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Previous scholars have charged that Durkheim provides an inadequate theory of inequality, that the concept of organic solidarity is not well supported, and that egoistic and anomic suicide cannot be adequately distinguished. Although these problems appear distinct, they each arise because Durkheim naturalized inequality and ignored social status. Introducing a concept of status permits a reconceptualization of the types of suicide and creates new analytic connections between The Division of Labor and Suicide. Social solidarity and status hierarchies are presented as variations in the relationship between social integration and social regulation. The interplay between status and solidarity influences the expression of social practice, power, belief, and justice.  相似文献   

Philip Corrigan and Derek Sayer introduced the concept of moral regulation to contemporary sociological debate in their historical sociology of English State formation, The Great Arch (1985). In their work they fuse Durkheimian and Foucauldian analysis with a basic Marxist theory. However, this framework gives too limited a perspective to their analysis. I suggest that moral regulation should not be seen as a monolithic project, as merely action by and for the State, nor as activity by the ruling elite only. It should be seen as a form of social control based on changing the identity of the regulated. Its object is what Weber calls Lebensführung , which refers to both the ethos and the action constituting a way of life. The means of moral regulation are persuasion, education, and enlightenment, which distinguishes it from other forms of social control. Analyzing the social relations of moral regulation provides a useful perspective on this form of social action.  相似文献   

L'auteur propose deux hypotheses pour justifier le fait que les anticipations de ? performance ? changent lorsqu'elles sont mises en présence de faits objectifs qui les contredisent. On peut prédire que ce changement dans les anticipations evolue en fonction de la variété et du niveau des contradictions. Le cas de celui dont les attentes pour soi sont inferieur aux attentes pour les autres est utilise pour des fins expérimentales de verification des hypothèses. A la fin de l'article l'auteur apporte des suggestions dans le but d'améliorer l'arrière-plan théorique des hypothèses. Two hypotheses are proposed on the way specific performance expectations change when confronted with objective evidence that contradicts them. The change in expectations is predicted to be a function of the number and the degree of the contradictions they receive. The case of initial lower expectations for self than for other is used in an experimental test of the hypotheses, and these are confirmed by the results of the test. Some suggestions for the refinement of the hypotheses' theoretical background are discussed at the end.  相似文献   

The Effect of Interviewer Characteristics and Expectations on Response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study reports on two sets of findings related to interviewereffects, derived from a national RDD sample of the adult population.The first of these concerns the effect of interviewer characteristicsand expectations on overall cooperation rates; the second, theeffect of interviewer characteristics and expectations on itemnonresponse and response quality. We found that interviewers'age, the size of the interviewing assignment, and interviewers'expectations all had a strong effect on overall cooperationrates; the relation of experience to response rate was curvilinearin this sample. Age and education have consistent but statisticallyinsignificant effects on item nonresponse. The effect of interviewers'expectations on responses within the interview resembles thatin earlier studies, but is less pronounced and less consistent.  相似文献   

The well‐documented aspiration‐expectation gap refers to lower socioeconomic status (SES) adolescents of color expecting to attain occupations with lower pay and status than the occupations to which they aspire. Sociopolitical inequity, such as structural racism and asymmetrical access to resources, may explain this gap. This article examines the capacity to cope with sociopolitical inequity (i.e., sociopolitical development) and its relationship to vocational expectations among this population. Analyses revealed that sociopolitical development was associated with higher vocational expectations and may contribute to reducing the vocational aspiration‐expectation gap among lower SES adolescents of color. Furthermore, career counseling, guidance, and psychosocial interventions may be augmented by incorporating sociopolitical development.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(2):43-70

From an attachment perspective, the formation and maintenance of adoptive relationships involve many atypical events and circumstances for both adoptive parents and adopted persons. The present analysis reviews the existing theoretical and empirical literature on several of these issues and examines the utility of conceptualizing them from an attachment perspective, focusing in particular on Bartholomew's (1990) categorical model of attachment styles. Inferences regarding the impact of attachment status (both for those who adopt and for those who have been adopted) on interpersonal and family functioning are formulated and critical areas in need of further research are outlined.  相似文献   

This study investigated mechanisms involved in the intergenerational transmission of social class, specifically addressing the prediction of career expectations. The results indicated that among rural high school students (N= 200) in Grades 10–12, there was no direct effect of socioeconomic status (SES; as measured by parent education and occupation) on career expectations. However, there was a direct effect of educational expectations on occupational expectations. Building on the importance of educational expectations in the prediction of occupational expectations, the results suggested that perceived parental expectations explain variance in educational expectations. Overall, it seems that the effect of SES on occupational expectations was mediated by educational expectations; therefore, individuals of lower SES who have increased educational expectations are more likely to have occupational expectations similar to those of their higher SES peers. Moreover, increased parental expectations were positively associated with educational expectations among individuals of various SES levels.  相似文献   

Gender differences in rural eighth-grade students' curricular, career, and lifestyle expectations were examined. Girls expect to take more math classes in high school, select careers that require a college education, and plan to go to college more frequently than do boys. Boys and girls do not differ in their interest in various careers, although girls prefer occupations that involve people, whereas boys prefer occupations that involve things. Girls plan to work for as many years of their lives as do boys; however, girls are more likely to expect to work part-time, whereas boys expect to work full-time. Counseling implications are offered.  相似文献   

