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盛唐诗人与僧侣交游的特征及贡献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅绍良 《唐都学刊》2001,17(2):25-30
盛唐是佛教与诗歌相结合的一个重要历史阶段.在这个时期,诗人们不仅频繁地与僧侣相交往,而且在潜移默化中更新和丰富了传统的山水意识,由泛神主义过渡到情趣主义,完成了山水诗由谢灵运尚巧模式向浑成模式的转变;僧侣们的文学意识加强,在与诗人的交往中,传佛习诗、以诗会友,文学也成为他们悟禅明性的常用手段.慧远时代以神僧崇拜为主的诗人与佛界交往的模式被打破,佛界领袖和一般僧人都成了诗人们交游的对象,形成了诗人游佛与僧侣习诗的诗佛互补模式,为中晚唐诗僧的大量涌现创造了气氛,奠定了基础.因此,从诗歌与佛教相结合的角度来说,盛唐依然是一个不容忽略的特殊时期.  相似文献   


The use of meta-analysis is growing in popularity. It is based on the fundamental notion of the effect size, and a critical assumption is that effect sizes based on different measures are directly comparable. In this article it is argued that the direct comparability of effect sizes across measures implies the invariance of the effect sizes across these measures. A model of standardized mean difference (SMD) effect size invariance is developed, based on multifacet generalizability theory, which shows that SMD effect size invariance requires certain validity invariance conditions to hold. One implication of these findings is that the direct comparability of SMD effect sizes based on different measurement procedures is an empirical matter requiring testing prior to conducting a meta-analysis. Findings are also discussed suggesting that violations of one of these conditions—universe score validity invariance—can bring about substantial differences across SMD effect sizes as a function of measurement procedure. These findings suggest the need for a more refined use of meta-analysis since meta-analytic results may be adversely impacted by the lack of direct comparability of effect sizes based on different measures.  相似文献   

周敬伟  罗双 《创新》2016,(1):23-39
毛泽东思想不仅是马克思主义中国化理论与实践的概括,也是符合西方国家科学哲学要求的方法论,而且是完整及优越的,因为,此方法论满足了科学哲学的诸多要求,并增补和完善了可名之为论的专有方法论学问,包括形式论、实然论、知识论、认知论、洞悉论。毛泽东思想方法论的完整性及优越性让方法论者在无例可参的国家构建、建设与战略发展的大环境及具体情境中得以高效地发现、分析和掌握现象及问题的本质、成因、形成规律,并基于分析做出合理的判断及理性行动决策,因此,毛泽东思想方法论是践行实事求是的必要方法论,是党员干部尤其是各级领导干部必须掌握与应用的,也因此,其价值的回归是应然的,其知识和应用的普及是必须的。  相似文献   

詹双晖 《创新》2009,3(5):20-23
赛会演剧这一古代文化现象在粤东海陆丰地区至今延续。早在元明之际海陆丰民系形成之始,迎神赛会、演戏酬神习俗已随闽南移民带入,至明中后期及清初,在一些人口稠密经济较发达的通衢大邑,赛会演剧已经蔚然成风。所演之剧早期多为竹马戏、钱鼓舞、白字曲、英歌舞等民间歌舞小戏,后来随着外来南戏正字戏的流行以及白字戏的形成,祭祀演剧渐由正字戏、白字戏、西秦戏等职业戏班唱主角。  相似文献   

北京怀柔红螺寺,自古为京东名刹,历史悠久,闻名遐迩.因史料记载不足,至今难以把握其历史全貌,特别是关于红螺寺的法脉源流、 宗派所属、 法门特征,现有的研究尚不充分.通过红螺寺历史人物及相关史实的考察,指出红螺寺自辽代即为净土念佛道场,金元时期延续此风,至清代际醒大师而大盛,成为全国典范;红螺法系在金元时期属云门宗,清代属临济宗,法门特点为禅净双修;红螺寺的净土念佛源远流长,影响广泛,这里作为清修道场,在北京地区的佛教史上独具特色.  相似文献   

