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黄亚飞 《职业》2016,(8):42-43
本文分析了职业教育具备的三大特性:社会性、人民性、职业性.社会性表示职业教育的工具性价值,人民性表示职业教育的本体价值,职业性表示职业教育的手段性价值.职业教育的最终目标是服务社会,职业教育的本体方向是面向人人,大众平等,职业教育的基本作用是享有职业.基于这三大特性产生的职业教育价值,职业教育在促进经济发展、维护公平、创建和谐社会在三个方面起到了很好的作用.本文分析了职业教育三个方面的价值观,并基于此价值观,探讨了实践价值观融入职业教育教学方案的策略.为了践行面向人人、关注民生的职业教育价值理念,并促进学生自我价值的实现,开展具备职业教育三大价值的价值观教育教学,有利于推动社会的前进和发展.  相似文献   

宋悦 《职业》2016,(11):35-36
职业学校是我国发展职业教育的主要阵地,职业学校的学生则是职业教育的主体.当下,职业学校学生的价值观受到社会文化、家庭及自身发展等各种因素的影响,已呈现出一定的偏差.职业学校学生价值观的重塑离不开社会与学校教育的双重作用,本文就职业学校学生价值观的重塑进行阐述.  相似文献   

费明磊 《职业》2012,(23):65-66
职业教育不仅是获取生存技能的途径,更是提升人的境界、丰富人的精神的一种方式,它不仅要培养合格的劳动者和技能人才,也要培养高素质的合格公民。因此,我们在继续进行全面生活领域价值观教育的基础上,应侧重工作领域价值观——工作价值观教育。面对社会转型期价值观的多元化、物质生活逐渐富裕和体验式学习机会的减少,年轻一代常常处于多重选择标准的矛盾之中,他们的工作价值观需要通过教育来树立和完善。新的社会转型期,存在着强烈的文化冲突,而中国传统美德与时代精神的有机结合可以为工作价值观教育指明方向,尤其对于正在接受职业教育的中职生来说,发挥语  相似文献   

曾俊香 《职业》2017,(2):99-101
职业价值观是个体的人生价值观在职业生活中的体现,是个体关于职业选择和评价的一种比较稳定的价值取向.中职学生的职业价值观是指学生在选择专业与工作时表现出的比较稳定的、具有概括性的价值取向,对学生的成长与发展具有重要的奠基、导向和内强动力作用.明代著名教育家王阳明指出:"种树者必培其根,种德者必养其心."个体的素质与品格以价值观为核心,职业素质教育以职业价值观的培育为核心,职业价值观的培育在职业教育中处于中心地位.中职学生职业价值观的培育是职业教育的一项重要工作.在新的历史时期,教师要正确认识和看待实践与学生职业价值观培育之间的内在关联,引导学生在实践中体悟职业价值.  相似文献   

对社会主义核心价值观融入高校思想政治教育的现实价值进行深入分析,解读社会主义核心价值观融入高校思想政治教育的困境,并力求从社会主义核心价值观融入高校社会实践以及社会主义核心价值观融入高校职业教育体系两方面着手解决问题,为社会主义核心价值观下高校思想政治教育研究提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

王效为 《现代交际》2014,(9):214-214
职业价值观教育已经成为高职院校职业教育的新任务。本文旨在职业兴趣培养、职业能力提高、职业精神铸造等方面探索高职院校大学生职业价值观教育的新路径,有针对性地开展科学的职业价值观教育。  相似文献   

新媒体已成为当下传播社会主义核心价值观的主阵地.本文以广西工业技师学院为例,探讨职业院校如何结合职业教育的特点建设和运用新媒体,弘扬社会主义核心价值观.  相似文献   

骆潇  曾珠  王雪娇 《职业》2013,(2):4-7
近年来,对国内外企业界的多项调查表明:劳动市场的评价标准在经历了资历取向优先、能力取向优先之后,已经向素质取向优先发展。劳动者正确的价值观和良好的工作态度,已经成为企业招聘员工的首要条件。联合国教科文组织也一直强调,价值观和态度培养是职业教育的重要内容和任务,是应对新世纪挑战的措施。  相似文献   

