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The rise of managed care as the dominant form of healthcare delivery in the U.S. clearly has dramatic implications for the profession of social work. Thus far and for good reasons, the professional dialog about managed care has largely focused on . the threats posed to the professional agenda of social work by managed care in its various forms. This article considers some of the more positive aspects of the transformation from fee‐based to population‐based healthcare systems, in particular the vigorous trend toward multidisciplinary primary care and collaborative mental health practice in primary care settings. It is argued that the market forces behind this trend also promote the emergence of models of social work practice that better integrate historically dichotomized aspects of health and mental health practice. Also considered are implications for social work education and the division of labor among the healthcare professions.  相似文献   

Internationally, interest is developing in the challenges ofdeveloping evidence-based guidelines for social work practice.The paper reports on the process of establishing the UK’sfirst joint health and social care evidence-based practice guideline,which is in dementia care. The paper addresses the methodologicaland procedural challenges of reviewing, meta-analysing and synthesizingknowledge for health and social care given the contrasting historiesof the two sectors in relation to the emergence of evidence-basedpractice. Dementia care is a complex domain within which socialand clinical perspectives intersect, reinforcing the desirabilityof producing ‘joined up’ health and social carepractice guidelines that are relevant to integrated services.It is suggested that the exemplar of producing a joint healthand social care guideline for dementia may be a model for futuredevelopment of practice guidelines. Some of the main recommendationsare presented to illustrate the character of the joint guideline,lessons are drawn for future guideline development, and implicationsfor policy and practice implementation are considered.  相似文献   

This paper argues that at a time when policy guidance urged closer collaboration and joint working between health and social services, the long-established cultural and professional gaps were widening and deteriorating. Drawing on data from four research sites, the paper argues that the deterioration was rooted principally in practitioners' preoccupations with changes within their own organizations and daily work, resulting from a major period of change in both health and social services, which, ironically, was at the expense of the joint working which the "Caring for People" reforms required. As the policy environment changes again, under the Labour government, it is likely that health and social care practitioners will be working within further organizational turbulence and change. It will be crucial that those changes are managed in such a way that they avoid the very real danger of compounding the problems which our respondents identified.  相似文献   

Abstract   Following managed care saturation in the US market, and because of limited prospects in Europe, managed care made some headway in Latin America and Southeast Asia. The following paper compares a general concept, "managed care", across countries, and shows that it has gained acceptance in certain territories (e.g. Hong Kong, the Philippines), but not in others. Managed care is defined as processes or techniques used by any entity that delivers, administers and/or assumes risk for health services in order to control or influence the quality, accessibility, utilization, costs and prices, or outcomes of such services provided to a defined population ( American Medical Association, 1999 ). The first part of the paper reviews specific experiences (Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore), and is followed by a summary of difficulties that Managed Care encountered in Asia. Among these are rising public defiance and physician opposition.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how individuals can insure premium risk and obtain high quality health insurance in a managed care environment. Insurers choose health care providers. Only a fraction of high risk individuals is unambiguously identifiable in front of a court. Premium insurance is not able to reach a first-best risk allocation while health insurers have an incentive to stint on quality under guaranteed renewable contracts. It is shown that a contract exists which can implement the first-best. This contract specifies payments to individuals and a third party upon switching to create a credible self-commitment by the insurer to provide high quality.  相似文献   

The article compares quality of care under the traditional "fee–for–service" system with that given by "managed care" providers in the United States. Outcomes have been mixed, with most studies reporting on one hand a decline in the propensity of patients of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) to seek treatment and, on the other, lower patient satisfaction. The quality of care has not deteriorated, however, except in the case of that given to vulnerable patients.  相似文献   

One of the most important debates among health economists in rich nations is whether advances in biotechnology will spare their health care systems from a financial crisis. We must consider that prevalence rates of chronic diseases declined during the twentieth century and that this rate of decline has accelerated. However, health care costs may continue to increase even as the age of onset of chronic diseases is delayed, because the proportion of a cohort living to late ages will increase. The accelerating decline in the prevalence of chronic diseases during the course of the twentieth century supports the proposition that increases in life expectancy during the twenty-first century will be fairly large, but the effect on health care in the U.S. will be modest. The income elasticity for health services is calculated at 1.6, meaning that income expenditures on health care in the U.S. are likely to rise from a current level of about 15 percent to about 29 percent of GDP in 2040.  相似文献   


Though the impact of managed care on clinical social work practice and education has been widely acknowledged and critiqued, Humane Managed Care? edited by Schamess and Lightburn, represents a compendium of papers addressing all aspects of the recent phenomena and its impact on practitioners, educators, and most especially our clients. In reviewing this impressive and comprehensive volume, this paper addresses many of the most controversial and painful aspects of the “Managed Care Revolution,” including its impact on the level of clinical practice and its economic and political ramifications. It is suggested that the editors and some of the authors are less hopeful about the possibility of providing “humane” treatment in the managed care environment than they were only a few years earlier, as indicated by a comparison of this volume with the 1996 special edition of Smith College Studies in Social Work. This article also critiques some of the anthology's chapters, which suggest that the changes in health care delivery will ultimately be beneficial to clinical social workers.

