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在竞争环境下,考虑两个开放型电商平台寡头主导的电商服务链,两平台对网商的收费制度为注册收费制、交易收费制、两部收费制等三种收费制度构成的策略集,本文构建了两平台的六种收费制度组合模型。通过博弈论逆序求解法和划线法分析发现:当平台的注册服务成本不低于交易服务成本时,两平台对网商的收费制度选择博弈不一定存在均衡,存在则必为其中一方采取交易收费制而另一方采取两部收费制这种分离均衡;反之,两平台对网商的收费制度选择博弈必定存在均衡,且为双方均选择注册收费制这种混同均衡。  相似文献   

We integrate internationalization process theory with industrial network theory to explain SME entry in emerging markets. We show that entry modes are complemented by entry nodes and entry processes. We develop a Five/Five Stages Model to consider the dynamic interaction between these factors. We undertook a survey of 116 SMEs in Southern Sweden trading with the Baltic States, Poland and Russia, as complemented by a case study of ten SMEs trading with Poland and an analysis of trade statistics of SMEs in Southern Sweden.We find that relationships are critical for entry as most firms rely on direct relationships with customers or dyads. The involvement of subsidiaries is uncommon, suggesting a low degree of FDI. Meanwhile, triads or indirect relationships through distributors or agents are more important. This low cost entry node creates a paradox in that the insufficient learning it provides about local markets obstructs further internationalization. By relating entries to the global internationalization process, we find that most SMEs trade with few countries in the region, indicating a low degree of regional internationalization.  相似文献   

中国制造企业国际化的影响因素与分析框架:以TCL为例   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
本文在对现有企业国际化理论所涉及变量概括与归纳的基础上,运用战略管理理论,设计了中国制造企业国际化的分析框架,并通过分析TCL的国际化过程,对该框架进行了初步检验。结论如下:在中国制造企业的国际化过程中,第一,企业的国际化愿望、国际化需要和国际化能力,是影响企业国际化战略的三个主要因素;第二,企业国际化战略的制订与实施有助于企业国际化的成功;第三,企业国际化的绩效将反过来影响企业的国际化愿望、国际化需要和国际化能力。  相似文献   

Research suggests that internationalizing SMEs in the West enjoy far greater institutional support. There is, however, little understanding of the internationalization processes of emerging economies' SMEs (EESMEs) and yet they are notable contenders in international trade. Accordingly, this research draws from an integrated strategy tripod framework to develop new perspectives accounting for how Iranian-based EESMEs internationalize and compete in international markets. A comprehensive analysis of Iranian EESMEs' survey data revealed that, other than their owner's managerial perceptions of their industry, firm, and institutional constraints, international market knowledge (IMK) significantly moderated their internationalization strategies. Such understanding advances research on firm internationalization by pinpointing the central role of IMK in forming internationalization strategies by EESMEs in hard-to-reach contexts, which has implications for academic research and policy-making, leading to needed reform based on theory and practice.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to address the fundamental question of how much we can modify and enhance the ownership–location–internalization (OLI) Model of multinational enterprise (MNE) formation to reflect the new evidence of MNE latecomers from the developing countries. The evidence of three longitudinal cases from China suggests that the traditional OLI and the newly proposed linkage–leverage–learning (LLL) Model of MNE formation can be readily integrated within a content-process framework of MNE evolution so as to better explain all types of MNE from both the developed and the developing countries.  相似文献   

The factors that determine firms' levels of internationalization remain a focal area of international business research. Within this research stream, studies building on the upper echelons theory have investigated the influence of the demographic characteristics of the top management team (TMT) on firms' international expansion. However, the literature to date has overlooked the TMT's overall degree of internationalization as a key driver of firm-level internationalization. In our paper, we argue that by having self-selected into careers abroad, foreign TMT members by definition have a higher cognitive tolerance of foreignness than domestic TMT members do. We theorize that foreign TMT members' higher cognitive tolerance for foreignness enhances the overall TMT's level of international attention and international trust, thereby facilitating strategic decisions that favor firm-level internationalization. Additionally, we propose two key contingencies that attenuate this relationship: the institutional diversity of the firm's home region and the firm's global focus. Analysis of Fortune Global 500 firms supports the hypothesized relationship between TMT internationalization and firm-level internationalization, as well as the two moderation effects.  相似文献   

张凯 《管理科学》2019,22(4):110-126
平台模式已然是一种全球化的商业模式,与之相对应的平台经济也成为当前最显著的经济现象之一.本文以京东商城、亚马逊等为代表的复合型电商平台中的第三方数量为研究视角,旨在回答:1)为何有些产品的第三方卖家数量较多,而另一些产品的第三方卖家数量较少? 2)第三方卖家数量是不是越多越好? 3)为何平台自营产品的售价往往介于众多第三方卖家售价之间? 4)复合型电商平台的利润主要来源于平台自营业务还是第三方卖家?研究发现:产品市场特性的不同导致不同产品的第三方卖家数量呈现出显著差异;复合型电商平台应将第三方卖家数量控制在适度范围内;平台自营的售价介于众多第三方卖家售价之间有助于平台在提高产品价格的同时增加销量;当第三方卖家数量较少(多)时,(非)平台自营利润占主导地位.此外,本文还将基本模型拓展到纯开放平台的情形,并对比分析了三种定价机制.研究发现:在相同外部环境情形下,京东模式优于天猫模式优于淘宝模式和美团模式.对于纯开放平台模式,两部收费定价模式优于会员费定价模式和佣金定价模式.  相似文献   

