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Kee H. Chung 《决策科学》1993,24(6):1215-1221
This paper presents a contingent-claims approach to project valuation when capital expenditures are made sequentially over time. It focuses on an important facet of sequential investment projects that the firm can undertake—or pass up projects—as more information becomes available. The contingent-claims approach takes account of this important feature of firms' investment decision process, whereas the traditional capital budgeting procedure does not. Since the traditional method does not reflect the options nature of investment opportunities, it underestimates the value of sequential investment projects. As a result, a naive implementation of the traditional capital budgeting procedure could result in rejecting profitable projects. The extent of undervaluation associated with the traditional capital budgeting procedure is greater when the correlation between the random component of the future asset value and that of the required capital expenditure is smaller and/or when the growth rate of the required capital expenditure is higher.  相似文献   

I study the multinationalization — the decision to establish foreign direct investment (FDI) — of developing country firms, in particular Latin American ones or “Multilatinas”. Despite a long exporting tradition, many firms in Latin America have only recently become multinational enterprises (MNEs). The analysis of case studies reveals three insights. First, Multilatinas take a long time to become MNEs, reflecting the additional challenges and need for sophisticated advantages for establishing FDI. Second, Multilatinas are induced to become MNEs after changes in the home country that follow structural reform induce them to upgrade their competitiveness to international levels. As a result, they can overcome the difficulties of establishing FDI and become MNEs. Third, Multilatinas follow four strategies in their selection of the country where to establish FDI first depending on the interplay between difficulties and advantages of operating abroad. These three arguments build on and link the notion of advantages of internationalization put forward by the eclectic paradigm of international production and the idea of difficulties in internationalization presented by the incremental internationalization model. The strategies are explained by the balancing of the ease of overcoming difficulties and the advantages derived from foreign operations.  相似文献   

In contrast to the mainstream approach, which focuses exclusively on how foreign multinational enterprises move into developing countries, this paper researches how high-technology latecomer multinational enterprises grow from the domestic institutional context into the international market. It draws on the economic development theory and the dynamic capabilities perspective to present a three-sector growth model to understand how high-technology latecomer firms establish themselves in international competition through the interplay of the social sector, the state, and the market. The three sectors may work together when they are pushed by external threats or pulled by internal interests. High-technology latecomer firms, at the stage of “getting there,” would call for the caring hand of the social sector; at the stage of “staying there,” would need the competition of the market; and between these two stages, the discipline of the state.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to redress a perceived imbalance in the research and literature of capital project analysis. There is a plethora of work on the quantitative aspects of project analysis, yet empirical surveys show limited use of such techniques. There is limited work on the organizational processes of project selection, but there appears to be little or no work taking place on formal organizational systems for project selection.The more quantitative literature generally takes a deductive approach using a model developed from microeconomics based on the assumption that the objective of the firm is the maximization of owners' wealth. In this paper it is argued that there is a need to take an inductive approach and place the capital investment decision in its organizational setting. This paper looks at the formal capital budgeting system within the corporate setting.It is suggested that the specific capital investment decision takes place against the background of a set of policies and constraints, which are more or less explicit.The selection of corporate projects is a complex issue, but to provide some structure so that the problems can be processed by the organization, a capital budgeting system is designed. Part of this system is the classification of projects according to some criteria. It would therefore appear that the purpose of this classification system is to aid capital project selection within an organizational context.A consideration of classification systems for capital projects is undertaken, this is followed by a survey of the classification systems which have been proposed in the capital investment literature. Finally a classification system based upon specific criteria is proposed.  相似文献   

This article examines international country location choices for equity investment undertaken by global hotel chains. Why do certain host countries attract more hotel investment than others? A second underlying issue that we tackle in this article is whether the traditional foreign direct investment determinants used in past studies on manufacturing also apply to services—or whether service sector-specific determinants are better explanatory variables for understanding the distribution of service foreign direct investment across countries.  相似文献   

Capital budgeting models for analyzing real assets typically are based on a set of restrictive assumptions that influence financial managers' decisions and may prevent optimization of the firm's objectives. This research examines the common restrictive assumption that cash flows are intertemporally independent by first developing an economic state and simulation model based on a Markov process for including autocorrelated cash flows in the capital budgeting decision process and then demonstrating why managers should include autocorrelated cash flows in capital budgeting models by empirically testing the impact of assuming intertemporally independent cash flows on capital budgeting decisions. The results indicate that ignoring autocorrelated cash flows seriously limits the ability of capital budgeting models to provide optimal investment decisions. The model also is very attractive for practical application because it can be implemented with a minimum number of estimates and provides the set of input data required by a number of capital budgeting models. A discussion of the implementation of the model is included.  相似文献   

