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Policy regarding long-term care has been an issue of rising national concern. In this paper we examine the transition of Danish long-term care policy with special attention to Skævinge, the first community in Denmark to integrate institutional and community-based services for the elderly. Recent studies on the variation between costs and services in Danish communities and the results of U.S. studies on community-based care suggest that successful implementation of integrated institutional and community-based long-term care is feasible in the United States. Lessons from Denmark highlight conditions that will facilitate success in this endeavor.  相似文献   

Policy regarding long-term care has been an issue of rising national concern. In this paper we examine the transition of Danish long-term care policy with special attention to Skaevinge, the first community in Denmark to integrate institutional and community-based services for the elderly. Recent studies on the variation between costs and services in Danish communities and the results of U.S. studies on community-based care suggest that successful implementation of integrated institutional and community-based long-term care is feasible in the United States. Lessons from Denmark highlight conditions that will facilitate success in this endeavor.  相似文献   

李学斌 《城市观察》2013,26(4):62-71
西方社区养老服务对我国应对人口老龄化问题具有重要的借鉴意义。本文首先分析了西方社区养老服务、西方社区照顾与我国社区养老服务的异同,并综述了西方学者在支持家庭照顾者、居家照顾服务、邻里照顾、照顾管理和协作模式等方面的研究成果,以期对我国社区养老服务提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   

This article examines current and proposed long-term care policies and the social values of American families by looking at the influence of policy on family behavior. The analysis asks two questions. First, have our policies in recent years supported or undermined family values regarding the care of older members? Second, are our existing family values compatible with home and community-based long-term care reform proposals? Aaron, Mann, and Taylor's (1994) model for policy and changing values provides direction throughout. Findings based on behavior as a proxy for values suggest that current policies influence family values, and in turn, family values influence policies. Future policy is discussed in light of changed values, American family structure, dysfunctional families, individualism and collectivism, and gender neutrality and justice.  相似文献   

A major effort is under way nationally to shift long-term care services from institutional to home- and community-based settings. This article employs quantitative and qualitative methods to identify unmet needs of consumers who transition from a statewide home- and community-based service program for older adults to long-term nursing home residence. Administrative data, care manager notes, and focus group discussions identified program service gaps that inadequately accommodated acute health problems, mental health issues, and stressed family caregivers; additional unmet needs highlighted an inadequate workforce, transportation barriers, and limited supportive housing options. National and state-level policy implications are considered.  相似文献   

A major effort is under way nationally to shift long-term care services from institutional to home- and community-based settings. This article employs quantitative and qualitative methods to identify unmet needs of consumers who transition from a statewide home- and community-based service program for older adults to long-term nursing home residence. Administrative data, care manager notes, and focus group discussions identified program service gaps that inadequately accommodated acute health problems, mental health issues, and stressed family caregivers; additional unmet needs highlighted an inadequate workforce, transportation barriers, and limited supportive housing options. National and state-level policy implications are considered.  相似文献   

Aging in place is a core component of the policy on aging in Israel. This was well expressed in the Long-Term Care Insurance law enacted in 1986 and implemented in 1988. Under the law, disabled persons can receive in-kind home- and community-based services to enable frail older adults to age in place and to complement or supplement the care provided primarily by family caregivers who are legally responsible for caregiving of their elderly family members. This article presents the main principles of the law and reviews the amendments that this law has undergone during the past 22 years. Finally, some core issues and dilemmas are discussed.  相似文献   

Aging in place is a core component of the policy on aging in Israel. This was well expressed in the Long-Term Care Insurance law enacted in 1986 and implemented in 1988. Under the law, disabled persons can receive in-kind home- and community-based services to enable frail older adults to age in place and to complement or supplement the care provided primarily by family caregivers who are legally responsible for caregiving of their elderly family members. This article presents the main principles of the law and reviews the amendments that this law has undergone during the past 22 years. Finally, some core issues and dilemmas are discussed.  相似文献   

Policymakers in the United States have begun to examine solutions that encourage increased sharing of caregiving responsibilities between government and family. Initiatives in Sweden and the United Kingdom are now in place. Support includes a care leave policy implemented at the federal level, paying salaries to family members when caregiving is a regular job, providing job training to salaried caregivers when their personal caregiving experience ends, community-based programs for caregivers, and allowances to be used for providing care to an elderly person. In the United States, 13 states pay caregivers as Medicaid providers. Policymakers have considered tax incentives and, in 1975, U.S. Senate Bill 1161 was introduced but failed as an attempt to provide cash subsidies to families caring for the elderly. A proposal has been made to expand the Temporary Disability Model to include care of family members of all ages by providing adequate wage replacement to assist caregivers. At present, 34 states provide some type of economic support for caregivers. Research is needed to determine what types of programs are most acceptable and beneficial to caregivers as well as cost effective for government.  相似文献   

