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张军银 《西北人口》2004,(5):F003-F003
有些患有滴虫性阴道炎的妇女,不能服用西药,作者采用单味大黄煎液治疗滴虫性阴道炎,并对疗效进行了观察,疗效显著。  相似文献   

刘彩琴  曾朝慧 《西北人口》2004,(1):64-64,F003
本文探索负压吸宫术中哌替啶联合利多卡因的止痛效果,250例早孕妇女随机分3组,结果显示:哌替啶联合利多卡因麻醉镇痛有效率达94%,单用利多卡因局部麻醉镇痛有效率67%,对照组有效率6%,哌替啶联合利多卡因在人流止痛效果明显,易于推广。  相似文献   

微波治疗慢性宫颈炎306例临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王彦华 《西北人口》2004,(2):64-64,F003
目的:为了了解微波治疗慢性宫颈炎的疗效。方法:采用微波对306例慢性宫颈炎进行治疗,并观察疗效。结果:宫颈糜烂程度与痊愈时间有关,宫颈糜烂合并肥大者,治疗的有效率为100%。结论:微波治疗慢性宫颈炎,操作简单、副反应少、治愈率高。  相似文献   

对口服西药难以治愈的146例妇女月经过多,作者采用中药少腹逐瘀汤对其进行治疗,并对疗效进行了观察,疗效显著,有效率为100%,应推广应用。  相似文献   

目的为了了解微波治疗慢性宫颈炎的疗效.方法采用微波对306例慢性宫颈炎进行治疗,并观察疗效.结果宫颈糜烂程度与痊愈时间有关,宫颈糜烂合并肥大者,治疗的有效率为100%.结论微波治疗慢性宫颈炎,操作简单、副反应少、治愈率高.  相似文献   

随着医疗技术的快速发展,人口老龄化日趋严重,医疗卫生支出显著提高,疾病经济负担增长,这无疑给医疗卫生体制改革与社会和谐稳定发展带来了巨大经济压力。在老龄化日益加剧的情况下,探讨老年人医疗保障制度的安全性和可持续性需要深入研究老年人医疗费用支出的变化特点和趋势。本文采用国际通行的"卫生费用核算体系2011"(SHA 2011)对2014年吉林省65岁以上老年人群治疗费用进行分析。结果显示治疗费用源于公共筹资占55.58%,其次为家庭卫生支出41.83%;治疗费用居于前五位的疾病类型依次为:循环系统疾病、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病、肿瘤、内分泌、营养与代谢疾病;省级医疗卫生服务机构的费用以门诊服务为主(84.63%),基层医疗卫生服务机构的费用中住院服务占比最高。研究结论指出,不同年龄组老年人群治疗费用的疾病分布存在集中性,老年群体缺乏有针对性的医疗保障项目,家庭自付比例较高,卫生资源机构配置有待完善。应积极发挥不同级别医疗卫生服务机构服务职能,合理控制老年人群治疗费用,逐步完善老年人医疗保障体系,推进医养结合融合发展。  相似文献   

<正> 我们板石河乡从1979年底开始抓避孕药具管理工作。几年来,由于加强了对避孕药具的管理工作,充分发挥了避孕药具在整个计划生育工作中的作用,药具避孕有效率不断提高。据1984年底统计,全乡药具避孕有效率达到100%,平均每人年用药具金额为2.1229元,比1983年平均每人年用药具金额减少了2.2871元。去年一年为国家节约资金205.839元,计划生育率达到100%,人口自然增长率为1.9‰,全乡实现了“三无”。我们的体会是:  相似文献   

文章采用年龄移算方法进行队列对比对2010年的分性别分年龄人口的漏报或者重报进行了评估,发现:在0~9岁人口按1990年普查漏报率为底线的情况下第六次全国人口普查的年龄人口漏报率为0.75%,重报率为0.55%,合计误差率为1.30%。采用布拉斯逻辑特生命表系统对低龄人口和老年人口的死亡漏报做出测度,2010年低龄人口的死亡漏报非常严重,漏报率超过60%,男性婴幼儿漏报更为严重;老年人口的死亡漏报也平均在5%以上,不分年龄达到20%。出生漏报和育龄妇女重报带来生育水平的失真,经过漏报回填,2010年生育水平应该在1.52以上。由此显示,在运用2010年普查数据时需要进行质量评估。  相似文献   

