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海权论认为,世界大国持续繁荣与安全的关键在于对海洋的掌控,而一个国家无法同时发展陆权与海权。近代欧洲陆海复合型国家的历史经验证明,一个濒海国家发展海权将不得不面对其地缘政治条件的缺陷带来的诸多两难困境。全球化的今天,中国海洋权益的维护与海上力量相对不足的不平衡状态,对发展海权的需求增大。中国要发展的海权是基于国家主权与国际海洋法基础上的合法海权,而不是近代西方列强追求的全球性霸权海权。陆海复合型国家面对的同时发展海权与陆权的两难困境.为中国的海权发展带来启示。  相似文献   

论程序化的宪法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宪法程序是宪法实施的途径和方法 ,是使宪法有实效的最关键的问题。它包括正当程序原则、国家权力运行程序和合宪性监督程序、立宪程序等内容。其中合宪性监督程序 (又称违宪审查程序或宪法解释程序 )几乎与宪法具有同等的重要性 ,它可以避免非程序的政治纷争中的难题  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, case management has been implemented in the USA and Canada – and recently also in various European countries – to support substance abusers with multiple and complex needs. Although this intervention is often presented as a set of standardised functions, its application is often a subjective task involving various dilemmas, which may influence case management outcomes significantly. Based on a comparison of case managers' experiences in Denmark and Belgium, we focus on several core dilemmas in case management for substance abusers with complex problems. Case management practices vary from one project to the next and even within the same project. Such differences are apparently related to the way in which case managers approach dilemmas such as those existing between control versus self-determination, or between systematic versus ad-hoc planning. The conclusion is that it is vital to discuss these dilemmas during training courses and supervision meetings in order to ensure that the intended form of intervention is actually delivered on the ground.  相似文献   

Social responsibility is an essential part of the responsible conduct of research that presents difficult ethical questions for scientists. Recognizing one’s social responsibilities as a scientist is an important first step toward exercising social responsibility, but it is only the beginning, since scientists may confront difficult value questions when deciding how to act responsibly. Ethical dilemmas related to socially responsible science fall into at least three basic categories: 1) dilemmas related to problem selection, 2) dilemmas related to publication and data sharing, and 3) dilemmas related to engaging society. In responding to these dilemmas, scientists must decide how to balance their social responsibilities against other professional commitments and how to avoid compromising their objectivity. In this article, we will examine the philosophical and ethical basis of social responsibility in science, discuss some of the ethical dilemmas related to exercising social responsibility, and make five recommendations to help scientists deal with these issues.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined ethical dilemmas faced by female caregivers of frail elders as well as the dominant role of caregivers' spirituality in addressing these dilemmas. Dilemmas are difficult decisions that involve conflicting values, e.g., freedom versus safety. In-depth interviews were conducted with thirteen ethnically diverse caregivers recruited from a home health agency and its parent hospital. Purposive sampling was used to obtain variation among research participants. Focus group interviews of home health staff, key informant caregivers, and interviewees provided guidance for the research design, reflection on findings and development of implications. In order to deal with ethical dilemmas, all caregivers used spirituality as (1) a philosophy of life, e.g., "This is what you do when you're family," (2) an aid to decision-making, e.g., through the use of prayer; and/or, (3) a way to transcend dilemmas, e.g., "no choice is hard." Implications include the importance of caregiver-driven assessment, professional self-reflection, and sustained formal services for caregivers.  相似文献   

Gene Rowe 《Policy Studies》2018,39(2):204-221
Public participation is ubiquitous in many contemporary democratic societies – used for many purposes, and in many contexts, with particular and growing relevance for policy-making on science and technology issues. However, there is a dearth of evidence as to its qualities and benefits. We contend that the implementation and interpretation of participation faces a number of dilemmas that – together –undermine its successful adoption. In this paper, we identify and discuss six specific dilemmas that – together – may militate against the practice and development of good quality participation in science and technology policy, notably dilemmas of Timing; of Relevance; of Representation; of Evaluation; of Criticism; and of Impact. We theoretically account for these dilemmas and discuss their likely impacts. Finally, we provide some suggestions as to how the participation community might attempt to pre-empt difficulties due to these dilemmas and demonstrate participation effectiveness.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Bernard Gallagher, Research Fellow, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Manchester, Dover St., Mancester M13 9PL. Summary Ethical dilemmas have been encountered in many areas of socialresearch and have at times been the subject of much controversy.Despite this, the problem of how to tackle ethical dilemmashas received little attention in the literature. As a result,researchers faced with these dilemmas have little knowledgeto draw upon, and groups associated with research, such as participatingagencies and ethics committees, may not fully appreciate allthe issues involved in dealing with ethical dilemmas. Theseissues are not only philosophical in nature but relate alsoto the methodological and practical implications of followingone, rather than another, ethical principle. The researchersencountered a number of ethical dilemmas in their research inchild protection. By discussing different approaches to solvingethical dilemmas, they intend to show that this is a complexproblem and one which, along with ethics in general, requiresgreater attention in the literature.  相似文献   

