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Theory and Decision - Friendship is commonly assumed to reduce strategic uncertainty and enhance tacit coordination. However, this assumption has never been tested across two opposite poles of...  相似文献   

The logic of linking an organization's cooperative market relations and its internal organization structure is developed.The model permits one to simultaneously consider the best match of the environment and the most efficient internal structure. It is the matching relation which is not well developed in the literature, and the major contribution of this paper.This research was undertaken at the CEROG, Université d'Aix-Marseille, France.  相似文献   

Stability definitions for describing human behavior under conflict when coalitions may form are generalized within the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution and algebraic formulations of these definitions are provided to allow computer implementation. The more general definitions of coalitional stabilities relax the assumption of transitive graphs capturing movements under the control of decision makers, either independently or cooperatively, and allow the convenient expansion to the case of coalitions of the four basic individual stabilities consisting of Nash stability, general metarationality, symmetric metarationality, and sequential stability. To permit the various coalitional stabilities to be efficiently calculated and conveniently encoded within a decision support system, algebraic expressions for the coalitional stabilities are provided in this research. Furthermore, a range of the theorems establish the mathematical credibility of employing the innovative algebraic approach to conflict resolution when coalitions are present. Finally, a conflict over the proposed exportation of bulk water from Lake Gisborne within the Canadian Province of Newfoundland and Labrador is modelled and analyzed to illustrate the practical application of the different coalitional stabilities and the strategic insights they provide.  相似文献   

政校合作的人才培养模式的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职教育培养高级技术型、应用型人才,其特点是实践技能强。但绝大多数高职院校仅凭自身的教学设施很难达成这一培养目标,而通过政校合作的培养模式,可以很好地解决该问题。  相似文献   

岳崇国 《创新》2010,4(1):116-119
叔本华和尼采同为19世纪著名的意志主义者,他们的哲学思想存在着明显的时代烙印。他们同是对生活持悲观的态度,但他们在摆脱痛苦的途径上却不同,叔本华采取的是否定生命,而尼采则是对生命的肯定,这样就出现了生存意志和强力意志、悲观主义和乐观主义的差异。  相似文献   

《社区工作》课程是社会工作专业的十大主干课程之一,如何上好本门课程,笔者进行了很多探索,本文在实验的基础上,主要分析了分组教学在《社区工作》课程教学中的意义,希望对其他课程的教学改革有所启发.  相似文献   

Popularity among peers might be related to behavior in gradual or non‐gradual ways. In this research, a popularity subgroups approach was used to examine whether some behaviors were associated with only specific levels of popularity. Moreover, observational data in popularity research is valuable yet scarce. This research, therefore, also examined the association between popularity and observed behavior in a cooperative and competitive setting. In total, 182 early adolescents (58.2% girls, Mage = 10.7 years) completed peer nominations and were observed during a cooperative and a competitive task in groups of four. Results show that affective ties increased gradually with increasing popularity, but that relational aggression, bullying and attention‐attracting qualities distinguished popular adolescents from other early adolescents, and victimization distinguished unpopular adolescents from the other early adolescents. Observations showed that high popularity was defined by high levels of negative behavior, prosocial resource control, skillful leadership, and influence, with the effect of popularity on influence being stronger in the cooperative than the competitive setting. Using multiple methods, and taking context into account, a more complete behavioral profile of different levels of popularity is provided.  相似文献   

Theory and Decision - Two coalition formation experiments were performed in which subjects played twenty 3-person games in characteristic function form. The experiments were identical except for...  相似文献   

文化认同与国家安全初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化认同是指个体与外部世界、个体与个体以及个体与群体之间的一致性确认,它主要包括身份文化认同、民族文化认同、政治文化认同、国际文化认同等几个方面的内容。文化认同对于民族国家的生存和发展具有重大意义,是国家主权独立的基础、国家安全的重要内容、综合国力的组成部分。在全球化和信息化的进程中,我国的文化认同面临严峻挑战,需要不断进行文化创新、积极进行文化建设、注重对外文化交流,更为有效地维护和重建我国的文化认同。  相似文献   

Summary A recent survey by the authors has demonstrated that attemptedsuicide is common in parents, particularly mothers, who abusetheir children. However, the nature of the association betweenchild abuse and attempted suicide is complicated. Here somepossible types of association are suggested. In management ofchild abuse, special note should be taken of a history of attemptedsuicide in the parents because, in some cases, it suggests apoor prognosis. Similarly, young children of parents who attemptsuicide should be assessed in case they are at risk of abuse.  相似文献   

