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During the Seventh Five-Year Plan period (1986-1990), the Chinese government divided its 30provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) onthe mainland into three parts according to theirgeographical location and level of economicdevelopment. This is shown as follows:Eastern: Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Hebei, Shandong,Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong,Guangxi, Hainan.Central: Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi,Henan, Anhui,Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan.Western: S…  相似文献   

~~Population,Reproductive Health and Poverty Alleviation in China  相似文献   

Population,EnvironmentDynamics,PovertyandQualityofLifeinChina¥//BaochangGu;Ph.D.DemographicDilemmainChinaThepopulationsizeofC...  相似文献   

(Continued from Page 17, Vol. 21, No. 4-5)V. Adolescent Sexual and ReproductiveHealth1. Status and ProgressThe Cairo International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) paid great attention to the sexualand reproductive health of adolescents. One of the toppriorities of the ICPD Programme of Action is to provideadolescents with necessary sexual and reproductivehealth information and services, ensure their right toreproductive health education and services, and helpthem devel…  相似文献   

ForewordThe International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 marked thebeginning of a new era in the field of population anddevelopment. The Programme of Action, endorsed atthe Conference by 179 countries, placed “overalldevelopment of human beings” at the center ofsustainable development. Efforts to achieve the goal ofhuman development have to integrate human needs andaspirations with population dynamics, economicdevelopment, protection of natural reso…  相似文献   

IndieatorPoPulation at year一end(million) 人介了le 凡了脚ale 之力.ban Rural%ofurban PoPulationtototalPoPulationAgricultural PoPulation(million)Non一agricultural PoPulation(million)%ofnon一agrieultural PoPulation to total PoPulationPoPulation density(Person/sq.km) 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 19951,143.331,158.231,171.711,185.171,198.501,211.21589.04594.66 598.11563.57 573.60604.72 612.46 618.08554.29580.453018413 12.03 321846.20 84975 331,73586.04 593.13341.69 351.7496 853.44 856.81 859.472…  相似文献   

Indicator 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Population at year-end (million) 1,223.89 1,236.26 1,247.61 1,257.86 1,267.43 1,276.27 1,284.53 Male 622.00 631.31 636.04 641.26 654.37 656.72 661.15 Female 601.89 604.95 611.57 616.60 613.06 619.55 623.38 Urban 373.04 394.49 416.08 437.48 459.06 480.64 502.12 Rural 850.85 841.77 831.53 820.38 808.37 795.63 782.41 % of urban population to total population 30.48 31.91 33.35 34.78 36.22 37.…  相似文献   

This paper examines the trends in educational stratification during China's economic reforms in the 1990s. Based on the sample data of population censuses in 1990 and 2000, school-age children were matched to their parents’ background information, and the effects of family background on their school enrollment and continuation were investigated. Results show that despite the substantial expansion of educational opportunities in the decade, family background continues to play an important role in determining school enrollment status and school transitions. During the decade, children of rural-hukou status became more disadvantaged compared to their urban counterparts, and the effect of their father's socioeconomic status on school enrollment was enhanced. Despite the fact that children of rural-hukou status gained relatively more opportunities at junior high school level, as a result of nationwide saturation at the 9-year compulsory education, the rural–urban gap in the likelihood of transition to senior high school level enlarged, and the effect of their father's socioeconomic status increased—even after controlling for regional variations in economic development.  相似文献   

Just before the spring festival of 2008,the eastern,middle,southern and southwest parts of China were hit by violent icy and snowy weather,which was the most serious winter storm disaster in recorded history·The daily lives of the people in the disaster areas were severely  相似文献   

DataofPopulationandFamilyPlanninginChina,1990-1996Source:(1)Thenumberofwomenaged20-29(infecundperiod)iscalculatedbytheStateFa...  相似文献   

An International Forum on Population and Development was held during, September 7-9 in Wuhan, capital city of central China‘s Hubei Province, to mark the lOth anniversary of both the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and the Partners in Population and Development (PPD). Jointly organized by PPD, the National Population and Family Planning, Commission of China and the Population, Resources and Environment Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference, the forum was attended by about 400 participants front member countries of the Partners, international organizations, NGOs and donor institutions. Following is a full text of the cottntry report submitted by China to the conference.  相似文献   

