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The new political economy of aging portrays “active citizenship” among seniors as a key challenge for the years to come. As a policy framework, Active Aging ranks high on the agendas of most supranational bodies. Informed by discourse analysis and a narrative approach, this article focuses on, first, older women’s everyday “active” practices, their meaning, and purpose and second, their day-to-day practical citizenship and social engagement experiences. A typology consisting of four figures of “lived” citizenship is proposed. Social contribution in later age is expressed through various types of engagement identified through these citizenship figures. These figures support older women’s social anchoring and sustain their feeling of belonging to the community. However, the figures outlined also reveal tensions, produced by relations of power between “dominant citizenship” and “relational citizenship,” pertaining to social relations and to caring for the other. In the latter case, we see that the coupling of action between the choice of action and social engagements in later age is more limited, due to social and health inequalities as well as lack of opportunities throughout the life course. Finally, in order to guarantee the right to age with dignity, we suggest a change of orientation in aging policies.  相似文献   

社会的生产   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
沈原 《社会》2007,27(2):170-170
在当今全球化的潮流中,国家权力和市场联袂登台,携手推进商品化。这个急剧扩展的进程将经济(和政治)领域极大地膨胀起来,挤压了社会领域。这就迫使“保卫社会”成为当代社会学的核心议题。不过,在中国市场转型期的独特背景下,由于以往的“再分配体制”从根本上压抑了自组织的社会生活,因此,“生产社会”而不是“保卫社会”成为第一位的任务,它既是一个社会实践的任务,也是社会学认知的任务。同样由于历史条件的独特聚集,“生产社会”表现为二重性,即我们不得不在同一个时空条件下,将波拉尼意义上的“能动社会”与葛兰西意义上的“公民社会”共同地生产出来。此种社会生产的特殊性决定了人们在社会行动的层面上必须同时打造“阶级”和打造“公民”。本文旨在说明“社会生产”的二重机制,并借以探讨“公民社会”的微观基础。  相似文献   

Akrasia is a philosophical concept meaning the possibility to perform actions against one's best judgement. This contribution aims to clarify this phenomenon in terms of a social construction, stating it as a narrative configuration generated by an observer. The latter finds himself engaged in justifying a “problematic” line of action with regard to specific cultural beliefs referring to the self, the others and the behaviour. This paper intends to make explicit the assumptions underlying the traditional definitions of akrasia when, paradoxically, an agent performs an action not in accordance with his/her best judgement. In the transition from modern to post‐modern psychology, we here propose an interpretation of the phenomenon in psychological terms, envisaging akrasia as a narrative form functional to the identity processes and to the social dynamics of the structures of contemporary societies. Implications in the psychological practice will be taken into account.  相似文献   

Alexander Wendt suggests that an emerging field of research on quantum consciousness may have important implications for our understanding of the social world as well. He wants us to consider that the operations of the brain are not “classical” but rather quantum‐mechanical, and that this sheds light on the social worker as well. This article casts doubt on these claims. First, the idea of panpsychism (all physical things possess features of consciousness) is implausible on its face. Second, the findings of “quantum decision theory” are much more limited than Wendt recognizes. Third, the biological quantum effects currently subject to investigation are limited in their application to brains and persons by unavoidable limits of time and space scale on quantum effects. The “brain as quantum computer” or “brain as wave function” theory is very implausible given current knowledge.  相似文献   

以社会转型为背景,以知识社会学为视角,梳理当前中国大陆社会心理学的两种主要范式———“实验社会心理学”与“本土(化)社会心理学”,揭示其与本土“历史—社会现实”的疏离状况,进而对其本体论的缺陷进行反思与批判,探讨以消解疏离为目标、以“本土(化)社会心理学”为基底、以“社会转型”为基本背景框架与研究内容、以本体论的重构为切入点与着力点的大陆社会心理学重建之路。  相似文献   

