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In this article we deal with multi-criteria simple games which constitute an extension of the basic framework of voting systems and related social-choice situations. We generalize two closely related solution concepts for these games, the stable sets and the core. A relationship between stable sets and minimal winning coalitions is established. Two generalizations of the core for multi-criteria simple games are characterized in terms of veto players. In addition, extended multi-criteria simple games obtained from different aggregation operations, such as union, intersection, marginalization, and composition, are introduced. It is shown that a voting system can be established when these operations are applied to complex voting systems.  相似文献   

Cinq modèles pour les programmes pédagogiques de prévention du harcèlement et de la discrimination ont été développés par les collèges et universités de l'Ontario. Ces modèles s'inscrivent dans la lutte contre toutes les formes d'oppression rencontrées dans notre société en s'appuyant sur les principes de base de la théorie et de la pédagogie antiracistes. Conçus en vue d'instruire les principaux responsables des établissements d'enseignement supérieur sur la prévention du harcèlement et de la discrimination, ils ont été tout aussi utiles lorsqu'ils furent employés avec les étudiants, le personnel et les citoyens en général. Le présent article examine ces modèles dans le contexte des pratiques pédagogiques actuelles en équité sociale. Five experiential models were developed by Ontario colleges and universities for harassment and discrimination prevention education. Using basic principles of antiracist theory and pedagogy, these models address issues related to a variety of forms of oppression. Although they were designed to educate senior decision makers in institutions of higher education in the prevention of harassment and discrimination on their campuses, they have been used effectively with students, staff and members of the general community as well. In this paper, the models are discussed within the context of traditional educational equity approaches.  相似文献   


The incorporation of a feminist appraoch into most psychodynamic therapies has as much to do with a need to please the greatest consumers -women as with an acceptance of the powerful theoretical arguments, important though these are.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author stressed the needs for a central arrangement for acquisition, exchange and dissemination of scientific information in the field of health and family welfare so as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of planning, administration and evaluation of health and family planning programmes and also to carry out research when needed. The proposed arrangement in the form of a documentation centre must collect information on health care systems as their main functions so that the information and documentational needs for the education and training of health personnel are rationally developed in the context of present and future health needs and demands.  相似文献   

中国当代青少年的价值观历来在前进与后退,创新与守旧,传统与未来,沉沦与升华的艰难抉择中演变着。一方面,青少年随着社会的进步,民族意识的觉醒,现代文明观念的形成,以及社会主义市场经济的形成和发展,出现了与传统的价值观念,甚至社会的主导价值观念高度分化的态势,并在分化的过程中进行反省,积累经验,更新价值观念;另一方面,青少年的价值取向又面临着如何与传统的价值观念、社会的主导价值观念进行调适的问题,并在调适的过程中探索主体的价值观念与社会的价值观念如何整合的途径与方式。纵观中国当代青少年价值观演变的历程,可以看到这一演变所呈现的基本发展趋势,那就是:平权取向的体验、自我取向的体验、非特殊主义取向的体验、内控取向的体验、文化取向的体验,以及独立取向的体验。  相似文献   

As is traditional with the Preview Issue — the first issue of the year — we asked stakeholders for their reflections on the past year and their hopes and fears for the new year. Here are some responses so far. (If you haven't submitted yours yet, please do: adawnewsletter@gmail.com ).  相似文献   


This paper discusses the way that Bergson relates the notions of freedom and sociability. It retraces a path leading from his first major work to his last, from a proto-phenomenology of freedom to a kind of biology of social life. The continuity of this passage is explained, at least in part, by Bergson's continual rethinking of his chief philosophical invention: the concept of qualitative multiplicity. This paper also seeks to indicate the importance of Bergson's understanding of both freedom and sociability for the poststructuralist political philosophy of Gilles Deleuze.  相似文献   

The shortage and inadequate distribution of psychiatric care providers decreases access to mental health care for children and adolescents. One solution to the shortage is telepsychiatry. Studies of telepsychiatry show that it is effective and well received by both clinicians and patients. Despite its obvious benefits, challenges to the use of telepsychiatry remain.  相似文献   

Disability is a socially constructed concept that can be viewed from either a medical or a social perspective. Autism, a developmental disability, can be viewed from the medical model of disability or through a new perspective brought forth by the autistic community and aligning with the social model termed neurodiversity. Using the medical model and a lens of neurodiversity, we can deconstruct the controversial issues surrounding autism and provide insights for social workers and other professionals working with the community of the disabled.  相似文献   

The paper deals with research areas and actions thanks to which the theoretical and methodological content of the "Ergonomics in Design" project can give a concrete contribution to the "Design for All" project, in particular with regards to the assessment and design of environments, the design of everyday products.  相似文献   

As a means of making recommendations on public relations curricula, a task team of 24 educators reviewed research on public relations education including preliminary results from a study conducted for the 1998 NCA summer conference. After brain storming sessions, the task team developed three models of course-specific curricula and a content curriculum model for undergraduate public relations education. The task team also proposed core and elective areas for a master's of public relations curriculum. Team members agreed that public relations curricula should have a broad liberal arts and science basis. They recommended advancing public relations education with more attention to studies of ethics, multiculturalism, international issues and to the use of technology.  相似文献   

Announcement and call for papers  相似文献   

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