This paper reports how transit crime and perception of crime have been barriers to an area-focused and person-based ethnographic urban health and wellbeing research study in St. Louis. This study has experienced two primary challenges. First, respondent concerns about crime have impeded the ability of the study to follow best practices to strengthen ethnographic and qualitative research. Second, these concerns have impeded sampling and respondent participation in a way that decreases the voice and perspectives of older adults.  相似文献   

刘豪兴 《社会》2004,1(11):4-10
费孝通先生是国际著名的社会学家、人类学家,也是我国著名的社会活动家。早年留学英国,其博士论文《Peasant Life in China》(中文名《江村经济》)被国际社会学界誉为"人类学的一个里程碑"。回国后,费孝通先生致力于中国乡村社会的实地调查,发表了诸多经典的调查报告。他一生致力于社会学中国土本化的努力,为中国社会学的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他还是获得过"赫胥黎奖"和"马林诺斯基奖"的亚洲学者。 费孝通先生对《社会》杂志的发展曾寄予以极大的关心和希望。他曾为《社会》创刊号寄文,其著名论文《江村五十年》也是首先发表在《社会》杂志上的(1986年第6期)。在即将迎来他95岁华诞之际,本刊特刊发一组有关他学术思想的述评文章。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Andrew Durham, Warwickshire Social Services Department, The Grange, Coventry Road, Southam CV47 1QB, UK. E-mail: andrewdurham{at}warwickshire.gov.uk Summary This paper outlines the methodology of a research study whichused unstructured life-story interviewing to explore the impactof child sexual abuse on the lives of seven young men aged between15 and 24 (see Durham, 1999). In approaching this research,a theoretical relationship was established between ethnography(particularly a life-story approach), feminist praxis, anti-oppressiveresearch and social work practitioner research. Researchingexperiences of child sexual abuse is stressful for all concerned,and requires a methodology which establishes a safe environment,which facilitates an expression and discussion of painful andfearful feelings and experiences, and provides appropriate on-goingsupport. In setting up this environment and providing support,before, during and after the data collection phase, the valueand importance of social work practitioner research was established.The potential influence of this on the nature of data collectedwas acknowledged, both as a potential cost, in terms of objectivity,but also as a benefit, in creating a climate for the productionof sensitive knowledge. It is concluded that a life-story practitionerresearch approach, incorporating the principles of anti-oppressiveresearch practice, is an appropriate methodology for the studyof the experience and impact of child sexual abuse, producingknowledge of substantial depth.  相似文献   

霍伟伟  罗瑾琏 《创新》2010,4(3):63-66
创新型人力资本对中国高技术产业经济增长的贡献率水平整体偏低,且存在显著的行业及地域差异;政策制定者要根据各地区自身的人力资本要素情况,选择具有相对优势的行业重点发展,避免低水平重复建设。同时,落后地区还要充分利用周边地区的创新辐射效应。  相似文献   

1961年北京市委组织的京郊调查纠正了北京“大跃进”“左”倾错误,解决了农村生产中实际存在的一系列突出问题。同时给一批在“大跃进”、人民公社化运动中因坚持真理而受到处分的干部平反,促进了思想的解放。  相似文献   

李水莲 《唐都学刊》2003,19(4):48-50
生产要素按贡献参与分配,是经济学领域中的一个新课题,它与马克思的劳动价值论并不相悖.在实践上,它与我国当前的多种所有制形式和市场经济相适应,是由非劳动生产要素在社会生产中不可替代的作用决定的,也是发展社会生产力,提高国际竞争力的需要.生产要素按贡献参与分配时,应坚持效率优先、兼顾公平,正确处理反对平均主义与防止收入悬殊的关系;正确处理个人分配中提倡奉献精神与落实分配政策之间的关系,从而完善社会主义初级阶段的分配制度.  相似文献   

文章介绍了我国科研评价发展历程和国际科研评价的潮流,提出要借鉴国际科研计量评价方法,建立人文社会科学科研计量评价体系;同时运用现代信息技术,建立权威的"中国人文社会科学引文数据库".建立新的科研计量评价体系,对人文社会科学的发展的价值和意义在于有利于推动科研创新,进一步规范研究工作,改进科研机构的管理水平,建立更公平的科研竞争机制,引导科研资源流向,为政府制定宏观科学政策提供参考.  相似文献   

