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Summary.  We propose an adaptive varying-coefficient spatiotemporal model for data that are observed irregularly over space and regularly in time. The model is capable of catching possible non-linearity (both in space and in time) and non-stationarity (in space) by allowing the auto-regressive coefficients to vary with both spatial location and an unknown index variable. We suggest a two-step procedure to estimate both the coefficient functions and the index variable, which is readily implemented and can be computed even for large spatiotemporal data sets. Our theoretical results indicate that, in the presence of the so-called nugget effect, the errors in the estimation may be reduced via the spatial smoothing—the second step in the estimation procedure proposed. The simulation results reinforce this finding. As an illustration, we apply the methodology to a data set of sea level pressure in the North Sea.  相似文献   

The problems of constructing tolerance intervals for the binomial and Poisson distributions are considered. Closed-form approximate equal-tailed tolerance intervals (that control percentages in both tails) are proposed for both distributions. Exact coverage probabilities and expected widths are evaluated for the proposed equal-tailed tolerance intervals and the existing intervals. Furthermore, an adjustment to the nominal confidence level is suggested so that an equal-tailed tolerance interval can be used as a tolerance interval which includes a specified proportion of the population, but does not necessarily control percentages in both tails. Comparison of such coverage-adjusted tolerance intervals with respect to coverage probabilities and expected widths indicates that the closed-form approximate tolerance intervals are comparable with others, and less conservative, with minimum coverage probabilities close to the nominal level in most cases. The approximate tolerance intervals are simple and easy to compute using a calculator, and they can be recommended for practical applications. The methods are illustrated using two practical examples.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a simulation study investigating the performance of an approach developed by Miller and Landis (1991) for the analysis of clustered categorical responses. Evaluation of this “two-step” approach, which utilizes the method of moments to estimate the extra-variation pardmeters and subsequently incorporates these parameters into estimating equations for modelling the marginal expectations, is carried out in an experimental setting involving a comparison between two groups of observations. We assume that data for both groups are collected from each cluster and responses are measured on a three-point ordinal scale. The performance of the estimators used in both “steps” of the analysisis investigated and comparisons are made to an alternative analysismethod that ignores the clustering. The results indicate that in the chosen setting the test for a difference between groups generally operatbs at the nominal α=0.05 for 10 or more clusters and hasincreasing power with both an increasing number of clusters and an inrreasing treatment effect. These results provide a striking contrasc to those obtained from an improper analysis that ignores clustering.  相似文献   

Multi-phase sampling (M-PhS) scheme is useful when the interest is in the estimation of the population mean of an expensive variable strictly connected with other cheaper (auxiliary) variables. The MSE is an accuracy measure of an estimator. Usually it decreases as the sample size increases. In practice the sample size cannot become arbitrarily large for possible cost constraints. From a practical point of view it would be useful to know the sample sizes which guarantee the best accuracy of the estimates for fixed costs. These “optimum” sample sizes can be, in some cases, computable but not admissible. In other cases, they can be neither admissible nor computable. The main goal of this paper is to propose a solution for both these situations. It will be clear that in both situations the solution is to consider a M-PhS scheme with one or more phases less.  相似文献   

The use of logistic regression analysis is widely applicable to epidemiologic studies concerned with quantifying an association between a study factor (i.e., an exposure variable) and a health outcome (i.e., disease status). This paper reviews the general characteristics of the logistic model and illustrates its use in epidemiologic inquiry. Particular emphasis is given to the control of extraneous variables in the context of follow-up and case-control studies. Techniques for both unconditional and conditional maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters in the logistic model are described and illustrated. A general analysis strategy is also presented which incorporates the assessment of both interaction and confounding in quantifying an exposure-disease association of interest.  相似文献   

Sedentary behavior has already been associated with mortality, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Questionnaires are an affordable tool for measuring sedentary behavior in large epidemiological studies. Here, we introduce and evaluate two statistical methods for quantifying measurement error in questionnaires. Accurate estimates are needed for assessing questionnaire quality. The two methods would be applied to validation studies that measure a sedentary behavior by both questionnaire and accelerometer on multiple days. The first method fits a reduced model by assuming the accelerometer is without error, while the second method fits a more complete model that allows both measures to have error. Because accelerometers tend to be highly accurate, we show that ignoring the accelerometer's measurement error, can result in more accurate estimates of measurement error in some scenarios. In this article, we derive asymptotic approximations for the mean-squared error of the estimated parameters from both methods, evaluate their dependence on study design and behavior characteristics, and offer an R package so investigators can make an informed choice between the two methods. We demonstrate the difference between the two methods in a recent validation study comparing previous day recalls to an accelerometer-based ActivPal.  相似文献   

