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(Continued from Page 17, Vol. 21, No. 4-5)V. Adolescent Sexual and ReproductiveHealth1. Status and ProgressThe Cairo International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) paid great attention to the sexualand reproductive health of adolescents. One of the toppriorities of the ICPD Programme of Action is to provideadolescents with necessary sexual and reproductivehealth information and services, ensure their right toreproductive health education and services, and helpthem devel…  相似文献   

ForewordThe International Conference on Population andDevelopment (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 marked thebeginning of a new era in the field of population anddevelopment. The Programme of Action, endorsed atthe Conference by 179 countries, placed “overalldevelopment of human beings” at the center ofsustainable development. Efforts to achieve the goal ofhuman development have to integrate human needs andaspirations with population dynamics, economicdevelopment, protection of natural reso…  相似文献   

PopulationandEconomicDevelopmentChinahasbyfarthelargestpopulationofanycountryonEarthover1.185billionpeople,orone-fifthofthewo...  相似文献   

The central government's strategic decision todevelop west China has profound implicationsfor population development in the region:population control, improvement of populationquality, optimizing population structure, amelioratingpopulation distribution, and the development ofhuman resources. Family planners face a historicopportunity to incorporate population developmentinto overall socio-economic development.Human resource is the key to socio-economicdevelopment. Currently, however, western …  相似文献   

1. Introduction Population databases contain information about people and the conditions surrounding them. This information can be obtained from population censuses, demographic surveys, or vital registrations. Since the 1950s, we have conducted five censuses and many sampling surveys on population in China. Millions of dollars have been spent to produce data, but these data cannot be shared. Though population data abound at present, it does not necessarily mean that information is being ful…  相似文献   

SeminaronPopulationandSustainableDevelopmentOnehundredandtwentyparticipantsfromtwenty-onecountriesandregionsattendedtheIntern...  相似文献   

It is universally accepted that the objective ofeconomic growth is the development of humanbeings. An increasing number of people in Chinaare realizing that the development of the western partof the country can no longer copy the old pattern ofeconomic growth, whereby economic growth isachieved at the expense of the environment andresources.A major component of sustainable development is theissue of population, both in qualitative andquantitative terms. Human health, in particular, is anintegr…  相似文献   

ChinahasexperiencedthreebabyboomssincethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicin1949fthefirstoneduring1950-1957withanaverageannualincreaseofalittleover20million;thesecondduring1962-1975withanaverageannualincreaseofover25million,andthethirdduring1986-1997withanaverageannualincreaseofover20million.China'spopulationwillcontinuetogrowinthe21stcenturyduetothemomentumofpopulationgrowth,eventhoughthetotalfertilityrate(TFR)ofChinesewomenofchildbearingagehasdeclinedtobelowthereplacementlevel.'SomeChinesedemo…  相似文献   

Tomaintainrapideconomicdevelopmentrequiresanoptimumpopulationsize.Otherwise,theoverrapidincreaseofpopulationmayspeedupoverc...  相似文献   

I n 2001, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council of China, governments at all levels rigorously implemented a series of policies aiming at expanding domestic demand, as well as a pro-active financial policy and a sound monetary policy. Due attention was focused on cultural and ethical progress. With the joint efforts made by people of all nationalities, the national economic and social development achieved remarkable progress, laying a solid foundation for…  相似文献   

AnnouncementandCallforPapersInternationalSymposiumonPopulationandSustainableDevelopment¥//(September27-29,1995,BeijingChina)T...  相似文献   

China抯 population today is characterized by a 搇ow birth rate, low death rate and low natural increase rate? While this has created a favorable environment for economic growth, new problems have also cropped up: continued population growth due to a large base number; population aging; incompetence of the population; and unbalanced development between population, resources and the environment. Low Fertility Level In March 2000, the Chinese government stated in an official document that it …  相似文献   

<正>《China Population and Development Studies》是由国家卫生计生委主管、中国人口与发展研究中心主办的季刊,全英文公开发行,是目前全球唯一聚焦中国人习与发展的英文学术期刊征稿范围:本刊长期欢迎国内外作者投稿(英语),重点刊登中国人口与发展领域的原创论文政策评论、研究报告以及中外人口比较等最新综合研究成果。  相似文献   

Following are main excerpts of the Statistical Communique on National Economic and Social Development in 2003 released by the National Bureau of Statistics on February 26, 2004. -- Editor I. Summary The national economy grew fast. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the year was 11,669.4 billion yuan, up by 9.1 percent, or 1.1 percentage points higher over the previous year at comparable prices. The value-added of the primary industry was 1,724.7 billion yuan, up 2.5 percent, but the g…  相似文献   

Nature’s Experiment? Handedness and Early Childhood Development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, a large body of research has investigated the various factors affecting child development and the consequent impact of child development on future educational and labor market outcomes. In this article, we contribute to this literature by investigating the effect of handedness on child development. This is an important issue given that around 10% of the world’s population is left-handed and given recent research demonstrating that child development strongly affects adult outcomes. Using a large, nationally representative sample of young children, we find that the probability of a child being left-handed is not significantly related to child health at birth, family composition, parental employment, or household income. We also find robust evidence that left-handed (and mixed-handed) children perform significantly worse in nearly all measures of development than right-handed children, with the relative disadvantage being larger for boys than girls. Importantly, these differentials cannot be explained by different socioeconomic characteristics of the household, parental attitudes, or investments in learning resources.  相似文献   

To facilitate the building of a new pattern of open economy in the landlocked Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and further implement the Western Development Strategy,the first China-Arab National Economic and Trade Forum 2010(CANETF) was held on September 26 to 30,2010 in Yinchuan,capital city ofNingxia Hui Autonomous Region in China.  相似文献   

<正>《China Population and Development Studies》是由国家卫生计生委主管、中国人口与发展研究中心主办的季刊,全英文公开发行,是目前全球唯一聚焦中国人口与发展的英文学术期刊。征稿范围:本刊长期欢迎国内外作者投稿(英语),重点刊登中国人口与发展领域的原创论文、政策评论、研究报告以及中外人口比较等最新综合研究成果。投稿邮箱:cpds2017@163.com评审方式及过程:本刊实行双向匿名评审。评审周期1~2个月。  相似文献   

SomeImportantIssuesonPopulationandSustainableDevelopmentInChinaZengYi(AttheInterntaionalWorkshoponChina'sAgenda21heldinOctobe...  相似文献   

Major Tasks n Improving the basic economic system of keeping public ownership as the mainstay of the economy while allowing diverse forms of ownership todevelop side by side; n Narrowing the gap of development betweenurban and rural areas; n Promoting coordinated development of differentregions; n Establishing a unified, open and orderly modernmarket system; n Improving macro-control and administration andeconomic laws and regulations; n Improving employment, income distribution …  相似文献   

Nhtional Health and Family Planning:Commission (NHF(PC) held a Working Meeting on Establishment of National Resident Physician Standardized Training System in Shanghai on February 13' 2014, to formally launch the construction of resident physician standardiZed training system with fire-year undergraduate medical education plus three-year resident physician training as the main mode It will bring about profound changes to medical education in China.  相似文献   

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