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Dear Women of China,Happy New Year.I hope you are doing well.I recently saw your great magazine for the first time,in Beijing,when I went to the US Embassy.It is really well done.It was a great read while I waited.I am a writer and entrepreneur involved in fashion,education,and sustainability,and I wan ted to reach out and get more information about your publication.I have worked most of my life involved with many women's organizations,and I have recently begun working with a company doing some research on women in business.In addition,I have had the honor of interviewing many amazing women and men from around the world.I look forward to hearing back from you.Thank you so much.  相似文献   

I'm delighted to write a column in Women of China English Monthly. Here, 1'11 share interesting findings, key insightsand real stories from the work I've been doing with thousands of competent professional women in China -- and around Asia. Given that it's the start of the calendar year, I want to shave a powerful exercise -- on reflection, to set you up for success in the coming year, and beyond. To start, grab a journal, and answer the following questions: What do you think your colleagues would say about you? What have been your key successes during the past year? What are the best practices you used to achieve those successes'?  相似文献   

IT was only about ten years ago that there were only a few of newspapers and periodicals about women in China. But China has seen a rapid development of newspapers and periodicals on women since it began the policy of reform and opening to the outside world. Today the All-China Women's Federation and local women's federations sponsor and publish 47 different publications about women and children, some of which have a circulation of more than one million. These colorful, influential women's newspapers and periodicals are now some of the most interesting publications in China. Why have these publications been so successful? Recently our staff reporter interviewed several women chief editors about their work. The following interviews are in their own words.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China Thank you for a wonderful September issue. The cover photo was both sad and uplifting. I was drawn by the little boy's determined face and the title mentioning Zhouqu. I knew it had to be some kind,of disaster, and reading about the relief efforts and the people affected was touching. In the past two years, China has seen quite a few natural disasters. I wonder what may have caused these problems to begin with. I hope that the people in China will have safer futures.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,1 read on your website that villagers in East China's Jiangxi Province celebrated a harvest festival in September 2019.China has so many interesting festivals,and Chinese celebrate them with various activities.They are really interesting.Hathaway/India Dear Women of China,I think you have done a good job in introducing Chinese culture and women to the world.You have informative and in terest ing con tents in your magazine.I hope the layout design will be more vivid and creative in the future.  相似文献   

In general, I really admire your magazine. I've become addicted and I read your magazine every month. I think it is an essential read for anyone interested in gender equality and (anyone who) supports win-win progress for both men and women. I would like to see more debate on family and cultural issues, though, and read more about the secret to China's economic growth. Many thanks to the Embassy of China, in Eritrea, for distributing the magazine.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,
I'm interested in your magazine, but there's no way for me to get copies of it where I live. I see that your website has an electronic version of the magazine, but it's only one issue, it's a few months old, it's difficult to read (because you have to wait for the pages to enlarge), and you have to click on the pages to flip them back to the table of contents or reload the whole page. It's extremely aggravating and not at all easy for readers to use.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China I was glad to see your March issue focus on International Women's Day. It's an important event and I hope it will last 100 years more. As a man who supports women's rights and the chance at equal opportunities for all, I think the first step toward a gender-equal society is caring about the hardships women face. It's sad when I sometimes see friends of mine know about these issues, but are more interested in checking out sports. I hope International Women's Day continues to remind us, and urge us, to care about the female half of the human population.  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I like some of the articles you have written about finding love in China,and other articles that have to do with hifestyle,such as the health and advice columns.They are"easy-going"topics that are easy to read. I think you can spice up your layout.For me,there is just too much text,and too few  相似文献   

To Our Readers     
WE, the staff of Women of China would like to wish you a happy new year. Last autumn, the Seventh National Congress of Chinese Women was held in Beijing. It summarized the experience of the women's movement, the kind of work done by women during the reform and opening over the last 15 years, and defined the task for the women's movement in the 1990s. The successes have greatly insoired millions of Chinese women to thrive for the country. Our magazine will report more about all nationalities of women who are involved in the reform and  相似文献   

