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Although many of the basic tenets of Harry Stack Sullivan’s interpersonal theory have been incorporated into the Relational School of psychoanalysis, Sullivan’s original ideas about clinical practice are, in many respects, distinct from the intersubjective perspective of relational psychotherapists. Using three case examples that addressed a similar clinical problem, Sullivan’s approach to clinical practice will be contrasted with contemporary relational approaches.  相似文献   

Contemporary psychoanalysis is a multisensory collaboration between patient and analyst that is deeply compatible with core social work values. It is a process requiring creative ways of listening and responding to facilitate new understanding and transformation. This report proposes that dedicated artistic pursuit serves to nurture and expand the empathic capacity of the clinical social worker. The author’s synchronous study of partnered dance and training in psychoanalysis offers an example of the arts as a model and parallel process of healing as well as a source of restorative and generative functions.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of improvisation in the therapeutic setting as a complex construction when elaborated in the idiom of jazz music. A composite clinical case is offered that illustrates an impasse and how improvisational thinking offers a way forward. Improvisation has recently been conceptualized through the metaphor of theater improvisation, dance, and rhythm. The therapeutic hour is considered an improvisational dialogue with the main theme (melody) and counter melodies, and harmonic possibilities that underlie the rhythmic pulse of the hour. Improvisation requires a reflective/interpretive process that draws on patterns, structures, and experiences reformulated in the relational field of the participants. The client initiates the call and response pattern, from which improvisation emerges as a mutual process of discovery. A more relaxed, receptive, and reflective posture extends Winnicott’s 1971 notion of play to integrate classic understanding and relational interaction.  相似文献   

This article explores the relational process in a long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy case of a patient with binge eating disorder and the subsequent impacts on treatment when the therapist also struggles with disordered eating. This in-depth case study seeks to examine the reciprocal influence of the subjectivities experienced by the patient and therapist on the formation, maintenance, and quality of the therapeutic relationship and the course of treatment. Drawing on intersubjective theory, a narrowed focus on transference/countertransference dynamics seeks to examine the complexities of a relational approach in the treatment of binge eating disorder. A review of the literature suggests that an exploration of this dimension of treatment breaks new clinical ground and serves to provide more specified and nuanced perspectives for clinicians treating this population. Several clinical vignettes are provided to illustrate the concepts under examination. The use of case composites and thick disguise of patient information has been used to protect confidentiality in this analysis.  相似文献   


Accountability in research is a concept that applies to researchers and study participants alike. Human subjects play an active part in the success or failure of a clinical trial by virtue of their understanding of a study's goals expectations of personal gain, and adherence to study design. Trials must be designed to address patient concerns, offer an improved consent process, and move beyond our narrow conception of “patient rights.”; Problems with protocol adherence may be reduced by conceptualizing clinical research as an endeavor with mutual accountability within a relational ethic.  相似文献   

Case consultation is an important part of deepening a clinician's therapeutic skills. However, consultation is not theory neutral: Each theory of therapy guides consultants according to their particular theoretical orientation. Control-mastery theory assumes that clients come into therapy desiring to solve their problems and have a tentative unconscious plan for working in therapy. These assumptions have been supported by 40 years of research data. Although control-mastery theory is written in everyday language without jargon, it takes considerable time to learn to apply the theory because each plan formulation is case specific. Consultation relies on the examination of detailed process notes, within and across sessions, as well as the therapist's affective reactions to the client. Initially, it can help the therapist formulate the client's unconscious plan and determine the types of interventions that will be most helpful. Consultation is also useful during ongoing therapy to help the therapist maintain (or regain) the focus on the client's unconscious plan, especially when it is derailed by transference enactments.  相似文献   

朱伟珏 《社会》2008,28(3):141-155
本文对布迪厄的文化支配理论进行了较为详尽的考察。布迪厄指出,象征差异以间接的方式从属于它们所表达与改变的经济差异。而且在象征体系内,上层阶级的生活方式总是占据支配性地位,并作为一种合法品味被广泛用来对下层阶级实施“象征暴力”。象征差异体现了一种等级关系和权力关系。布迪厄的文化(象征)支配理论不仅对我们理解文化在社会结构(各种支配关系和不平等关系)的生产与再生产过程中的重要作用有很大的帮助,而且也为我们剖析以各种不同形式影响和制约人类知觉、判断及行为的无形的权力作用,即“文化支配(象征支配)”的机制提供了全新的视角。  相似文献   

