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随着我国生态文明制度建设的大力推进,青少年生态文明养成教育意义重大。上海市青少年环境保护类基础常识水平较高、生态文明素养较好、生态行为意愿也较强烈,但青少年的生态学知识还比较欠缺、宏观生态系统意识不强、生态文明意愿转化成实际行动的动力不足。上海市生态文明的教育内容主要为环境教育和可持续发展教育,实现的途径包括基础型课程、拓展型课程和社会实践。因此,应在政策上鼓励多方联动、拓展各方资源,在教育内容上结合青少年年龄特点确定教育主题。  相似文献   

对青少年进行社会主义核心价值体系的教育具有极重要的意义.青少年社会主义核心价值体系的养成教育符合青少年成长的要求,也体现了社会主义核心价值体现的内涵,必将促进青少年践行社会主义核心价值体系的自觉.而养成教育是一项长期且复杂的工程,培养这种良好习惯,需要遵循相应的科学原则,才能更好更快地达到教育目的并由此促进青少年成才.  相似文献   

十年树木、百年树人.本文所说的"现代素质型青少年",主要是指既要具有强烈的政治价值取向、关心国家走势、关心世界发展,又要具有理性科学的头脑、良好的行动行为模式、富有传统--现代文化涵养的复合型青少年群体.他们是具有世界眼光、全球化视野和地方化情结的世界公民,是未来国家发展的潜在人力资本和中坚力量.要想真正培养这样一代青少年,需要突破狭隘的养成教育理念,必须构筑集政治、经济、社会、文化等为一体;集自然科学与社会科学(人文精神)为一体;集学校教育与社会教育为一体的"大养成教育"体系,这是真正培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的素质型青少年的根本途径.  相似文献   

养成教育与青少年发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见>明确指出,"当前和今后一个时期,加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设要坚持以人为本,教育和引导未成年人树立中国特色社会主义的理想信念和正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,养成高尚的思想品质和良好的道德情操"."既要重视课堂教育,更要注重实践教育、体验教育、养成教育,注重自觉实践、自主参与,引导未成年人在学习道德知识的同时,自觉遵循道德规范."因此,本文认为把握未成年人成长规律,积极探索新世纪、新阶段未成年人思想道德建设规律,加大未成年人养成教育力度,是实现青少年全面健康发展的重要内容.未成年阶段是道德习惯养成的重要时期,作者针对这一情况提出了若干建设性意见.  相似文献   

本文认为理性出自于人的反思能力,因此,要提升人的理性就要提高人的思维能力和品质.鉴于人类特有的成长规律,人的思维开发要在青少年时代大大加强.为此,本文从探讨人类思维与理性的互动关系入手:以认识论和信息论的交叉视角解读了人的思维方式的结构功能和思维活动的展开过程及其运作机制,并分析了这些结构功能、展开过程和运作机制对于思维品质的决定性意义.本文最后提出了以人为本,提升青少年思维品质的理念,并评析了青少年思维养成教育中存在的问题.  相似文献   

适应与发展是个体人生历程的基本任务,也是青少年面临的重大课题。鉴于曾留守青少年的特殊性,完善评价曾留守青少年社会适应的指标模型具有重要的理论和实践意义。笔者对近些年国内外关于社会适应研究的文献进行了整理归纳,对曾留守青少年社会适应相关的概念、现状、测量指标进行了分析和归纳,并提出了可行的评价和展望。  相似文献   

从养成教育看青少年的素质提升   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青少年素质的养成始终是教育的第一要务.由于素质教育目标要通过养成教育来实现,因此,本文界定了养成教育与素质教育的概念,以此来看青少年的全面发展,更具体地从现代教育学、社会学、心理学等角度谈养成教育的理论基础和当前养成教育中存在的问题以及新时期养成教育对于青少年发展的迫切性,并提出养成教育要抓住青少年发展关键期、制度建设、强化训练、主体性教育和审美教育等提升青少年素质教育效果的对策建议.  相似文献   

“社会键”理论与青少年犯罪预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年违法犯罪是一个十分复杂的问题,"社会键"理论从一个方面为防范青少年违法犯罪提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

网络社会的内在结构性风险,导致已有的借助技术、法律、道德以及日常控制等实现的社会控制方式,在应用于青少年网络行为控制时,面临一种悖论或失效的处境。基于对网络社会结构性风险的分析,本文探讨了青少年网络行为社会控制的目标和原则,并从制度建设、风险管理、共同治理、网络素养教育、需要满足场域转移等多个面向,探讨了青少年网络行为社会控制的措施和方法。  相似文献   

个体道德德性的形成包含两个基本过程,一是个体道德理性的形成,一是个体道德行为习惯的养成.完整的德性养成教育实际上也包含了两个基本过程,一是个体道德理性的启蒙教育,一是个体道德行为习惯的养成教育.前者是后者的精神基础,后者是前者的生活外化.当代社会从经济、政治到文化领域,越来越多地走向开放,社会呈现的不再是单一的伦理价值体系,而是多元共存的价值图景.如何加强价值启蒙,同时注重生活养成,是当前未成年人德性养成教育的基本内容.  相似文献   