在南亚地区,作为一个具有重要影响力的中等强国,巴基斯坦面临着新旧战略困境交织的局面,严重危及国家安全和利益追求。究其根本,主要体现在以下四个方面:印巴安全困境的延续、阿富汗反恐战争导致的国家西北边境地区的"塔利班化"趋势、巴美反恐同盟困境的历史再现,以及弱国家特性的显现。由此也决定了巴基斯坦需要放眼地缘政治和国际政治格局的新现实而适时调整自己的战略目标与手段。  相似文献   

“主体间性-干预行动”框架:质性研究的反思谱系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑庆杰 《社会》2011,31(3):224-241
质性研究中存在三种困境:主体间性、表述政治、参与行动。前两者是认识论意义上的困境,后者是解放政治和行动意义上的困境。他们在反思广度、深度、力度方面层层递进、步步深入。从对对象的反思到将研究作为反思对象,从认知研究到行动研究,共同构成了质性研究的“主体间性-干预行动”反思谱系。  相似文献   

This article explores the ethics of current treatments for depression through the lenses of social work values and ethics. As a vehicle for analysis, the approach associated with ethics of care will be utilized. Particular attention is paid to ethical dilemmas in the treatment of depression under the auspices of managed care companies. A case example is presented to help social workers understand these dilemmas in the context of practice. Adopting an ethics of care perspective would mandate that social workers become more politically active, and work toward integrating direct and indirect practice approaches in treating people who suffer from depression and similar problems.  相似文献   

Over the last few years there has been a series of ‘moral panics’ over the introduction of Peace Studies into educational institutions. This case study examines the recent public controversy over an educational play call The Bang presented in secondary schools in New South Wales, and the associated attacks on student interest groups called Students for Nuclear Awareness and Peace (SNAP). The case study raises questions about power relations in the social construction of ‘controversy’ and ‘objectivity’ and the strategic dilemmas these imply for progressive teaching about social issues in schools.  相似文献   


This qualitative study, based on 19 interviews with care managers, explores the experiences of care-managers involved in assessing the need for social services for people with dementia. The study shows that social workers, as care managers, face several dilemmas in their practice concerning people with dementia, in relation to the exchange of information and in regards to conflicting interests between different actors involved in the assessment of the need for support for people with dementia. Strategies used to handle problematic situations that arise in their work are using other sources for information (e.g., relatives and actors from other professions), persuading, and pursuing creative forms of consent. However, the study shows that dilemmas and strategies used generate other, prominently moral, dilemmas for care managers in their practice, which relate to participation and self-determination by the person with dementia. The study shed light on the problematic situation for care managers in their work to coordinate information and further the new “realities“ that they encounter as well as on how to handle these new situations. This study suggests possible ways to improve the everyday work of care managers, as well as how policies concerning social work and people with dementia can be improved.  相似文献   

This paper explores practical and ethical dilemmas for professionals when securing the protection of children in the complex non‐clinical setting of individual families. It is based on a cross‐country study on cultural encounters in interventions against child physical abuse and neglect in four countries (England/Wales, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia). Drawing on national reports of legal‐organizational frameworks and socio‐cultural backgrounds of European child protection systems, it also presents the results of a series of focus groups with professionals. Data were analysed to identify implicit and explicit discursive constructions as well as normative representations and from this deriving the key ethical issues and dilemmas. Despite a shared normative framework across Europe, intervention cultures vary across the four countries and between the different stakeholder groups. Although each child protection system faced widespread mistrust, policy approaches differ, some relying on strong and detailed guidance whereas others stress professional skill and judgement. We conclude that despite a shared commitment to the protection of children, deliberations and perceived ethical dilemmas suggest interdependency between differences in system cultures and policy approaches that inform the character of professional interventions in the four countries.  相似文献   

