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Using an attachment theory perspective, variation in adult romantic attachment style outcomes were examined according to childhood experiences of parental divorce and residential instability. The sample was made up of 172 young adults who were recruited using snowball sampling via online social networking. A statistical difference on adult romantic attachment style was not found between individuals who experience parental divorce and those who did not, and parental conflict and stability of residence patterns did not have a statistical impact on attachment avoidance or anxiety. However, conflict, residential stability, and time with nonresidential parent statistically improved the predictive ability of attachment anxiety among those whose parents had divorced. Specifically, time with nonresidential parent moderated adult romantic attachment anxiety.  相似文献   

In this paper, recent efforts to integrate attachment theory and family systems theory are reviewed and extended to the context of therapy with families coping with the divorce process. Family members' global working models of attachment, rather than the spousal attachment alone, are proposed as the point of intervention, with the goal of helping families reestablish an "attachment equilibrium" during and after divorce, thus addressing potentially problematic expressions of attachment behavior that could interfere with resolution of the divorce, causing difficulties in future co-parenting and other family functioning.  相似文献   

《Journal of Socio》2002,31(1):31-44
We develop a simple economic model of divorce by incorporating the labeling effect into rational choice theory. In our model, we provide an explanation of the process through which a divorced person is being stigmatized and explore theoretically the relationship between the experience of having divorced and the likelihood of divorce. Contrary to a widely held belief, our theoretical model predicts that a once-divorced person is not necessarily more likely to divorce, as is the case in Asian countries. This is because a divorced person may hesitate more to divorce one more time for fear of being labeled as pathological or abnormal.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to explore the place of forgiveness in the dynamics of divorce and the relation among forgiveness, demographics (gender, age and income, length of marriage, time passed since divorce, and the capacity to rebuild one's life), initiative and attitudes toward divorce, and attachment style and loneliness in a sample of divorced persons. A total of 40 divorced persons (18 men and 22 women) participated in this study. No differences in participants´ attachment style, forgiveness (yes–no), or forgiveness level related to gender were found. Forgiveness was related to age, years married, years divorced, income level, secure attachment, and romantic loneliness. Level of forgiveness was related to having remarried or lived with someone after the divorce, secure attachment, romantic loneliness, and unfavorable attitudes toward divorce. We found a negative association between initiative in the divorce and forgiveness and forgiveness level, and none with dependence—emotional or instrumental. Linear regression analysis showed that, in our sample, 37.4% of the variance of forgiveness was explained by security of attachment and age. Level of forgiveness was explained in 28.3% of its variance by initiative (negatively), secure attachment, and romantic loneliness.  相似文献   

We used path analysis to investigate the impact of parental divorce on God image, mediated by father–child and mother–child attachments, among 178 college students at a Christian university. Findings revealed that parental divorce negatively impacts father–child attachment; however, father–child attachment does not impact God image. Instead, the quality of mother–child attachment, which does not seem to be influenced by parental divorce, best predicts the development of a healthy God image. Thus, preliminary findings elucidated that parental divorce undermines the quality of attachment between father and child but not mother and child, and mother–child attachment ultimately influences God image. Further research is needed to replicate and generalize these preliminary findings.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to test the predictive ability of attachment styles and dysfunctional relational communication patterns to predict adults’ relationship status (i.e., single/partnered and ever-married/ever-divorced). Anxious and avoidant attachment styles and dysfunctional relational communication patterns (i.e., criticism, defensiveness, contempt, stonewalling) were predictors of relationship status in 413 adults who participated in an online survey. The results indicated that anxious and avoidant attachment styles significantly predicted both history of divorce and single versus partnered relationship status. The dysfunctional communication patterns did not explain a great deal of variance in relationship history and status above and beyond insecure attachment, although dysfunctional communication was significantly and consistently associated with insecure attachment. These results indicate that some of the individual characteristics that generate a risk for divorce might also pose a barrier to repartnering after a divorce.  相似文献   

The Oklahoma City bombing in April 1995 was an act of terrorism that had many potential influences on the city and state, including influences on families. We analyzed divorce data from 1985 to 2000 for all 77 counties in Oklahoma to assess the divorce response to the Oklahoma City bombing. Our prediction was that divorce rates in Oklahoma would decrease in response to the bombing, a prediction derived from two different theoretical orientations, terror management theory and attachment theory. We test this prediction in the context of two relatively powerful quasi‐experimental designs, an interrupted time series design, and a nonequivalent control group design. We analyze the time series data with polynomial regression. Results suggested that there were lower observed divorce rates following the Oklahoma City bombing than the prevailing 10‐year cubic divorce trend would have predicted, with the effect dampening over time. We analyzed the nonequivalent control group design using an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) linear model to compare counties in and around Oklahoma City to those farther away, and to compare metropolitan to nonmetropolitan counties in Oklahoma. In each case, divorces were lower in the predicted directions.  相似文献   

