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This paper reports the results of interviews with eight clinicians about their work, in each case, with one adult victim of father/ daughter incest. These interviews were examined in the context of both historic and modern psychoanalytic views of incest and implications for treatment grounded in psychoanalytic theory. The modern clinical approach exercised by these clinicians reflects modifications of older analytic attitudes about incest and integrates new knowledge gathered from alternative theoretical sources.  相似文献   

Many child protection practitioners struggle with the complexity of problems and the limited casework time for adolescent cases. However, there is little research on child protection practice or case management that can guide a practitioner working with adolescents in the child protection system. The aim of this study was to explore and describe the nature of effective child protection practice with adolescents from the perspective of statutory child protection practitioners in one state in Australia. Data were collected through focus group discussions and interviews with child protection practitioners and managers currently working with adolescents (n= 44). A grounded theory approach was used to identify the dominant themes or categories and form linkages and relationships through constant comparison techniques. Seven key categories emerged from this analysis: characteristics of the young person and their family; ‘walking it together’– the centrality of relationships; ‘looking back/looking forward’– practice strategies; practitioner attributes and skills; ‘walking a fine line’– working with the families of adolescents; ‘walking with services’– effective inter‐agency work; and organizational context in effective child protection practice with adolescents. Key implications for practice and areas for further research were discussed.  相似文献   


The bombing in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 was a massive assault on the meaning‐making of survivors and community members. Utilizing a social constructionist perspective, this article explores the evolution of the community's social narrative as it shifted in the immediate wake of the blast to a new framework for understanding the event three months later. It is speculated that the community's storying of the bombing was initially centered on issues of action and recovery in order to restore civil order. Only after the departure of the Red Cross, which contributed to the formation of this communal narrative, did traditional crisis notions concerning phases of grief begin to appear in the local Oklahoma City newspaper. In addition, individual stories that did not conform to the larger understanding of events were conferred less authority than those in accordance with the dominant narrative.  相似文献   

With few exceptions, outcome studies evaluating batterer treatment groups are inconclusive at best and, at worst, label such treatment programs as ineffectual. This qualitative research study was developed in an effort to understand the forces behind how positive change either happens or is subverted. Through analysis of treatment groups for batterers, the study investigated two questions: How do batterer treatment groups affect the psychological defenses of the members? What types of group dynamics emerge in offender treatment that might be unique to this population and promote defensive change? The theoretical frameworks used in this project include constructs from ego psychology related to defensive maturity and the curative factors in group process, articulated by Yalom (2005).  相似文献   

Smith JR 《Social casework》1982,63(6):363-369
Social health concepts require that the central focus of assessment and intervention be the development of familial social health, not the elimination of pathology. The social energy generated by a effective relationship with the worker assists the family in making the changes necessary for healthy functioning.  相似文献   


Community service-learning in schools, and increased awareness of the interdependence of generations, has heightened interest in intergenerational programming. While there is agreement that service-learning results in substantial educational opportunities, too often the result is training, or reflection, but not proactive aging education. Students, therefore, have little sustainable understanding of the older adults with whom they are interacting. This paper addresses what aging education should include, why it is not consistently being taught, and how to integrate aging education into already existing curricula and age-appropriate skill development.  相似文献   

This paper is a personal reflection on how casework ideas have informed my own practice. Traditional social work is under threat. Casework, which was once a core method of working in social work, is particularly vulnerable because it has become a private, personal activity that is often misunderstood. It still has its followers but it is hard to find any modern accounts of casework practice. This paper attempts to remedy this by describing the application of casework ideas to work with families following registration of a child on the child protection register. The casework approach is described and illustrated using two case examples. This shows that casework with involuntary clients remains an important method of working but there are inherent constraints within the statutory role which limit what social workers can achieve in terms of therapy or in tackling poverty and inequality. This is followed by a discussion of contemporary social work practice and ideas for ways forward.  相似文献   

