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I use a divorce‐stress‐adjustment perspective to summarize and organize the empirical literature on the consequences of divorce for adults and children. My review draws on research in the 1990s to answer five questions: How do individuals from married and divorced families differ in well‐being? Are these differences due to divorce or to selection? Do these differences reflect a temporary crisis to which most people gradually adapt or stable life strains that persist more or less indefinitely? What factors mediate the effects of divorce on individual adjustment? And finally, what are the moderators (protective factors) that account for individual variability in adjustment to divorce? In general, the accumulated research suggests that marital dissolution has the potential to create considerable turmoil in people's lives. But people vary greatly in their reactions. Divorce benefits some individuals, leads others to experience temporary decrements in well‐being, and forces others on a downward trajectory from which they might never recover fully. Understanding the contingencies under which divorce leads to these diverse outcomes is a priority for future research.  相似文献   

The majority of studies relating to families of handicapped children emphasise the negative emotions of the parents, particularly initial shock followed by guilt, chronic sorrow and anxiety. Rarely have these studies relied on the parents' assessments of their own reactions. As a consequence of this, there is little recognition in the relevant literature of either the wide range of parental reaction or the successful and satisfying adjustments which many parents make. A second important limitation in these studies is the absence of a theoretical framework either to test the occasional contradictions that can occur or arising out of the findings themselves.

As an alternative approach, it is suggested that a theoretical position could be developed from the concept of need recognising that the needs of the parents are distinct from those of their handicapped child, although usually consistent with them. An analysis of the research literature (Burden, 1981) has already identified five areas of need-the need for information, support, advice, access to resources and opportunities for social interaction.

It is recognised that the concept of need is a necessary but insufficient basis for an adequate theory. The notion of support coinciding with the parents' reaction to transitions in the child's life is offered as an additional factor in the family's successful adjustment. Three other variables are cited as affecting parental adjustment-individual differences in resistance to stress; the extent and nature of the child's disability and the tolerance of the community to that particular disability. In developing this theoretical framework, reference is made to some of the practical problems associated with the implementation of professional services.  相似文献   

Following incarceration, women face unique challenges in returning to their communities and seeking employment. This qualitative study used interpretative phenomenological analysis to explore the lived experiences of previously incarcerated women as they participated in It's More Than a Job Club, Sister, a spiritually integrated career intervention, and subsequently sought employment. The following 4 superordinate themes emerged describing this experience: (a) It was more than a job club; (b) God gave me a second chance: the impact of faith on recovery and employment; (c) barriers to employment; and (d) looking ahead. The findings indicate the need for a strengths‐based approach to career intervention that builds upon existing skills and emphasizes identity exploration, uncovering core beliefs and vocational values, bridging the gap between goals and barriers, and leveraging interpersonal skills. The findings also indicate that career counseling with female returning citizens is enhanced by incorporating attention to the role of substance abuse/recovery and by attending to the intersection of calling and vocation.  相似文献   

Using the nationally representative Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (2001–2006; N ?7,900), the authors examined child‐care arrangements among teen parents from birth through prekindergarten. Four latent classes of child care arrangements at 9, 24, and 52 months emerged: (a) “parental care,” (b) “center care,” (c) “paid home‐based care,” and (d) “free kin‐based care.” Disadvantaged teen‐parent families were overrepresented in the “parental care” class, which was negatively associated with children's preschool reading, math, and behavior scores and mothers' socioeconomic and fertility outcomes compared with some nonparental care classes. Nonparental care did not predict any negative maternal or child outcomes, and different care arrangements had different benefits for mothers and children. Time spent in nonparental care and improved maternal outcomes contributed to children's increased scores across domains. Child‐care classes predicted maternal outcomes similarly in teen‐parent and nonteen‐parent families, but the “parental care” class predicted some disproportionately negative child outcomes for teen‐parent families.  相似文献   

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - The phenomenon identified as naming is a key stage of language function that is missing in many children with autism and other language delay diagnoses. We...  相似文献   

Until recently, the focus for child protection in NSW has been on risk assessment, supportive measures for parents, and ‘the best interests of the child’. The needs of the birth families, once their children have been removed have not received the same attention. An emerging body of research indicates a growing awareness of the importance of the link between good outcomes for children in care and positive ongoing links with their birth parents. Biological parents of children who have been removed invariably continue to have parenting relationships, if not with the removed child, then with subsequent birth children, step children and children in their extended family. Service provision for this group of parents is critical given the complexity and scale of their emotional needs, and the implications for the children they will care for. In this paper, we describe one such intervention: Kids in Care, a group program offered at Relationships Australia NSW, and consider the arising issues and dilemmas for both parents and group workers. Developed to address the particular needs of parents whose children have been taken into care, the group creates an environment of acceptance and support. This opens up possibilities for parents to consider issues of grief, stigma and trauma, as well as to develop skills in communication, assertiveness and emotional regulation.  相似文献   

This article considers ethical questions and practical challenges arising from the production of video data with young children, and suggests that such considerations are reciprocal and that video data should be seen as constructed collaboratively by all participants. Video data can be a valuable means of eliciting children’s perspectives, but it raises particular issues of consent and confidentiality. Opportunities for young children to use video cameras are helpful in supporting informed consent and active participation, whilst the visual nature of video renders anonymity and confidentiality more difficult, and anonymisation of images may impact upon data quality. Video, like all research data, is influenced by the actions and biases of participants, and young children’s experiences as consumers of television will influence their reading of, and responses to, video data. An advantage of video is that it can provide participants with feedback about their participation. Challenges remain with regard to ownership.  相似文献   