宋红娟 《社会》2022,42(6):107-131
费孝通的社会理论在社会结构方面更受学界重视,而其中的情感维度尚未得到足够关注。本文试图在费孝通早年有关中国现代化的理论视域中,梳理他有关“桑梓情谊”与“亲属情谊”“乡土工业”“村镇地方团体”之间关系的探索和讨论,进而呈现费孝通社会理论中对于情感的重视。 在费孝通看来,中国的现代化应该以中国传统社会组织为基础来嫁接西方现代技术, 从而推动整个社会从传统向现代的有效过渡。 在此过程中,他尝试将既旧且新的“桑梓情谊”阐释为现代中国社会的情感基础。 文章认为,“桑梓情谊”表征并构造了本地的根源与大社会的流动以及地方与国家的人际关联, 是理解费孝通社会理论之情感维度的关键,对我们思考当代中国现代化建设也有一定的启示。  相似文献   

The concept of “site” is at the center of current debates in theories of social practices as well as in cultural anthropology. It is unclear, however, how to assess the associated methodological assumption that overriding social structures or cultural formations can manifest themselves in sites. The article draws on the conception of social practices and introduces the notion of “publicness” in order to explicate how and why sociality and social structures can be accessed through “siting”. Sites as well as social practices, it is claimed, have to be conceptualized as essentially public and thus principally observable phenomena. This assumption of publicness implicit to both site ontology and theories of social practices is unfolded on the basis of a praxeological reformulation of the paradigm of joint attention elaborated in developmental psychology. To avoid presentist misinterpretations, we then conceptualize sociality as chains of practices across time and space, drawing on the works of Theodore Schatzki, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Anthony Giddens and Bruno Latour. The public carriers of practices (artifacts, symbols, media, bodies) and the translocal structures they establish acquire particular significance in these approaches. In a further step, we present some methodological consequences of the “publicness assumption” and support our arguments by referring to Pierre Bourdieu's study on Distinction.  相似文献   

People use social categories to perceive and interact with the social world. Different categorizations often share similar cognitive, affective and behavioral features. This leads to a hypothesis of the common representational forms of social categorization. Studies in social categorization often use the terms “ingroup” and “outgroup” without clear conceptualization of the terms. I argue that the ingroup/outgroup distinction should be treated as an elementary relational ego‐centric form of social categorization based on specific cognitive mechanisms. Such an abstract relational form should produce specific effects irrespective of the nature of a particular social category. The article discusses theoretical grounds for this hypothesis as well as empirical evidence from behavioral and brain research. It is argued that what is commonly termed as “ingroup” and “outgroup” can be produced by distinct cognitive operations based on similarity assessment and coalitional computation.  相似文献   

梅笑 《社会》2005,40(2):111-136
情感劳动研究的一个重要取向是从组织心理学的视角探究情感劳动对从业者造成的负面影响及形成原因,但对其可能带来的积极体验没有给予足够关注。本文以月嫂为例,从文化社会学的视角探索情感劳动从业者如何通过边界工作创造积极的工作体验。研究发现,能够获得积极体验的月嫂会采用“深层表演”策略主动破除边界,将工作关系拟亲属化,并进行一定程度的“慈善”劳动。她们还通过打造“育儿专家”的形象来建立象征性秩序,以便在与雇主的互动中争取主动。这两种策略都是劳动者通过构建象征性边界来挑战社会性边界的过程。本文认为,情感劳动的“自主性”应纳入关系视角,关注劳动者建立平等而有意义的社会关系的能力,而非仅强调边界清晰的独立“自我”和对劳动过程的自主控制。  相似文献   

This article conceptualises the role of emotion in social work home visits. It draws on findings from a qualitative study of initial child protection home visits in the United Kingdom. The research used narrative interviews and focus groups to examine how emotions arising from visits were registered in social workers' narratives. These visits were often challenging; social workers needed to manage their own emotions and those of the family, while at the same time investigating concerns and assessing need. This article identifies seven key emotional experiences associated with the home visit from the perspective of the social worker: going into the unknown; being intrusive; being disliked; fear of harm to self; fear of causing or allowing harm; pain, disgust, and distress; and “absorbing” emotion. It is argued that emotion plays a central role in home visiting and that professionals' emotional responses have important implications for the way they make sense of, and manage, home visits. Emotion is therefore conceptualized as both a potential resource and risk for social workers' professional judgement and practice.  相似文献   