Essay Review: Humane Managed Care? Gerald Schamess, M.S.S. & Anita Lightburn, Ph.D. (Eds.). (Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1998.)  相似文献   

The importance of interprofessional collaboration in achieving high quality outcomes, improving patient quality of life, and decreasing costs has been growing significantly in health care. Palliative care has been viewed as an exemplary model of interprofessional care delivery, yet best practices in both interprofessional education (IPE) and interprofessional practice (IPP) in the field are still developing. So, too, is the leadership of hospice and palliative care social workers within IPE and IPP. Generating evidence regarding best practices that can prepare social work professionals for collaborative practice is essential. Lessons learned from practice experiences of social workers working in hospice and palliative care can inform educational efforts of all professionals. The emergence of interprofessional education and competencies is a development that is relevant to social work practice in this field. Opportunities for hospice and palliative social workers to demonstrate leadership in IPE and IPP are presented in this article.  相似文献   

As the integration of health and social care services progressesin the mental health sector, there is concern that mental healthsocial workers are disadvantaged, relative to health professionals,because they cannot identify the knowledge base for their practice.This paper argues that this concern is partly the product ofassuming that the knowledge base has to be premised upon randomizedcontrolled trials. Instead, it proposes a non-hierarchical frameworkbased on that developed in health research in Canada by Upshurand colleagues that generates a typology of knowledge whichis congruent with the main forms of inquiry that are relevantto mental health social work practice. The framework recognizesthe contribution of randomized controlled trials to the knowledgebase but also validates knowledge drawn from qualitative, epidemiological,practitioner and user knowledge. It is argued that the frameworkprofiles a wider knowledge base than that promoted by conventionalevidence-based practice, and also could be a basis for futuredevelopment of the research agenda in mental health social work.  相似文献   

Germany, France and the Netherlands all have specific ‘Bismarckian’ health insurance systems, which encounter different and specific problems (and solutions) from those of national health systems. Following a relatively similar trajectory, the three systems have gone through important changes: they now combine universalization through the state and marketization based on regulated competition; they associate more state control (directly or through agencies) and more competition and market mechanisms. Competition between insurers has gained importance in Germany and the Netherlands and the state is reinforcing its controlling capacities in France and Germany. Up to now, continental health insurance systems have remained, however, Bismarckian (they are still mainly financed by social contribution, managed by health insurance funds, they deliver public and private health care, and freedom is still higher than in national health systems), but a new ‘regulatory health care state’ is emerging. Those changes are embedded in the existing institutions since the aim of the reforms is more to change the logic of institutions than to change the institutions themselves. Hence, structural changes occur without revolution in the system.  相似文献   

Saario S, Raitakari S. Contractual audit and mental health rehabilitation: a study of formulating effectiveness in a Finnish supported housing unit Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 321–329 © 2010 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and International Journal of Social Welfare. Mental health NGOs in Western Europe are increasingly managed by contractual audit procedures. This article concerns how contractual audit and its emphasis on effectiveness of care impact on the practices of long‐term mental health rehabilitation. To demonstrate this, a case study of a Finnish NGO that provides supported housing is presented. The study looks at how service purchasing practices, as stated in the contract between the municipality and the NGO, are reflected in the meetings among practitioners. Documentary and meeting data were utilised together with Mitchell Dean's notion of technologies of agency. It was found that practitioners actively sought to show the effectiveness of their everyday work in terms of contractual audit by demonstrating both the economic and progressive aspects of care. Thus, professional competency in mental health rehabilitation appears to entail both the skills of care interventions and the ability to perform these interventions as efficient and financially accountable activities.  相似文献   

