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吴良平 《西北人口》2017,(2):120-126
合理的人口结构是人口较少民族经济社会健康发展的重要条件.文章基于第四、五和六次人口普查数据的统计分析,发现新疆人口较少民族在行业分布、城市化进程、文化素质、性别结构和老龄化方面存在较为明显的结构差异.这表明新疆部分人口较少民族劳动力转移较慢、城市化水平低、文化素质相对低、性别失衡、婚姻挤压和老龄化等问题较为突出.文章提出改变就业环境和结构、发展区域小城镇、调整教育资源的分配、扩大婚姻市场以及发展老年社会服务等对策,以促进新疆人口较少民族经济社会健康发展.  相似文献   

中国西部少数民族地区人口的贫困原因及其政策启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
中国的少数民族人口主要分布在生态环境恶劣、经济社会发展落后的西部地区,这些地区同时也是贫困人口分布最多的区域。本文首先从地域、人口增长以及国家扶贫战绩几方面分析了西部少数民族地区人口与贫困在地域上的重合性,进而从区域发展、社会公平和政策效果以及贫困人口的人文因素等方面分析了造成少数民族地区人口贫困的原因,认为虽然造成区域性少数民族贫困状况的主要原因来自于区域发展的滞后,但在摆脱贫困的难易方面,政府提供的脱贫服务和民族人口的人文制约因素则起着更为重大的作用。  相似文献   

北京市朝阳区人口计生委以"幸福家庭、和谐人口"为核心理念,构建以家庭人口文化为中心,以关注家庭成员和谐健康为基础,以关注民生为目的,以"六大工程"为平台的公共管理服务体系,推动解决计划生育家庭特别是计划生育特殊家庭和困难家庭在生产、生活、生育、养老等方面存在的问题,促进人口长期均衡发展和社会和谐进步,为实旌"人文北京、科技北京、绿色北京"战略和朝阳区"新四区"建设营造良好的人口文化环境。  相似文献   

"转型"是时代对我国社会发展模式提出的新要求。实际上,不仅在社会发展模式上需要实现转型,在人口计生工作的方方面面也必须实现转型。当前人口计生事业进入了稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题、促进人的全面发展的阶段,"以宣传教育为先导"是人口计生事业30年来实践中得出的成功经验之一。  相似文献   

教育发展滞后,尤其是基础教育的严重滞后是制约西藏自治区社会发展的“瓶颈”问题。教育投入-产出效率低是西藏教育发展滞后的主要因素。为此提出的对策是,其一,确立“以人为本”的西藏改革和发展战略,加大以基础教育投入,特别是乡村义务教育投资为主的人力资本投资力度;其二,通过超常规的人口城镇化实现的人口集聚以获取教育性人力资本投资的规模效益。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是世界人口发展面临的共同问题。随着生育率的下降和人均预期寿命的延长,西藏的人口老龄化问题逐渐显露出来.通过对西藏自治区2010年人口普查资料的分析发现.虽然西藏整体尚未进入老龄化社会,但个别民族已经成为典型的老年型人口.局部地区也呈现出老龄化形态。西藏人口老龄化具有老年人口以藏族为主、世居民族老龄化程度高、老龄化程度地区发展不平衡等特点。尽管西藏还处在老龄化的初期,但应对老龄化问题必须具有战略性和超前性.鉴于此.本文对西藏未来40年人口老龄化的发展趋势进行了预测,并结合西藏的实际情况.提出探索应对西藏人口老龄化的途径。  相似文献   

根据“五普”数据显示,我国少数民族人口为106430000人,占全国总人口的8.41%。虽然少数民族整体人数相对较少,但对少数民族地区的社会、经济发展起着重要的作用。本文采用因素法模型对我国人口数量较少的门巴族未来人口进行预测,分析未来50年门巴族人口的发展状况以及对民族地区经济发展的影响,对少数民族人口可持续发展,以及对民族地区社会经济发展有着重要的意义,为国家制定少数民族尤其是人口数量较少的少数民族人口发展规划提供政策依据,也有利于少数民族地区人口、社会与经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

我国五个民族自治区经济发展和人口变动研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,内蒙古、广西、西藏、宁夏和新疆等5个民族自治区的经济社会都得到了有史以来的最快发展。但是,5个民族地区因历史和自然条件的差异导致发展的进程有所不同,其中内蒙古基础最好、发展最快,广西次之,西藏、宁夏和新疆等3个自治区的发展速度相对较慢。5个民族地区的经济和人口变动显示出3个不同队列特征,反映了决定经济社会发展的主导因素是那些影响国家和民族现代工业化进程的社会历史基础及自然地理等经济发展条件,而不是民族和人口因素。5个民族自治区的人口变动状况都直接反映了各个民族地区经济因素的作用结果,而生育政策对人口过程却没有显示出预期应有的关联性。  相似文献   