Summary Theoretical approaches to grief and mourning have emphasizedthe instinctual and biological elements of a person's responseto bereavement. The behaviour of bereaved individuals has thereforebeen interpreted on the basis of these theoretical models. Thispaper argues that an appreciation of the social context in whichbereavement occurs leads to a fuller understanding of observedresponses in such a situation. It thus emphasizes the socialnature of individuals rather than their biological make-up andprovides a theoretical frame of reference in terms of whichthis may be understood. Such an analysis also has implicationsfor the kind of help which is seen to be appropriate to theneeds of bereaved people. It is suggested that social workersshould develop a greater understanding of this approach andthat, on the basis of this, they would then have a particularrole to play in relation to this area of need  相似文献   

A major purpose of this essay is to show that our assumptions regarding human development in general, and in particular, the mother and child have their roots in a Christian-humanistic tradition. I also wish to locate the origins of the discourse on the mother and child within a critical historical review of notions of a changing anthropology of the human subject. The working hypothesis is as follows: A changing view of the human being is associated with a changing approach to child care and child development. This changing approach to child is accompanied by a 'new woman'. Women are newly constructed when children, and thus a future person and a future society is defined.  相似文献   

孟英 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):131-134
孙中山是 2 0世纪站在中国时代前列的一位民族伟人 ,他终结了中国的封建专制 ,推开了中国跻身现代化国家的大门 ;他倡行“三民主义”主张 ,开启中国政治民主化的先河 ,构筑了中国未来经济现代化的蓝图 ;他传承先进文化 ,推进了中国传统文化现代化的进程 ,为中华民族的伟大复兴做出了重要的历史性贡献。  相似文献   

近二十年对外汉语教学研究成果统计分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对对外汉语教学这一学科两种权威期刊近 2 0年研究成果的统计分析 ,了解该学科各个领域的研究现状及其发展轨迹 ,分析其研究重点变化的原因 ,找出其研究的薄弱环节。研究表明 :语言学与汉语研究、课堂教学与教学法研究是该学科的重点领域 ,成果甚丰 ,占研究总量的 2 /3 ;跨文化交际、教材、语言测试、学科建设等方面的研究较弱 ;语言学习与习得基础理论方面的研究明显不足 ,有待加强  相似文献   

徐艳萍  谢娟 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):118-121
如果在超越狭隘民族立场的前提下去看待世界文学或人类总体文学进程,就会发现一个不可否认的事实,即整个文学发展系统是由全人类各民族文学共同交织而成的网络,是一个文学共同体或文学时空联合体.国家民族文学的本土纵向继承和不同国别、族别文学传统之间的横向借鉴的合力共同构成了文学发展总的动力.泰戈尔的诗歌熏陶了一批中国最有才华的诗人和作家,诸如郭沫若、徐志摩、冰心等,而他们的作品,又影响了一代又一代的中国读者,从而揭示泰戈尔对中国现代文学的贡献.  相似文献   

Summary There have been increasing calls on the probation service todemonstrate effectiveness with the recent Evidence Based Practiceguide (Home Office, 1998) explicitly citing evaluative researchas a means of achieving this. This article describes the quantitativepart of a research project undertaken within Middlesex ProbationService to evaluate the introduction of motivational interviewingas a technique to aid probation officers in their assessmentand supervision of offenders who misuse alcohol and drugs. Resultssuggest that, irrespective of stratification, all offendersindicated an improvement in their questionnaire scores duringtheir contact with the probation service. However, there weremore statistically significant improvements in the attitudinalscales amongst offenders whose officers were trained in thetechnique compared to officers who were not trained in motivationalinterviewing.  相似文献   

党的十六大“政治报告”,对我们党的思想路线做了新的概括。“政治报告”指出:“坚持党的思想路线,解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,是我们党坚持先进性和增强创造力的决定性因素。”“政治报告”将党的思想路线概括为“解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进”这三句话,使党的思想路线得到了丰富和发展,意义极其重大。  相似文献   

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