We use data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe to examine the hours of home care received by the elderly. The existing empirical literature has mostly examined informal home care from children and formal home care. We identify two additional informal home care providers, namely, relatives (other than children) and friends (including neighbors) who provide about 30 % of the hours of informal home care. Our main new empirical finding is that single elderly persons who can rely less on children—and in particular daughters—for their home care receive not only more formal care but also more care from friends and neighbors. These findings suggest that policymakers need to take into account not only home care provision from children but also home care provision from friends and neighbors to obtain accurate projections concerning the increasing costs of formal care programs due to an aging population.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of state variation in commitment to the provision of home and community-based services on the living arrangement outcomes of older unmarried females with functionallimitations. We combine data from the 1990 U.S. Census of Population (PUMS) with state-level information on long-term care home and community- based service expenditures, nursing home bed availability, and Medicaid nursing home costs from a special report that compares state variation in long-term care systems. Using multilevel logistic regression modeling techniques, we find that the risk of institutionalization compared to community living arrangements is reduced as spending for home and community-based services at the state level increases. We discuss these findings in light of policy changes during the 1990s.  相似文献   

Despite increased attention to policy choices to support family and informal caregivers, relatively little is known about states' experiences in providing caregiver support services. This article reports on the first nationwide survey of all 50 states and the District of Columbia in providing caregiver services since the passage of the National Family Caregiver Support Program. State program administrators reported that their program differs from other home and community-based services because of the explicit focus on the family or informal caregiver. Results suggest that despite an increasing availability of caregiver supports in all 50 states, there is also a great unevenness in services and service options for family caregivers across the states and within states.  相似文献   

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is now viewed as a chronic disease requiring long-term management. As a result, more persons with AIDS (PWAs) are seeking long-term care in facilities that have primarily served the elderly. In some regions, however, the nursing home market into which PWAs may introduce new demand is a market already characterized by excess demand. In light of this, competition for limited long-term care resources may develop between the frail elderly and PWAs. The nursing home industry has raised many issues regarding the feasibility of admitting AIDS patients as residents, but little is known about how important these issues are in deciding admissions policy. How the industry perceives and resolves the concerns it has regarding delivery of care to PWAs can affect the overall long-term care system and thus affect the traditional users-the frail elderly. Knowing the concerns and preferences of the industry may help guide and anticipate future changes in the system. In this pilot study, a random sample of 250 nursing home administrators in the five highest AIDS-incidence areas in the United States was surveyed to determine (1) the industry's concerns and issues regarding AIDS care, (2) data regarding requests for admission by PWAs to nursing homes, and (3) data concerning the industry's preferred way of delivering AIDS care. Important admissions policy issues cited by the respondents included the ability to meet special care needs, costs of care, and inadequate reimbursement. The majority also believed the most appropriate methods of providing care were special care units for AIDS within nursing homes or dedicated HIV/AIDS nursing facilities.  相似文献   

This paper considers the experiences of family home care providers, paid an hourly wage by California’s In Home Supportive Services program to care for disabled or elderly relatives. These caregivers are unique in that they provide care in what Arlie Hochschild calls the “third sector” of social life, where norms and responsibilities tied to work and family intersect. Drawing on in-depth interviews and ethnographic observations of family home care providers, we find that providers perceive their paid caregiving as deviant behavior that violates social norms surrounding family care, i.e. that people should not be paid for the care of kin. Family caregivers manage the norm violation associated with their carework by offering “accounts” that 1) emphasize the tasks and skill associated with caregiving and 2) by framing their carework as a public good that benefits the larger community. These accounts allow family providers to distance themselves from the norm violation of receiving a wage for care and to reconstruct their actions in a positive light.  相似文献   