Guilmoto CZ 《Demography》2012,49(1):77-100
I examine the potential impact of the anticipated future marriage squeeze on nuptiality patterns in China and India during the twenty-first century. I use population projections from 2005 to 2100 based on three different scenarios for the sex ratio at birth (SRB). To counteract the limitations of cross-sectional methods commonly used to assess the severity of marriage squeezes, I use a two-sex cohort-based procedure to simulate marriage patterns over the twenty-first century based on the female dominance model. I also examine two more-flexible marriage functions to illustrate the potential impact of changes in marriage schedules as a response to the marriage squeeze. Longitudinal indicators of marriage squeeze indicate that the number of prospective grooms in both countries will exceed that of prospective brides by more 50% for three decades in the most favorable scenario. Rates of male bachelorhood will not peak before 2050, and the squeeze conditions will be felt several decades thereafter, even among cohorts unaffected by adverse SRB. If the SRB is allowed to return to normalcy by 2020, the proportion of men unmarried at age 50 is expected to rise to 15% in China by 2055 and to 10% in India by 2065. India suffers from the additional impact of a delayed fertility transition on its age structures.  相似文献   

ChinahasexperiencedthreebabyboomssincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicin1949fthefirstoneduring1950-1957withanaverageannualincreaseofalittleover20million;thesecondduring1962-1975withanaverageannualincreaseofover25million,andthethirdduring1986-1997withanaverageannualincreaseofover20million.China'spopulationwillcontinuetogrowinthe21stcenturyduetothemomentumofpopulationgrowth,eventhoughthetotalfertilityrate(TFR)ofChinesewomenofchildbearingagehasdeclinedtobelowthereplacementlevel.'SomeChinesedemo…  相似文献   

With a large working-age population with a relatively low average level of education, China is facing severe challenges in employment. These include: the contradiction between workforce supply and demand; irrational employment structure;increasing pressure on the urban labor market;  相似文献   

Overthepastsixyearssinceitsfounding,thePartnersinitiativehasmadegreatprogressincarryingouttheProgramofActionoftheInternationalConferenceonPopulationandDevelopment(ICPD)inanall-roundway,combiningfamilyplanningwithreproductivehealthservices.Byincorporatingthepreventionofsexuallytransmitteddiseases(STDs)andAIDSintoitsscopeofservices,providingfamilyplanningandreproductivehealthservicestailoredtotheneedsofmen,womenandadolescentsandbringingdownthematernalmorbidityandmortalityrates,thePartners…  相似文献   

GrainProductionandCultivatedLandinChina¥WangWenxue(WangWenxueisDeputyGovernorofShanxiProvinceinchargeofruralworkandagricultur...  相似文献   

[Recently, a special task force of experts has submitted a report to the China Council for International Co-operation on the Environment and Development (CCICED), a senior advisory body that raises proposals on key environmental and development issues with the Chinese Government, on China抯 WTO accession and sustainable development. China Population Today reprints the report for our readers?reference.] I. Key issues for China as a WTO member 1. WTO Accession and Environmental…  相似文献   

Liu  Huaxing  Gao  Hong  Huang  Qing 《Social indicators research》2020,147(3):971-990
Social Indicators Research - How quality of government affects residents’ life satisfaction is a seldom discussed subject, especially in a non-democratic context. This research aims to...  相似文献   

Major Statistics about China’s Population and Family Planning,1994-1999  相似文献   

Daniel Goodkind 《Demography》2017,54(4):1375-1400
China launched an unprecedented program to control its population in 1971. Experts have dismissed the official estimate of 400 million births averted by this program as greatly exaggerated yet neglect to provide their own estimates. Counterfactual projections based on fertility declines in other countries suggest that China’s program-averted population numbered 360–520 million as of 2015. The low end of this range is based on Vietnam—China’s best national comparator, with a two-child program of its own—and the high end is based on a 16-country comparator selected, ironically, by critics of the official estimate. The latter comparator further implies that China’s one-child program itself averted a population of 400 million by 2015, three-quarters of the total averted population. All such estimates are projected to double by 2060, due mostly to counterfactual population momentum. These and other findings presented herein affirm the astonishing impact of China’s draconian policy choices and challenge the current consensus that rapid socioeconomic progress drove China’s fertility well below two children per family. International comparisons of fertility and income suggest instead that China’s very low fertility arrived two or three decades too soon. If China had not harshly enforced a norm of 1.5-children during the last quarter century, most mothers would have had two children, one-half birth higher than observed.  相似文献   

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