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The Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) has established itself as a widely used method for approximate inference on Bayesian hierarchical models which can be represented as a latent Gaussian model (LGM). INLA is based on producing an accurate approximation to the posterior marginal distributions of the parameters in the model and some other quantities of interest by using repeated approximations to intermediate distributions and integrals that appear in the computation of the posterior marginals. INLA focuses on models whose latent effects are a Gaussian Markov random field. For this reason, we have explored alternative ways of expanding the number of possible models that can be fitted using the INLA methodology. In this paper, we present a novel approach that combines INLA and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The aim is to consider a wider range of models that can be fitted with INLA only when some of the parameters of the model have been fixed. We show how new values of these parameters can be drawn from their posterior by using conditional models fitted with INLA and standard MCMC algorithms, such as Metropolis–Hastings. Hence, this will extend the use of INLA to fit models that can be expressed as a conditional LGM. Also, this new approach can be used to build simpler MCMC samplers for complex models as it allows sampling only on a limited number of parameters in the model. We will demonstrate how our approach can extend the class of models that could benefit from INLA, and how the R-INLA package will ease its implementation. We will go through simple examples of this new approach before we discuss more advanced applications with datasets taken from the relevant literature. In particular, INLA within MCMC will be used to fit models with Laplace priors in a Bayesian Lasso model, imputation of missing covariates in linear models, fitting spatial econometrics models with complex nonlinear terms in the linear predictor and classification of data with mixture models. Furthermore, in some of the examples we could exploit INLA within MCMC to make joint inference on an ensemble of model parameters.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a selective survey on panel data methods. The focus is on new developments. In particular, linear multilevel models, specific nonlinear, nonparametric and semiparametric models are at the center of the survey. In contrast to linear models there do not exist unified methods for nonlinear approaches. In this case conditional maximum likelihood methods dominate for fixed effects models. Under random effects assumptions it is sometimes possible to employ conventional maximum likelihood methods using Gaussian quadrature to reduce a T-dimensional integral. Alternatives are generalized methods of moments and simulated estimators. If the nonlinear function is not exactly known, nonparametric or semiparametric methods should be preferred. Helpful comments and suggestions from an unknown referee are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

More flexible semiparametric linear‐index regression models are proposed to describe the conditional distribution. Such a model formulation captures varying effects of covariates over the support of a response variable in distribution, offers an alternative perspective on dimension reduction and covers a lot of widely used parametric and semiparameteric regression models. A feasible pseudo likelihood approach, accompanied with a simple and easily implemented algorithm, is further developed for the mixed case with both varying and invariant coefficients. By justifying some theoretical properties on Banach spaces, the uniform consistency and asymptotic Gaussian process of the proposed estimator are also established in this article. In addition, under the monotonicity of distribution in linear‐index, we develop an alternative approach based on maximizing a varying accuracy measure. By virtue of the asymptotic recursion relation for the estimators, some of the achievements in this direction include showing the convergence of the iterative computation procedure and establishing the large sample properties of the resulting estimator. It is noticeable that our theoretical framework is very helpful in constructing confidence bands for the parameters of interest and tests for the hypotheses of various qualitative structures in distribution. Generally, the developed estimation and inference procedures perform quite satisfactorily in the conducted simulations and are demonstrated to be useful in reanalysing data from the Boston house price study and the World Values Survey.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the geometric treatment of graphical models using Bayes linear methods. We introduce Bayes linear separation as a second order generalised conditional independence relation, and Bayes linear graphical models are constructed using this property. A system of interpretive and diagnostic shadings are given, which summarise the analysis over the associated moral graph. Principles of local computation are outlined for the graphical models, and an algorithm for implementing such computation over the junction tree is described. The approach is illustrated with two examples. The first concerns sales forecasting using a multivariate dynamic linear model. The second concerns inference for the error variance matrices of the model for sales, and illustrates the generality of our geometric approach by treating the matrices directly as random objects. The examples are implemented using a freely available set of object-oriented programming tools for Bayes linear local computation and graphical diagnostic display.  相似文献   

Non-Gaussian Conditional Linear AR(1) Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper gives a general formulation of a non-Gaussian conditional linear AR(1) model subsuming most of the non-Gaussian AR(1) models that have appeared in the literature. It derives some general results giving properties for the stationary process mean, variance and correlation structure, and conditions for stationarity. These results highlight similarities with and differences from the Gaussian AR(1) model, and unify many separate results appearing in the literature. Examples illustrate the wide range of properties that can appear under the conditional linear autoregressive assumption. These results are used in analysing three real datasets, illustrating general methods of estimation, model diagnostics and model selection. In particular, the theoretical results can be used to develop diagnostics for deciding if a time series can be modelled by some linear autoregressive model, and for selecting among several candidate models.  相似文献   