The transition to parenthood is a time of great interest to scholars. Because some parents prosper and others falter after the birth of their first child, understanding factors that influence this transition is of critical importance; one reason is the similarity (or lack thereof) between parents' prebirth parenting expectations. The present study examined (1) similarity between and typologies of first-time parents' parenting role expectations for one another, (2) whether older and younger parents differed in their degree of similarity, and (3) whether similarity related to changes in couple relationship quality. Analyses revealed that first-time parents generally were not similar in their views of what either mothers or fathers should be doing as parents. Where differences existed, both fathers and mothers tended to rate their own fulfillment of “nontraditional” roles more highly than did their partners. Younger and older first-time parents did not differ in their degree of (dis)similarity; regardless of age, first-time parents generally demonstrated unmatched parenting role expectations. Finally, differences in expectations at birth were not associated with parents' ratings of changes in relationship quality 6 months later. In much the same way as marriage education programs help premarital couples communicate about potential areas of disagreement, the present findings emphasize the need for similar prenatal programs for first-time parents.  相似文献   

Past research has documented the fact that status characteristics organize group interaction. Freese and Cohen (1973) specified a condition under which a performance characteristic would eliminate the effect of a differentiating diffuse status characteristic. The present research extends the Freese-Cohen theory to specify a condition under which a differentiating diffuse status characteristic will eliminate the effect of a performance characteristic. Predictions derived from the formulation are (a) in situations where actors are differentiated by a diffuse status characteristic and a totally inconsistent performance characteristic, influence rates will be a function only of diffuse status and (b) it is the strength (0) of a totally inconsistent performance characteristic, rather than the number of traits comprising the characteristic, that determines its effect. These predictions are contrasted with those of other expectation states formulations (i.e., Berger et al., 1977). Laboratory experiments generally support our formulation while providing some disconfirming evidence for the other formulations.  相似文献   

In this article we show that optimistic financial expectations impact positively on both the quantity of debt and the growth in debt at the individual and household levels. Our theoretical model shows that this association is predicted under a variety of plausible scenarios. In the empirical analysis we explore the determinants of debt and of growth in debt using British data. We find convincing support for our theoretical priors and show that it is optimistic financial expectations per se that are important in influencing debt, rather than the accuracy of individuals' predictions regarding their future financial situation.  相似文献   

Using Family and Community Health Study data consisting of 168 unmarried, primarily African American couples, the current study sought to understand the dyadic interplay among school, work, and partner-specific marriage expectations in early adulthood. Drawing on the economic prospects, adult transitions, and work - family literatures, the authors hypothesized and found ample support that expectations to marry a romantic partner were linked not only to one's own school and work-related experiences but also to those of a partner. These associations held while controlling for relationship satisfaction, general views of marriage, and other covariates that have been posited to explain racial inequalities in relationship and marriage patterns. Furthermore, the authors found that actor covariates of marital expectations differed from partner covariates, a finding that highlights the advantages of dyadic analyses in helping researchers understand marriage as both a developmental and interpersonal process.  相似文献   


This study examines the relationship between education and savings performance in Individual Development Accounts (IDAs), a matched savings program for the poor. Based on economic and institutional theories of savings, we further investigate whether the relationship between education and savings is mediated by income, intended uses of IDAs, or program factors. The data of this study are from the American Dream Demonstration (N = 2,150), the first national demonstration of IDAs. The results indicate that education was positively related to savings after controlling for program factors and other individual characteristics. Household income and two program factors, monthly savings target and financial education, partially mediated the relationship between education and savings outcomes. These results provide some support for both economic and institutional theories of savings among low-income people. The findings also may help design and implement more effective savings programs for the low-income population and its varying segments.  相似文献   

Gendered expectations are central to the continuation of agricultural land tenure systems that concentrate land and power in the control of men. These expectations about how land should be used and by whom are communicated through cultural narratives and maintained through social interactions. Through analysis of qualitative data collected through in‐depth interviews with women farmland owners in Iowa, this article identifies a pivotal person without whom the success of these stories is in jeopardy: the “placeholder.” In this article, I identify how cultural narratives place two gendered expectations on women in the placeholder position: (1) that women landowners maintain farmland through the continuance of its use and preexisting land agreements with tenants or co‐owners, and (2) that women landowners defer their authority as landowners to men. Further, I identify the “changemaker” as an emerging character within cultural narratives—one who refuses to fit the expectations of placeholder and whose behavior may or may not be accepted by the community. Finally, I find that alternative social networks provide enabling environments for changemakers as sites of potential narrative revisions or shifts.  相似文献   

Research indicates that marriage has a large effect on reducing the risk of poverty and is associated with a higher probability of attaining affluence over the life course when compared with nonmarriage. Using data from the American Dream Demonstration (N =2,364), this study compares savings performances of married and unmarried low‐income participants in a matched savings program—Individual Development Accounts. The results indicate that both married and unmarried low‐income participants can save in Individual Development Accounts. After controlling for program and other participant characteristics, there were no significant differences in savings between married and unmarried participants. We further examined possible factors that are associated with Individual Development Account savings performance for these two groups.  相似文献   

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