Wavelet Threshold Estimators for Data with Correlated Noise   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wavelet threshold estimators for data with stationary correlated noise are constructed by applying a level-dependent soft threshold to the coefficients in the wavelet transform. A variety of threshold choices is proposed, including one based on an unbiased estimate of mean-squared error. The practical performance of the method is demonstrated on examples, including data from a neurophysiological context. The theoretical properties of the estimators are investigated by comparing them with an ideal but unattainable `bench-mark', that can be considered in the wavelet context as the risk obtained by ideal spatial adaptivity, and more generally is obtained by the use of an `oracle' that provides information that is not actually available in the data. It is shown that the level-dependent threshold estimator performs well relative to the bench-mark risk, and that its minimax behaviour cannot be improved on in order of magnitude by any other estimator. The wavelet domain structure of both short- and long-range dependent noise is considered, and in both cases it is shown that the estimators have near optimal behaviour simultaneously in a wide range of function classes, adapting automatically to the regularity properties of the underlying model. The proofs of the main results are obtained by considering a more general multivariate normal decision theoretic problem.  相似文献   

Stochastic ordering of survival functions is a useful concept in many areas of statistics, especially in nonparametric and order restricted inferences. In this paper we introduce an algorithm to compute maximum likelihood estimates of survival functions where both upper and lower bounds are given. The algorithm allows censored survival data. In a simulation study, we found that the proposed estimates are more efficient than the unrestricted Kaplan-Meier product limit estimates both with and without censored observations.  相似文献   

The choice of the model framework in a regression setting depends on the nature of the data. The focus of this study is on changepoint data, exhibiting three phases: incoming and outgoing, both of which are linear, joined by a curved transition. Bent-cable regression is an appealing statistical tool to characterize such trajectories, quantifying the nature of the transition between the two linear phases by modeling the transition as a quadratic phase with unknown width. We demonstrate that a quadratic function may not be appropriate to adequately describe many changepoint data. We then propose a generalization of the bent-cable model by relaxing the assumption of the quadratic bend. The properties of the generalized model are discussed and a Bayesian approach for inference is proposed. The generalized model is demonstrated with applications to three data sets taken from environmental science and economics. We also consider a comparison among the quadratic bent-cable, generalized bent-cable and piecewise linear models in terms of goodness of fit in analyzing both real-world and simulated data. This study suggests that the proposed generalization of the bent-cable model can be valuable in adequately describing changepoint data that exhibit either an abrupt or gradual transition over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper deals with kernel non-parametric estimation. The multiple kernel method, as proposed by Berlinet (1993), consists in choosing both the smoothing parameter and the order of the kernel function. In this paper we follow this general idea, and the selection is carried out by a combination of plug-in and cross-validation techniques. In a first attempt we give an asymptotic optimality theorem which is stated in a general unifying setting that includes many curve estimation problems. Then, as an illustration, it will be seen how this behaves in both special cases of kernel density and kernel regression estimation.  相似文献   

Survivaldata may include two different sources of variation, namely variationover time and variation over units. If both of these variationsare present, neglecting one of them can cause serious bias inthe estimations. Here we present an approach for discrete durationdata that includes both time–varying and unit–specificeffects to model these two variations simultaneously. The approachis a combination of a dynamic survival model with dynamic time–varyingbaseline and covariate effects and a frailty model measuringunobserved heterogeneity with random effects varying independentlyover units. Estimation is based on posterior modes, i.e., wemaximize the joint posterior distribution of the unknown parametersto avoid numerical integration and simulation techniques, thatare necessary in a full Bayesian analysis. Estimation of unknownhyperparameters is achieved by an EM–type algorithm. Finally,the proposed method is applied to data of the Veteran's AdministrationLung Cancer Trial.  相似文献   

Data from longitudinal studies in which an initiating event and a subsequent event occur in sequence are called 'doubly censored' data if the time of both events is interval-censored. This paper is concerned with using doubly censored data to estimate the distribution function of the so-called 'duration time', i.e. the elapsed time between the originating event and the subsequent event. The paper proposes a generalization of the Gomez and Lagakos two-step method for the case where both the time to the initiating event and the duration time are continuous. This approach is applied to estimate the AIDS-latency time from a haemophiliacs cohort.  相似文献   