HUABEI Oilfield in the North China Plain beganto be explored in 1976. Its annual oil output hasbeen over 10 million tons for the past ten succes-sive years and it is ranked ninth amongst thenational enterprises handling oil and natural gas.During its 20-year construction, it was built to bea grand oil city. There are 110,000 emptoyeesincluding almost 40,000 women. It displaysfeatures of a modernized city when you walkthrough it-wide streets, office buildings, grass-land in inhabited areas, hospitals, schools, shopsand various recreation facilities. It takes on thehappy and auspicious atmosphere more than theimpetuousness of a big city On a mission to learnmore about the women working there, talked toHuang Lan, the committeewoman of the LaborUnion of Huabei Oil Administrative Bureau. Thefollowing are the women she sent me to meet:  相似文献   

Dear Women of China, I like that you put listings in the back of the magazine.However,I do not find the events interesting.They are not the kind of events that I would normally go to. You should have some information about rock concerts(such as Air coming to China),brand fashion events and such  相似文献   

It brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms你们的杂志再现了中国的历史和文化Editor-in-chief Yun Pengju said in his article that the May issue is a tribute to Mother's Day - may I add my congratulations to all mothers out there! I am humbled that you saw fit to include my article in this special edition, though I must say I was caught off I guard.Thanks for capturing the Forbidden City in Motion-quite a fascinating experience we had, and, of course, for all the informative articles about successes and milestones for the Women of China, These make interesting reading from cover to cover. As women, we need to have a vigorous campaign for this very informative magazine, as it brings Chinese culture and history right into our living rooms.Neo Gaseitsiwe, Botswana  相似文献   

Helping Me to Know More about China帮我了解中国It is my first time in China. I have been here for only two weeks as an exchange student. I got your February issue from one of my friends. I was absorbed by the cover, which was so colorful. I couldn't help but read the inside. I found some of the pictures so impressive, and very helpful to me in understanding Chinese women and China.  相似文献   

As you may have noticed, Women of China has taken on a new look to start the New Year. We are more compact. The Feature will bring you more in-depth reports on Chinese women and the issues with which they areconcerned. The Column will provide you with more interesting and practical information about Chinese culture and Chinese life. We hope to give you a fresh start this year. On January 29, 2006, Chinese people throughout the world will celebrate their most important festival—Spring Fe…  相似文献   

Dear Women of China,I read the article about porcelain leaf cups(a traditional craft that originated in Ji'an,in East China's Jiangxi Province)on your website,and I enjoyed it very much.I am wondering if you know how someone in the United States or the European Union could purchase one of these beautiful cups.  相似文献   

FOR the last three years I have been working on two big projects about women around the world. One is Mothers of the World, and the other one is Working Women of the World. So I travel to different parts of the world to meet Women and photograph them. I knew from the start that I would be able to see China only very superficially, because there was no way I could spend more than two to three weeks there. I therefore  相似文献   

JUNE 5, 1994 has been mandated World Environment Day. On this day the first meeting on Women and the Environment in China was held in Beijing and the Declaration of Chinese Women on Environment was established. According to the declaration, environmental pollution and the destruction of the ecology have posed a serious threat to the survival of the human race. It has become a great issue of common concern. The functions of women in procreation and social development are directly affected by the deterioration of the environment. It is the common interest of the populations of the world to protect the environment. The declaration notes that Chinese women are greatly concerned about the environmental conditions of their  相似文献   

BEFORE coming to China in 1986, I had spent months collecting all sorts of information on China and asking Chinese friends of mine about their everyday lives. So I felt fairly well informed before my trip. But when I landed in China, I was a bit disappointed. Everyihing looked so Western here. Of course, in Germany you never see a man kill a hen in the street for lunch or cabbages stacked on the sidewalk to dry in the sun. But overall, China's streets resemble those in big cities all over the world. Looking at Western-style clothing, vehicles and modern buildings, somehow I missed the Chinese flair. I knew about China's modernization drive, but I was obviously  相似文献   

THREE years have passed since China.promulgated and implemented the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Women, the first of its kind in China. What role has this law played and what effect has it had on the situation of Chinese women over the past three years? In April and May of 1995, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) conducted an extensive and profound investigation in eight of China's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to  相似文献   

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