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针对消费者对国内生鲜农产品质量安全的"信任危机",本文构建了植入消费体验的生鲜电商C2B2B2C模型,让碎片化的消费者通过互联网就近聚合为社群化的食物社区,生产者通过合作社聚合为规模化生产基地,食物社区与生产基地借助电商平台进行产销对接、以销定产和消费体验。研究表明,在传统B2C模式下消费者只能依据供应商提供的信息进行Stackelberg博弈和有限消费体验,购买需求较少。当植入充分的消费体验后,生产者与消费者融合为prosumer,购买需求随消费者对生产者的信任度增加而增加。实证揭示,农耕生产、质量追溯、物流配送、网购操作、产品呈现和售后服务都会显著影响消费体验,电商平台要实现商业可持续性发展必须为消费者设置这些全面而丰富的体验场景。  相似文献   

随着电子商务技术的发展,网络购物越来越便利。与此同时,网络购物带来的产品体验滞后也导致了消费者对产品的认知不确定性。而这种不确定性正在成为消费者策略性退货行为的主要原因,如消费者同时购买多件具有横向差异的产品,在收到货物后经亲身体验后保留一件而将其他产品退货。本文通过构建Hotelling模型,探讨了企业在考虑此种影响情况下的最优定价策略,分析得出:当消费者的退货成本增加时,企业最优定价也随之增加;消费者对产品的先验效用差异化越小,企业的最优定价也越低。同时发现,若某种产品无消费者单独购买,企业的最优定价会随消费者偏好的增加而增加;而当两种产品均有消费者单独购买且消费者退货成本较大时,企业的最优定价不但不会随消费者偏好的增加而提高,反而会随消费者偏好增加而减少。此外,本文给出了消费者策略性退货行为存在的临界条件,当消费者的退货成本高于这一临界条件时消费者的策略退货行为将消失。  相似文献   

Firms producing complementary goods often strategically form groups and jointly sell their products to better coordinate their decisions. For consumer durables, decisions about such collaboration might be complicated due to two factors. Because of their durability and presence of used goods markets, such products engender “future” price competition between new and used goods. On the other hand, consumers of such products might be forward‐looking and patient, both of which affect their purchasing behavior. In this study, we study how the above product and consumer characteristics interact to affect the group selling decisions of complementary firms. We do so through a two‐period model consisting of a value chain with two upstream manufacturers and a downstream retailer. When consumers are relatively impatient and reluctant to wait to buy later, group selling by manufacturers will take place only when the end product is relatively perishable, that is, product durability is low. However, if consumers are patient, that is, willing to wait, collaboration happens only when the end product is quite durable; for relatively perishable products the manufacturers sell their products separately. We also comment on how our results are affected by factors like manufacturers directly selling to end consumers or there being multiple opportunities to decide whether or not to use group selling strategy.  相似文献   

Conjoint analysis was used to explore consumer preferences for food products that are the product of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The results of a cluster analysis indicated that consumers fell into three homogeneous groups based on their preference for a branded, low-priced, or GMO-free product. There were some differences between the segments based on the sociodemographic characteristics of age, education, and income. However, consumers in the segment that wished to avoid GMOs were most easily distinguished from consumers in the other two segments based on their high level of risk averseness and belief that GMOs do not positively affect the quality or safety of food products. Implications for food marketers and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of environmental purchasing as corporate and political instruments to further improve the environmental performance of products is becoming increasingly widespread.Information technology and more specifically the Internet, offers a range of new opportunities to make environmental purchasing operational for both small and large, public and private operations. The benefits of internet-assisted environmental purchasing systems include global system access, no paper handling, ease of operation for procurement staff and a uniform and transparent treatment of suppliers.Tele Danmark Communication (TDC) is Denmark's largest provider of telecommunication services and also operates a chain of stores across Denmark selling telephones and other telecommunication products. Co-funded by the Danish EPA and in collaboration with RAMBØLL Consultants and the Institute for Product Development at the Technical University of Denmark, TDC has developed a prototype internet-assisted environmental purchasing system that covers a wide product assortment of telephones and fax machines. This case exemplifies the particular benefits of Internet systems for environmental purchasing.One role of environmental purchasing is to increase the availability of environmentally friendly products to the end consumer, be it companies, public institutions or private consumers. If published, the information that facilitates environmental purchasing may further assist the end consumer in his or her choice of products. Linking environmental purchasing systems with environmental product declarations may form a powerful marketing tool.  相似文献   

