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云南境内外有16个少数民族跨境而居。随着中国周边国际环境的稳定及中国对外开放的扩大,边疆地区境内外社会、经济、文化的交流不断扩大,跨境民族之间的社会互动日趋频繁。跨境民族的民族认同关系到该民族成员对民族国家现存政治、经济、文化、社会状况的态度,直接支配着一定社会成员的思维方式、生活方式和行为方式,这对于构建云南边疆和谐社会都有着极其特殊的意义。 相似文献
斯里兰卡是个多民族的国家。僧伽罗族和泰米尔族是斯里兰卡的两个主要民族。历史学家认为,僧伽罗人和泰米尔人的祖先都是从印度北部和南部移居到斯里兰卡岛的。由于时间的推移和该岛所处的特有地理位置,斯里兰卡岛逐渐形成了一个单独的国家。在岛上中部和南部居住的僧伽罗人中间逐渐形成了与其祖先有很大差异的传统文化;然而,主要居住在斯里兰卡北部地区的泰米尔人,由于与南印度仅一水之隔,来往密切,一直保持了同南印度泰米尔人相同的文化和传统。僧伽罗族和泰米尔族之间在传统文化、宗教信仰和生活习俗方面存在着很大差别。历史上,这两大民族有时和睦相处,有时却互相仇杀。纵观历史,虽然前一 相似文献
引言斯里兰卡1983年政局的基本特点是僧伽罗人与泰米尔人之间的冲突。从这一年的五月中旬直至整个八月份,僧伽罗人和泰米尔人之间的暴力冲突“导致了大约470人的死亡和8,000多起抢劫案。在这场骚乱达到高峰时,约有80,000人居住在政府所设的难民营里。”为什么僧伽罗人与泰米尔人的冲突已成为当前斯里兰卡最重要的政治问题?其历史原因及政治经济背景又是什么?这是本文所要探讨的问题。斯里兰卡这个位于南亚南端的热带岛屿是个天然的地理单位,而其国民却有不同的语 相似文献
多党民主制度并非解决发展中国家政治民主化问题的灵丹妙药.斯里兰卡是一个多民族的发展中国家,由于本国政治、经济、文化水平落后,实行以政党竞争为核心的多党民主制度,导致了政党的民族主义化和民族冲突的激化. 相似文献
本文主要讨论灾难外交对于一国国内民族冲突进程的影响。针对以往研究仅仅将灾难外交视为解决地区冲突的契机之论点,本文认为,当自然灾害达到一定严重程度,灾难外交可能成为解决冲突的关键变量。通过对2004年印度洋海啸后印尼和斯里兰卡民族冲突的经验对比研究,我们发现在其他条件相似的情况下,由于自然灾害对两国民族冲突双方力量对比影响的差异性,导致了各方解决冲突的政治意愿、谈判中的政治立场等决定冲突走势的根本性因素发生不同的变化,最终两国的民族冲突选择了不同的解决路径。 相似文献
南亚各国独立后民族问题非常突出,情况又十分复杂,民族矛盾和教族冲突时起时伏,有时表现得极为激烈和尖锐。对有关国家的政治、经济及人民日常生活有着深刻的影响,有时还影响到国家与国家之间的关系。斯里兰卡的民族问题就是一个典型例子。南亚各国的民族问题有共同的一面,也有各自特殊的一面。独立后各国的民族问题变得严重起来;语言问题、宗教问题、教育和就业问题、移民问题比较突出;各国政府不承认本国多民族和多文化的现实而对少数良族采取同化政策;少数民族要求自治或独立等等,这些 相似文献
成语是人们在劳动实践中认识世界的过程里提炼出来的思想结晶,因此能反映出一个民族的文化特征和价值取向。本文就中国文化褒羊贬狗与西方文化褒狗贬羊进行了比较,挖掘由此折射出来的民族特征,以便更好地理解中华民族克己守道、谦恭宽厚、集体至上及西方民族的个人奋斗、独立精神和崇尚个人主义的行为模式。 相似文献
在数字经济时代,刑法面临新的挑战,国内外大型数字平台公司为了商业及其他目的,往往会针对个人信息和重要数据等关键数据实施无限制数据收集并通过各种途径传输至国外的非法行为。此类非法数据跨境传输行为侵犯了国家数据主权、妨害数据管理秩序、危害国家安全,刑法必须及时作出回应并予以规制。我国《网络安全法》《电子商务法》《数据安全法》和《个人信息保护法》专门增加了针对数据犯罪的条款,附属刑法规制模式清晰可见。然而,上述规定过于笼统且狭窄,不具备整体性和普遍适用性。当前,我国现行刑法典中的罪名无法准确适用于非法数据跨境传输行为,因应技术发展以及国家利益在数据上延伸的现实情况,刑法典规制范式应该确立。增设非法数据跨境传输罪势在必行,该罪名的增设有助于有针对性地打击非法数据跨境传输行为,维护国家的数据管理秩序,维护国家安全。刑法典规制模式可以有效克服附属刑法规制模式的不足,在立法目标、规制范围和规制模式等方面均有突破。同时,条文的明确性和协调性也符合罪刑法定原则、法益保护主义和刑法结构的调整趋势。 相似文献
S. R. Sepalika N. Sudasinghe Direk Patmasiriwat 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2014,8(1):96-108
The study examines the determinants of social expenditure in Sri Lanka for the period 1970–2010. The data are from a new data set assembled by the authors. The social spending data are collected from the Central Bank of Sri Lanka on education, health, and also on welfare spending. The study explains the determinants of social spending considering the demand‐side and the supply‐side driving forces and finds that inequality issues have been a major concern of social policy in Sri Lanka. Similarly, this study implies the influence of political behavior to satisfy voters as explained by the fiscal illusion theory. The globalization is not significant for social expenditure as commonly assumed in developed countries. Even the consequences of the self‐interested behavior of bureaucrats are not evident in the Sri Lankan welfare sector. 相似文献
《Journal of Policy Modeling》2020,42(3):728-745
This paper proposes a finite mixture model to examine how health adversities influence indebtedness of Sri Lankan households. After accounting for unobserved heterogeneity, our empirical analysis reveals that households headed by ill-health members and those with hospitalization are inevitably more vulnerable to indebtedness. The ill-health status of other working-age members also creates milder effects on household indebtedness. We confirm that the health-debt cycle is more severe for urban households, compared to their rural counterparts. The study is testimony to re-emphasizing the role of government in providing much-needed financial protection to vulnerable households and implementing differentiated-policy packages for urban and rural sectors in order to effectively break the health-debt cycle. 相似文献
This paper analyses the formal social security systems of India and Sri Lanka. While many of the social, demographic, and economic indicators differ markedly between the countries, the structure of the social security systems, challenges, and reform directions are quite similar. Thus, the provident fund organizations in both countries need to modernize and benchmark their governance, operations, and investment policies. The dualism in their systems, which has resulted in relatively generous non–contributory pensions being provided to civil servants, also needs to be addressed. This dualism and the fiscal unsustainability of current civil service pension arrangements lend urgency to reforms in this area in the two countries. The prospects for voluntary tax–advantaged private sector schemes are encouraging, particularly in India. The conditions for reforms are more favourable now owing to hopeful signs of an end to longstanding conflict in Sri Lanka, and decade–long experience with financial sector reforms in India. 相似文献
