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Inmodernphilosophy,alldebateover"understanding"and"explanation,"ormoreexactly,consideringthemascorrelatedconcepts,wasinitiatedbyWilhelmDilthey.Dilthey'serahasnowcometoanend,butthedebatecontinues.Diltheyraisedthequestionoftherelationshipbetweenunderstandingandexplanation,butdidnotprovideasolution.Theirrationalityofhisopinionthatunderstandingandexplanationweretwooppositeextremesbecameclearandwasuniversally rejected.Onthebasisofhisnew"scientificlogic,"CarIHempendeducedthatlanguagesprangfromthes…  相似文献   

The concept of resilience — strengths forged through adversity — offers a valuable framework for working with a broad diversity of clients and life challenges. Grounded in a developmental systemic perspective on vulnerability, risk, and resilience, the author has drawn together clinical and research advances to develop a useful practice framework to identify and facilitate key processes for individual and relational resilience. This paper will describe and illustrate this strengths‐oriented approach for healing, transformation, and growth out of crisis, trauma, and loss, with a focus on belief systems that foster resilience through meaning‐making, a positive outlook, and transcendence/spirituality.  相似文献   

DuringtheperiodsoftheWei,Jin,andSouthernandNorthernDynasties(A.D.220-589),thereweremanyethnicgroupsandmanyintricateproblems.WhetherstatepowerresidedwithaHanornon-Hanruler,thevariousterritorieswereoccupiedbydiversenationalities,andethnicproblemsexisted.Thusviewsconcerningone'sownethnicgroup,otherethnicgroups,andthequestionofnationality,i.e.,ethnicviews,wereboundtoarise.Inclasssocieties,ethnicviewsaredeterminedbytheethnicnatureandclasscharacteroftherulingclassandobjectivecircumstances.During…  相似文献   


Using data from two waves of a short-term longitudinal study, the influences of mothers’ social support with respect to parenting from nonresident fathers and significant others on behavioral outcomes among poor and near-poor preschool-aged Black children were examined. The sample consisted of 99 single Black mothers—each with a preschool-aged child (ages 3 and 5 years old, respectively, at Time 1 and Time 2)—who were current and former welfare recipients. Results revealed protective effects of nonresident fathers’ presence in the context of mothers’ parenting stress and depressive symptoms at Time 1 that appeared to operate through decreases in the negative influences of these variables on the children's development of behavior problems 1.5 to 2 years later. Greater availability of instrumental support from significant others, including nonresident fathers, was associated with more adequate parenting at Time 1, and through the latter, with fewer child behavior problems at Time 2. Implications of these findings for program and policy interventions are discussed. Nonresident fathers are described in the Appendix.  相似文献   


This study examined how 86 social work students attending a university in Florida viewed themselves and others in relation to self-esteem, empathy, and forgiveness. The study used a cross-sectional, self-administered survey. Results indicated female students reported a higher level of emotional empathy than that reported by male students. Significant relationships were also noted between forgiveness of others and the age of the respondent and ethnicity. Self-esteem was a significant predictor of forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others; and empathy is a significant predictor of forgiveness of others. The study identified the need for social work educators to help students develop a strong sense of self and an understanding of others. Future research is suggested to explore how the timing of a transgression affects forgiveness of self and others.  相似文献   


This article offers a new perspective on what it meant to be a business proprietor in Victorian Britain. Based on individual census records, it provides an overview of the full population of female business proprietors in England and Wales between 1851 and 1911. These census data show that around 30% of the total business population was female, a considerably higher estimate than the current literature suggests. Female entrepreneurship was not a uniform experience. Certain demographics clustered in specific trades and within those sectors employers and own-account proprietors had strikingly different age, marital status and household profiles. A woman’s life cycle event such as marriage, motherhood and widowhood played an important role in her decision whether to work, the work available to her and the entrepreneurial choices she could make. While marriage and motherhood removed women from the labour force, they had less of an effect on their levels of entrepreneurship. Women who had young children were more entrepreneurial than those who had none, and entrepreneurship rates rose with the arrival of one child and continued to rise the more children were added to the family.  相似文献   