在线消费者评论成为影响消费者购买行为的重要因素。本文构建两阶段销售模型(预售期、正常销售期),通过刻画预售期消费者评论对正常销售期需求的影响,探究消费者评论如何影响商家定价策略以及商家如何利用消费者评论调节竞争。结果表明,无论在垄断或竞争市场情形下,若忠实消费者选择等待至正常销售期购买产品,商家均会采取折价预售策略,即通过降低预售期价格提升消费者评论,刺激正常销售期的产品需求。在竞争市场情形下,若普通消费者的产品偏好成本非常低且预售期购买量较小,商家的折价预售策略能通过提升消费者评论以阻止竞争者进入市场;随着普通消费者产品偏好成本增大,商家会将重心转向忠实消费者,进而缓解商家之间的竞争。  相似文献   

Multiple criteria approaches can assist the product manager to know the consumer preferences in the context of e-commerce. Consumer preference analysis explains what aspects of a product affect and how they affect a consumer’s purchasing decision. This issue plays an important role in e-commerce platforms from its relevance in marketing decisions such as advertisements, recommendations and promotions. In this regard, we propose a data-driven multiple criteria decision aiding (MCDA) approach to integrate online information, such as explicit (e.g., reviews and ratings) and implicit (e.g., clicks and purchases) feedback from consumers. However, MCDA approaches present a critical challenge that even an experienced product manager could find it difficult to pre-define the criteria on which a product is evaluated. To address this issue, our proposed approach first utilizes text-mining techniques to assist the product manager identify the criteria, and then determines and collects the relative importance of the criteria and their values. Given the criteria information, we use a sampling process to provide two indices, the consumer preference index and rank acceptability index. The first index helps in prioritizing the pairwise comparisons of products, while the second one helps in deriving a default ranking list for first-time-registered consumers. We record the products viewed by consumers and generate their preference information in the form of pairwise comparisons for analyses within an aggregation-disaggregation paradigm. We also provide a representative value function to help the product manager gain insight into the preferences. Finally, we describe how a real-world application including the product manager and consumers exploits the proposed approach on an e-commerce platform to take a large step toward aiding more realistic and data-driven multiple criteria decision making.  相似文献   

策略消费者持币观望的行为对零售商和生产商的盈利都会产品负面影响,本文在二级供应链中同时考虑策略消费者的行为和产品质量设计,研究批发价格契约下策略消费者行为对供应链不同渠道利润的影响。分析表明,当生产商决定产品质量时,分散供应链下的产品质量与供应链上下游的议价能力相关,生产商议价能力越强,产品质量越高;当生产商完全掌握确定产品质量和批发价格的权利时,策略消费者的行为加剧了生产商和零售商之间利润分配的不公平,生产商能获得更大比例的利润;面对策略消费者时,厂商承诺产品数量有限能够实现比集中供应链下更高的利润,存在合适的产品质量和批发价格,使得分散供应链能实现数量承诺下的最优利润,并实现提升质量和增加供应链整体利润的双赢。  相似文献   