吴越 《社会》2005,40(5):169-189
本文认为,“宗教礼物论”是一个具有潜力的理论视角,它以莫斯等人的礼物理论为基础,探讨宗教现象及其与社会的关系。本文在述评现有文献的基础上,探讨礼物与宗教的内在关系,进而分析礼物理论与宗教社会学的亲和性。文章认为:首先,礼物与宗教是双向关联的,两者相辅相成,不仅宗教现象中蕴含着礼物逻辑,而且宗教为礼物的内在价值提供了神圣性的基础;其次,礼物和宗教都与社会团结的法则直接关联,这一点体现在两者共通的自愿式义务性上,两者既融合了情感性联系和工具性联系,也融合了相互性伦理和等级性伦理;最后,“宗教礼物论”的优势最可能体现在对宗教之“非自主选择性”的分析上,而它的潜在挑战则主要在应对社会变迁与价值倾向上。  相似文献   

In this article, we study how social expenditure is related to poverty, income inequality and GDP growth. Our main contribution is to disentangle these relationships by the following social expenditure schemes: 1) “old age and survivors”, 2) “incapacity”, 3) “health”, 4) “family”, 5) “unemployment and active labour market policies” and 6) “housing and others”. For this purpose, we employ OLS and 2SLS regression models using a panel data set for 22 Member States of the European Union from 1990 until 2015. We find total public social expenditure to be negatively related to poverty and inequality, but not related to GDP growth. The results vary substantially between the different social expenditure schemes, which makes more accurate targeting possible.  相似文献   

Both Japan and (West) Germany were subjected to foreign “Allied”Occupation from 1945. In this fiftieth anniversary year of the ending of World War Two and the commencement of these periods of Occupation, this paper assesses and compares the impact of the latter experience on social policy development in Germany and Japan. In particular, it focusses on social assistance and unemployment insurance, on the grounds that provision for “the able-bodied poor”constitutes a clear guide as to how far each society has progressed or is progressing along the road to “social citizenship”as defined by T. H. Marshall. The import of Allied Occupation was in practice quite different in the two cases, not least because of their very different paths of social policy development beforehand. Developments in the wake of Occupation and upto the present are nonetheless indicative of there being some elements of policy “convergence”, which welfare state regime theory has hitherto failed to allow for in its concentration upon “whole systems”at the expense of more detailed policy “subsystem”review.  相似文献   

David Elder‐Vass's “For Emergence: refining Archer's account of social structure,” is the latest of a number of papers which together constitute a family quarrel in the cognitive space After Postmodernism among realist social scientists. In the case under examination here in “Elder‐Vass's Move and Giddens's Call”, the concern is the structure and agency problem in the social sciences. The debate continuing in Elder‐Vass's paper represents the proponents of the resurrection of Durkheim's social realism under the auspices of Bhaskar's Transcendental Realism; the debate that continues here as a response to the Elder‐Vass paper, opposes the latter's attempt to advance the argument for social realism under the canopy of Harre's Immanental realism. The theme of this response is this: Elder‐Vass fails to realize the promise of reconciling social structural realism and social relational realism.  相似文献   

孙畅 《社会》2023,43(2):123-149
美国是一个多族群的移民国家,族群关系研究是帕克“人类生态学”的主题。在社会形态继替的自然过程中,帕克看到旧大陆停滞在竞争、冲突的初级阶段,因而将适应、同化寄希望于发生在美国生境的高潮阶段。然而,同化的终极理想总是遥不可及,共生的混杂状态才是既定的社会事实。吊诡的是,帕克对此并不感到不可忍受,因其独特的生命历程,帕克始终对少数族裔抱持一种同情,这成就了一种“世界主义”的社会想象。令人感到遗憾的是,仅仅围绕自然经济组织起来的生态秩序,缺少培育共识的熟悉土壤。从五湖四海来到新大陆的移民,源自不同的种族世系,他们习惯于生活在经济上彼此依存、情感上相互隔离的共生关系之中。假如中国城市中的移民没有成为患有“流浪癖”的“陌生人”,可能是因为他们心中都有个“家”,才让他们身处异乡流动而不流浪。  相似文献   