舒玲玲 《职业》2012,(22):103
为进一步推动浙江省成人教育和职业教育的发展,加快构建学习型社会的步伐,践行"物质富裕、精神富有"的核心价值观,浙江省成人教育与职业教育协会第五次代表大会于2012年7月2日至7月3日在杭州市顺利召开。此次会议选举产生了第五届理事会理事、会长、  相似文献   

政治课是职业教育的一门文化基础学科,这一课程开设的主要目的是提升学生的思想素质,并在此基础上,引导学生形成正确的人生观和价值观。因此,在现代职业教育向纵深发展的过程中,政治课有着不可替代的作用。本文以职业学校政治课堂教学为研究对象,就其教学有效性的提升策略展开了探讨,以期改善职业学校政治课堂的教学质量,提升教学水平。  相似文献   

The USA has always prided itself on the defence of freedom for all its peoples, democracy as well as being on the leading edge of innovations. The USA, therefore, is a particularly unique setting for an examination of the rhetoric associated with the politics of adopting online learning technologies. This paper examines the context of the US on-line learning system with a particular focus on those aspects of the movement which appeal so keenly to Americans. Certain values are expressed in this movement which are almost uniquely American such as democracy, freedom, efficiency, independence, the vocational nature of education, and meritocratic schemes for education as a sorting mechanism for the society.  相似文献   

Though studies have clearly illustrated that education is one of the primary paths to upward mobility, a growing body of research is beginning to show that the returns on education are determined more by initial wealth than innate ability and exerted effort in school. This accounting directly contradicts Americans’ understanding of the promise of the American Dream: a level playing field and a path towards a more prosperous future. Currently, this contradiction goes largely unchecked by researchers because of their reluctance to engage in a discussion about values. As a result, the mere discussion of wealth transfer, a policy about thriving, is seen as taboo, and we are left with conversations about how to provide the poor with enough merely to survive. However, in this paper, the conversation about wealth transfer is revived and articulated as an American idea consistent with American values. It goes on to offer Children’s Savings Accounts, in combination with a substantial progressive wealth transfer into these accounts, as a means of leveling the playing field and restoring education as an equalizer in society.  相似文献   

Drawing on the author's experience of teaching social work in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this paper will interrogate the pervasive question, significant within academic circles and the wider public discourse, on the issue of values and how they are framed or not by their relevant cultural contexts. This is a critical period in the history of the development of social work in the UAE where the International Association of Schools of Social Work subjected the first professional social work education and training programme offered to the rigour of a review process. Currently most social work programmes are evaluated against Western social work accreditation frameworks and quality assurance processes. While this practice may be appropriate in certain contexts, in others, such as in the Arab world, a more authentic frame of reference is required. To this end, the frame of reference lies in the Islamic prophetic traditions and culture, uniquely characteristic of the Arab world in the Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC). It not only provides the backdrop to the ideological context for practice and education but also for quality assurance purposes as in the case of accreditation. A quick perusal of global accreditations of social work programmes reveals intense scholarly debates about what should constitute a dynamic curricula, necessary resources, ideology, administrative needs, processes and structure of social work programmes. Given that all of these criteria satisfy the conditions for accreditation, there is still ample opportunity within the different socio-cultural contexts for variations in the curricula of social work programmes being offered universally.

There is little doubt, despite the recent debates on the accreditation processes, that the primary goal is to ensure quality programmes and competent preparation for social work practice. In this paper the author will argue that while subscribing to this academic rigour, a paradigm shift is imperative to understand what constitutes culturally sensitive social work education and training. This paper will demonstrate that the values and ethics rooted in the ideology of the Arab world should determine and influence academic and practice paradigms.  相似文献   