对大国来说,国内区际分工状况会影响该国整体国际竞争力。我国幅员辽阔,资源的省际差异很大,而由于历史的和现实的一些原因,国内区际分工和区际贸易不发达,特别是地方贸易壁垒所造成的国内市场扭曲不但降低了资源配置效率,而且严重制约着产品市场的扩大、产业结构的升级和企业规模经济的形成,并在一定程度上导致了各省区的对外贸易偏好。加入WTO以后,面对新的对外开放形势和日益全球化的国际环境,国内地方市场的开放将有助于我国产业的成长壮大和整体国际竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

In 1993, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) passed The Revitalization Act (Subtitle B) which mandated that all NIH funded clinical trials have “appropriate representation” of minority and women subjects. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of the mandate by examining the reporting and inclusion of minority and female subjects into NIH K-Award funded clinical trials, addressing the minority predominant diagnoses of diabetes and clinical obesity. Using the CRISP search engine and PUBMED, we selected publications published by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) K-grant recipients during 1989–2004, associated with all the diabetes and obesity clinical trials. Studies were stratified into three timeline categories (1989–1993, pre-mandate; 1993–1996, post-mandate, and 1997–present, well past mandate) to evaluate trends in the recruiting of minorities and women before, during, and after the passing of the Revitalization Act. Of the 165 papers, only 37% disclosed race, a number that did not improve over time (p = .15), whereas 92% disclosed gender. Clinical trials that focused on females increased across the 3 timeframes (p < .001) for diabetes studies but not obesity studies. Overall, disclosure of race declined over the 3 timeframes whereas individually, the disclosure of African Americans improved.  相似文献   

Correspondence to John Harris, School of Health and Social Studies, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK. E-mail: j.harris{at}warwick.ac.uk Summary The notion that social work is an international profession,operating with generally similar goals, methodologies, and commonvalues is considered critically. Examining the political andsocial contexts of three countries with liberal democratic governments—Australia,Britain and the United States—the role of social workwithin the welfare processes of each country is compared. Whilesocial work as an identifiable professional activity sharessome features, it is argued that the idea of its having a coreessence needs to be tempered with a realistic assessment ofthe importance of contextually created difference. Recent andrapid developments in the institutional context, such as thoseexperienced in these three countries, further underscore thelimited utility of the notion of a common professional project.  相似文献   

本文分析了入世对中国农业、金融业和国有企业的潜在影响。中国加入的关于农业的协定要求消除壁垒、取消出口补贴、削减关税并允许谷物进口,这给人们一种印象,似乎中国在有关中国经济薄弱环节的外部压力方面让步太多、然而,本文分析表明,实际上入世对中国农业的益处大于害处。至于对中国低效率的金融业无疑将产生强大的竞争压力:金融制度急需强化和透明:利率需要自由化:债券市场和中央银行公开市场业务也要正常化。这将可能导致高效率的金融机构的迅速发展与低效率的金融机构退出市场。最后,入世将促使中国政府采取必要的改革措施,以进一步搞活国有企业。可以预见,许多国有企业将在未来的全球化市场上变得更富有竞争力。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.IntroductionSince1978,Chinahasprogressivelyintroducedmarketforces,decentralizedeconomicdecisionmaking,andstrengthenedmaterialincentivesandcompetition.Inalmostallrespects,itstransformationhasdifferedfromtheswift,comprehensive,andfundamentalpatternthathasbeenwidelyadvocatedforEasternEuropeandtheformerSovietUnion.China'sreformshaveoftenbeenintroducedonanexperhoentalbasis,andaresectorallyandlocallydifferentiated.Theyarestillincomplete-infedefiningpropertyrights,marketization,liberalizingforei…  相似文献   

An ancient Chinese saying runs “A country fears not poverty but inequality.” This contains an inherent presumption that no relationship exists between income inequality and economic growth. However, the point we shall make in this paper is precisely the opposite: income inequality has a negative influence on economic growth. Neglect of  相似文献   

InChina,astockcompanyreferstoalimitedliabilitycompanyoralimitedstockcompany.Thispaperwillexaminethepropertyrightsrelationships,mechanismofoperationandfunctionsofthelatter,onbothatheoreticalandapracticallevel.I.ThePropetwRightsRelationshipsofStockCompaniesAtfirstglancethepropertyofthestockcompanyappearstobeownedbythecompany,however,whenweexaminethestructureofthepropertyrightscloselythisbecomesmorecomplex.1.Diffusionoftheproperty-rightsstructureandthedivisionofownership.Astockcompanyissetupw…  相似文献   

The British Journal of Sociology, XXVII, no. 3, September 1976 (special issue ‘Sociology and history'), 117 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £2.50).