Retailers selling products with valuation uncertainty often offer return policies to consumers to stimulate demand. However, some products that do not meet consumers’ expectations cannot be returned to the retailers either because of retailers’ strict restrictions on returns or because of short trial period. With the development of e-commerce, consumers who cannot return their products to retailers can resell them directly to others through electronic peer-to-peer (P2P) second-hand goods markets. This paper examines the effect of the presence of a P2P market on a retailer’s optimal return policy when the consumers are strategic and uncertain about their valuations. As a benchmark, we first examine the retailer’s optimal return policy when there is only a retailer-run resale market. Then, we analyze the retailer’s optimal return policy in presence of both the retailer-run resale market and the P2P market. Theoretical and numerical results show that, first, the presence of the P2P market is detrimental to the retailer in most cases. The presence of the P2P market is beneficial to the retailer only when the unit purchasing cost is very high, the consumers’ acceptance of products in the P2P market is relatively high and the transaction cost in the P2P market is relatively low; second, the consumer surplus is improved by the presence of P2P market; third, when the retailer-run resale market is the only second-hand products market, returned products are sold out; while in presence of the P2P market, the retailer will hold some inventory when the unit purchasing cost is very low; fourth, the selling price of new products is increased and the selling price of second-hand products in the retailer-run resale market is decreased with the emergence of the P2P market while the refund amount is increased in most cases.  相似文献   

本文从政府提供消费补贴以鼓励消费者选择购买再制品的视角,构建了政府消费补贴下的闭环供应链博弈模型,得到了政府的最优消费补贴策略,并探讨了政府消费补贴政策对闭环供应链新品与再制品的定价、供应链总利润、消费者剩余、社会福利的影响。研究结果表明:1)只有满足特定条件时,政府才需提供再制品消费补贴;2)政府的消费补贴在制造商和消费者之间进行平均分配,因而补贴政策对制造商和消费者均有激励作用;3)政府消费补贴政策有利于供应链总利润、消费者剩余、社会福利的提高;4)政府应引导制造商专注于再制造,将废旧品的回收交由第三方回收商来完成,这有利于提高废旧产品的回收率;5)政府消费补贴政策将造成再制品对新品的市场挤兑效应。论文最后利用数值试验对研究结果进行了验证。  相似文献   

焕新计划是生产商为提升自身竞争优势而推出的一种促销手段,加入焕新计划的消费者在第一阶段可以享受全方位服务,在第二阶段可以享受以旧换新抵扣优惠。消费者将权衡加入焕新计划的费用、服务水平以及抵扣力度等因素决策是否在第一阶段加入焕新计划。本文假设时尚型消费者每阶段都会购买最新产品,而节俭型消费者第一阶段购买产品后在第二阶段继续使用,针对这两类消费者在实施焕新计划和不实施焕新计划两种情况下,构建两阶段模型以决策产品的最优定价;运用解析方法分析了产品的生产成本等参数对最优定价的影响;运用解析方法和数值算例方法对两模型进行对比。  相似文献   

To entice consumers to purchase both current and next generation products, many manufacturers and retailers offer trade‐in programs that allow buyers of the first generation product to trade‐in the product and purchase the new generation product at a lower price. By considering the interactions between “forward‐looking” consumers and a firm when a trade‐in program is offered, we analyze a two‐period dynamic game to determine the optimal prices of two successive‐generation products in equilibrium, and examine the conditions under which trade‐in programs are beneficial to the firm. Our model incorporates market heterogeneity (valuation of the first generation product varies among the consumer population), product uncertainty (the incremental value of the new product is uncertain before its introduction), and consumers' forward‐looking behavior (consumers take future product valuation and prices into consideration when making purchasing decisions). With the trade‐in option, we show that consumers are willing to pay a price that is higher than their valuations of the current product. Furthermore, trade‐in programs are more beneficial to the firm when: (i) the durability of the current product is high; (ii) the market heterogeneity is low; or (iii) the uncertainty level (or the expected incremental value) of the new product is high. Finally, when the incremental value of the new product is more uncertain, consumers are more willing to purchase the current product because of the “option” value of the trade‐in programs and thus trade‐in programs can be more beneficial to the firm in this case.  相似文献   