张扬 《人口与经济》2012,(Z1):93-94
一、传统零售企业进军电子商务的背景分析电子商务无疑是目前最热的经济话题之一。首先用一组数据来说明:截至2011年6月底中国网民总数达到4.85亿,互联网普及率为36.2%;截至2011年6月底网络购物用户规模  相似文献   

基于2007年8月进行的抽样调查,本文分析了盐城市流动妇女的生存状况,指出其面临的主要问题如下:收入水平低,37.2%的调查对象月收入低于盐城市区最低工资水平700元,调查对象的平均月收入约为884元;子女教育难,在读初中或小学的流动妇女子女,49.6%在盐城市区上学,需交赞助费平均为5459元/人;保健意识差,在查出患有妇科疾病的流动妇女中,只有12.1%的流动妇女进行过治疗.问及未治疗的原因,85.7%的应答者回答不碍大事.针对盐城市流动妇女面临的问题和其服务需求,本文给出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

Using the zero-inflated model and nationally representative sample data from the Chinese General Social Surveys 2013, this study systematically explored the effects of religion, modernizing factors, and traditional culture on attitudes toward homosexuality in China. The findings indicate that most Chinese people generally hold conservative attitudes toward homosexuality, as approximately 78.53% of the respondents believed that “same-sex sexual behavior is always wrong.” Modernizing factors (i.e., education, exposure to Internet information, and liberal inclinations) predicted greater tolerance for homosexuality, whereas Islamic beliefs negatively influenced respondents’ attitudes toward homosexuality. In contrast to the findings of the existing literature, Christian beliefs and traditional culture did not have significant effects on attitudes toward homosexuality. These findings may contribute to the literature by not only quantitatively testing the applicability of several factors identified in most Western studies of this topic but also providing new knowledge of attitudes toward homosexuality in the social context of China.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in China's contraceptive research and development during the country's 6th Five Year Plan because of the cooperation among the relevant institutes. The IUD is the most popular contraceptive method in China. Women who choose the IUD account for 40% in all age groups of reproductive women. Consequently, the IUD is 1 of the priorities in research programs. Progress in research on the IUD includes the following: the normal latitude data of uteri in Chinese women has been established, and the data can be used as a reference for the analysis of morphosis of Chinese women at childbearing age for the selection of IUDs; the clinical control research results demonstrates that the continuation rate of TCu-200, which accounts for 99.91%, is higher than the other 2 types of IUD, TCu220 and VCu200; the IUD is effective, safe, and applicable when it is inserted soon after delivery, cesarean section, early induced abortion, curettage of uterine cavity, and on the 3rd or 5th day of menstruation and 30-70 days after delivery; and the hemostatic therapy is effective to some extent after the administration of flufenamic acid, transamic acid, aprotinin, and Xuening tablets (traditional Chinese medicine) for prevention and treatment of hemorrhagic reaction. The priority in basic medicine research is on the mechanism of hemorrhagic reaction of the uterus caused by the IUD. The research in morphology, histology, and biochemistry focuses on the change in the endometrium before and after the insertion of the IUD and the relation between bleeding and change of fibrinokinase activation and prostaglandin. Contraceptive research in the 6th Five Year Plan also covers 3 types of oral contraceptives, 2 types of injections, 2 types of intravaginal devices, 2 types of spermicide, 2 types of medical membrane, gossypol, and an occlusive agent for vas occlusion. Information has been gathered on the change in the endometrium after taking long lasting oral contraceptives. The clinical observation of 60 women of childbearing age who have used spermicide for 4-10 years demonstrates that 2 types of home-made spermicide, which are harmless to the functions of the liver and kidney, fail to affect the menstrual cycle. Certain causes of the irreversibility of spermatogenesis have been found in the research on the testicle biopsy of men who take gossypol. Some achievements have been disseminated for public use, and some research programs are to be continued into the 7th Five Year Plan.  相似文献   

