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品牌定位创新需要一个过程,这个过程主要包括市场调研、市场细分和目标市场的选择等环节. 市场调研 市场调研是企业进行品牌定位创新的第一步.企业必须深入地调查市场,了解市场构成、细分特征、消费者需求和竞争者情况等.在科学系统地收集、整理、分析以上信息资料的基础上,提出解决问题的建议,保证品牌定位创新活动的顺利进行.史维哲·克拉克公司就在一次成功的品牌定位创新中充分利用了市场调研的作用.  相似文献   

传统市场细分理论基于假设企业面对的是一个全新市场展开研究。品牌产品进入新市场时,由于企业了解品牌产品原市场消费者特征,再沿用传统市场细分理论界定目标消费者,将浪费知识资源,降低细分效率,贻误商业契机。目标消费者再界定模型致力于有效利用企业此知识资源高效准确地界定目标消费者。  相似文献   

品牌定位要与时俱进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌定位,是指企业根据自身与竞争者现有产品在细分市场上所处的地位和顾客对产品某些属性的重视程度,塑造出本企业产品与众不同的鲜明个性或形象,并传递给目标顾客,使该产品(品牌)在细分市场竞争中占据有利位置的一系列过程.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国企业自主品牌建设创新的现状及问题进行分析,认为我国的企业缺乏品牌赖以形成的宏观环境、缺乏明确的品牌定位、缺乏核心技术和研发能力、缺乏应有的品牌价值认知。探讨了国际化背景下品牌发展的一般过程。通过分析本土企业海尔和格兰仕品牌国际化所取得的成就,结合本土企业品牌建设中遇到的问题,提出我国企业品牌国际化战略和自主品牌创新的对策和建议。  相似文献   

本文利用品牌偏好指数分析法,对大学生手机市场中,诺基亚、Iphone、三星、索爱等品牌的偏好程度进行了调查和分析,发现多数品牌存在质量不高、品牌定位有偏差、在大学生市场认知度低等问题,并从体验营销、口碑营销、市场细分和定位等方面提出了提高大学生手机品牌偏好的对策。  相似文献   

<正> 品牌延伸实质上是企业对于品牌资产的一种利用和开发。成功的品牌延伸能有效降低新产品进入的投资成本,为现存的品牌或产品线带来新鲜感,增强核心品牌的形象,使以品牌忠诚度、品牌认知度、品牌联想度、品牌品质想象为内容的品牌资产增值。但是,品牌延伸也存在着“产品线延伸陷阱”的风险,如果企业忽视这种风险,在开发利用品牌资产过程中轻率行事,就会陷入品牌延伸的误区。  相似文献   

极度市场细分的危害界定市场是传统营销理论的出发点。在该理论的指引下,对于既定的产品(服务)市场,企业采取种种细分工具对市场进行细分,这就使得产品系列越来越多,以至于在市场上几乎找不到不能满足消费者需求的产品。如宝洁的洗发水品牌就有4个:海飞丝、沙宣、潘婷、飘柔。每个品牌代表一个细分市场,目前市场上的品牌有百余种。尽管不同企业的品牌所针对的目标市场有重复,但一个不争的事实是,洗发水市场已经到了几乎不能进一步细分的程度。面对众多的产品,出乎意料的是,消费者不仅没有像品牌商想象的那样大量购买,反而持币待购。这种情况…  相似文献   

利益细分变量研究与消费者市场细分   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在当今激烈的市场竞争环境中,市场细分理论对企业市场营销活动的指导作用已为越来越多的企业所认同,并引起市场营销研究人员的关注。本文从市场细分变量入手,通过对市场细分变量的四大类型和消费者市场细分组合的多样性进行分析,并以针对国内牙膏市场上主要品牌所进行的利益细分调研为例,论述了进行利益细分研究对市场营销的指导意义。  相似文献   

10年来,世界经济形势发生了巨大变化。20世纪90年代, 世界经济高速发展,市场需求很大,因此全球大部分的公司都在赚钱。在这样特殊的时期,即使是很好的跨国公司,都忽视了训练真正的营销技能和塑造品牌的技能,很多公司并没有建立稳固、有力的品牌。但随着形势不断发生变化,企业不得不重视起品牌的塑造。一个新的工具——STP法则应运而生并风靡全球。STP即市场细分(Segmenting)、选择目标市场(Targeting)和产品定位(Positioning)。  相似文献   

赵世文 《经理人》2006,(2):96-97
不同类型的企业,在创业阶段的管理中表现的“短板”特征也不一样曾经有一个企业,创业初期发展非常迅速,短短几年时间,凭借正确的定位和竞争策略,很快在细分市场上奠定了行业领导者地位。但是, 由于市场的利润空间较大,进入门槛较低,竞争对手纷纷跟进,竞争形势很快恶  相似文献   

This note presents a model for the effective market segment determination problem. The integer goal programming model was developed for a nonprofit health care organization. The approach is an alternative application of a model presented by McClure and Wells [7]. The model includes input from the organization's clients as well as the organization's decision makers. A distinctive element is the simultaneous development of market segments and the consideration of management, institutional, and resource constraints. The purpose of the model was to aid the decision makers in determining if effective market segments exist which can be reached with information and educational materials concerning infant nutrition and breastfeeding. The model was tested and found to be effective in helping the decision makers segment their clients.  相似文献   

