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精神残疾社会工作是为精神残疾人提供社会工作。与残疾人服务不同,精神残疾社会工作是专业的社会工作者应用社会方法帮助残疾人,使其弥补自身的缺憾,克服生活上的障碍,提高生活质量。由于我国精神残疾社会工作发展时间短、缺少有效的方法,所以依旧存在着一些问题。下文主要从精神残疾人社会工作的现状和个案管理在精神残疾人社会工作中的应用策略这两个方面进行阐述。  相似文献   

普通高校大学生就业时会遭遇到第一学历歧视,他们承受着工作能力公众污名和自我污名的双重压力。这让普通高校大学生在就业时困境重重:缺少公平竞争的机会、消极对待求职机会、缺乏努力奋斗的动力。通过法律手段为大学生营造公平的就业环境、用人单位消除偏见、学校为学生进行就业指导、普通高校大学生提升自己的实力是破解这些困境的重要对策。  相似文献   

主题为“残疾——一件正常的事”的这次活动,其目的是引起公众就残疾这一问题的讨论,从而改变波兰对残疾人的观念和现状。调研表明,17%的人不愿和残疾人在一间办公室工作,16%的家长不愿把孩子送到经常有残疾儿童出现的幼儿  相似文献   

了解阻碍残疾人申领残疾人证的因素对促进残疾人社会服务的可及性具有重要的现实意义。本研究采用小型民族志的研究方法,对26名普通民众进行访谈,了解普通民众对残疾及残疾人证的看法,间接确认残疾人办证率低的社会成因。基于民众观点,本研究认为:(1)年龄和残疾因素通过影响残疾人健康状况进而影响了残疾人证的办证率,形成“封闭一开放”和“被动一自觉”的申领模式。(2)排斥性的社交环境和标签化的社会舆论常常导致残疾人的负面心理,导致残疾人在自我层面和家庭、社区与社会层面遭遇不同形式的歧视,进而降低残疾人证的办证率。(3)不同家庭背景的残疾人,所感知的残疾人证的社会价值不同。(4)地理因素上,显性的不利条件如交通阻隔或隐性的不利条件如信息不对称,对残疾人证办证率低有较大的解释力。实践中须把握残疾人对残疾人证的需求层次,消除与残疾人证有关的社会歧视,以提高残疾人证办证率,进而促进残疾人享受残疾人福利和我国残疾人事业的发展。  相似文献   

在当下中国尤其青年当中流行着诸如"绿茶婊"一类的词语,成为对一些青年女性的代称。对"绿茶婊"产生与流行过程以及背后社会心理的分析表明,这类称呼存在泛污名化现象,表现出一般污名、交错污名、内隐污名、自我污名与公众污名分离的特征。这种现象的产生源自于中国社会转型过程中出现的信任危机,陌生人社会来临是信任危机的根源,规则失守使不信任得以扩散,大众传媒的推动进一步强化了不信任。污名的消解需要全社会共同努力,重建信任。  相似文献   

残疾统计是认识和掌握残疾人状况的基本方式和手段,也是促进残疾预防、康复和精准服务,推动残疾人社会保障体系建设、脱贫攻坚、提升机会均等的实证基石,对社会、经济和人口政策的制定和实施具有极为重要的意义。本文对改革开放以来中国残疾统计和信息化事业的发展历史进行了梳理,对我国残疾统计数据和残疾基本信息进行介绍,论述了我国在国际残疾统计领域发挥的重要作用,指出我国残疾统计事业未来应从完善制度、建设思路、优化统计方法细节、突出统计内容重点等方面加强建设,以迎接新时期残疾人工作的挑战。  相似文献   

对意外伤害致残者而言,人生最大的不幸莫过于身体残疾的巨大灾难所带来的心理变化,直至形成心理障碍,从而严重阻碍或中断了他(她〕们回归社会的进程。因此,从残疾人自身角度讲,心理障碍是影响其回归社会的主要障碍之一;从残疾人专业社会工作者角度讲,如何化解和消除残疾人的心理障碍,是其社会工作中一项不可忽视且十分重要的内容。根据近年来的社会工作实践,通过众多个案彼此间的对比和分析研究,我们发现,残疾人的心理障碍随伤残后时间的延续而相应产生不同的变化,并主要体现在如下三个方面:1.否认即不示认残疾的现实,入院…  相似文献   