Professionals' recommendations of child custody in divorce cases are being viewed as increasingly important determinants of children's divorce adjustment. This study examined custody recommendations and professional and personal influences on the advice of professionals working with divorce. Subjects were 12 clergy, 24 lawyers, 25 pediatricians, 11 family physicians, 25 social workers, 24 psychologists, and 9 psychiatrists. Professionals completed a questionnaire which addressed seven areas influencing their decision making and which related professionals' recommendations in hypothetical and actual divorce cases. Data were analyzed using analyses of variance, chi-squares, and multiple regression analyses. Lawyers were found to be more professionally constrained, to have more professional experience, to be less psychologically oriented in their practice, and to be the most likely of the professionals to make custody recommendations. Sole parent custody was most often recommended in the actual case, with professional experience, professional constraints, and personal values and experience being the best predictors for sex of the custodian. Psychologicalness of practice and knowledge were the best predictors of sole parent custody with the hypothetical case, although joint custody was most often recommended.  相似文献   

This paper discusses attachment theory and research with emphasis on the empirical studies of Many Main. Main's work emphasizes the relationship between an individual's narrative regarding attachment relationships and their underlying internal working model of attachment. The internal working model of attachment is a representation of attachment experience and a set of rules for processing attachment experience. This paper describes various categories of attachment narrative construction and presents a case history that is discussed from an attachment theory perspective.  相似文献   

Late-life divorce—commonly referred to as gray divorce—is a rising trend that parallels the growth of the older adult population. We sought to gain an in-depth understanding of the experience of marriage dissolution, the divorce process, and life following divorce in a sample of older adults who divorced after more than 20 years of marriage. Qualitative data were collected from 10 divorcees (7 women and 3 men; M age = 63.5) and analyzed to understand the gray divorce experience; that is, factors that determined or delayed the decision to divorce and divorcees’ coping during and after divorce. Participants’ stories demonstrate that marriages endure despite problems because relationships are complex, and good experiences mix with bad ones. Outcomes of late-life divorce have significant health and financial implications for both individuals and society.  相似文献   

Divorce, if properly orchestrated by a specially trained therapist, can be a liberating experience that promotes, rather than undermines, family solidarity. Of course, a happy marriage is preferable to an amicable divorce, but some marriages are beyond repair. Gross incompatibility often leads to "emotional blackmail" and other coercive states within an unhappy marriage. The present paper, through the use of several case histories, addresses the foregoing issues and also delineates effective marital therapy strategies. The rationale and implementation of creative divorce counseling is also described.  相似文献   

A divorce is a series of victories and losses. Everyone's lives get better if a marriage eroded by painful disagreements is dissolved. Usually, both spouses go through purgatory with various trials along their divorce. The aim of this article is to analyze what kinds of feelings a divorce excites as described by divorcees (N?=?74). What emotions do the divorcees emphasize in their divorce experience? The data were collected in the form of informal letters, in which people (71 women, 3 men) could reveal their thoughts and experiences in an open manner. The data were analyzed by content analysis and the results showed that a divorce produces emotional baggage with plenty of insecurity and uncertainty, but provides promises, challenges, and options as well. Although a divorce is a difficult experience, it cannot be blamed as such. Often after a torturous marriage, divorce is the only reasonable solution.  相似文献   

Using detailed data on the childhood living arrangements of children taken from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), the impact of multiple dimensions of parent histories on the likelihood of offspring divorce is investigated. Although past research is replicated by finding a positive impact of parental divorce on offspring divorce, the author also finds that living apart from both parents, irrespective of the reason, is associated with an increased risk of divorce. In particular, children who were born out of wedlock and who did not experience parental divorce or death experience a very high risk of marital disruption. However, neither the number of transitions in childhood living arrangements nor parental remarriage appear to substantially affect the risk of marital dissolution. Finally, variations in the timing of and circumstances surrounding marriage appear to mediate a substantial proportion of the effect of parent histories on offspring divorce.  相似文献   