Self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) who work for a subsidiary of a multinational enterprise from their country of origin and hence are familiar with both countries' language and culture can be expected to act as boundary-spanners between the assigned expatriates sent from the parent country and host country nationals, and between the headquarters and the subsidiary. We develop a new model of boundary-spanning that encompasses both individual and organizational antecedents and validate the model using survey data from Japanese-affiliated companies in China. We find that familiarity with Chinese language and culture and the potential dual allegiance of SIEs contribute to enhancing their boundary-spanning behavior. We also find that relationships of trust among the parties concerned (social capital) and global career opportunities for such self-initiated expatriates (geocentric staffing) have positive influences on their dual allegiance. Finally, normative and systems integration of human resource management are associated with increasing levels of social capital and geocentric staffing.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, there has been a substantial shift in the global innovation landscape. Multinationals from developed economies are increasingly globalizing their R&D activities and are developing an “open innovation” model to source innovations from outside the firm, including from emerging economies such as those in Asia. In addition, emerging economy firms, which traditionally have played a secondary role in the global innovation landscape, have now begun to catch up in developing their own innovative capabilities. This study explores the implications of this new innovation landscape for CEOs of multinationals and emerging economy firms, as well as for international management scholars and educators. While the multinationals might appropriate rents from their existing capabilities and source new ones in emerging economies, they may be threatened by weak intellectual property rights regimes and unintended knowledge spillovers to local firms, creating potential competitors. Firms in the emerging economies can learn from and catch up with investing multinationals, but to do so they need to develop their own innovative capabilities and move from a process to a product focus and from imitation to innovation.  相似文献   

Social media is embedded in today's internationalization strategy. Companies extend their reach into foreign countries by posting and tweeting. Firms also enhance their mobile capabilities in foreign markets (e.g., knowledge and reputation) through user-generated content in online social networks. Levering on the capabilities-based theory of the multinational enterprise, this paper builds upon a resource-based, industry/network-based, and institution-based view framework. The study provides a comprehensive conceptual and empirical model to explain the effect of social networks on foreign direct investment. Empirical analysis in a global panel dataset of >4500 multinational enterprises suggests that online social networks' activity stimulates foreign capital expenditure and new affiliates. In addition, the article explores the relevance of customer capabilities along with sectoral and institutional moderating effects.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to illustrate the impact of the simultaneous investment-financing decisions required by a small growth company when accepting relatively large investment projects. By such illustration, the capital budgeting rationale for using “rules of thumb” will be clarified, and correspondingly, the implicit assumptions for approximating a company's “cost of capital” will be exposed. To provide quantitative estimates of the various impacts of different capital budgeting strategies, a relatively simple simulation model was constructed. Once the implicit assumptions are exposed, the importance of a strategy combining the rules of thumb and cost of capital criteria is evident. It is believed that this combined strategy provides a practical bridge between the “art” and science of finance.  相似文献   

Global information technology (i.e., computer hardware, software, and data communications shared across country boundaries) can support the multinational firm as it seeks to coordinate global operations, diffuse innovations worldwide, or provide integrated service to a global corporate customer. The current study uses information processing theory as the basis for examining alternative organizational designs for information technology in a globally competing firm. Mail survey data gathered from information technology managers in 109 multinationals provide evidence that multinational firms use different and distinct ways of organizing their global information technology activities. The survey data also reveal that in nearly half of the organizations, the way information technology activities are organized is inconsistent with the way the organization is reportedly structured. A follow-up interview-based study sought explanations for these misfits. Several contingency variables were identified that may shed some light to the misfits. These included factors from both the firm's internal and external environments.  相似文献   

This study examined top management team departures in U.S. manufacturing firms acquired by a foreign multinational during the six-year period following acquisition. Results indicated that greater cultural distance between the United States and the home country of the foreign multinational, higher levels of international integration in the target industry, and poor preacquisition performance in the U.S. target company were related to greater postacquisition top management departures. These effects were moderated significantly by the foreign acquirer’s international business and U.S. acquisition experience and showed different patterns over the short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term. Implications for future research on top management teams involved in cross-border acquisitions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines key mechanisms through which CEO narcissism influences global performance variance in the context of Asian emerging market multinational enterprises. Building on the contextual reinforcement model of narcissism and the cushion hypothesis, we focus on the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) risk-taking and business group affiliation (BGA). We test our moderated mediation model on data from 149 South Korean multinational enterprises from 2006 to 2016. The results show that CEO narcissism is positively associated with FDI risk-taking. The effect of CEO narcissism on global performance variance is mediated by FDI risk-taking. Furthermore, BGA moderates the above-mentioned relationships. Our findings offer important contributions to the international business and CEO narcissism literatures.  相似文献   

Traditionally, foreign R & D has been confined to a limited role within the technological innovation process of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Recent surveys have shown that global R & D, i.e. the location of research and development labs in different countries, is growing. This paper analyses R & D globalization strategies and the decisions to locate R & D abroad. A framework for locating R & D facilities is presented, which is based on an investigation of the practices used in twelve multinational corporations.