Biswajit Maitra 《Journal of Policy Modeling》2019,41(2):372-394
Accumulation of public debt in Sri Lanka is raised significantly since the independence. It exceeded 100% of gross domestic products (GDP) in the late 1980s and the early 2000s. Although it has been declined in the recent past and becomes 79.3% of GDP in 2016; the high level of debt in a weak fiscal position of the small economy Sri Lanka is an issue of concern. In this backdrop, this paper examines the impact of public debt and foreign aid on income, price level and interest rate in Sri Lanka for the post-reform period. It is found that public debt in general and foreign debt, in particular, depresses income and stimulates price level. Domestic debt has some impact on the price level. On the other hand, foreign aid has a deleterious effect on both the income and price level. The foreign debt and aid have raised interest rate both in the short-run and in the long-run, while no significant impact of the domestic debt on interest rate is found. Based on these findings, the paper elaborates on some long-term measures for reducing the dependence on debt and aid in Sri Lanka. 相似文献
Eva Isaacs 《The Australian journal of social issues》1974,9(4):298-305
The concept of urban education is seen as education conducted under certain conditions and in a particular environment—for example, in inner city areas where immigrant groups have settled. Greek children in State schools in the inner city of Sydney serve as an example. It is suggested that for the local Australian pupils, and for those for whom English is a second language, school entry marks the beginning of their alienation process. Home and school value systems are at variance. The needs of the local Australian group and those of the immigrants are totally separate and disparate. Implications for an effective balance of home and school demands are discussed. 相似文献
Masateru Higashida 《Asia Pacific journal of social work》2013,23(3):194-208
This study examines the experiences of disabled people in Sri Lanka as they make the transition out of vocational training programmes into employment. This study was carried out using purposive sampling method to select ‘good practice’ cases and semi-structured interviews with 12 disabled people. The study applied thematic analysis to the qualitative data using NVivo software. The disabled people were found to have distinctive employment experiences following vocational training such as gaining work satisfaction, earning and spending income, presenting workability, expanding social relationships, and facing challenges. This study also identified key factors related to the transition process, including skills acquired through training, job opportunities, participants’ strengths and empowerment, supportive environments, and suitable work. These findings have important implications for both policy and practice. 相似文献
Athula Naranpanawa Jayatilleke S. BandaraSaroja Selvanathan 《Journal of Policy Modeling》2011,33(2):328
The link between trade liberalisation and poverty has become one of the most debated topics in recent years. There is a growing body of empirical literature on this topic and many studies provide mixed results. In this study, Sri Lanka is used as a detailed case study and a computable general equilibrium (CGE) approach is used as an analytical framework to examine the trade-poverty nexus. The results suggest that, liberalisation of the manufacturing industries is more pro-poor than that of the agricultural industries. Overall, this study suggests that trade reforms may widen the income gap between the rich and the poor creating uneven gains across different household groups in Sri Lanka. While short-term complementary policies are needed to compensate vulnerable income groups, long-term policies are needed to make gains from trade liberalisation more inclusive and equitable to maintain economic and political stability in Sri Lanka. 相似文献
Planning studies with an optimal control multisectoral dynamic economic model: The case of Sri Lanka
G. Anandalingam 《Journal of Policy Modeling》1983,5(2):179-205
This article investigates the impact of different development scenarios on optimal investment strategy and economy of Sri Lanka and studies the potential of applying control theory techniques to economic planning. The multisectoral dynamic planning model is formulated as a linear quadratic tracking problem. Targets to be tracked define the development strategies: economic growth, trade deficit reduction, food self-sufficiency, and balanced growth. Besides providing insights into these strategies, empirical results show that the difficulty in setting inequality constraints and ensuring nonnegative solutions could undermine the linear tracking optimal control technique for development planning. 相似文献