健康是人们福利的重要组成部分,因此医疗卫生政策和体系是社会政策的重要领域。该项研究从贫穷、低收入和健康之间的关联中评估人们对医疗保健的需要;指出英国存在全科医生、医院医生及公共卫生医生是医疗卫生服务提供的主体;英国在医疗卫生政策改革方面的内容包括:(1)对英国全民医疗体系(NHS)多渠道的财政支持,(2)提高服务质量的机构管理改革,(3)实施提高服务质量的安全、有效、病人中心、及时、效率、和平的原则;英国存在的强大政治集团及其利益影响着改革;政府需要在减少医疗服务中不平等和提供及时有效的服务方面努力。  相似文献   

Solidarity and equal access are twin principles in the Dutch health care system: solidarity between the rich and poor and among people with high and low risks formally guarantees equal access to health care services. However, in the past few years government policies, guided by the ideology of market reform and free choice, have resulted in patterns of inequality that favour privately insured over sickness fund insured. In the meantime, the level of public support for the principles of solidarity and equal access is dropping. A significantly larger portion of the Dutch people now believes that it would be too costly to grant everyone the right to all medical treatments possible. An important reason for the decline of solidarity and equal accessibility is the scarcity of resources. The scarcity of resources and the waiting lists resulting from it will reduce the extent of the benefits package and the access to the care services of the health system. The better-off will have the resources to receive care services that are not part of the basic package. Moreover, the scarcity of resources will affect the readiness in society to provide informal care. Opposed to the compulsory macro solidarity of the health insurance system, informal care is based on a voluntary kind of solidarity in which personal choice plays an important role. Waiting lists and diminishing professional support weaken this readiness, as such support is a necessary condition for informal carers to keep caring for their relatives and friends. Because the informal care system is a necessary supplement to the formal system of care, the lack of help offered by the latter will in the end endanger the solidarity not only in informal care, but in the institutional care system as well.  相似文献   

This article explores the ethics of current treatments for depression through the lenses of social work values and ethics. As a vehicle for analysis, the approach associated with ethics of care will be utilized. Particular attention is paid to ethical dilemmas in the treatment of depression under the auspices of managed care companies. A case example is presented to help social workers understand these dilemmas in the context of practice. Adopting an ethics of care perspective would mandate that social workers become more politically active, and work toward integrating direct and indirect practice approaches in treating people who suffer from depression and similar problems.  相似文献   

Proactively making end-of-life (EOL) preparations is important to ensure high quality EOL care. Critical to preparation is the discussion of preferences with one’s primary health care providers. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people often experience discrimination from health care providers that will detrimentally affect their ability to communicate their care preferences. Structural barriers, such as those based on sexual orientation and gender identity, may impede timely and quality care when one is most in need. The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of EOL preparatory behaviors among LGBT people, with particular focus on transgender individuals. Eight survey instruments with 30 prevalence estimates found in the literature were analyzed. EOL discussions between LGBT people and their primary health care providers were rare (10%). Transgender people were found to be even less prepared for EOL; they were 50–70% less likely than their LGB counterparts to have a will, a living will or to have appointed a healthcare proxy. A need exists for future mixed-methods research focused on LGBT populations accompanied by the cultural sensitivity needed to ensure their wishes are honored at the EOL.  相似文献   

This paper explores practice examples relating to young people's transitions from care to adulthood. It discusses examples drawn from young people's pathways to adulthood, leaving care law and policy and participation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the research evidence on promoting the resilience of young people from care to adulthood, by proposing a framework for evaluating the impact of practice. It is suggested that practice should be interrogated in respect of the contribution made to stability and continuity, educational achievement, involving young people, preparation and support into adulthood, and health and well‐being.  相似文献   

This study tested the impact of a case managed, h- home services program on caregivers' percepiions of burden, satisfac- tion, and health. Over their f i t 6 months with the program, caregiv- ers reported spending less lime in patient care activities. Subjective burden and symptoms were reduced initially, but climbed to original levels by the 6-month reassessment Satisfaction scores did not change significantly. Social work's role in the program is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the health and well‐being of young people making the transition from care to independent adulthood. It draws on findings from a wider study of outcomes for young people leaving care in England. Notably, the study used, as its key outcome indicators, measures of general and mental well‐being. In doing so, it was able to explore the interrelationship between these areas and young people's overall progress after care. The paper explores the extent to which young people experience difficulties related to physical and mental health, disability and emotional and behavioural problems. It will show that such difficulties can impact upon and be influenced by overall well‐being and post‐care progress in more traditional outcome areas such accommodation and career, and will suggest that the transition from care itself can adversely affect health and well‐being. The paper considers these issues within the context of a changing policy framework which has given increased priority to the health and well‐being of young people in and leaving care, particularly in light of the Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000. It considers the ways that young people are supported to address health and well‐being and the implications for and impact on leaving care services.  相似文献   

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