新城镇居民在融入城市的过程中,存在一定的文化需求与文化消费问题。文化是新城镇居民融入城市的桥梁。调查显示,新城镇居民人均月文化消费支出约为117元,约占其月平均收入的4?1%,不论是文化消费额还是文化消费支出与月收入之比都偏低。同时,新城镇居民文化消费存在一定的个体差异,居住地文化设施、新城镇居民身份认同、身体健康状况也对其文化消费产生显著影响。其中,市民身份认同既是影响文化消费的因素也是以文化消费促进新城镇居民城市融入的中介变量。因此,从有利于新城镇居民城市融入的角度出发,一方面要从文化本身出发加强公共文化服务供给;另一方面要跳出文化审视文化消费,尤其是要培育新城镇居民的身份认同。  相似文献   

王思敬 《社科纵横》2020,35(1):69-72
农民工融入城市社会是新型城镇化的重要内容和具体体现,是中国以人为本新型城镇化的当然要求,也是农民工长期以来梦寐以求的大事。农民工融入城市社会,必须以全面深化改革为突破口,真正实现农民工由过去的劳工权利为主转向市民权利为主的权利融入,融入的重点必须从过去的经济权利和社会权利为主全面转向经济、社会、政治和文化权利,且以政治和文化权利为重。由此,依靠体制机制的完善和全面深化制度改革来拆除阻碍农民工进入城镇的樊篱,并为促进农民工完全融入城市社会提供便利和保障,是全面建成小康社会背景下中国必须加以有效解决的一个时代课题。  相似文献   

随迁老人是指与进城子女一起生活而户籍在农村的老年群体。本文在实地调查的基础上,从闲暇时间利用、社区活动参与、社区情感和心理认同等方面描述老人的精神生活状况,发现该群体精神生活单调、很少参与社区活动、对城市社区的认同度低。要改善随迁老人的精神生活,必须通过社区融入的方法,组织多样化的社区活动,扩大老年人社会交往的范围,帮助他们重新构建一个新的社交网络,从而改善他们的精神生活状态。  相似文献   

课程思政是指在充分发掘和运用各学科蕴含的思想政治教育资源的基础上,融入课堂教学各环节,形成协同效应的一种全员、全过程、全方位育人的大格局.职业安全教育作为《大学生安全教育》课程教学的一部分,理应在安全教育课堂教学过程中加以渗透和重视.该文通过文献资料法对大学生安全教育课程进行深入分析,挖掘课程中的思政元素,并提出课程思...  相似文献   

生活世界是探讨外来女工城市生涯的重要概念.对北京市外来女工的抽样调查数据显示,就业层次低、 经济压力大,职业前景差、 城市生活难,社会支持薄弱、 社会资本匮乏以及群体文化模糊、 地位评价消极等构成了外来女工生活世界的表层图景,也是影响其城市融入的一般因素.而对访谈资料的深入分析则发现,传统性别规范和国家排斥性政策才是外来女工生活世界的深层结构,前者通过作用于教育机会获得、 职业素养累积和职业地位提升而阻碍其职业发展,后者通过户籍管理制度、 公共服务供给制度、 城市规划和人才政策限制了其公民权利,二者共同作用构成其融入城市的根本障碍.因此,只有从主体和结构两个方向着力,根本重构外来女工的生活世界,才可能真正实现其城市融入.  相似文献   

Two concepts of information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper introduces the concept of pragmatic information of the variableX on variableS, relative to decision problemU and criterionK: C(X, S; U, K). For the sake of comparison with the Shannon measure of information,K is interpreted as the maximization of expected utility whileU takes on the special form of an epistemic problem. The two concepts are then comparable and exhibit certain similarities. Some comments on pragmatic information conclude the paper.  相似文献   

窦影 《社会工作》2011,(1):87-89
作为城市中第二代移民的农民工子女,其城市融入存在着诸多障碍,如何解决是关乎城市社会稳定发展的重要问题之一,笔者试图从已有的农民工子女城市融入中存在的困境入手,从增权理论角度,对农民工子女的城市融入提供途径,提升其城市融入的能力.  相似文献   

就业是最大的民生.高校是为国家培养社会主义建设者和接班人,为社会培养和输送人才的场所.本科毕业生的就业问题一直是大学需要解决的问题,尤其是在2020年新冠肺炎疫情背景下,就业工作更为严峻.在就业创业教育工作中针对学生就业压力过大、职业规划不清等问题,通过教育活动融入大学生思想政治教育,搭建思政+就业创业平台,探索在师资、课程、规划、指导、实践、服务等方面融合思政教育的有效策略,提升学生能力素质,全面促进就业创业工作.  相似文献   

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