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In an effort to prod my students out of a momentary siege of lethargy or inertia, I tell them what my father told me over a half century ago, "You are never standingstill. You are either moving forward or going backwards." But is this in fact really true or just a glib saying to motivate a child or student, to hit the reset button during a moment of mental, emotional or physical inactivity'?  相似文献   

I enjoy reading the magazine from cover to cover every month. The editorial staff, though, should make a sustained effort to inject some "joie de vivre" into each issue of the magazine. Some articles, by their nature, have serious content, but they need to be counterbalanced with some lighthearted articles.  相似文献   

We had been going out for a couple of months when my then-boyfriend (now husband) asked me to meet his parents. It was in the middle of January, and I had been abandoned by my ftatmates to spend the wholewinter break alone in our drafty apartment, which st, ddenly started to feel too small. So, I was more than happy to agree (to meet his parents). 1 thought 1 could finally get out of the flat and see some real people instead of watching more DVDs at home alone as I anguished over the empty promises of parties and fun that the university had promoted in its year-abroad handbook.  相似文献   

Last month, I asked some big questions around fulfilhnent, such as, "How do you define success?" and "What do youdo that brings you fulfilhnent?" They are difficult, but important, questions that dig deeper and invite you to think differently about your work-life balancc. Today. I'll focus on the everyday, oll some specific questions to ask and strategies to use to construct your work and life in a sustainable way.  相似文献   

Expo 2010 Shanghai China will be held from May 1 to October 31. Some 200 nations and organizations are expected to participate in the expo, and more than 70 million visitors, from home and abroad, are expected to attend. The expo's theme, "Better City, Better Life," represents the wishes of humankind for better living in future urban environments. Before arranging a trip to the expo, read the following information about some of the impressive and stylish pavilions:  相似文献   

When lovers split up, one person might say: "Forget me." At least, that is often the scenario in novels and films. When one person asks the other to forget him/her, he/she might already be in love with a third person, or he/she might be suffering in some way and he/she doesn't want to talk about it. Whatever the reason, the other person will be hurt.  相似文献   

From the Mailbag     
My name s Ioana.Iwork as an Eniglish teacher in Wuhan,in Central China's Hubei Province.I am fond of reading your magazine.1 wish to congratulate you on the amazing work Women of China has done so far.Personally,I am grateful for the stories you bring with every issue,and for the new and exciting information and inspiration you bring.  相似文献   

I remember one of the first conversations I witnessed after 1 started studying Chinese. In response to a compliment from a peer, a student replied, "哪里哪里,你过奖了."  相似文献   

Celebrity Promotes Energy-saving, Emission-reducing Lifestyle Chinese actress Zhou Xun is urging people to save energy and reduce emissions by making some changes in their lifestyles. Zhou made the appeal recently while promoting the nationwide environmental awareness campaign OUR PART, which she initiated with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). "Please promise to save energy, by using energy- saving lamps,  相似文献   

Girls' Education Improves
The enrollment rate of girls who are primary school age is now 99.58 percent in China, or 0.08 percent higher than the rate of same-age boys. Of children who are junior high school age, the enrollment of girls is about 95 percent, or virtually equal to the rate of same-age boys.  相似文献   

The first 10 years of the 21st century are almost gone. When we think about the future, we tend to think of 10 years as a long time. Yet, when we reflect back, we realize 10 years pass all too quickly. Time, in essence, is an illusion.  相似文献   

As the 2008 Beijing Olympics and Paralympics draw near, many people -- both in China and overseas -- are eager to purchase officially licensed Olympics merchandise.There are more than 5,0.00 items,under 13 categories,of officially licensed  相似文献   

Bouceabout Is there anything more exciting at a child's party than the sight of an inflatable bounce castly? Why stop there?Bouceabout can upgrade any party to a new level of fun and excitement with a number of inflatable slides,animals,rock-climbing walls and mazes!  相似文献   

To promote healthy living and to raise women's awareness of the importance of improving their health, the Women's Development Department of the All- China Women's Federation (ACWF) launched the long-distance-run campaign, entitled "running for health and beauty," in late October. The event, which was held in Beijing, Tianjin Municipality (in North China) and Sichuan Province (in Southwest China), was also intended to promote the implementation of the cancer-screening project. Thousands of women, who wore pink T-shirts, participated.  相似文献   

Based on true events, Under the Hawthorn Tree, by Ai Mi, is a quintessential story of doomed love, set against the formidable landscape of the Cultural Revolution ( 1966-1976). The characters, symbolic of the country's innocence and purity, are born at the wrong time:born into a life where every minute is accounted for, parceled into extreme physical and emotional hardships. It is a life where one slip call lead to a road of hardship, especially where a young woman is concerned.  相似文献   

1 Silk Road:Monks,Warriors & Merchants on the Silk Road《丝绸之路上的僧侣、战士和商人》Author:Luce Boulnois Publisher:Odyssey Publications To the modern reader,the Silk Road conjures up images of fabled cities, exotic lands,long-gone empires and great conquerors.Place names such as Samarkand,Bukhara,Khotan and Chang'an continue to fascinate,with the  相似文献   

As the source of life , water breeds and nurtures all living creatures. Water is soft and fluid, but it holds a tremendous force that can even destroy the hardest things in the world. Women are like water. Some people say that behind every successful man stand two women: His mother and his wife. The man's mother cultivates him, while his wife accompanies him. Nice women are like a school, where men go to become more outstanding. No man can choose his mother, but he can choose his wife. No doubt we have all heard the saying that, "It will be terrible if a woman marries the wrong man."  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'm interested in your magazine, but there's no way for me to get copies of it where I live. I see that your website has an electronic version of the magazine, but it's only one issue, it's a few months old, it's difficult to read (because you have to wait for the pages to enlarge), and you have to click on the pages to flip them back to the table of contents or reload the whole page. It's extremely aggravating and not at all easy for readers to use.  相似文献   

In the fight against novel coronavirus disease(COVID-19),members of the China Female Artists Association are ever present.In response to the All-China Women's Federation(ACWF)'s initiative,the association called on all female painters to help share epidemic-prevention information with their brushes,to portray heroic models emerging in the prevention and control of the epidemic,and to inspire more women to contribute to the battle against COVID-19.  相似文献   

China’s National Health Commission on January 18,2022,issued a work plan to extend women’s access to screening for cervical cancer and a work plan to extend women’s access to screening for breast cancer.  相似文献   

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