Drawing on the dual process framework from social and cognitive psychology, this paper reconciles two distinct conceptualizations of trust prevalent in the literature: “rational” calculative and irrational “affective” or normative. After critically reviewing previous attempts at reconciliation between these distinctions, we argue that the notion of trust as “reliance” is the higher order category of which “deliberate trust” and “intuitive faith” are subtypes. Our revised approach problematizes the conflation of epistemic uncertainty with phenomenological uncertainty while providing sound footing for a key sociological insight: that reliance on the routine social order is both the cognitive default and based on substantial practical evidence. We develop two broad suggestions for future research from these implications: (1) sociological research should examine the role of intuitive faith—as opposed to deliberate trust—in late modern societies, and (2) analysts should challenge the role of deliberate trust as the “modal” form of reliance in contemporary research.  相似文献   

“数字鸿沟”:当代社会阶层分析的新视角*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李升 《社会》2006,26(6):81-81
当代社会,随着信息技术的发展以及信息重要性的增强,以互联网等为基础的电子信息网络已经浸透于社会的各个领域之中,在产业、经济和社会中生成着一种新的信息场域,影响着人们的社会生活。本文从社会阶层的研究视角出发,透过“现代——后现代”的二维分析模式对信息及信息技术带来的“数字鸿沟”现象进行理论上的阐释,对其究竟是实现着“阶层化”还是“去阶层化”进行探讨,并对信息化高度发达的日本社会进行了“数字鸿沟”的实证分析。可以看出:信息、信息技术已经成为一种新的变量,并与社会阶层之间产生着密切的关系,重塑着社会阶层化机制。  相似文献   

Research shows that top‐down‐designed parenting programmes do not always meet the needs of postmigration parents. Bottom‐up programmes by migrant organizations hold a promise to fill this gap; however, research about these programmes and appropriate evaluation methodologies is scarce. Drawing upon Wenger's ( 2010 ) “communities of practice,” this paper explores an alternative perspective on parenting programme evaluation. Findings are presented from a study looking into social learning processes of postmigration parents who participated in a bottom‐up programme about raising teenagers in urban areas. Using an ethnographically inspired method combined with a preprogramme and postprogramme design, 115 Moroccan‐Dutch mothers and fathers from 15 programme groups participated. Results show that the programme provided a social learning space in which parents used themselves as resources to learn collectively about parenting. Moreover, parents consciously engaged in learning interactions across learning spaces stretched into their social networks. These analyses showed how parents' development of “learning citizenship” (Wenger, 2009 ) provides us with insight in collective learning dimensions present in a bottom‐up parenting programme, which is often not included in evaluation studies. Implications for practitioners as facilitators of parents' collective learning are presented.  相似文献   

This paper has three aims. The first is to subject to critical analysis the intractable debate between realists and anti‐realists about the status of the so‐called (moral) self, a debate that traverses various academic disciplines and discursive fields. Realism about selves has fallen on hard times of late, and the second aim of this paper is to get it back on track. Traditional substantive conceptions of the self contain ontological baggage that many moderns will be loath to carry. This paper settles for a more moderate aim, a “softer” kind of self‐realism derived from an unlikely source—Hume—and outlines the Humean moral self and its possible advantages. The third and subsidiary aim is to challenge the view that recent “narrative” conceptions of selfhood have made the old realism versus anti‐realism debate redundant. “Narrativism” about selves turns out to do little more than recycle old arguments in fancy new packages.  相似文献   

过继叙事作为明清白话小说中相对独立的叙事单元,对小说的艺术表现起到了重要作用。过继叙事不仅是推动小说故事展开的动力和营造传奇效果的艺术手段,在发掘与之相关人物的隐秘心理及形象塑造上也起到了独特作用。另外,过继叙事在小说中的频繁出现,也反映了当时人对现实生活中过继关系的焦虑。明清白话小说中大量有关继子“复姓归宗”的叙述,在很大程度上可以看作是一种通过文学虚构平复心理焦虑的“需要”。  相似文献   

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