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Accordingtoalargenumberofinvestigationsandresearchreportsproducedbygroupsstudyingthisspecifictopic ,aswellastheresearchofindividualscholars ,privateenterprisesinChinatodayaregenerallyownedbyafamilyorclanandmanagedaccordingtotheclansystem .1 Thelong termn…  相似文献   

建国之初毛泽东对莫斯科的访问,是中苏关系异常微妙的一次典型的反映。这种微妙之处最集中地反映在中共领导人在高举“一边倒”的意识形态大旗的同时,内心深处在涉及民族利益和民族尊严问题时则高度敏感。毛泽东、周恩来等人在另订新约问题以及在各项协定谈判过程中所表现出来的复杂心理和态度,最清楚不过地反映出他们与苏联领导人之间存在的隔阂。而他们回国后在一些问题上态度的改变,则从另一个侧面折射出了国内民族主义压力的作用。  相似文献   

ThestudyofinternationalissueshasbeenfruitfulinChinasincetheinitiationofreformandopeningup .IthasenhancedChina srelationsandco operationwithothercountries,makingitpossibleforustolearnfromothersintermsofoureconomicgrowth .Ithasalsoprovidedtheoreticalsuppo…  相似文献   

Most industrialized countries have financed health services through health insurance. Two systems prevail: private, or public (social) health insurance. The theoretical differences between them are reviewed. It is argued that most health systems are, however, hybrids and that health insurance reform in Europe and the United States has accentuated this trend because the principles distinguishing the two systems have often been ignored. This is illustrated through the evolution of voluntary vs. compulsory affiliation, coping with moral hazard, and provider regulation.  相似文献   

Diaobingshan people are young and vigorous.But they benefi t a lot from the long history of city.During our interview,we were deeply impressed by this and found a city different from others.  相似文献   

ItisonehundredyearssincepoliticswasborninChinaasanindependentbranchofscience .Ahundredyearsisneithertoolongnortooshortatimeforthedevelopmentofascience .Politicalscienceiscloselyrelatedtopoliticalreality ,andtheinstabilityandinconsistencyofthepoliticalre…  相似文献   

The economic situation of the unemployed attracts much attention from the government, media and society, while their social situation is little thought of. Social situation includes the psychological health,  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in integrity issues, relatively few studies have examined researchers’ own interpretations of integrity. As part of the Perspectives on Research Integrity in Science and Medicine (PRISM) project, we sought to explore how researchers themselves define research integrity. We conducted 33 semi-structured interviews with clinical and laboratory-based researchers from across Switzerland. Data were transcribed and coded using thematic analysis and illustrative quotes were selected. Researchers defined integrity in terms of honesty, transparency, and objectivity, and generally stressed the importance of sticking to the research question and avoiding bias in data interpretation. Some saw research integrity as being synonymous with scientific integrity, but others regarded research integrity as being a subset of the wider domain of scientific integrity. A few participants equated research integrity with mere absence of misconduct, but the majority of participants regarded integrity as being more than this. Researchers regarded truth as the key aspect of integrity, though they expressed this in different ways and with various emphases on honesty, transparency, and objectivity. Integrity goes beyond avoiding misconduct, and scientific integrity has a wider domain than research integrity.  相似文献   

How do everyday people—or actors who do not occupy positions of political authority—legitimate political systems? Responding to this question, I use work from sociology, political science, and cognitive science to build a theory of “Popular Political Legitimation” (PPL)—defined as everyday people's legitimation of a political system. To answer how PPL happens, we must answer two sub-questions that address legitimacy as a normative phenomenon: 1) What are the processes of socialization through which individuals learn the norms, widely held beliefs, and values that legitimate a political system? 2) How do individuals subsequently use these norms, widely held beliefs, and/or values in their own legitimations of a political system? Thus, we see that a model of socialization is central to understanding how PPL happens. I proceed in four steps. First, I review the literature on political legitimation. Next, I review the literature on political socialization. Third, to address gaps in the two aforementioned literatures concerning a model of socialization that explains legitimation, I turn to neuroscience (for reviews see Greene, 2017; Cushman, 2020) and psychology to review models of socialization and rationalization. Finally, I synthesize these literatures to develop a theory of political socialization and how it generates PPL.  相似文献   