西藏自治区在社会、政治、经济、文化、宗教、民族习俗以及自然环境等各方面的特殊性,决定了在西藏开展人口与计划生育工作必须坚持因地制宜、分类指导的原则,切忌“一刀切”。西藏目前实行的计划生育与医疗卫生、妇幼保健相结合的做法独具特色,但在实践中面临着人员不足、经费匮乏、技术落后等诸方面的困难,从而在很大程度上限制了计划生育服务的范围;目前,作为工作重点和服务对象的主体,占西藏总人口约88%的广大农牧民群众尚未被完全纳入计划生育服务体系之中,育龄人群在计划生育服务方面普遍存在着未被满足的需求。在西藏,制定人口发展规划、开展计划生育工作必须充分考虑到宗教因素的影响,并在实践中切实做到积极稳妥、慎之又慎。近年来,在西藏一些地区,一妻(夫)多夫(妻)和非婚生育的现象有逐渐增多的趋势,这一情况值得注意;同时,对这一现象本身,及其对当地人口发展、社会进步等各方面的潜在影响尚需深入的、进一步的研究。  相似文献   

国外大都市“白天人口”研究及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵晔琴 《南方人口》2010,25(6):24-31
不同地区之间的白天和夜间人口的变动信息以及人口在一天中所处的地理位置和时段对于城市规划、交通运输、环境、灾害和紧急救援行动等都具有重要的意义。城市中心区域的活力已不仅仅体现于当地的居住人口,以"日"为周期的通勤和其他经济活动人口对中心区域的经济、社会、文化和环境等各方面都有重要的影响。本文旨在对国外有关大都市"白天人口"的研究做一个大致的梳理,这不仅有助于我们了解国外白天人口研究的发展和现状,同时也可以对我国开展相应的白天人口研究提供一些借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

王泽群  于扬铭 《西北人口》2009,30(3):106-109
由于户籍制度的限制和现行政策的不完善,城市少数民族流动人口在就业、教育、医疗、住房等领域缺乏必要的社会保障.这对社会的稳定和发展造成了消极影响。文章讨论了城市少数民族流动人口的社会保障问题应该坚持的原则和主要对策,认为从长远来看,要运步构建有利于少数民族流动人口在城市中社会融入的经济、社会和文化条件。  相似文献   

In comparison to heterosexual youth, sexual minority youth are more likely to experience victimization. Multiple studies have connected anti-gay prejudice and anti-gay victimization to negative outcomes. Research shows that social support may protect sexual minorities from the harmful effects of anti-gay victimization. However, rates of victimization and the negative outcomes linked to sexual identity within the sexual minority community have been relatively unexplored. Using data from three years of statewide data from heterosexual and sexual minority adolescents in grades 9-12, this study examines victimization, substance use, suicidality, and access to social support by sexuality. Results indicate that sexual minority youth are at increased risk for victimization, substance use, suicidality, and social isolation compared to their heterosexual counterparts. Results also indicate that there is very little bivariate difference within the sexual minority community. Multivariate results indicate differences among sexual minorities' experiences with victimization and substance use.  相似文献   

西部少数民族人口与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部是我国少数民族的聚居地 ,绝大部分是民族地区。把握西部少数民族人口的现状和趋势 ,正确认识人口控制与民族繁荣的关系 ,做好计划生育工作 ,控制人口数量、提高人口素质 ,促进少数民族发展 ,对西部开发至关重要  相似文献   

我国流动人口在出现由少数民族聚居区的西部落后地区向东部沿海发达地区大规模迁移流动的同时.也有局部的逆向流动。这种逆向流动的规模尽管不如前者显著.但却涉及到更复杂的民族关系.而各民族的居住格局又是影响民族关系的一个重要因素。文章以西部云南省迪庆州为例分析发现.总体上流动人口中汉族与其他少数民族整体居住分离程度还是比较低,反映了民族之间的居住融合比较理想,但分民族来看.汉族与藏族、回族的居住分离程度较高.远远大于白族、纳西族和傈僳族。有效地进行居住迁移调整不仅可以减少各民族流动人口内部的矛盾.而且也能促进各民族流动人口之间、各民族流动人口与原住居民之间的融合,从而推动民族地区社会与经济的和谐发展。  相似文献   