We develop a dynamic model of dealer intermediation between a monopolistic customer–dealer market and a competitive interdealer limit order market. Dealers face inventory constraints and adverse selection. We characterize the optimal quote setting and inventory management behavior for both markets in closed form and reveal how price setting in one market segment influences quote behavior in the other. The framework is used to explore market stability issues of the two‐tier market structure and delivers testable predictions about how the dispersion of retail prices is related to the state of the interdealer limit order book. Data from the European sovereign bond market is used to test for inventory related retail price dispersion.  相似文献   

We study the stock market reaction to announcements of global green vehicle innovation over a 14‐year time span (1996–2009) using the event study methodology. We document that the stock market generally reacts positively to automakers' announcements of environmental innovations, consistent with prior research on the wealth effects of innovation announcements. Our results indicate that crucial green product development decisions such as innovation type and market segment choices exert direct influence on a firm's market value. These results hold after controlling for firm size, leverage, profitability, R&D intensity, and oil price changes.  相似文献   

Since the development of the Internet, thousands of manufacturers have been referring consumers visiting their websites to some or all of their retailers. Through a model with one manufacturer and two heterogeneous retailers, we investigate whether it is an equilibrium for the manufacturer to refer consumers exclusively to a retailer or nonexclusively to both retailers. Our analysis indicates that nonexclusive referral is the manufacturer's equilibrium choice if the referral segment market size is sufficiently large; otherwise, exclusive referral is the equilibrium choice. In exclusive referral, the manufacturer would refer consumers to the more cost‐efficient and smaller retailer. In the presence of infomediary referral, it is less likely for both exclusive and nonexclusive referrals to be an equilibrium, as the infomediary referral segment grows. We also show our qualitative results are robust even if there were price discrimination among consumers, referral position disparity, local consumers, and asymmetric referral market sizes.  相似文献   

State-of-the-art market segmentation often involves simultaneous consideration of multiple and overlapping variables. These variables are studied to assess their relationships, select a subset of variables which best represent the subgroups (segments) within a market, and determine the likelihood of membership of a given individual in a particular segment. Such information, obtained in the exploratory phase of a multivariate market segmentation study, leads to the construction of more parsimonious models. These models have less stringent data requirements while facilitating substantive evaluation to aid marketing managers in formulating more effective targeting and positioning strategies within different market segments. This paper utilizes the information-theoretic (IT) approach to address several issues in multivariate market segmentation studies. A marketing data set analyzed previously is employed to examine the suitability and usefulness of the proposed approach [12]. Some useful extensions of the IT framework and its applications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Ariane Pailh 《LABOUR》2003,17(1):127-152
The labour markets of the centrally planned economies of Central Europe (the former Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland) were divided into several segments. Using estimates taken from a two–regime model, we show that segmentation has persisted throughout the first years of systemic change. However, labour market segmentation has evolved to some extent. Firms that used to have priority now coexist alongside new activities within the primary segment (in particular, foreign firms and activities in the banking and financial sector). In this way, labour market segmentation results both in the appearance of new, formal institutions and the persistence of informal institutions left over from the past, owing to the growth in market uncertainty.  相似文献   

The Internet is providing an opportunity to revenue management practitioners to exploit the potential of auctions as a new price distribution channel. We develop a stochastic model for a high‐level abstraction of a revenue management system (RMS) that allows us to understand the potential of incorporating auctions in revenue management in the presence of forecast errors associated with key parameters. Our abstraction is for an environment where two market segments book in sequence and revenue management approaches consider auctions in none, one, or both segments. Key insights from our robust results are (i) limited auctions are best employed closest to the final sale date, (ii) counterbalancing forecast errors associated with overall traffic intensity and the proportion of customer arrivals in a segment is more important if an auction is adopted in that segment, and (iii) it is critically important not to err on the side of overestimating market willingness to pay.  相似文献   

研究了非线性需求函数条件下产品存在网络外部性时,垄断企业采用对需求区间分段定价的方法进行二级歧视定价的策略。首先分析了单阶段垄断企业二级价格歧视的静态定价策略,接着给出了在一个较长时期内垄断企业分两阶段进行二级歧视的动态定价策略。结果表明网络外部性不影响最优需求区间分段单调递增的性质,但价格随网络外部性的增强而相应提高,且第一阶段的价格高于第二阶段的贴现值。  相似文献   

把奢侈、环保偏好消费者考虑到再制造品市场需求中,研究了奢侈与环保消费者构成市场的再制造品最优定价策略,发现奢侈与环保偏好消费者比例不同的市场再制造品最优定价存在差异,并且差异价格随着消费者比例不同有所不同;同时发现在价格歧视的边界上,即奢侈消费者与绿色消费者比例存在某种特定关系时,差异价格可以获得相同的利润,却可以得到不同再制造品数量,这为制造商在利润不受损下,实现社会环保目标、提升绿色形象创造了一条路径。然后根据上述的不同的市场结构特征,建议制造商采取相应价格歧视策略,并通过算例验证了上述的结论。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, three common empirical methods encountered in the segmentation literature are used in order to establish whether or not the Swiss labor market is segmented: (i) a hierarchical cluster analysis; (ii) a switching model with unknown regime; and (iii) an analysis of low‐wage mobility with a bivariate probit model with endogenous selection. According to method (i), segmentation can hardly be observed. Method (ii) shows that the Swiss labor market is dualistic in nature. Method (iii) reveals that a certain degree of persistence exists in low‐wage jobs. Whether or not the Swiss labor market is segmented thus depends on the choice of method, i.e. on the definition and understanding of segments. In any case, none of the methods used in this study point to the existence of a large and well‐defined secondary segment.  相似文献   

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