This article highlights various constructs from the perspective of D.W. Winnicott, trauma theories, intersubjectivity, and intercultural practice as guides for listening on multiple levels to inform the biopsychosocial–spiritual assessment and treatment. Using a clinical case composite, the author will illustrate the working alliance with a severely traumatized client, emphasizing the intense transference and countertransference rage and enactments that occurred during the course of the clinical social work practice. The therapeutic holding environment was challenged but maintained by working through relationship breakdowns, restoring intercultural subjective space and containing powerless rage.  相似文献   

In this article, the author addresses the importance of considering the interface of institutional, sociopolitical, and relational trauma in clinical social work practice. Assessment and treatment are discussed using a clinical case composite drawn from the author's previous encounters in clinical social work practice. In this composite, the author uses a biopsychosocial-spiritual perspective and concepts such as intergenerational trauma and psychodynamic theories as a framework for gaining a deeper understanding of clients in social work practice.  相似文献   

Environmental degradation is a complex problem, many aspects of which may not be solved unless collective effort is undertaken. Collective Efficacy theory provides a useful framework to investigate how people view their ability and the effectiveness of their actions to solve environmental problems, which has been largely overlooked until now. Six focus groups were conducted to explore efficacy beliefs expressed by environmental Activists and Non‐Activists in Perth, Western Australia, relating to waste management. All participants (n=38) expressed pessimistic views about the abilities of others to perform pro‐environmental behaviours. However, Activists were positive that a collective effort would be effective (‘many drops will fill up the bucket’) while Non‐Activists felt strongly that the problem would still exist even if everyone performed waste‐minimising behaviours (‘it's just a drop in the bucket’). Behaviour change interventions might be more effective if they focus on convincing people that collective effort will be effective in solving environmental problems.  相似文献   

The experience of being in love involves a longing for union with the other, where an important part of this longing is sexual desire. But what is the relation between being in love and sexual desire? To answer this it must first be seen that the expression ‘in love’ normally refers to a personal relationship. This is because to be ‘in love’ is to want to be loved back. This much would be predicted by equity and social exchange theories of interpersonal attraction. Findings suggest however that love differs fundamentally from liking and, consequently, distinct approaches to the theory of love have been developed. A phenomenological theory is then put forward which suggests that the experience of being in love involves a complex of desires for reciprocal vulnerability in order to care and be cared for. Sexual desire is then seen to involve the physical expression of these desires in the form of desires for mutual baring in order to caress and be caressed. Unlike love, however, sexual desire need not refer to the other person's desires. This is supported by the existence of sexual desires like fetishism. It is concluded that other desires which often appear in instances of being in love are not basic to the experience of being in love.  相似文献   


 The purpose of this study was to explore Korean older adults’ perspectives toward physicians’ disclosure of serious illness to patients. Seventy Korean older adults residing in the community were interviewed in person using a semistructured interview guide. Major themes included conflicting desires among participants to: 1) inform the patient directly, 2) inform the patient indirectly, and 3) inform only the family. Subthemes under the first theme included: a) decision making about treatment, b) planning and preparation for the future, c) need for use of an ethical standard, d) consideration of patient coping responses, and e) disclosure of serious illness as a relational process. Disclosure of bad news is more than revealing or concealing information. Needs and preferences regarding to what extent and how information is delivered differ by culture. Thus, understanding preferred communication pathways for advanced care planning in specific cultural frameworks is important. Future studies using clear concepts and measures about serious illness disclosure can better prepare health care professionals in interacting with those from minority cultures. In addition, studies of those with poor health status from diverse cultural groups may further assist social workers to tailor interventions to accommodate cultural needs and expectations in end-of-life settings.  相似文献   

In this article, we draw on findings from an empirical project involving talking to Australian women about their sensory and sensemaking engagements with digital health technologies. Adopting a new feminist materialist perspective, our analysis identified a series of relational connections, affective forces and agential capacities generated when our participants came together with digitized modes of self-tracking. The agential capacities engendered through and with these technologies included discovering and uncovering information, motivation, quantifying and automating data collection, distinguishing “false” bodily sensations from “real,” discerning patterns, and enhancing sensory capabilities. Working with these technologies, the women were able to access insights into their bodies, feel more in control of bodily activities by reflecting on this information and any patterns over time it revealed. The limitations of these sensory devices were also revealed in the women’s accounts. The devices sometimes closed off or challenged women’s sensory knowledge in ways they found less than useful or helpful, due to failings in the devices’ design or functionality. Our analysis, therefore, highlights the intra-action of enactments of human sensory responses as they engage with digital devices and digital data, including the ways in which these responses were extended, facilitated, or, in some cases, challenged.  相似文献   