One of the primary purposes of an oncology dose‐finding trial is to identify an optimal dose (OD) that is both tolerable and has an indication of therapeutic benefit for subjects in subsequent clinical trials. In addition, it is quite important to accelerate early stage trials to shorten the entire period of drug development. However, it is often challenging to make adaptive decisions of dose escalation and de‐escalation in a timely manner because of the fast accrual rate, the difference of outcome evaluation periods for efficacy and toxicity and the late‐onset outcomes. To solve these issues, we propose the time‐to‐event Bayesian optimal interval design to accelerate dose‐finding based on cumulative and pending data of both efficacy and toxicity. The new design, named “TITE‐BOIN‐ET” design, is nonparametric and a model‐assisted design. Thus, it is robust, much simpler, and easier to implement in actual oncology dose‐finding trials compared with the model‐based approaches. These characteristics are quite useful from a practical point of view. A simulation study shows that the TITE‐BOIN‐ET design has advantages compared with the model‐based approaches in both the percentage of correct OD selection and the average number of patients allocated to the ODs across a variety of realistic settings. In addition, the TITE‐BOIN‐ET design significantly shortens the trial duration compared with the designs without sequential enrollment and therefore has the potential to accelerate early stage dose‐finding trials.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the estimation of a general class of nonlinear panel data models in which the conditional distribution of the dependent variable and the distribution of the heterogeneity factors are arbitrary. In general, exact analytical results for this problem do not exist. Here, Laplace and small-sigma appriximations for the marginal likelihood are presented. The computation of the MLE from both approximations is straightforward. It is shown that the accuracy of the Laplace approximation depends on both the sample size and the variance of the individual effects, whereas the accuracy of the small-sigma approximation is 0(1) with respect to the sample size. The results are applied to count, duration and probit panel data models. The accuracy of the approximations is evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation experiment. The approximations are also applied in an analysis of youth unemployment in Australia.  相似文献   

We consider a fixed-design regression model with long-range-dependent errors and introduce an artificial randomization of grid points at which observations are taken in order to diminish the impact of strong dependence. The resulting estimator is shown to exhibit smoothing dichotomy with the variance in both cases, diminishing more quickly than in the fixed-design case.  相似文献   

The outcome dependent sampling scheme has been gaining attention in both the statistical literature and applied fields. Epidemiological and environmental researchers have been using it to select the observations for more powerful and cost-effective studies. Motivated by a study of the effect of in utero exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls on children's IQ at age 7, in which the effect of an important confounding variable is nonlinear, we consider a semi-parametric regression model for data from an outcome-dependent sampling scheme where the relationship between the response and covariates is only partially parameterized. We propose a penalized spline maximum likelihood estimation (PSMLE) for inference on both the parametric and the nonparametric components and develop their asymptotic properties. Through simulation studies and an analysis of the IQ study, we compare the proposed estimator with several competing estimators. Practical considerations of implementing those estimators are discussed.  相似文献   

In the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (NATSSAL), it is recognized that non-response is unlikely to be ignorable. In some surveys, in addition to the response variables of interest, there may also be an 'enthusiasm-to-respond' variable which is expected to be related to the probabilities of item and unit response. Inference techniques to deal with non-ignorable non-response, based on a propensity-to-respond score, can be developed when there are both item and unit non-responders. For the NATSSAL data, an interviewer-measured interviewee embarrassment variable is combined with demographics to produce a score for the propensity to respond. The necessary likelihood development is outlined and alternative approaches to interval estimation are compared. The methodology is illustrated through an estimation of virginity from NATSSAL data.  相似文献   

This paper considers estimation of an unknown distribution parameter in situations where we believe that the parameter belongs to a finite interval. We propose for such situations an interval shrinkage approach which combines in a coherent way an unbiased conventional estimator and non-sample information about the range of plausible parameter values. The approach is based on an infeasible interval shrinkage estimator which uniformly dominates the underlying conventional estimator with respect to the mean square error criterion. This infeasible estimator allows us to obtain useful feasible counterparts. The properties of these feasible interval shrinkage estimators are illustrated both in a simulation study and in empirical examples.  相似文献   


Lifetime data with masked failure causes arise in both reliability engineering and epidemiology. The phenomenon of masking occurs when a subject is exposed to multiple risks. A competing risks model with masking probabilities is widely used for the masked failure data. However, in many cases, the model suffers from an identification problem. We show that the identifiability of masking probabilities depends on both the structure of data and the cause-specific hazard functions. Motivated by this result, two existing solutions are reviewed and further improved.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a linear mixed model (LMM) with spatial effects, trend, seasonality and outliers for spatio-temporal time series data. A linear trend, dummy variables for seasonality, a binary method for outliers and a multivariate conditional autoregressive (MCAR) model for spatial effects are adopted. A Bayesian method using Gibbs sampling in Markov Chain Monte Carlo is used for parameter estimation. The proposed model is applied to forecast rice and cassava yields, a spatio-temporal data type, in Thailand. The data have been extracted from the Office of Agricultural Economics, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives of Thailand. The proposed model is compared with our previous model, an LMM with MCAR, and a log transformed LMM with MCAR. We found that the proposed model is the most appropriate, using the mean absolute error criterion. It fits the data very well in both the fitting part and the validation part for both rice and cassava. Therefore, it is recommended to be a primary model for forecasting these types of spatio-temporal time series data.  相似文献   

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