When making assessments and planning interventions, social workers adopt a biopsychosocial perspective. One important area where biologically based treatments influence psychosocial functioning is the area of psychopharmacology. However, even though many clients take medications, social workers often feel poorly prepared to address a subject that could be very important to their clients; that subject is the meaning of the medication to the client. The meanings that clients ascribe to medication can have a significant impact on medication adherence. Using attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to illustrate, I provide an overview of ADHD and common forms of treatment, discuss the possible meanings and acceptability of stimulant treatment for ADHD, provide practice guidelines for helping families reduce ambivalence about medication, present two clinical vignettes, and suggest resources for social workers and families.  相似文献   

Seventy-one U.S. mothers with a physical disability who had a child aged 0 to 3 years responded to a survey about the system of care used for their child. Results indicated that mothers participated in all different types of care (physical, comforting, playing, limit setting, and taking the child outside the home). Partners and participants’ mothers provided the most assistance with care. Mothers were generally satisfied with assistance received from others. This article explores how mothers remain central to their children with others assisting with the child’s care and the impact of such assistance on mothers’ relationships with partners and children.  相似文献   

We construct a simple mechanism that can be used in situations when a group of well informed agents try to cooperate in the production and allocation of a good with external effects. We start by auctioning the right to have the initiative in the negotiation, then the winner proposes an allocation that is implemented if the rest of the players unanimously accept it. In case of a rejection, the process is started again. We show that the outcome of any stationary subgame perfect Nash equilibrium leads to an efficient allocation of the good with externalities, together with an equal split of the surplus that cooperation generates.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the transition pathways to adult status of 35 young adults with Down's syndrome over a six-year period (1987-93). Despite educational, social and employment legislation aimed at ensuring greater integration into the community, qualitative and quantitative analyses of 'quality of life' outcomes in this group produced a disappointing picture of a narrow range of leisure opportunities, negligible placement in employment, and continuing dependency on parental caregivers in adulthood. Two case studies illustrate how, in the absence of any improvement in opportunities for real integration into the community and in provision of resources to support meeting the special needs of those with learning difficulties, a marginalised group may be being created.  相似文献   

Properly implemented, foster family care may represent a uniquely appropriate placement/treatment alternative for young children with pronounced or dangerous sexual behavior problems. A few programs have reported preliminary but promising results with such children in fostering environments specifically designed to address their special problems. This study details the salient components of one such program that has proven successful over the past six years with most of thirty youthful clients referred to it facing few alternative placement options. Rankings by program staff and program parents of the relative importance of ten program components to client success are reported, and updates on previously published outcomes with the first six clients to enter the program are offered. Subjective but important “lessons learned” by staff and parents about working with this difficult population in the fostering environment are also discussed.
Robert J. JonesEmail:

The Analysis of Verbal Behavior - Some children with autism have difficulty acquiring tacts, despite their ability to mand, echo words, and imitate actions. The current study focused on 2 nonvocal...  相似文献   

Within children's services, frameworks for assessing outcomes have been developed in the absence of consultation with children with autistic spectrum disorders and their parents. The research reported here worked with parents, other key adults and children with autistic spectrum disorders to identify desired outcomes. It found similarities with non‐autistic children in terms of the broad types of outcomes desired. However, the presence of autism meant either new or different sorts of outcomes were reported. Implications in terms of the ways outcomes for autistic children are defined and measured, and the role of services in achieving outcomes is discussed. © 2006 The Author(s).  相似文献   

Children with histories of maltreatment are at significant risk of developing severe psychiatric problems. Treatment of such children is difficult and there are no empirical studies evaluating the effectiveness of outpatient treatment for children with trauma-attachment disorders. The present study examines the effectiveness of Dyadic Developmental Therapy, a treatment based on attachment theory, provided by one therapist in an outpatient setting. The 64 subjects all had trauma-attachment disorders, met the DSM-IV criteria for Reactive Attachment Disorder, and had histories of serious maltreatment. The 34 children in the treatment group were treated in weekly outpatient therapy at The Center For Family Development with Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy. The 30 children in the control group were evaluated but did not received Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and received treatment from other providers at other clinics. Eligible subjects were children between the ages of five and seventeen years whose case had been closed in 2000 or 2001. All children had significant past histories of abuse, neglect, or orphanage care. Findings for children in the treatment group, as measured by the Achenback and Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire, were significant decreases (p<.01) in symptoms of attachment disorder, withdrawn behaviors, anxiety and depression, social problems, thought problems, attention problems, rule-breaking behaviors, and aggressive behaviors. The findings for children in the control group showed no changes in the variables measured. Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy appears to be an effective treatment for children with trauma-attachment disorders.The author would like to gratefully acknowledge Ms. Geraldine Gallucci, a master’s level social work intern, who was placed with The Center For Family Development. Ms. Gallucci ensured that the follow-up questionnaires were mailed to the families and returned to the agency.Arthur Becker-Weidmann is affiliated with Center for Family Development, Williamsville, USA.  相似文献   

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