Global R & D strategies depend on whether the firm is research-oriented or development-oriented; in other words, whether the firm's strength lies in research or development. The concept of an R & D centre of gravity is introduced. Locational decisions are affected by many factors, some relate to R & D and others relate to the firm and its environment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between innovation at firm and industry level, and the global vs regional strategy of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Based on data from a sample of large Italian manufacturing firms, the analysis shows that technological assets affect a firm’s ability to overcome the liability of (regional) foreignness: the extent to which MNEs can exploit their firm-specific technological advantages is greater within their home region, but they also exploit them outside it. Furthermore, the results show that a firm’s foreign (outside the home country) and global sales (outside the home region) are higher, the greater the technology intensity of the industry in which they operate. These findings suggest that, although MNEs tend to operate regionally rather than globally, their strategic orientation is contingent upon firm- and industry-specific factors. Managers need to take the potential for globally exploiting R&D investments into account, even if it may not be equally successful within and outside the home region, and may be constrained by a number of inter-regional barriers.  相似文献   

While African countries are becoming more and more relevant as host countries for suppliers of multinational companies little is known about corporate social responsibility (CSR) in this region. To fill this gap, the present article explores CSR considerations of foreign affiliates of multinational companies when choosing local African suppliers. The article suggests a model of three types of determinants, namely firm characteristics, exports, and intra‐trade. Analyses of a large‐scale and quite unique firm level data for more than 2,000 foreign owned firms in 19 sub‐Saharan African countries demonstrate that firms importing intermediates from their parent company abroad are more likely to implement CSR. Similarly, CSR plays a larger role for affiliates that export to developed countries. Different determinants affect environmental and social CSR activities.  相似文献   

In this article commemorating Raymond Vernon, I make no attempt to summarize his expansive work on the nature and prospects of multinational enterprises (MNEs). Rather, I discuss three forces — rivalry, uncertainty, and time — that Vernon accentuated in his explanations of the behavior of MNEs. I then make brief observations about Vernon and methodology. Subsequently, I speculate on the following question: A hundred years from now, what single idea will Vernon be remembered for? Acknowledging the product cycle as a leading contender, I nominate and discuss (under the moniker “the unending embrace”) another candidate, one that dwells on the undulating tension between MNEs and governments. I conclude by flagging for future research some questions that that central idea raises.  相似文献   

在产业集群背景下,跨国企业携技术领先优势进入集群,经历从竞争嵌入(斯坦伯格博弈)到融合均衡(古诺博弈)两阶段。基于此,本文研究集群原有供应链在跨国企业嵌入后,形成原供应链与新供应链之间相互竞争,以及最终达到集群整体网络动态均衡的变化过程,通过利用变分不等式和动态博弈方法,建立起考虑汇率下的链与链动态竞争网络模型,并给出相应的算法。通过实例发现,在第一阶段原有集群供应链能保持较高的消费者满意度,且市场占有率高于跨国企业供应链;在第二阶段,跨国企业供应链的市场占有率则反超。更重要的是,在第二阶段集群市场整体销量和整体利润总和均高于第一阶段。  相似文献   

The European Commission is currently finalizing a tax system based on a Common Consolidated Tax Base (CCCTB), which multinational corporations throughout the European Union will be able to use to determine their tax burden in accordance to this system. Besides the CCCTB, we present and analyze an alternative tax reform proposal, the European Tax Allocation System (ETAS). Our analysis is based on a dynamic capital budgeting model. The effects of the underlying European tax concepts on marginal investment of multinational groups are investigated by determining the influence of taxation on the required minimum rate of return and herewith the pre-tax cost of capital. Performing analyses for different scenarios enables us to draw more detailed conclusions about whether implementing ETAS and CCCTB can foster or discriminate real investments. Our investigation shows which tax concept and which of the analyzed parameter particularly affects the multinational’s tax burden. E.g., we find that a CCCTB can foster real investments particularly by means of retention policy and profit shifting, whereas ETAS can foster real investments effectively exploiting the Member States’ tax rate differentials and taking advantage of differing national tax regulations.  相似文献   

The successful foundation of entrepreneurial firms comprises a multitude of complementary human tasks. The effect of founders’ human capital on firm success hinges on the information structure that prevails when nascent entrepreneurs are matched in partnerships. Empirically, we assume that rational matching occurs in incubated spin-offs and corporate-sponsored ventures. The human capital structure in such firms significantly differs from that of Greenfield projects. Using coarsened exact matching (CEM), we compute weights to level out these differences in human capital endowments. The impact of corporate support in founding the new firm is positive and increases as CEM-weights are applied to more of our human capital variables.  相似文献   

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