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Social workers who treat children of deployed servicemembers may feel poorly prepared to work competently with military families and will benefit from understanding the immediate and long-term effects of parental deployment upon children. This review consolidates a substantial, shifting knowledge base and establishes a coherent theoretical framework for social workers to learn about the effects of war-specific deployment cycles for servicemembers, and the relationship among family members' and children's experiences with deployment separation. The author considers important lessons learned during the Vietnam War and the unique experiences specific to current wars. This article compares the Vietnam War and the more recent wars' characteristics of military deployment, demographic characteristics of service members, servicemembers' family characteristics, and research findings about the psychosocial effects of deployment on children. A case vignette is presented to clarify how an understanding of deployment and reintegration is necessary for the treatment of servicemembers, families, and children by social workers.  相似文献   

Approximately 60% of deployed service members leave behind immediate family members, and although military families tend to be adaptive and resilient, evidence suggests that deployments are challenging and difficulties can arise during transitions and family separation, especially for adolescents. Grounded in the family attachment network model and the ABC-X model of family stress, the current study utilized a sample of 204 military families with an active-duty father, civilian mother and adolescent and examined parents' perceptions of adolescents' difficulties during deployment in relation to all three family members' perceptions of the adolescents' mental health (i.e., anxiety symptoms) following deployment. First, analyses of measurement invariance indicated that service members and civilian parents were generally reporting on the same underlying construct of their adolescents' difficulties during parental deployment. Next, a structural equation model demonstrated considerable overlap in service member and civilian parent reports of their adolescents' difficulties during a parental deployment (r = 0.47). Finally, both parents' perceptions of adolescent difficulties during parental deployment were related to their own perceptions of the adolescent's current anxiety but not to the adolescents' reports of their own anxiety symptoms or to the other parent's report of the adolescents' anxiety symptoms. Findings provide support for utilizing these theories in combination, such that disruptions to the family system, and the attachment relationships within that system, in one stage of the deployment cycle, may imply that there are implications for individual-level functioning, namely, anxiety, in the next stage of the deployment cycle. Findings also underscore the importance of examining our measurement tools and collecting data from multiple family members to understand family processes.  相似文献   

Using a pattern‐based approach, worry was explored in relation to military youths' developmental and contextual characteristics, and pivotal outcomes (depressive symptoms, self‐efficacy, well‐being, coping styles, academic performance and deployment adjustment). Data were collected from parents and adolescents, age 11 to 18, living in the USA (n = 273 families). Variations in individual characteristics (age and gender), military family factors (rank, recent deployment, parents' resilient coping abilities) and family relational characteristics (parents' marital status, warm parenting, marital quality) were related to heterogeneous worry typologies. Depressive symptoms, self‐efficacy and well‐being, varied across the worry typologies. Implications are drawn from these findings for identifying potential interventions that can be accessed to modify these worry patterns and limit their harmful effects.  相似文献   

冷战期间美国印度洋战略的主要目的是应对苏联,冷战后美国成为印度洋的主导力量,开始在印度洋地区进行军事前沿部署。近年来,随着印度洋战略地位的提高,美国提出了“印度-太平洋”概念,并强化其在印度洋的战略利益:保持主导地位、保护海上交通线安全、控制战略要冲等。美国在意识形态和经济因素的驱使下,通过军事部署和制度安排在印度洋取得霸权地位,但与英国相比,美国的印度洋霸权是“弱势”霸权。  相似文献   

林维业 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):87-90
毛泽东军事谋略,是毛泽东在中国革命战争军事对抗中的计谋与方略。它是中国革命战争以谋制胜的历史经验的总结,是中国军事谋略的奇葩。犯罪侦查是国家侦查机关与犯罪分子构成的特殊矛盾运动,这种矛盾的对立和斗争与军事斗争十分相似。侦查机关完全可以在毛泽东军事谋略的指导下,研究斗争双方的情况,设计和运用犯罪侦查的最佳谋略,争取斗争的最佳效果。  相似文献   