人类在探索对残疾人的定义和改善其境况的过程中,产生了多种残疾观和残疾文化.其中,个人模式与社会模式的影响颇为深远,并以英国为主要阵地展开了激烈的学术论战.个人模式从生物学视角出发,提倡通过现代医疗等手段最大限度使残疾人摆脱自身条件的束缚,达到更好地融入社会的目的;社会模式则基于政治学视角,从残疾的社会因素出发,致力于排除以往社会对残疾人的成见,进而消除残疾人在社会中的各种障碍.以上两种模式在促进残疾人个人发展和社会正义中前后相承,各司其职,均发挥着重要的作用.从研究范式看,每种研究取向都可为残疾的定义、境况改善和政策优化提供知识增量和多元化的学科视角.残疾人工作和研究中的"模式之争"反映出残疾人工作两种重要的思考逻辑.鉴于此,我国社会各界须同时关注残疾人的个体性和公共性问题,充分调动残疾人自身潜力,发挥社会正义的积极作用,构建具有实践意义的残疾人社会政策框架.如此,才能"回到事情本身",从多元文化和多学科的视角进行理性对话,为残疾人政策实践提供有价值且可操作的支撑.  相似文献   

残疾文化是西方残疾研究的热点问题之一。本文对近几十年来西方残疾文化研究的脉络进行了梳理,认为在西方的研究语境中,残疾文化的实质内涵是“残疾文化荣誉感”,具有“独立”“公正”与“互助”的基本意义,是一系列社会思想、社会习惯、群体特征的代际传递。西方残疾文化研究具有内涵导向、结构导向、功能导向、前瞻导向共四种研究方向,相关研究成果对我国的残疾人工作、残疾研究所具有的启示性意义,体现在辨析、整合与价值三大层面。  相似文献   

引入创伤视角,通过对两个社会创业实践的案例研究发现,残疾人社会创业的实践路径可以用疗愈创伤来概括,即治疗创伤促进创伤愈合的过程。首先,治疗创伤是残疾人社会创业的动机,残疾人社会创业缘起于治疗个体、群体与社会创伤的动机;其次,残疾人社会创业的过程包括机会识别、资源整合与合法性获取三个方面,残疾社会企业家通过考量创伤与优势匹配识别创业机会,通过链接社会支持网络与吸纳残疾人群体整合资源,通过满足外部需求与激发积极情绪获取合法性;最后,创伤愈合是残疾人社会创业的效应,残疾人的社会创业实践最终实现了个体、群体与社会创伤愈合的多元价值。  相似文献   

Inclusive education is a key aspect of the European Disability Strategy 2010–2020. The aim of this study is to give voice to three local organisations of people with disability and for people with disability in Spain, Lithuania and Greece, discussing the EU policy for inclusive education in relation to personal experiences and national policies, as part of the Able’20 European project. The points of view of 58 young people with disabilities were collected through the ‘theatre of the oppressed’ approach as an emancipatory disability research tool, aiming at the empowerment of young people with disabilities and their organisations. The voices of young people show the presence of physical barriers alongside more challenging cultural and institutional barriers, which strongly limit access to inclusive education, showing an opposite trend to the EU policy, and overshadowing the social model of disability.  相似文献   

Research about siblings where one has a disability has historically focused on the psychological outcomes of siblings of people with disabilities and has very rarely asked people with disabilities about their sibling relationships. This research focus represents the common individualizing approach and under-representation of people with disabilities that disability studies has argued against. Tracing the history of research about siblings and disability through de/institutionalization and towards current broader theories in disability studies, this article suggests that a range of disability studies perspectives can usefully de-individualize and expand research about siblings where one has a disability. Through examples of how materialist, feminist and inclusive perspectives can be applied to open up research about siblings and disability, the article argues that viewing siblinghood through the range of disability studies perspectives has the potential to expand this research field and represent new facets of siblings’ identities and lives together.  相似文献   

Society has a negative attitude toward people with intellectual disabilities or psychiatric disabilities. It is well documented that they are subjected to prejudice, stigma, and negative attitudes (Di Giulio, 2003 ; Finger, 1994 ). Professional literature indicates that information about disabilities and encounters with persons with disabilities can change negative attitudes (Carter, Hughes, Copeland, & Breen, 2001 ; Krajewski & Flaherty, 2000 ). This study accompanied 164 9th-grade students from various junior high schools throughout Israel. Half of the students participated in an integration program for changing attitudes toward persons with disabilities, and the other half served as the control group. The research examined the existence and the degree of relationship between participation in the program, changes in attitudes toward people with disabilities, and self-image. The research findings pointed to a positive change in attitudes of the participants of the program in comparison with the control group, resulting mainly from personal contact with people with disabilities. No relationship was found between levels of self-image of the research group and attitudes toward people with disabilities.  相似文献   