This article will discuss social development models and their application to the establishment of social work field education in Lithuania. A model of field education as social development is presented and discussed, with reference to promoting core social work knowledge, values and skills, establishing relationships between educational and social welfare institutions, and identifying the impact of field education programs on community well-being. Examples from the authors' experience in educational program development and implementation are presented, along with implications for international social work education.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates how well South African minimum standards for social work education, known as Exit Level Outcomes, are aligned to a social development paradigm. Developmental social work is a relatively new approach in social work education internationally, and this article can therefore provide lessons for other countries using this paradigm in an education model based on national minimum standards.

The complexities and difficulties of using a minimum standards approach in education are discussed and the policy context for the development of these standards in South Africa is explained. The use of a social development framework for the analysis is motivated in relation to its relevance to the social context. Nine criteria for a social development perspective were drawn from the literature to form an analytical framework. A content analysis using this framework was done on the minimum standards.

The results show that the minimum standards are generally aligned with social development principles that drive national priorities, but a few significant gaps exist, which are outlined and discussed. This article attempts to grapple with the complexities of using these minimum standards to drive both curricula related and extra curricula activities in social work education in South Africa  相似文献   

This overview traces the institutional development of social work education through its first century of existence, covering antecedents, early training schools, disparate philosophies, and repeated expansion. The discussion focuses on factors that have shaped the development of social work education, among them external funding, the career goals of students, and various internal tensions resulting from conflicting visions.  相似文献   

在学习型社会的教育诉求与构建终身教育体系的视阈下。青少年社会教育迎来了发展的最好契机。然而,反思我国青少年社会教育的历史流变及发展现状后可以发现其间依然存在着一些亟待解决的问题。本文通过对学习型社会与青少年社会教育关系的意义追问,并借鉴国外青少年社会教育的成功经验,从社会、学校和政府三层视角深入探讨当前我国青少年社会教育的发展路向.以期为学习型社会视阁下我国青少年社会教育发展提供有益的思考和借鉴。  相似文献   

In many countries, social workers are faced with the challenge of tailoring their practice to the diverse needs of children and families in multicultural realities. Our training and teaching practices, however, lag behind in their readiness to face this challenge. Attempts to reconcile cultural perspectives and postmodernism with the traditional goals of human development education are generally premised on the following assumptions: (a) postmodernist education fosters the ability to think critically and question assumptions underlying claims to knowledge; (b) theories should be evaluated for their usefulness and applicability to a more equitable society; and (c) a dialogic model of education in human development highlights the ‘inherently polysemous’ nature of human existence rather than transmitting a codified body of knowledge. The paper calls attention to the challenges of cross‐cultural psychology, indigenous psychology and postmodern critique and offers the means of confronting these challenges. Examples are based on teaching experiences in Israel and the US.  相似文献   

This article presents a discussion of the role of professional social work education in advancing social development in the countries of the English-speaking Caribbean. It addresses issues around the development of the profession in the region, student enrolment, curriculum expansion and programme delivery by the institutions which offer social work education. The events which contributed to the emergence of social work education in the region during the fourth decade of the twentieth century and social work education's continued contribution to regional development are discussed. The prospective use of the new Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development to advance the profession in the region in the twenty-first century is noted. The article concludes by highlighting the many challenges that currently impact social work education in the Caribbean and the fact that the development of social work education in the region is inextricably linked to the region's social development needs. Social work education as delivered through the University of the West Indies is used as the case in point for discussion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rationale and educational plan for teaching statistical orientation (not statistics per se) by means of a series of practice questions that are, at the same time, basic statistical questions. These questions include, for example, measures of central tendency, “What can typically be expected of the client's problem behavior?” and measures of variability, “What range of variation from the typical is typical?” Set in a context of practice, these types of questions do not seem to provoke the hostility among social work students that often typifies their reaction to traditional statistics courses.  相似文献   

社会资本视角下的大学生职业发展教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会资本在大学生就业过程中起着举足轻重的作用,但大学生社会资本的开发与利用不足。职业发展教育有助于提升大学生的就业力和职业发展能力,而目前关于职业发展教育的理论研究与实践操作中并没有重视大学社会资本的开发与利用。因此,有必要在大学生职业发展教育中,引入社会资本理论,开展社会资本视角下的职业发展教育.创新大学生职业发展教育。  相似文献   

The authors assess the current state of social work education and make suggestions for its improvement, which include distinguishing between specialized and professional knowledge courses, teaching interpersonal skills for working with organizations and communities, differentiating subventionary and instrumental interventions, reformulating course content on policy and administration, dealing with the problems of social work’s expanding curriculum, broadening the range of activities and methods taught in social work research courses, providing incentives for collective faculty participation in curriculum development, and acknowledging the persistent anti-intellectual undercurrent in social work.  相似文献   

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