《儒林外史》采用多种手段对其故事加以规范 ,但这种规范是不充分的 ,从而使其文本意义存在相当程度的不确定性。这也正是《儒林外史》的独特魅力所在  相似文献   

This paper examines U.S. census data from 1960 to 1980 to assess the relative wages of WWII veteran and non-veteran men. Our analysis reveals that a significant portion wage gap between veterans and non-veterans (the “veteran wage premium”) is due primarily to differences in education, work experience and other socioeconomic characteristics. Our findings are consistent with the notion that greater human capital, due perhaps to the selection process for military service, or to the post-war benefits provided by the GI Bill, helped contribute to the remarkable post-war labor market success of American veterans. To a lesser extent, veterans may also have benefited from preferential labor market treatment, or from intangible aspects of military experience that enhanced their returns to earnings-related characteristics.  相似文献   

In the interest of developing a more holistic and integrated understanding of young children's experience of stories, this study describes preschoolers' emotional attachments to stories and the cultural beliefs and practices which surround such attachments. Thirty-two European-American, middle-class families, participated in an interview study of their children's story attachments, and five of these mothers also participated in a short-term, longitudinal diary study. Every child experienced at least two emotional attachments to stories. Children were captivated by stories presented in different media, with many attachments occurring around video stories in addition to books. They expressed their attachments by repeatedly requesting the story, expressing strong feelings, and enacting the story in pretend play. Story attachments were social in two fundamental ways: children created relationships with the characters in their favorite stories, and story attachments emerged in the context of relationships with caregivers whose beliefs and practices supported such attachments.  相似文献   

This article is a continuation of a conference panel dialogue that focused on providing individualized, culturally responsible treatment of secondary traumatic stress (STS) for military social workers. Key aspects of the roles and responsibilities, professional and ethical challenges of military social workers and social work officers serve as focal points for understanding the importance of social support. This article discusses ways social support might help to moderate the impact of STS. The “buddy system” describes a culturally unique protective factor, which is a well‐known and effective type of social support utilized throughout the military. This article provides valuable information on how the “buddy system” can serve as a blueprint for managing STS experienced by military social workers. The article concludes with research, policy, and practice implications.  相似文献   

李凌静 《社会》2018,38(5):1-40
对现代个体生存体验的关注是齐美尔现代性思考的重要特征。随着货币经济在现代社会的日益繁荣,货币逐渐将其自身的品格渗透到现代人的心理层面,影响现代个体行为,塑造独特的现代性体验。可以说,货币成为“货币”的过程,就是现代人获得其现代体验的过程。都市体验是最为典型的现代性体验,都市人是“忧郁的栖居者”,厌腻态度构成了现代人“忧郁”的内核。而在冒险体验与陌生体验中,蕴藏着现代个体保持独特个性、对抗货币逻辑的可能。通过“货币”,齐美尔试图揭示的不仅仅是现代人的生存问题,更是关乎人类终极价值的问题--在看似碎片化的现代性体验与人类的总体存在方式之间,齐美尔提供了一条经由“货币”的解释路径。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The present study investigates the role of a disadvantaged background, the lack of social connectedness, and behavioral problems in channeling young men to the opportunities of the all-volunteer military instead of to college and the labor market. METHODS: Data from three waves of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health in the United States. The analytic sample consists of 6,938 white, black, and other males. RESULTS: The greatest likelihood of military service versus college and the labor force occurs when young men of at least modest ability come from disadvantaged circumstances, experience minimal connectedness to others, and report a history of adolescent fighting. DISCUSSION: Findings suggest the importance of access to post-high school education and worklife opportunities as a military service incentive for less advantaged young men in the all volunteer era.  相似文献   

昭义镇是唐代中原型藩镇之一,有其特殊的地理环境和种族文化,这种特殊性使昭义镇在唐中后期至五代初历史发展中起了重要作用。通过对昭义镇特殊地理环境和种族文化的论述和分析,可以揭示昭义镇在唐中后期至五代时在唐中央和地方藩镇关系中,在汴晋两大势力间有重要地位的原因,以及胡汉冲突的种族文化因素对昭义镇的发展和这段时期历史的影响。  相似文献   

黄玉杰 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):114-118
以毛泽东转战当时的敌我态势、战事行踪、地理环境、亲属身世等翔实资料考释毛主席《五律·喜闻捷报》中诸多史实 ,辨析了词义 ,解读了诗作内容 ,纠正了各种误读。  相似文献   