Discourses on Chinese folk happiness are often based on anecdotal narratives or qualitative analysis. A recent study on Chinese folk happiness using qualitative method seems to provide some empirical findings beyond anecdotal evidence on Chinese folk happiness. This paper critically examines the study’s constructed image of Chinese folk happiness, its methodology and account of traditional Chinese happiness, and finds them wanting. A brief account of Chinese traditional happiness is provided.  相似文献   

Y Yang 《人口研究》1986,(3):41-44
Chinese women, particularly those of ethnic minorities were studied 3 major areas: 1) literacy, 2) occupation and 3) the relationship between population growth and literacy and occupation. All of the data referred to are based upon the National Census of 1982. Although there has been substantial improvement in literacy among women of ethnic groups in China since the 1950s, the present situation is still far from satisfactory. Illiteracy is 132.6% higher among women than among men on a national level, and the number of illiterate women belonging to ethnic groups is almost twice that of illiterate men. Among 55 ethnic groups examined, 40 has an illiteracy rate higher than that of the national level. At present, 90% of the members of ethnic groups are involved in traditional occupations such as farming, forestry, and fishing. The percentage of women in nontraditional occupations is much lower than that found on the national level. For instance, the number of male government officials is nationally 763% higher than the number of women in these professions; and it is 806% higher among ethnic groups. It is noted that population growth is directly related to literacy and occupation: The birth rate decreases in proportion to the increase in the number of women becoming educated and joining the work force. It is concluded that in order to lower the birth rate and to improve the status of the national population, the government should promote commodity production and modify the occupational structure by employing more women and further improving education.  相似文献   

Y Zeng 《人口研究》1987,(3):30-37
Trends in marital status among women in China for the period 1950-1970 and for 1981 are analyzed using the multiple decrement life table method. The results confirm those obtained with traditional methods of data analysis. It is found that over the past 30 years, Chinese women have experienced a high rate of marriage and a low divorce rate. The significant increase in age at marriage and the lowering of the death rate have affected marital status at all ages. The development of a marital status life table permits the author to estimate current numbers of women in the four marital statuses of unmarried, currently married, widowed, and divorced by age and their future likelihood of changing marital status.  相似文献   

在数字化西汉地图的基础上,结合西汉人口数据,运用GIS软件完成西汉时期人口密度分布和分级图。得出西汉时期我国人口分布空间格局是人口多集中于黄河中下游地区,南方人口较稀少的结论。并在此基础上对其成因进行探讨,西汉时期人口分布的空间格局是在自然因素、政治因素和历史因素的共同作用下形成的。  相似文献   

J X He 《人口研究》1982,(6):44-47
In southwest Asia, Turkey is a leading nation in collecting complete data on its population through the use of a modern census. Based on available information, the development of Turkey's population can be summarized as follows: 1) in the last 20 years, Turkey's population increase rate has been 2% annually, very high by world standards; 2) the average age is young, and the population's burden coefficient is above 80%; and 3) the geographical distribution of the population is uneven. The population density in central, eastern, and southeastern parts of the country is low, while the coastal provinces near the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Aegean Sea have a high population density. In the last 50 years, the political situation in Turkey has remained stable. The national economy has developed rapidly, and the infant mortality rate has declined as a result of advancements in medicine and health care. Since Turkey is an Islamic country, birth control and abortion are not popular. The traditional early marriage for women and high illiteracy rate among women have contributed to a rapid population growth. In the past 20 years, however, the national economy has been overburdened by a rapid population growth. Problems of unemployment, a housing shortage in cities, inadequate public health facilities, a shortage of schools, a decline in farm land and inadequate food supplies have become increasingly obvious. Economically speaking, Turkey is much better than most developing nations. With its current foundation and rich natural resources, the country needs only to reduce the natural population increase rate slightly in order to achieve a balanced economic development.  相似文献   

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