This article presents some of the community-based artwork of a group of men with learning disabilities, who aimed to challenge some of the misconceptions associated with learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities regularly face many forms of direct and indirect stigma. The consequences of such negative perceptions may affect individuals’ social relationships and ensure that barriers are strengthened which prevent their full inclusion. The men in this project used a series of visual and creative methods to challenge some of these misconceptions by telling stories through art, demonstrating skill through photography, using poetry to talk about sexual identity and improvising drama and filmmaking to challenge stigma, and through sculpture expressed their voices. Thus, by doing so, they were able to challenge some of the stigma associated with learning disabilities, indicating that community-based arts research is a valuable way in which to promote the voices of people with learning disabilities.  相似文献   

People with disabilities share a history and culture of marginalization and oppression. In disability studies, disability has been re-defined as an inability or limitation in performance of the roles and tasks expected of individuals within society which excludes people from becoming full participants in social, cultural, and political affairs. Disability research has traditionally been ‘on’ rather than ‘with’ people with disabilities. This article examines how qualitative sibling disability research has been conducted, with a particular focus on the exclusion of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

Siblings of people with disabilities have more exposure to people with disabilities than most nondisabled people, uniquely positioning them toward disability, yet less is known about how this might impact their attitudes. This study examined siblings’ disability attitudes by determining siblings’ explicit and implicit disability bias, mapping their 2-dimensional prejudice, and examining theoretical variables that might be relevant to their attitudes. To do so, the Disability Attitudes Implicit Association Test, the Symbolic Ableism Scale, and survey questions were administered to 48 siblings. Findings revealed the majority of the siblings implicitly preferred nondisabled people, despite reporting low levels of explicit attitudes.  相似文献   

Much of what is written by non-disabled authors about living with disabilities does not mirror people’s experiences or opportunities. Literature is often written about people’s abilities (or disabilities) rather than by or with people. Discourse about supervision of social work students can risk assuming that supervisors are people who do not identify as living with disabilities. This research is a co-operative inquiry into the experience of being an Australian social work student supervisor who is living with disabilities. The article extends the literature about being a social work field educator to include ability, and values the practice wisdom of experienced social workers including a current student supervisor who is living with a disability.  相似文献   


The individual medically oriented model of disability suggests that people with disabilities seldom achieve health and wellness because of their impairments and disabilities. This paper provides an alternative to the tendency in social work to focus on the medicalization of disability without a due consideration of the social context. It draws insights from the social model that asserts disability is a form of social restriction encountered by people with disabilities and that social barriers of disability must be removed through collective action. Also, this model posits that people with disabilities can be healthy if the barriers preventing good health are removed. However, medical aspects of a person with a disability should not be forsaken entirely. Therefore, this article proposes a holistic view that converges insights of the individual and social models toward a better understanding of health issues for people with disabilities. It shows the implications for social work that follow from the convergence.  相似文献   

Persons with disabilities have endured discrimination and live under social apartheid. While enlightened people recognise the role that society has in disabling people with impairments, there remains a struggle to remove the negative stigma associated with this form of social diversity. There is no silver bullet that will enable persons with disabilities to exercise their human rights as full citizens. One strategy to assist in this struggle is the use of language. This paper focuses on how language can be utilised in the struggle against oppression. This paper reconsiders how disability discrimination is conceived and labelled. There is no uniformly accepted label to describe the discrimination and oppression that is explained by the social model or the non-radical social model. This paper explores how the labels of disableism and ableism have emerged to explain this concept. This paper analyses these terms and argues for the adoption of ableist nomenclature.  相似文献   

There is a wide range of media representations of disability, but not just because of the societal stigma. They are a function of norms of journalism as well as biases among people with disabilities themselves. This article is a contribution to the issue of social representation of persons with disabilities from a Romanian perspective, which will help to witness the transformation of the general perception of persons with disabilities by seeing the evolution of the terms used to name disability in crucial years of the socio‐political development of Romania (1989, 1990 and 2003). The existence of different categories of representations will reveal the evolution of society, which switched from a culture of protection to a culture of promotion for people with disabilities.  相似文献   

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