In an effort to counteract adverse consumer reaction to genetically engineered foods, the biotechnology industry has shifted attention to deriving and promoting foods that have been genetically modified to have benefits for the consumer. However, is it uncertain whether this strategic shift will be successful at changing consumer perception of biotechnology. To provide an initial investigation into the issue, we surveyed 270 Mississippi State students. Results suggest that these consumers were more accepting of corn chips that had been modified to increase shelf life as opposed to increasing farmer yields; however, willingness-to-pay premiums for these value-added corn chips were extremely small relative to corn chips that contained no genetically engineered corn. Results also suggest students were more accepting of genetically engineered foods when sold by agribusinesses with high levels of brand equity or store loyalty.  相似文献   

周钟  熊焰  仲勇 《中国管理科学》2018,26(11):176-185
特色品牌的海外市场拓展依赖优质的顾客体验和高效的口碑传播,有限的海外市场资源条件下,如何选择品牌介入的渠道和目标顾客尤为关键。基于消费者购买行为和口碑传播理论,本文通过构建具有小世界特征的海外特定区域消费者网络,探讨了考虑渠道顾客体验的特色品牌购买意愿,分析了消费者个体间品牌口碑传播的影响因素与过程机制。使用Matlab建模与仿真方法,多情景设计的模拟实验结果显示,消费群体间口碑影响的差异程度越明显,特色品牌的口碑传播速度显著变缓、潜在消费者数量大幅减少,不同类别销售渠道在推动品牌口碑传播和吸引目标消费群体两个方面的作用呈分化趋势,此时应围绕具有影响力、联结紧密的消费者群体开展针对性营销。在消费者群体间差异显著的海外市场,设立实体直营渠道能迅速提升购买意愿,但在消费者规模较大且居住分散区域,尤其是规模少数群体占主导影响力时,适时借助网络渠道在消费者覆盖方面的优势,有助于发展更多具有较高购买意愿的潜在消费者。该研究对指导特色品牌的海外市场拓展,特别是面对海外多元消费群体的复杂社会背景,在初始消费群体选择和销售渠道设计方面具有理论支持与实践指导价值。  相似文献   

目前有关在线消费者购买意愿的研究,绝大多数是基于实验统计的方法,分析影响消费者购买决策的因素,网店信息呈现的框架形式往往仅作为其中的关键因素被一些研究提及并加以验证。但是,"形态各异"的信息到底如何影响消费者心理进而影响到他们的决策?商家如何从消费者心理的微观层面来设计信息呈现策略,从而增强其购买意愿?目前关于此的研究尚不多见。本研究从前景理论的决策参考点视角,以价格因素为例,一方面,通过情境实验,验证了价格信息的不同呈现框架对于消费者购买意愿的影响作用;另一方面,在利用情境实验界定了消费者心理价格参考点的基础上,通过决策模型的构建和计算,从微观层面分析了不同价格信息呈现框架下,消费者购买选择大相径庭的原因。研究结果表明:(1)在风险框架下,相对于用不确定的语言来描述商品价格信息,确定性语言描述会使消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿更高。(2)在属性框架下,相对于用负面的语言来描述商品信息,正面的语言描述更能提高消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿。(3)在目标框架下,相对于强调购买行为可能给消费者带来的收益,强调不购买该商品可能给消费者带来的损失更有助于消费者的心理价格参考点和购买意愿的提高。基于上述研究结果,作者围绕网店如何有效的呈现信息提出了管理建议,并讨论了本研究的理论意义与应用价值。  相似文献   