The paper presents some results obtained in searching for a new axiomatic foundation for partial comparability (PC) in the frame of non-conventional preference modeling. The basic idea is to define an extended preference structure able to represent lack of information, uncertainty, ambiguity, multidimensional and conflicting preferences, using formal logic as the basic formalism.A four-valued paraconsistent logic is therefore described in the paper as a more suitable language for the purposes of the research. The concepts of partition, general binary relations properties, fundamental relational system of preferences (f.r.s.p.), maximal f.r.s.p. and well founded f.r.s.p. are then introduced and some theorems are demonstrated in order to provide the axiomatic foundation of PC. The main result obtained is a preference structure that is a maximal well founded f.r.s.p. This preference structure facilitates a more flexible, reliable and robust preference modeling. Moreover it can be viewed as a generalization of the conventional approach, so that all the results obtained until now can be used under it.Two examples are provided at the end of the paper in order to give an account of the operational potentialities of the new theory, mainly in the area of multicriteria decision aid and social choice theory. Further research directions conclude the paper.This research has been done while the first author was in the Université Libre de Bruxelles under the Research in Brussels actions.  相似文献   

Recent developments in child welfare in the United States can be seen as enactments of state paternalism toward families. New programs and procedures in the areas of foster care and “in-home” family services aim to reinforce parents' and childrens' rights, but these rights are typically framed as protections against bureaucratic abuse rather than as rights to basic material resources. The prevailing cultural assumption toward child welfare in the United States is that the government should not intervene in family life unless there is legal evidence of functional failure. Families are still seen as autonomous units that essentially determine their own fates. This ideology serves to limit the public and political perception of more preventive and developmental options.  相似文献   


The authors discuss transference enactments that occur during cross-cultural supervision. Previous research has shown that few mental health professionals willingly talk about race during supervision and that White supervisees experience significant difficulty when directly engaged in discussions about race. They introduce a new phenomenon, “stereotypical” transference enactments, as a means for understanding the countertransference Black female clinical supervisors experience during clinical supervision of White supervisees. The findings indicated that effective cross-cultural supervision should address the intersectionality of race and gender to enhance the development of multicultural clinical skills. The clinical and educational challenges are discussed by using two case vignettes.  相似文献   

Research on relational aggression has drawn attention to how girls may be likely to aggress, but the role of gender is not fully understood. There are opposing views regarding whether relational aggression is most common among girls. Current findings demonstrate that when gender differences in relational aggression are assessed with peer nominations, gender differences favoring girls are more likely: (1) in adolescence than childhood; and (2) when statistical overlap with overt aggression is controlled. Results also indicated that associations of relational aggression with peer acceptance depend on the aggressor's gender, the peer rater's gender, and whether overlap with overt aggression is controlled. Associations of relational aggression with lower acceptance became non‐significant when overt aggression was controlled, suggesting that relational aggression displayed in isolation may not damage acceptance. In fact, in mid‐adolescence, girls’ relational aggression predicted greater liking by boys. Reducing relational aggression among adolescent girls may be especially challenging if the behavior is linked with acceptance by boys.  相似文献   

This article explores therapeutic impasse through the dual lens of relational theory and infant research. Particular attention is paid to the role that enactment, rupture and repair, and nonverbal communication play in impasse dynamics. Defined broadly—as any time a therapist and patient feel stuck—impasse is conceptualized as an expectable, even inevitable, component of the treatment relationship. The implications for navigating impasses are considered through a clinical vignette developed as a case composite to ensure confidentiality.  相似文献   

This study examined the unique roles of peer rejection and affiliation with aggressive peers in the development of relational and physical aggression in a sample of 979 2nd through 4th grade children. Information about target children and their best friends’ aggression and peer rejection was gathered via peer‐nominations when the majority of children were in the 3rd grade, and again approximately one year later. Friendships were identified by having target children nominate their three best friends in their classroom. Path analyses conducted with children who had at least one reciprocated friendship revealed that peer rejection and friends’ aggression predicted changes in target children's aggression; however, the patterns of relations varied by gender and form of aggression. Higher initial levels of rejection and friends’ relational aggression predicted increases in relational aggression among girls only, whereas rejection and friends’ physical aggression predicted increases in physical aggression among boys and girls. The significance of these results for the application of peer influence theories to relational aggression, and to females, is discussed.  相似文献   

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