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In this article we argue that individuals who want to emigrate possess a syndrome of personality characteristics that differentiates them from those who want to stay in their country of origin. Based on our own research, as well as other research findings, we show that those who want to resettle in another country tend to be more work-oriented and to have higher achievement and power motivation, but lower affiliation motivation and family centrality, than those who do not want to leave their country of origin. This migrant personality syndrome is seen as only one of the variety of factors that determine migratory behavior. We further discuss some of the possible implications of our findings for the receiving and the sending countries and possible psychological interventions that can ease the acculturation of immigrants.  相似文献   

刘树友 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):105-109
杨德泉先生生前系中国宋史研究会理事、陕西师范大学历史系教授、陕西历史博物馆筹建处主任兼党组书记。他一生热爱党的教育事业,钟情教师职业,在长期的教学实践中形成了富有自己鲜明特色的教学艺术与风格,深受学生爱戴。他献身史学研究,学识渊博,功底深厚,严谨勤奋,在唐宋史、陕西地方史等研究方面成绩卓著,创获颇丰。  相似文献   

The epistemic structure of a theory of a game   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is a contribution to the systematic study of alternative axiom-sets for theories of (normal-form, complete-information) games. It provides an introduction to epistemic logic, describes a formulation in epistemic logic of the structure of a theory of a game (the broad theory of that game), and applies methods of epistemic logic to define strategies for dealing with two disturbing features of game theory, its hyperrationality assumptions and its indeterminacy. The analysis of these problems is conducted in terms of two principles which impregnate much game theory, Cleverness and Cloisteredness (the principles that players know respectively all, and only, the logical consequences of their assumed knowledge). Broad theories allow us to formulate and revise these principles despite their metatheoretical character. It is shown how Cleverness may be weakened by using logics which restrict the Rule of Epistemization, and Cloisteredness by using default logic or autoepistemic logic; the latter is used to characterize Nash equilibrium beliefs as parts of certain autoepistemic extensions of players' knowledge bases, but these particular extensions are rejected as ungrounded.I am grateful for most helpful comments to Robin Cubitt, Joe Halpern, Ernest Geffner, Philippe Mongin, David Squires, Elias Thijsse and Tim Williamson.  相似文献   

In times of shrinking resources within the social services, collaboration is being promoted as a more efficient way of meeting the needs of children and families. A study of a children's initiative collaborative developed to address the problems of children is reported. The authors present and use an evaluation framework which incorporated the dimensions of context, process, and outcomes of collaboration. The findings, based on the initial two years of collaborative effort, suggested the membership of the group and the process and structure governing the group's operations impacted the process and outcomes of the collaboration.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive mathematical framework in which a unified treatment of additive and expected utility can be given. For achieving this, elaborate structural assumptions, characterizing a simply ordered, topological semigroup, have to be established in order to construct an isomorphism with the additive group of real numbers. This construction establishes a link between additive and expected utility theory to the extent that the same mathematical considerations leading to the derivation of an additive representation are also valid for proving the expected utility theorem.  相似文献   

对一个公共图书馆阅览室的制度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨正联 《社会》2003,(3):17-19
这是一个公共图书馆的中文工具书参考阅览室,室内存有各种法律、法规汇编、统计年鉴等工具书,供开架阅览。由于工具书利用 率不高,又因其它地方专设的自修室座位紧张,图书馆就在该室开辟了自修座位,但这样一来,也增加了该室内制度运行的复杂性。 中文工具书参考阅览室室内平面图:  相似文献   

从战争文化走向和平文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着和平文化运动的开展,铲除战争和暴力文化、建设和平文化已成为和平文化运动的两个基本目标。悄然兴起的和平文化研究,以联合国大会宣布的“2000 年——国际和平文化年”为标志,正在进入新的历史阶段。它的发展不仅对未来的和平文化建设实践具有指导意义,而且对人文社会科学和其他科学领域将产生不可低估的影响  相似文献   