In a diverse country such as Peru, moral education should reflect social, cultural, political and spiritual dilemmas of both indigenous and non-indigenous peoples and their communities. To promote understanding and respect amongst people from different sociocultural backgrounds, moral education should encourage a dialogue between indigenous values and mainstream hegemonic values. In this article, we argue for the need to conceptualise moral education as intercultural. Against a common view that portraits indigenous people as incommensurable, that is, as trapped in their own radically different moral perspective, our own research in Shipibo-Konibo and Asháninka communities show that indigenous people display a moral point of view when analysing cultural traditions and practices. This moral point of view appears intertwined with their cultural values and ethnic identities and allows intercultural dialogue. In this vein, we argue for the need to incorporate intercultural moral conflicts and dilemmas into moral education to promote understanding and respect for others.  相似文献   

The topic of values in intercultural education will be discussed from several vantage points: first, we will consider educational values in Germany and discuss how compatible they are with intercultural education. Secondly, we will show various ways in which intercultural education is now being approached, focusing on various underlying values. This will help to clarify why intercultural education has recently become more accepted, even though no curricula have so far been developed. Finally, we will discuss how intercultural education is implemented in teacher education with regard to the values that are part of intercultural education.

It should be borne in mind that a paper on “German” education or teacher training always represents a generalisation because there are 16 different states, each with different educational systems.  相似文献   

In an era of rapid globalization, space and time are seriously compressed. People from different nations, cultures, religions and other backgrounds have become much more interconnected and interdependent. Since people are rapidly intermingling, what values should be considered as standards and norms in regulating this situation, so that people of different backgrounds can relate peacefully to each other with mutual respect? United Nations (UN) human rights standards could be considered as sets of shared global norms and values in a search for global ethics. As a consequence, the UN has been eager to promote human rights education (HRE), aiming at the cultivation of a human rights culture. This paper reports on two case studies of school‐based curriculum development of HRE in two Hong Kong secondary schools. We also recommend some research directions important for the implementation of HRE in schools. It is hoped that the paper can provide some insight into the development of quality HRE in schools.  相似文献   

胡勇 《职业时空》2012,(6):48-50
基层妇女的职后教育是妇女提升综合竞争能力,提升社会地位的重要途径。各级政府特别是地方政府对本辖区基层妇女开展职后教育工作重要而必要。结合职后教育的育人功能,以中山妇联与电子科技大学联合开设的网络教育妇女学员为样本,就基层妇女开展职后教育的影响因素进行了分析,并着重针对地方政府在基层妇女的职后教育工作的对策进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

Leadership is a topic of international debate in both social work education and practice. Questions remain, however, regarding what specific models of leadership should be emphasized and how leadership content should be infused within the social work curriculum. This paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing discussion about the infusion of leadership within social work education. Specifically, this paper shares the design and development of a graduate-level social work course in program evaluation that infused education around the social change model of leadership (SCM) and then explores qualitatively how 39 graduate students interpreted and applied this model of leadership through an experiential community-based evaluation project. Findings of this study suggest that students utilized the values identified in the SCM in a range of ways to understand and interpret their leadership experience both in their collaborative groups and in their partnerships with community-based organizations. Community organizations also reported benefiting from the experience in partnership with the students. Implications are discussed in relation to the potential value and impact of this model for social work education.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present good educational practices from Bulgaria that relate to Roma education. In the so‐called Years of Transition, educational conditions changed considerably. Non‐governmental organizations have attempted to promote high‐quality education for Roma children. The Bulgarian Ministry of Education has made various changes in legislation which now allow Roma children to receive mother tongue education as well as intercultural education with a focus on Romani language, culture and history. This paper provides a short overview of projects that have been implemented in kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, as well as adult literacy and education since the time of transition.  相似文献   

An argument is made that American social distress is exacerbated by the decline of public education, a decline fostered and maintained by systematic self-deception. Americans hold cherished beliefs about education, teaching, and learning that they know are not now, or cannot be, true. America's educational policies both reflect popular beliefs and give direction. Baffling public policy can make sense when seen in the broader context of public perceptions, beliefs, sentiments, ideologies, values, and opinions. This context shifts over time, circumstance, and group. Although this conceptual mix varies with geographic location and media attention, in this paper I have tried to touch on widely accepted, thus potent, national illusions that have confounded our understanding of public education and have misdirected educational policy.  相似文献   

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