构建由政府、企业和消费者组成的绿色技术创新系统演化博弈模型,分析了不同情形下参与主体策略选择对系统均衡策略影响的演化过程,并借助系统动力学实验方法进行了实验模拟论证。研究发现:(1)在绿色技术创新演化博弈系统所有可能的均衡策略中,只存在三个稳定的均衡策略,其中,绿色产品消费的经济收益和绿色技术创新品牌收益是驱动博弈系统向不同稳定均衡策略演进的重要动力。(2)企业绿色技术创新品牌收益和消费者绿色产品消费的经济收益是影响博弈演化系统最终向不同稳定均衡策略演进的主要因素。(3)在均衡状态(1,1,1)和均衡状态(1,0,0)下,通过促进消费者采取购买绿色产品策略对绿色技术创新系统的影响更为显著;在均衡状态(1,1,0)下,促进消费者采取购买绿色产品策略对绿色技术创新系统的影响更为显著,而提高市场规制强度和企业绿色技术创新意愿的影响效果较为微弱。  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the extent of consumer adoption of ‘green’ products is much less than would be indicated by the enthusiastic opinion poll evidence concerning public attitudes towards environmentally-friendly consumption. This paper reports on an empirical analysis of firms' marketing strategies and their influence on consumer demand for green products. In twenty 2–3 hour interviews with senior managers, four representative groups of markets were analysed household detergents, paper (recycled), petrol (unleaded) and automobile technology (focusing on catalytic converters). According to managers, firms' marketing strategies influenced consumer demand by making green technologies available in the fwst instance. However, barriers to supplying green products that show panty with, or better performance than, conventional technologies constrain pricing and communication efforts Managers stressed that, in the absence of clarity of green products' environmental benefits, product performance and other attributes, not green benefits, remain the main determinants of product preference and choice. Promotions focused much more on consumers than distribution channels, yet channel acceptance and support of green innovations are paramount in facilitating sales. Firms see the costs of generating and promoting desirable green technologies as barriers to diffusion in the immediate future. Legislation and/or economic incentives may help, but manufacturers are not optimistic that future green consumption rates will accelerate. The results also highlight several propositions concerning the discrepancy between consumer environmental concerns and purchasing actions which warrant further testing: there is mis-specification of green products in relation to consumers'needs; there are barriers to perceptions of green products' environmental impact and consumers' free ride due to individual self-interest.  相似文献   

When celebrity chef Jamie Oliver used his television presence to denounce the inclusion of lean, finely textured beef (LFTB) in ground beef products sold to consumers and present in school lunches, a firestorm of protests ensued. Ultimately, processing plants were closed, employees laid off, school lunch programs were changed to exclude LFTB from their menus, and large retailers such as Costco and Walmart refused to sell products containing LFTB. Calls for mandatory labeling were proposed in Congress, the argument being that consumers had a right to know what was in the beef they were purchasing and feeding their families. Dubbed “pink slime” by its critics, LFTB is treated, processed beef renderings that are derived from trimmings that would otherwise be discarded or used for some inferior purpose such as animal food. This article chronicles the events surrounding the LFTB controversy, briefly reviews scientific evidence pertaining to its safety, and reviews public policy initiatives in the wake of public protests.  相似文献   

独立再制造商IR的市场进入给品牌商带来了显著的竞争压力。品牌忠诚源于消费者对某个产品品牌的信任和特殊情感,在产品选择中具有明显的倾向性和排他性,进一步增加了品牌商市场策略的复杂性。针对这一现象,本文采用博弈论结合数值仿真研究了消费者具有品牌忠诚特性下的品牌商再制造市场策略问题。建立并求解了IR不进入且品牌商不再制造(n)、IR不进入且品牌商再制造(nR)、IR进入且品牌商不再制造(nr)、IR进入且品牌商再制造(nrR)四种市场模式,对模型结果进行了灵敏度分析,并探讨了各成员的模式偏好。研究表明:新产品价格、品牌再制品价格、一般再制品价格均与品牌忠诚度正相关;品牌忠诚度的提高一定增大品牌商的利润,但不一定会降低IR利润;当新产品制造成本较高时,品牌商的模式偏好始终为nR$\succ$nrR$\succ$n$\succ$nr,较低时模式偏好受到消费者品牌忠诚度的大小的影响;nr和nrR模式下,品牌忠诚度仅可能提高品牌消费者剩余,但会降低普通消费者剩余、总消费者剩余和社会总福利。  相似文献   

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