This article traces the development of home and community-based care to its current place in the worlds of health and social policy. An argument is developed to the effect that such services have by now gained both heightened policy legitimacy and organizational capacity. Building on these contentions, the article goes on to suggest that such services should continue to gain a more prominent place within long-term care policy, and that long-term care issue deserve a more central place within social insurance policy more generally. The article concludes by suggesting that demonstrations of policy efficacy such as those that are taking place in home and community services might help to at least modestly offset the frontal assault which is currently taking place across the range of American social policy.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2003,17(3):357-377
This article examines the nature of the reciprocal relationships between elderly people and both their informal caregivers and home helpers in Denmark. One of the key results concerns the importance that elderly care recipients attached to various forms of reciprocity. The two major ones were hospitality and gift giving. While informal caregivers see their caregiving as normative or as generalized reciprocity, many stressed that the elderly person's personality and their expressions of gratitude and appreciation (symbolic reciprocity) were important factors facilitating caregiving. Home helpers spoke of satisfaction in helping others, but also underlined the fact that they could see some good role models for their own old age. The results are analyzed on the backdrop of the nature of the Danish welfare system, which provided liberal pensions and benefits. This indirect reciprocity enabled elderly people to retain their ability to participate in reciprocal social relations and preserve their integrity and independence.  相似文献   

During October 1987, the National Swedish Institute of Statistics conducted a telephone interview of 943 men and women between the ages of 18 and 74 years about elder abuse. In Denmark, the Danish National Institute of Statistics carried out a similar survey of 1,535 men and women, 16 years and over. The representative samples of individuals were asked whether they knew about specific cases of older persons in their community or among their acquaintances who had been battered, threatened, economically exploited, robbed, or severely neglected. In both Sweden and Denmark, 8 percent of the respondents reported knowled e of a case of mistreatment that had taken place within the prece 8 mg 12 months. The perpetrators were unknown persons, family members, and various types of care providers (e.g., home helpers, etc.). In Sweden, perpetrators Din e2n0m parekrc ietn wt oafs 6th ep ecracseenst .w Tehreis i nd itfhfeer "ensctea fmf"ig chatt ebgeo 7 u,e wtoh etrheea fsa icnt that a larger proportion of the home helpers in Denmark receive formal training. One conclusion from the survey results is that the "staff" category of perpetrators cannot be excluded from consideration when studying abuse in the "families" of the elderly.  相似文献   

In Southern Europe, the migrant-in-the-family model has become a structural component of the elderly care regime. However, home care work is, by its nature, poorly reconcilable with private and family life. In fact, several studies have denounced the limitations on the right to private and family life that these workers suffer. In this article, I use the migrant home care assistants’ experience of conflicting temporalities around the work–life balance as lens through which to show the social unsustainability of the Italian model of home care assistant. This paper is based on broader research conducted between 2018 and 2020 in Padua (Italy) on Moldovan female migrant workers. As part of this research, 30 semi-structured interviews were collected with Moldovan workers employed – at the time of the interview or in the past – in home care for elderly people, in a live-in or live-out regime.  相似文献   

《Journal of Aging Studies》2006,20(3):279-290
This paper studies the attitudes of Chinese elderly parents and their family members toward institutional elder care. Based on a sample survey of 265 elderly residents in 67 elder home institutions and 114 family members, this study finds that elders and family members generally had high evaluations of institutions' quality in terms of facility, medical, and direct care conditions. Elders who reported improved health and emotional well-being after entering institutions gave higher ratings to those institutions' quality. Among adult children, those who had more siblings tended to rate institutions higher than those who had fewer siblings. Factors that influenced elders' willingness to stay in an institution included marital status and financial ability. Widowed elders were more willing to stay in institutions compared with married counterparts. Elders who rated service charge very high preferred to stay at home due to the high cost of institutional care. In the family relatives' sample, gender was found to be related to willingness to place elderly parents in an institution; female children were less willing to place elderly parents in the institution.  相似文献   

We study care arrangement decisions in Italy, where families are increasingly delegating the role of primary caregiver to external (paid) people also for the provision of home care. We consider a sample of households with a dependent elderly person cared for either at home or in a residential home, extracted from a survey representative of the population of Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region. We investigate the determinants of a household’s decision to opt for one of the following three alternatives: the institutionalisation of elderly family members, informal home care, or paid home care. We estimate two model specifications, based on a simultaneous and a sequential decision process respectively, the results of which are fairly consistent. Disability related variables, rather than family characteristics, emerge as the main determinants of institutionalisation. On the other hand, household characteristics and socio-economic variables are more influential when it comes to choosing between informal and formal home care provisions.  相似文献   

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