Michael W. Dols, The Black Death in the Middle East (1977), xviii+390 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £15.80).

T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne (eds), A Sew History of Ireland, Vol. III, Early Modern Ireland 1534–1691 (1976), lxiii+736 (Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, £17).

Edward Shorter, The Making of the Modern Family (1976), xiv+369 (Collins, £4.50).

Dirk Blasius, Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Kriminalität: zur Sozialgeschichte Preussens im Vormärz (1976), 203 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 38).

Carsten Rüther, Räuber und Gauner in Deutschland: das Organisierte Bandenwesen im 18. und Frühen 19. Jahrhundert (1976), 197 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, no price given).

James S. Donnelly Jr, The Land and People of Nineteenth‐Century Cork: The Rural Economy and the Land Question (1975), xiv+440 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £9.95).

Herbert G. Gutman, Work, Culture and Society in Industrializing America. Essays in American Working‐Class and Social History (1976), xiv+343 (Alfred Knopf, New York, $12.50, paperback $7).

James Obelkevich, Religion and Rural Society: South Lindsey 1825–1875 (1976), xiv+353 (Oxford University Press, £12.00).

R. J. Morris, Cholera 1832 (1976), 228+vii (Croom Helm, £7.50).

Eugen Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernisation of Rural France 1870–1914 (1977), xv+615 (Chatto &; Windus, £12.00).

Stuart D. Brandes, American Welfare Capitalism 1880–1940 (1976), ix+210 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, £10.55).

Charles van Onselen, ChibaroAfrican Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900–1933 (1976) 326 (Pluto Press, £7.50).  相似文献   

This study examines aid, state–business relations, and development in Ghana and South Korea. In 1957, when Ghana achieved independence, Ghana and South Korea shared approximately similar levels of GDP per capita. However, while South Korea has successfully transformed itself from a major recipient to a donor country and enjoys advanced economic growth and a high standard of living, Ghana—despite visible growth in recent decades—remains a low-income and aid-dependent country. In this study, focusing on policies that guide state–business relations and their impact on economic development, we examine the extent to which foreign aid played a role in shaping state–business relations and building (or failing to build) public–private development partnerships in South Korea and Ghana. More specifically, we argue that fundamentally in South Korea, through enabling national development policies, state and business worked together to achieve economic development; for Ghana, the local business sector was inadequately integrated as an economic development partner with the state, which explains the less than outstanding performance of various state-led development projects in Ghana in much of the last 50 years. In addition, we argue that in the case of South Korea, aid was used effectively to support and build local business groups, while in Ghana aid has largely failed to boost the private sector, a key factor explaining the divergent paths of aid and development outcomes between the two countries.  相似文献   

People often use expressions such as “language experiment” and “signifier revelry” to portray the avant-garde novels appearing in the late 1980s in China and seldom interpret them from the perspective of body narrative. In fact, the avant-garde novels mark an important turning point in body writing in the history of Chinese contemporary literature.  相似文献   

Within the social work profession, supervision is highly valued. Yet it is not clear how supervision supports good practice or how supervision makes a difference for children and families. In this study, using paired observations of group supervision and family meetings alongside interviews with parents, we explored the link between supervision, practice, and engagement. Considering each data set separately, we found a range of skill levels within the supervision discussions and in the meetings with families. Parents reported generally high levels of satisfaction with the service and in relation to their individual worker. But more importantly, we found a “golden thread” between certain elements of supervision, more skilful practice, and improved parental engagement. We discuss these key elements in detail and consider what these findings tell us about good supervision and what difference it can make for families and children.  相似文献   

Objective. This study investigates whether or not domestic violence agencies are located in areas of need. Recent research indicates that community economic disadvantage is a risk factor for intimate partner violence, but related questions regarding the geographic location of social service agencies have not been investigated.Methods. Using Connecticut as a case study, we analyze the relationship of agency location and police-reported domestic violence incidents and assaults using OLS regression and correcting for spatial autocorrelation.Results. The presence of an agency within a town has no relationship with the rates of domestic violence. However, regional patterns are evident.Conclusion. Findings indicate that programs are not geographically mismatched with need, but neither are programs located in towns with higher rates of incidents or assaults. Future research and planning efforts should consider the geographic location of agencies.  相似文献   

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