Bayesian networks are not well-formulated for continuous variables. The majority of recent works dealing with Bayesian inference are restricted only to special types of continuous variables such as the conditional linear Gaussian model for Gaussian variables. In this context, an exact Bayesian inference algorithm for clusters of continuous variables which may be approximated by independent component analysis models is proposed. The complexity in memory space is linear and the overfitting problem is attenuated, while the inference time is still exponential. Experiments for multibiometric score fusion with quality estimates are conducted, and it is observed that the performances are satisfactory compared to some known fusion techniques.  相似文献   

This paper presents new results on functional analysis of variance for fixed effect models with correlated Hilbert-valued Gaussian error components. The geometry of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space of the error term is considered in the computation of the total sum of squares, the residual sum of squares, and the sum of squares due to the regression. Under suitable linear transformation of the correlated functional data, the distributional characteristics of these statistics, their moment generating and characteristic functions, are derived. Fixed effect linear hypothesis testing is finally formulated in the Hilbert-valued multivariate Gaussian context considered.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of multivariate statistical model that permits non‐Gaussian distributions as well as the inclusion of conditional independence assumptions specified by a directed acyclic graph. These models feature a specific factorisation of the likelihood that is based on pair‐copula constructions and hence involves only univariate distributions and bivariate copulas, of which some may be conditional. We demonstrate maximum‐likelihood estimation of the parameters of such models and compare them to various competing models from the literature. A simulation study investigates the effects of model misspecification and highlights the need for non‐Gaussian conditional independence models. The proposed methods are finally applied to modeling financial return data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 40: 86–109; 2012 © 2012 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

We consider the problem of learning a Gaussian variational approximation to the posterior distribution for a high-dimensional parameter, where we impose sparsity in the precision matrix to reflect appropriate conditional independence structure in the model. Incorporating sparsity in the precision matrix allows the Gaussian variational distribution to be both flexible and parsimonious, and the sparsity is achieved through parameterization in terms of the Cholesky factor. Efficient stochastic gradient methods that make appropriate use of gradient information for the target distribution are developed for the optimization. We consider alternative estimators of the stochastic gradients, which have lower variation and are more stable. Our approach is illustrated using generalized linear mixed models and state-space models for time series.  相似文献   

Markov random fields (MRFs) express spatial dependence through conditional distributions, although their stochastic behavior is defined by their joint distribution. These joint distributions are typically difficult to obtain in closed form, the problem being a normalizing constant that is a function of unknown parameters. The Gaussian MRF (or conditional autoregressive model) is one case where the normalizing constant is available in closed form; however, when sample sizes are moderate to large (thousands to tens of thousands), and beyond, its computation can be problematic. Because the conditional autoregressive (CAR) model is often used for spatial-data modeling, we develop likelihood-inference methodology for this model in situations where the sample size is too large for its normalizing constant to be computed directly. In particular, we use simulation methodology to obtain maximum likelihood estimators of mean, variance, and spatial-depencence parameters (including their asymptotic variances and covariances) of CAR models.  相似文献   

Abstract. The conditional score approach is proposed to the analysis of errors‐in‐variable current status data under the proportional odds model. Distinct from the conditional scores in other applications, the proposed conditional score involves a high‐dimensional nuisance parameter, causing challenges in both asymptotic theory and computation. We propose a composite algorithm combining the Newton–Raphson and self‐consistency algorithms for computation and develop an efficient conditional score, analogous to the efficient score from a typical semiparametric likelihood, for building an asymptotic linear expression and hence the asymptotic distribution of the conditional‐score estimator for the regression parameter. Our proposal is shown to perform well in simulation studies and is applied to a zebrafish basal cell carcinoma data involving measurement errors in gene expression levels.  相似文献   

Dependent data arise in many studies. Frequently adopted sampling designs, such as cluster, multilevel, spatial, and repeated measures, may induce this dependence, which the analysis of the data needs to take into due account. In a previous publication (Geraci and Bottai in Biostatistics 8:140–154, 2007), we proposed a conditional quantile regression model for continuous responses where subject-specific random intercepts were included to account for within-subject dependence in the context of longitudinal data analysis. The approach hinged upon the link existing between the minimization of weighted absolute deviations, typically used in quantile regression, and the maximization of a Laplace likelihood. Here, we consider an extension of those models to more complex dependence structures in the data, which are modeled by including multiple random effects in the linear conditional quantile functions. We also discuss estimation strategies to reduce the computational burden and inefficiency associated with the Monte Carlo EM algorithm we have proposed previously. In particular, the estimation of the fixed regression coefficients and of the random effects’ covariance matrix is based on a combination of Gaussian quadrature approximations and non-smooth optimization algorithms. Finally, a simulation study and a number of applications of our models are presented.  相似文献   