In the current study 45 university students with either divorced or continuously married parents were surveyed about their romantic attachment, positive emotionality, depressive symptomology, self-esteem, and, when applicable, their retrospective beliefs about their parents’ marital dissolution. Findings revealed that parental divorce did not predict attachment insecurity, depression, or low self-esteem. In fact, adult children of divorced parents (ACDP) reported increased compassion, awe, enthusiasm, and perspective taking. Among ACDP, a composite factor representing increased fear of abandonment, peer rejection, and maternal blame was positively associated with adult attachment anxiety, even while controlling for parental conflict and divorce-related socioenvironmental disruption. Results are discussed in terms of their support of a complex understanding of the long-term effects of parental divorce, and in their inconsistency with a purely pathogenic model of parental divorce.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the implications of divorce and the effect that divorce has on the relationships between family members. Parents are encouraged to develop appropriate co-parental boundaries that direct and influence subsequent interactions between family members. Using an integration of solution-focused therapy and structural family therapy, a variation of the miracle question is suggested as a means to help parents gain confidence in making changes in behavior. The miracle question also is intended to help parents set new goals for themselves and increase the ability to cooperate and communicate as co-parents. A case study provides an example of this idea.  相似文献   


Divorce is common and can pose risks to those involved. Although divorce affects all parts of the family system, young children face extraneous challenges due to their unique developmental stage and limited cognitive ability. Emotionally focused family therapy (EFFT) works to enhance attachment bonds by restructuring a family’s negative interaction cycle and can be useful for repairing relationships between parents and their children who are suffering negative effects of parental divorce. Whereas adults have the skills to express themselves verbally, young children often use imaginary play to convey their emotional experiences and unmet attachment needs. By using play therapy techniques within an EFFT framework, adults and children can better communicate their perspectives concerning difficult life events such as parental divorce.  相似文献   

The decision to terminate an unhappy marriage through obtaining a divorce is almost never an easy decision for either spouse. It is usually reached only after other options and alternatives have been considered and then rejected as non-viable solutions to the problems that have developed between the spouses. As Bernard (1970: 3) has noted, despite the increasing frequency of its occurence, "It is not likely that divorce will ever become matterof- fact, nor that it will ever become painless or casual or nonchalant . . . It will probably always be an extremely painful experience for most people, as breaking close ties always is, even outside marriage." From this perspective, our coming to terms with divorce means only that we recognize its inevitability in many cases and try to mitigate some of the worst of its consequences. In this paper we review the process through which a sample of 500 respondents reached the decision to obtain a divorce. Specifically, major problems that existed in their relationship that prompted them to finally seek a legal termination of their union will be considered. In addition, we will examine barriers that had to be overcome before that decision was finally reached as well as major sources of social support that encouraged the decision. We will begin with a brief theoretical review of the major orientations that have been developed in the literature to account for the process through which the individual ultimately decides to seek a divorce.  相似文献   

Cross-national research is by definition carried out between different countries. Looking at country differences often results in common and diverse sets of divorce risks. This article uses a cross-national research perspective on divorce risks within a single country. Belgium is a special case in this respect. The division of the country in two regions with a different language and a quite different historical background often frightens researchers to include the country in large-scale international comparisons. We argue that Belgium is an interesting test case in international perspective since it combines—in a quasi-experimental setting—two important explanatory conditions for divorce risks on the macro level. First, Belgium is a unitary country with a single social security system, similar labor market characteristics, and a single family policy. Second, whereas the institutions between the northern and the southern part are similar, Belgium is culturally divided in a rather Catholic northern part (Flanders) and a secular southern part (Wallonia). This division is often referred to as a northern (Scandinavian) and a southern (Spain, Italy) cultural pattern. This means that when studying divorce patterns, we have the opportunity to examine the net effect of cultural determinants because of the similar feature of the institutional setting of both the Walloon and the Flemish part of the country.  相似文献   

In this article the dynamics of divorce are discussed from the perspective of psychoanalytic developmental psychology. This theoretical framework is used to highlight and to explain some typical internal and external responses of psychotherapy patients for whom divorce is an issue. A therapeutic stance is suggested that enables the patient to understand the connection between his or her marital situation, early life experience, and past developmental problems. The patient's preoccupation with the unsatisfactory marital relationship can serve as a catalyst for the strengthening of the patient's overall ego functioning. This article demonstrates Kris' (1951) concept that the material at the psychic surface-in this case divorce-needs to be explored in such a way that the patient's ego is enlisted in his or her total growth.  相似文献   

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