The outranking methods usually contain two main steps: determination of a (sometimes valued) relation which aggregates the preferences and exploitation of this relation in order to choose, sort or rank the actions. In a ranking problem, the second step is the construction of a (complete or partial) preorder from a (valued) relation. We have considered it was interesting to list the good properties such a construction should verify and to analyze some procedures in this context. We present here the first results of this study, which concern the construction of a complete preorder from a non valued relation.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors report the results of an exploratory study which assessed the service efficacy of a collaborative service initiative developed by a university academic department and a community-based social service agency in a socially deprived and remote community in Hong Kong. The project aimed to foster mutual help and self-help of low-income families and deepen their social connection with the community. Service efficacy was assessed using a structured questionnaire and a focus group interview. After participating in the service project, the well-being of the participants has become better and their family relationships have improved. They have developed a stronger sense of belonging toward the community. The preliminary findings support the importance of creating social network in social work practice for low-income families residing in a deprived and remote neighborhood.  相似文献   

制约国家权力以保护个人权利只是宪法的一面,而国民作为主人公,发挥能动性则构成宪法的另一面。护宪派从宪法的社会契约性与普遍的价值性出发认为不应修宪,而修宪派则以日本宪法在制定程序上存在问题为由主张修宪:他们的问题都在于将法律文本绝对化,而宪法,并不仅仅指的是成文的法典,而是与宪法内容相关的各种法、制度、习惯的全体,是人民通过主观能动的政治实践活动形成的宪法。  相似文献   

Note from the editors of Literaturnoe obozrenie: As we know, readers in our country, including readers of criticism, are extraordinarily diverse. In your work do you aim at a particular type of reader rather informed in the field of literature, or at one who still has to be presented fundamentals? At the youthful reader, or one with a certain experience of life and spirit? At an individual with particular predilections, enthusiasms, interests; at one who fundamentally shares your convictions or, on the contrary, at a person differing from you, but whom you would like to "convert"? What qualities (not merely as a reader) would you like to "cultivate" in your reader?  相似文献   

Rehousing of elderly people in Australia has generally not been preceded by research into the kind of assistance that is necessary. An example is given of how an attempt was made to discover the needs of the elderly disabled in a small country community. Assessment by observation of people at home revealed the need for assistance for them to stay where they were. Home Care organized from the district hospital is often a more appropriate answer to this problem than the building of expensive and unnecessary institutions.  相似文献   

不同社会存在着许多共同的秩序问题,而解决的方式和手段也比较相似.在建立和维护建基于特定产权结构体系之上的社会秩序问题,习俗、禁忌和个人与社会群体自我约束的作用遍及于各种社会.此外,国家或政府的作用在国家社会里极为突出.国家总是和特定的利益集团联系在一起,并能够在很大程度上决定经济秩序.自由放任和守夜人的说法,或者完全是一种理想,或者纯属虚构的神话.在现代市场经济的发展过程中,国家对秩序的作用可以是积极的,也可以是消极的.这并不取决于任何必然性,而是取决于制度和组织背后的人.  相似文献   

卫东 《社科纵横》2006,(11):24-25
和谐社会是“民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处”的新型社会。围绕构建社会主义和谐社会,本文认为新型工业化道路适应了社会主义和谐社会的内在要求,是中国构建社会主义和谐社会的必然选择。  相似文献   

侯西安 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):73-77
由于复杂的理论和实践原因,大历史视野和大历史格局遭到国内外许多学者的忽视和鄙弃。笔者认为,在社会主义和谐社会建设中,大历史视野和大历史格局依然是重要的思维和研究方法。运用这一方法建设社会主义和谐社会,必须打破西方中心主义,从东方中国国情和特色出发,巩固和完善以公有制为主体、多种所有制共同发展的经济结构和社会主义市场经济体制,中国共产党一党执政、民主党派多党参政的政治结构,在价值观念领域坚持马克思主义的主导地位,培养全体公民、特别是社会公职人员对于宪法和法律的忠诚与信仰,逐步把公民民主权利落到实处。  相似文献   

Summary Social workers seem to agree that the nature of the relationshipbetween theory and practice is problematic. However, few ofus have asked what we really mean when we talk of these problems.This paper re-examines the meanings commonly attributed to eachnotion and to the relationship between them. As a result ofthis process the paradoxical nature of the current expectationof ‘integrating theory and practice’ is exposed.This leads to a proposal that we modify our way of framing themeaning of ‘integration’ and thus introduce a newdimension to questions we pose when trying to improve socialworkers' ‘integration of theory and practice’. ‘Wecan no longer explain a paradix by running away fromit; we muststand and look it in the eye’.  相似文献   

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