社会工作信守“案主自决”的原则,其实是与较偏狭的实证知识观所强调的价值抽离理念紧密相连。韦伯对于价值关联的论述,在一定程度上有助于解释价值规范在社会工作实务中的重要性。但却一如实证论者般坚持价值判断是主观的,没有理性的基础。实际上,在社会工作实务中,充满着价值介入,那种价值抽离状态下的“案主自决”是不可能的。  相似文献   

朱伟东 《唐都学刊》2009,25(5):94-96
美国的独立是北美殖民地重商主义经济发展的必然结果.北美殖民地经济的发展在一定程度上对母国的经济产生了威胁,由此导致了七年战争后英国对殖民地经济与政治政策的转变,而这一转变又直接导致殖民地上层人士对英国的不满,而英国政府政策的失误则直接导致了北美殖民地与母国的分道扬镳.  相似文献   

Psychological reactance is a motivational force that may arise when ones freedom is threatened (Brehm, 1966). Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to label and control emotions. The purpose of this study is to explore relationships between reactance and emotional intelligence. A total of 298 undergraduate students (54.4% male) completed a measure of psychological reactance and EI. Results show that males with low behavioral reactance have significantly higher EI subscale scores on well-being, self-control, and emotionality. For females there is no significant difference between high and low behavioral reactance, and any of the EI subscales. However, for verbal reactance males with higher reactance scores have higher EI scores on self-control, well-being, emotionality, and sociability. Females with higher verbal reactance scores have higher EI scores on emotionality and sociability. These findings suggest that the relationship between reactance and EI is somewhat gender dependent and that overall emotionality is highly associated with reactance in both genders.  相似文献   

孟加拉国人向印度移民有着历史、地缘、政治和经济因素。他们的大量涌入让印度非常担忧,认为它给印度的政治团结、经济发展、社会稳定和国家安全带来了威胁。为了防范和打击孟加拉国非法移民,印度采取了包括遣返、修建隔离网、筑造边界公路、增设边界哨所、实施"多用途身份证"在内的一系列措施。由于孟加拉国拒不承认非法移民问题,两国经常为此发生外交纠纷。非法移民问题日益成为制约两国关系改善的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

凤录生 《唐都学刊》2001,17(2):86-90
道教与志怪传奇小说存在着渊源关系.首先,从道教的文化生成来看,道教一方面采中华文化之元气而结胎成型和发展壮大,同时又返潮回流,以各种途径给予中华文化以巨大影响,以同样文化为创作背景和表现对象的中国古代小说自然难免受其濡染.第二,从志怪传奇小说自身来看,对神仙恋慕,对怪异的崇尚使小说作者与道教难分难舍.第三,道教在世俗化的过程中自觉地利用小说来传教,从而使某些道教作品呈现出小说化的倾向.  相似文献   

职业化社区工作者与专业化社区工作者的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李芹 《社会》2003,(1):25-27
在社区研究过程中,人们经常谈 到近几年城市街居管理体制改革有几个明显特点:社区居委会工作者的  相似文献   

Thehistoryoftheworldoverthe pasttwocenturies,whetherviewedpolitically ,economically ,sociallyorideologically ,has,toalargeextent,founditsmostvividexpressioninthehistoryofthedevelopmentoftwomajortrendsofthought:liberalismandsocialism .Togainabetterunderstan…  相似文献   

晁乐红 《学术交流》2005,(10):19-23
经济伦理学的合理建构,是经济学与伦理学长期互动融合的结果。许久以来,经济学一直在努力寻找经济行为的道德合理性支撑;而伦理学也一直在努力试图为经济行为提供道德合理性证明。因此,以人类经济行为的道德合理性为前提和基础的经济伦理学的发展成为一种必然。  相似文献   

内部证成与外部证成的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部证成与外部证成的区分,构成了当今法律论证的一个重要理论基础.传统法律论证模式关注于推理形式及其规则的研究,而对推理的前提关注不够.而内部证成与外部证成的区分,显示了法学家们将法律论证过程清晰化与精制化的理论努力.国内学界近年来也开始重视这一区分.无论是内部证成还是外部证成,均通过对更为精致的推理结构和过程的探求,来使法律决定或判断正当化.  相似文献   

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