In treating dynamic systems, sequential Monte Carlo methods use discrete samples to represent a complicated probability distribution and use rejection sampling, importance sampling and weighted resampling to complete the on-line 'filtering' task. We propose a special sequential Monte Carlo method, the mixture Kalman filter, which uses a random mixture of the Gaussian distributions to approximate a target distribution. It is designed for on-line estimation and prediction of conditional and partial conditional dynamic linear models, which are themselves a class of widely used non-linear systems and also serve to approximate many others. Compared with a few available filtering methods including Monte Carlo methods, the gain in efficiency that is provided by the mixture Kalman filter can be very substantial. Another contribution of the paper is the formulation of many non-linear systems into conditional or partial conditional linear form, to which the mixture Kalman filter can be applied. Examples in target tracking and digital communications are given to demonstrate the procedures proposed.  相似文献   

This work provides a set of macros performed with SAS (Statistical Analysis System) for Windows, which can be used to fit conditional models under intermittent missingness in longitudinal data. A formalized transition model, including random effects for individuals and measurement error, is presented. Model fitting is based on the missing completely at random or missing at random assumptions, and the separability condition. The problem translates to maximization of the marginal observed data density only, which for Gaussian data is again Gaussian, meaning that the likelihood can be expressed in terms of the mean and covariance matrix of the observed data vector. A simulation study is presented and misspecification issues are considered. A practical application is also given, where conditional models are fitted to the data from a clinical trial that assessed the effect of a Cuban medicine on a disease of the respiratory system.  相似文献   

Log‐normal linear regression models are popular in many fields of research. Bayesian estimation of the conditional mean of the dependent variable is problematic as many choices of the prior for the variance (on the log‐scale) lead to posterior distributions with no finite moments. We propose a generalized inverse Gaussian prior for this variance and derive the conditions on the prior parameters that yield posterior distributions of the conditional mean of the dependent variable with finite moments up to a pre‐specified order. The conditions depend on one of the three parameters of the suggested prior; the other two have an influence on inferences for small and medium sample sizes. A second goal of this paper is to discuss how to choose these parameters according to different criteria including the optimization of frequentist properties of posterior means.  相似文献   

Mixture of linear regression models provide a popular treatment for modeling nonlinear regression relationship. The traditional estimation of mixture of regression models is based on Gaussian error assumption. It is well known that such assumption is sensitive to outliers and extreme values. To overcome this issue, a new class of finite mixture of quantile regressions (FMQR) is proposed in this article. Compared with the existing Gaussian mixture regression models, the proposed FMQR model can provide a complete specification on the conditional distribution of response variable for each component. From the likelihood point of view, the FMQR model is equivalent to the finite mixture of regression models based on errors following asymmetric Laplace distribution (ALD), which can be regarded as an extension to the traditional mixture of regression models with normal error terms. An EM algorithm is proposed to obtain the parameter estimates of the FMQR model by combining a hierarchical representation of the ALD. Finally, the iterated weighted least square estimation for each mixture component of the FMQR model is derived. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of the estimation procedure. Analysis of an aphid data set is used to illustrate our methodologies.  相似文献   

Errors of misclassification and their probabilities are studied for classification problems associated with univariate inverse Gaussian distributions. The effects of applying the linear discriminant function (LDF), based on normality, to inverse Gaussian populations are assessed by comparing probabilities (optimum and conditional) based on the LDF with those based on the likelihood ratio rule (LR) for the inverse Gaussian, Both theoretical and empirical results are presented  相似文献   

Generalized linear models with random effects and/or serial dependence are commonly used to analyze longitudinal data. However, the computation and interpretation of marginal covariate effects can be difficult. This led Heagerty (1999, 2002) to propose models for longitudinal binary data in which a logistic regression is first used to explain the average marginal response. The model is then completed by introducing a conditional regression that allows for the longitudinal, within‐subject, dependence, either via random effects or regressing on previous responses. In this paper, the authors extend the work of Heagerty to handle multivariate longitudinal binary response data using a triple of regression models that directly model the marginal mean response while taking into account dependence across time and across responses. Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods are used for inference. Data from the Iowa Youth and Families Project are used to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

Some conditional models to deal with binary longitudinal responses are proposed, extending random effects models to include serial dependence of Markovian form, and hence allowing for quite general association structures between repeated observations recorded on the same individual. The presence of both these components implies a form of dependence between them, and so a complicated expression for the resulting likelihood. To handle this problem, we introduce, as a first instance, what Follmann and Wu (1995) called, in a different setting, an approximate conditional model, which represents an optimal choice for the general framework of categorical longitudinal responses. Then we define two more formally correct models for the binary case, with no assumption about the distribution of the random effect. All of the discussed models are estimated by means of an EM algorithm for nonparametric maximum likelihood. The algorithm, an adaptation of that used by Aitkin (1996) for the analysis of overdispersed generalized linear models, is initially derived as a form of Gaussian quadrature, and then extended to a completely unknown mixing distribution. A large scale simulation work is described to explore the behaviour of the proposed approaches in a number of different situations.  相似文献   

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