106
以关中民居建筑的管理制度为重点,研究在森严的等级制度和宗法制度影响下民居建筑谨慎的表达方式。民居建筑在等级制度的干预下虽处于被动的情况,但是物质生活的提高使人们在建造房屋的同时寻找着中庸变通之道,使得民居建筑在装饰艺术方面受等级制度和宗法制度制约中显得灵活多变。  相似文献   


The Retirement System for Veteran Cadres (Lixiu) is one part of China’s dual-track retirement system. According to some official policies, retired veteran cadres should enjoy a number of privileges in terms of pension, health care, use of government vehicle, housing and peculiar political rights. Based on participant observation and semi-structured interview, the study looks into the life of the population in a residential community of Jinan Municipal Party Committee, Shandong Province. By incorporating Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, the study finds that in China, services for retired cadres still fall short of the expectations of policy. Establishment of ‘big communities’ with the idea of ageing-in-place is suggested.  相似文献   


Supportive housing later in life tends to be a key concern for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders. Most senior care providers are un(der)prepared to meet the needs of older LGBT adults. This study evaluated the efficacy of a 4 hours, face-to-face, research-based, LGBT-diversity training designed to improve senior housing facility staff’s cultural competency regarding the needs of LGBT elders. Findings from this study found a significant increase in LGBT content knowledge between pre- and post-intervention assessments and a significant decrease in perceived preparedness when working with LGBT elders. These effects remained significant after controlling for staff designation, religion, educational attainment, and training session. Findings suggest that staff’s cultural competence affected their perceived readiness to address LGBT elders’ needs. Implications are related to the concept of cultural humility or the lifelong process of understanding others’ experiences based on the recognition of lack of un(der)preparedness to create a culturally supportive residential environment.  相似文献   

This paper examines the housing-output growth nexus in South Africa by accounting for the time variation in the causal link with a bootstrapped rolling Granger non-causality test. We use quarterly data on real gross domestic product, real house prices, real gross fixed capital formation and number of building plans passed. Our data span 1971Q2–2012Q2. Using full sample bootstrap Granger causality tests, we find a uni-directional causality from output to number of building plans passed; a uni-directional causality from real house price to output and a bi-directional causal link between residential investment and output. However, using parameter stability tests, we show that estimated VARs are unstable, thus full-sample Granger causality inference may be invalid. Hence, we use a bootstrap rolling window estimation to evaluate Granger causality between the housing variables and the growth rate. In general, we find that the causality from housing to output and, vice versa, differ across different sample periods due to structural changes. Specifically speaking, house price is found to have the strongest causal relationship with output compared to residential investment and number of building plans passed, with real house price showing predictive ability in all but one downward phase of the business cycle during this period.  相似文献   

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