Objectives. We seek to investigate the determinants of corruption in authoritarian polities. We hypothesize that corruption in nondemocratic settings will be greater where the ruling group is personalistic rather than a political party or a military clique and that it will be greater where rulers expect to remain in power longer. We construct a new operationalization of the selectorate theory advanced by Bueno de Mesquita et al. Methods. We use cross‐sectional statistical analysis (OLS) to examine a sample of 40‐odd authoritarian regimes as of 2000. Results. Our results indicate that personalistic and personalistic‐hybrid regimes are more prone to corruption than single‐party and military regimes and also that rulers who expect to remain in power for longer are less corrupt. Corroborating previous studies, we document that the availability of natural resources and higher levels of institutionalized autocracy are associated with greater corruption and that wealthier countries experience less corruption. Our results are consistent with previous studies, including that of Bueno de Mesquita et al., but because of our reconstruction of selectorate theory in terms of real‐world regime types, they are more easily interpretable. Conclusions. Our study sheds light on why African countries are so notoriously corrupt. The personalistic authoritarian regimes that have arisen there in the postcolonial period appear especially prone to corruption, whereas military and single‐party dictatorships are less corrupt.  相似文献   

程远 《唐都学刊》2005,21(6):108-111
孙子是中国历史上第一位以战争作为认识对象和科学研究对象的军事家,他认为,战争规律是可知的,人具有认识战争规律的能力,并力求寻找战争的一般规律和战争的指导规律,闪耀着科学理性的思想光辉。正是这种科学理性精神,使其总结出的许多军事原则至今魅力不减。  相似文献   

This study examines complementarities between inclusive development, military expenditure and political stability in the fight against terrorism in 53 African countries for the period 1998–2012. Hence the policy variables employed in the study are inclusive development, military expenditure and political stability. The empirical evidence is based on Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) with forward orthogonal deviations. The paper reports three main findings. Firstly, military expenditure and inclusive development are substitutes and not complements. Secondly, it is more relevant to use political stability as a complement of inclusive development than to use inclusive development as a complement of political stability. Thirdly, it can be broadly established that military expenditure and political stability are complementary. In the light of the sequencing, complementarity and substitutability, when the three policy variables are viewed within the same framework, it is more feasible to first pursue political stability and then complement it with military expenditure and inclusive development.  相似文献   

秦克宏 《求是学刊》2012,39(3):149-155
宋代的走马承受公事是皇帝派驻地方的使者.他们的主要职责是信息通进,内容包括地方边情与军政等信息.其中,奏报边情、为帅司传递信息体现的是其军事功能,监视将帅则体现着他们的监察功能.走马承受公事的奏报是宋廷据以决策的重要依据.  相似文献   

Most theories about virtue cultivation fall under the general umbrella of the role model approach, according to which virtue is acquired by emulating role models, and where those role models are usually conceived of as superior in some relevant respect to the learners. I argue that although we need role models to cultivate virtue, we also need good and close relationships with people who are not our superiors. The overemphasis on role models is misguided and misleading, and a good antidote draws on the Aristotelian concept of character friendship. Character friendship (a) constitutes a unique form of experience in which we share a substantial way of seeing with a close other; (b) facilitates a unique form of knowledge, the knowledge of a particular person (my‐self and the other's self); (c) develops other emotions important for virtue cultivation besides admiration, such as love, shame, trust, and hope; and (d) is a praxis in which cooperative interactions and discussions function as a bridge between habituation of virtue at home and the public life. Character friendship provides necessary elements for human cultivation of virtue that the sole experience of having a role model does not.  相似文献   

The association between parental military work factors and adolescent's well‐being was examined. Data were collected from 1036 military youth. Using a within‐group design, we examined adolescent's well‐being related to parental absence, school and neighbourhood transitions, paygrade/rank and participation in military‐sponsored activities, and differentiated outcomes by sex and age. Two parental work factors primarily influenced adolescent's well‐being, parental paygrade/rank and engagement in military‐sponsored activities. Parental paygrade/rank was the only factor uniformly related to poorer well‐being, and this variable likely represents a more complex set of family circumstances. Engaging in military‐sponsored activities served as a resource and was related to enhanced well‐being. Individual‐level differences and implications for social workers are discussed.  相似文献   

During the Persian Gulf War, the Red Cross and a family service agency in Greensboro, North Carolina, began a multigenerational support group designed to serve military families. The major features of this innovative group approach are described in relation to the major dimensions of Schopler and Galinsky's (1993) model of support groups. From this group experience, the leaders learned the significance of appropriate sponsorship in providing an appealing environment, the importance of inclusiveness, a greater understanding of the enrichment that diversity brings, and the significance of the role that mentor families can play in a support group.  相似文献   

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