近年来,为顺应新型城镇化方向,各地推行强镇扩权但实效不佳,镇级市改革应运而生.然而,不论是强镇扩权还是镇改市升级,都不能从根本上解决强镇发展困境,究其根源,在于权能结构失衡.通过构建权能GFP分析框架,能够解析镇级市改革背后的关系类型、影响因子、绩效差异和条件矩阵.而针对浙江龙港镇的个案分析在证实权能结构作用逻辑、验证因子和得出研究结论的同时,也提供了权能结构失衡的启示与省思.未来镇级市改革,需从单纯的扩权和升级,转向通过构建操作机制、理顺府际关系、深化体制改革和完善法律制度等方面,寻求权能结构平衡.  相似文献   

Social insurance officers, through their work with rehabilitation, have become an important part of the welfare state. The aim of this study was to explore the nature of the dilemmas they experience in their daily work using the critical incident technique. Dilemmas reported concerned 1) cooperation with other agents in the rehabilitation process, 2) internal social insurance routines and 3) direct client management. Consequences of dilemmas were delayed handling, extra work, emotional strain and ethical conflicts. The dilemmas were handled through continued rehabilitation, coordination measures and decision-making. The findings showed the division of medical investigation and benefit decision in two authorities, the lack of education in behavioral sciences among the officers and divergent goals in different authorities. Further studies are needed on the rehabilitation process as well as the daily practice of social insurance officers.  相似文献   

How We Can Promote Behavior That Serves All of Us in the Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The health and vitality of relationships, groups, and society at large is strongly challenged by social dilemmas or conflicts between short-term self-interest and long-term collective interest. Pollution, depletion of natural resources, and intergroup conflict can be characterized as examples of urgent social dilemmas. This article advances a conceptual framework in which we analyze social dilemmas in terms of social and temporal concerns relevant to the social (individual vs. collective) and temporal (short-term vs. long-term) conflicts underlying social dilemmas. We discuss the plasticity of social orientations (altruism, cooperation, egalitarianism, individualism, competition, aggression) and temporal orientations (short-term orientation, future orientation), and illustrate their "logical effects" and "paradoxical effects" on behavior that supports collectively desired outcomes. This analysis enables us to suggest a set of novel recommendations for policy and intervention to help solve various social dilemmas in contemporary society.  相似文献   

This article presents a decision-making model that gives a structure to institutionalized strategies used by rehabilitation workers in the face-to-face encounters with clients at a social insurance office. The model is developed from my 24 observations of encounters between rehabilitation workers and long-term sick people, and my conversations with the rehabilitation workers about their impressions of these very encounters. The strategies are tightly connected to the rehabilitation workers' efforts to convey the working-track principle. Two different main strategies have been identified. The reinforcement strategy is used when a client seems to consent to the working-track principle, and the motivating strategy is used when a client does not seem to consent. When the motivating strategy is used some dilemmas of the role of the rehabilitation workers are actualized. The dilemmas concern a tension between, on the one hand, what the rehabilitation workers are supposed to be doing (care-advocate or administer) and, on the other hand, how they are doing it (flexibly or strictly). Acting within the discrepancy of the role, the rehabilitation workers try to solve the dilemmas. Four different ideal-typical strategies have been identified: the caring professional strategy, the caring amateur strategy, the bureaucratic administrator strategy and the coordinator strategy. All of these acting strategies are represented in the observed encounters. Further studies are needed in order to make statements on the representativeness of each strategy.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is welfare professionals’ accounts of their work with children who are seeking asylum. The empirical basis is a commissioned study of children seeking asylum in Wales. As well as qualitative research with children (which is not discussed in this paper), 62 professionals took part in interviews and focus groups. This sample included staff from social services, health, housing, education, police and the voluntary sector. Research findings are presented in relation to the experience of these frontline staff. We attempt to identify some of the sites of tension and the nature of the professional dilemmas, as well as discussing the potential for the exercise of discretion to be exercised. We conclude that there is very little room for manoeuvre within the asylum system for welfare professionals, but that there is evidence of questioning and even minor challenge of current policy from frontline staff. We discuss the extent to which the professional dilemmas raised by the asylum system are of a different order from those experienced throughout social welfare work.  相似文献   

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