C Wang  S Di 《人口研究》1983,(3):42-45
The Guangxi Autonomous Region has the largest number of minorities in China. Since 1949, great progress has been achieved in the areas of politics, the economy, culture and education, public health, science and technology, and production businesses. The living standard for the minorities as been raised, and the minority populationshows a trend toward rapid growth. As a matter of fact, the population growth for the minorities exceeds that of te Han people, and an imbalance exists in the population growth of minorities. Population growth does not match the development and production of material resources. The rapid population growth has an adverse impact on the increase in average income and an adequate supply of consumer goods for all the people. In addition, great pressure has been experienced in education, public health, and other developments at the local level. The promotion of population quality for the minorities has also been slowed because of the rapid population growth in quality. At the present time, minorities in the Guangxi area need to develop their economy with greater effort. In addition, they need to practice effective family planning measures with more enthusiasm so that they may gradually reduce the population growth rate and reach a harmony between economic growth and social development.  相似文献   

利用2012年上海少数民族常住人口分布数据,采用数理统计和ESDA技术对上海少数民族常住人口数量、分布状况进行研究.研究表明:上海少数民族常住人口数量不断增加且集中分布于中心城边缘区和近郊区;少数民族常住人口在空间格局上存在显著的“同质集聚、异质隔离”;显著的“冷点”区域主要集中在崇明县、金山区等远郊区,显著的“热点”区域主要集中在五角场区域和九亭镇,较为热点的区域主要集中于花木镇、七宝街道、江川路街道、车墩镇和新桥镇等区域,而青浦区、浦东新区大部分区域则是较为冷点区域,中心城区大部分区域形成了随机分布的区域;不同族别的少数民族分布状况有着较大差异,亲缘、地缘和族缘为纽带的乡土观念仍然是少数民族常住人口集聚的重要因素.  相似文献   

Research finds lower levels of academic performance among sexual minority high school students, but some studies suggest sexual minorities have higher levels of educational attainment in adulthood. To further our understanding of how and why sexual orientation is associated with educational success, this study turns attention to the pathways to college completion, examining points along educational trajectories in which sexual minorities fall behind or surpass their heterosexual peers. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, we find that sexual minority women are less likely than women with no same-sex sexuality to complete college, in part due to their high school performance and transition into college. Men who experience same-sex sexuality only in adolescence struggle in high school, but men who experience same-sex sexuality for the first time in adulthood are more likely to earn a college degree than men who do not experience same-sex sexuality.  相似文献   

Public monuments function as cultural agents, reifying dominant public narratives or fostering change. Either way, their representation of people and events intervene in public discourse and contribute to cultural, economic, political, and social environments. Queer monuments, defined here as heritage sites that honor gender and sexual minorities, represent communities that have often been excised in dominant public narratives. This article provides a preliminary global inventory of queer monuments and describes three of their major functions: (1) to provide visibility and reduce stigma; (2) to educate the public on the abuse and attempted extermination of gender and sexual minorities; and (3) to stimulate public debate and discourse about gender and sexual minority rights. This still rare type of monument is growing more common and prompting more active and equitable representations in public space. Queer monuments have the potential of lessening stigma and improving the lives of sexual and gender minorities.  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(4):487-506

Recent population-based studies indicate that sexual minorities aged 50 and older experience significantly higher rates of psychological distress than their heterosexual age-peers. The minority stress model has been useful in explaining disparately high rates of psychological distress among younger sexual minorities. The purpose of this study is to test a hypothesized structural relationship between two minority stressors—internalized heterosexism and concealment of sexual orientation—and consequent psychological distress among a sample of 2,349 lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults aged 50 to 95 years old. Structural equation modeling indicates that concealment has a nonsignificant direct effect on psychological distress but a significant indirect effect that is mediated through internalized heterosexism; the effect of concealment is itself concealed. This may explain divergent results regarding the role of concealment in psychological distress in other studies, and the implications will be discussed.  相似文献   

This thematically analyzed study seeks to explore the career decision perceptions of sexual minority college students at an urban historically black college/university (HBCU). This qualitative focus group study delved into how sexual minorities feel their visible variables of race, gender expression, and degree of disclosure influence their career thought process. Theories relative to the study included Krumboltz’s social learning theory of career decision-making, gender role theory, racial socialization, Cass’s homosexual identity model, and impression management. Though participants initially proclaimed they did not allow their sexual minority identity to affect their career decisions, their overall responses indicated otherwise.  相似文献   

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