古代华夏民族有无创世神话,是国际学术界长期争论的问题。笔者近年在广泛吸收众多古文字学家研究成果的基础上,对楚帛书甲篇作了新的解读,发现它是我们现存可以看到的中国先秦时期唯一完整的创世神话。该神话以伏羲娶妻为创世活动的发轫,具有强烈的民族特色,是典型的生殖型创世神话。汉祠汉墓大量伏羲女娲交尾图是上古创世神话的孓遗,交尾是“化生万物”即创世的开始。中国的“人日”礼俗是上古创世神话的民间遗存,其创世次序与楚帛书甲篇相同,都是先造地,后造天,保留着史前创世神话的特点。中国先秦哲学的一些基本范畴与概念,也来源于楚帛书甲篇所传的这类创世神话。中国史前东部文化不乏高昂的宗教热情,必有繁华的神话传说。周文化统治中国以后,神话遭到灭项之灾。发掘中国神话遗产的主要希望只能寄托于考古资料。  相似文献   

Thetheoryofhe-yun("harmonyandrhyme")isarhythmicprincipleappliedtotheChineselanguageandfirstformulatedbyLiuXie[c.465-c.532]inthe"Sheng-lu"(SoundsandScales)sectionofhistreatiseWenxindiaolong(CarvingDragonsattheHeartofLiterature):"Whendifferentsoundssucceedeachotherwecallthis'harmony',whensimilarsoundscorrespondwecallthis'rhyme'."HereLiuXiewasstressingtheoppositionsandunitiesofsimilaranddissimilarsounds.Fromlinguisticpracticehediscoveredthat,ifinthephoneticchainallelementswerethesameandwitho…  相似文献   

《光明之城》出版后受到人们普遍重视。这是因为:如果它是真的,那么这是一个非常重要的中古文献的发现;如果它是假的,那这就是一个令人不齿的文化造假事件。此书的“年代差错”问题乃是辨识其真伪的关键所在。本文通过对十个“年代差错”问题的详细考证,论断《光明之城》是一部后人编造出来的伪书。鉴于有的“年代差错”一直延伸到20世纪,译编者塞尔本本人可能正是它的炮制者。  相似文献   

Correspondence to: Julia Johnson, Senior Lecturer, School of Health and Social Welfare, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK. E-mail: j.s.johnson{at}open.ac.uk Summary This paper reviews current policies and practices regardingthe provision of long-term care for older people. In particularit focuses on three aspects which are central to social workand care management: current developments in residential andnursing home care; charging for care; and the shifting boundarybetween health and social care. It argues that, in all respects,these policies and the ways in which they are being implementedare incompatible with the notion of social justice. Over thelast fifty years, the older generation has invested heavilyin the welfare state and continues to make a significant contributionto it. The security and well-being of those in need of long-termcare is, however, being threatened by the marketization andcommodification of care provision.  相似文献   

人文主义是五四文学的旗帜与象征,也是中国现代作家的梦想与追求。因为它不仅代表着与传统价值观完全不同的现代性意义,也标志着中国文学与世界接轨的现实可能性。然而,人文主义原本是西方文化的历史传统,它究竟通过什么渠道和方式传入中国并产生影响,新文学作家又是怎样对其加以理解和运用的?这一关键问题,至今没有引起学界的重视,本文对五四文学的精神资源进行反思,认为五四文学是本土意识深度介入西方现实主义文学思潮等的结果。  相似文献   

Alongside the vigorous upsurge in recent years of the "movement for legislation in criminal litigation," the problem of structuring rules for the dismissal of illegal evi-  相似文献   

From late l 997.we conducted a four.year study of the rural work force backflow in Anhui and Sichuan provinces.which  相似文献   

The diversification bias in repeated lotteries is the finding that a majority of participants fail to select the option offering the highest probability. This phenomenon is systematic and immune to classical manipulations (e.g. monetary rewards). We apply dual process theories and argue that the diversification bias is a consequence of System 1 (automatic, intuitive, associative) triggering a matching response, which fails to be corrected by System 2 (intentional, analytic, rational). Empirically, supporting the corrective functions of System 2 through appropriate contextual cues (describing the task as a statistical test rather than as a lottery) led to a decrease of diversification.
Anton KühbergerEmail: URL: http://www.sbg.ac.at/psy/people/kuehberger.htm

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