A survey randomly sampled 500 Taiwanese enterprises in Indonesia. One hundred and fifty three copies (30.6%) of the questionnaire were effective. The dimensions of ‘ethical decision-making’, ‘societal marketing’, ‘internal and external resources’ and ‘country risks’ were found to be demonstrably influential on the global business ethics of Taiwanese enterprises. Additionally, the study explored the ethical emphasis of targeted Taiwanese enterprises on localization and human rights.  相似文献   

By proposing a conceptual outline for a general model that explains the internationalization–performance link, we test the moderating effects of organizational learning on the relationship between internationalization and performance empirically. Integrating two distinct literature streams from the organizational learning perspective and the resource-based view, we present an integrated, multidimensional framework for analyzing multinational enterprises’ (MNEs’) resources, internationalization, and organizational learning, as well as their associated impact on firm performance. Specifically, using a sample of 110 American MNEs, we find that while certain MNE resources motivate and precede internationalization, social and market learning (whereas technological learning does not) moderates the relationship between internationalization and performance. These findings extend prior research by establishing the importance of the relationships among MNE resources, internationalization, organizational learning, and firm performance.  相似文献   

This perspective paper synthesizes the burgeoning literature on internationalization of digital innovations to identify promising areas for future research. We first integrate multiple perspectives on digital innovations to offer a coherent and unified definition of digital innovations. Next, we synthesize digital innovation research into a theoretical framework that discusses the interrelationship between digital innovations and international business environment and its implications for international penetration of digital innovations. Our synthesis of literature highlights the increased research focus on demand-side perspective as an appropriate theoretical framework to explain the unique dynamics of digital internationalization. Finally, we take account of recent trends in digital economy as well as important gaps in current literature to propose promising avenues for future research. We particularly emphasize the need to integrate current institutional transitions of a digital era as well as emerging theoretical perspectives such as demand-side perspective and opportunity logic in digital internationalization research. We hope our perspective paper will contribute toward a more systematic and theoretically grounded advancement of digital internationalization research.  相似文献   

虚拟企业:一种学习型联盟的组织   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
基于组织学习理论,阐述了“学习型联盟”的新型联盟形式. 在比较虚拟企业和传统企业 的联盟的基础上,提出虚拟企业是一种“学习型联盟”组织的观点. 构建了虚拟企业学习的一般 过程模型和系统分析其学习过程的各阶段支撑因素,并引用案例说明了本文提出理论框架的 合理性. 关键词:  相似文献   

Anecdotal evidence suggests that smaller firms are responding in various ways to market trends towards globalization. A fundamental question arises as to why some smaller firms are including global markets in their strategies and business operations while other firms with similar size and product mix are not. This paper hypothesizes necessary and sufficient conditions for a smaller agri-food firm to become actively global in perspective and practice. An hypothesized decision framework is articulated and results are reported from eight cases used to test this framework. The paper concludes that perceptions about competitive advantages and effective demand, and operative decision rules employed by the firm will determine if and when a firm can globalize its scope of operations.  相似文献   

Despite family firm’s dominant role in economies worldwide, there is little empirical knowledge on their internationalization. Drawing on a sample of Austrian firms, this paper investigates the impact of family influence and various governance factors on internationalization. The findings reveal an inverted U-shaped relationship between family influence and internationalization. Family firms with medium family influence are the most internationally active companies. This indicates that concerning internationalization the advantages of being a family firm are highest when the family’s ownership share and involvement in management and governance boards is not too extensive. Additionally, neither the incumbent generation, nor the level of non-family executives in the management board, nor the existence of a supervisory board has a significant influence on going international. Since advisory boards seem to foster internationalization, they might be an adjuvant means of equipping family firms with the necessary capabilities, know-how and contacts to operate internationally.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between internationalization orientation and international performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and the mediating effect of technological innovation. Prior research suggests that internationalization is a prominent strategic choice for SMEs growth and profitability. However, there is still no explicit agreement on how internationalization affects international performance. Similarly, the role of innovation on performance has long been emphasized, but the implications of technological innovation on international performance are still eluding us. Our investigation of 116 SMEs in the United Kingdom reveals that internationalization orientation has a significant effect on their international performance, with SMEs adopting simultaneously an inward and outward international orientation achieving superior results. We further demonstrate that there is an inverted U-shaped relationship between technological innovation and international firm performance among SMEs. Meanwhile, we find that technological innovation positively mediates the effect of internationalization orientation on international firm performance, particularly for the SMEs exhibiting moderate levels of technological innovation activities. The findings of this study suggest that managers can improve international performance by combining inward and outward internationalization orientation with technological innovation activities in their strategic decisions.  相似文献   

While digital technologies like the internet offer new and less cost-intensive ways to seize international opportunities, when it comes to traditional firms selling tangible products, little is known about their use of online channels for servicing foreign markets. This is especially the case for their choice between customized (active) or general (default) forms of corporate internationalization websites (viz. virtual presence modes). Building on the entrepreneurial orientation literature, we propose that firms that are more entrepreneurially orientated are more likely to capture internationalization opportunities with active internationalization websites. We further suggest that the threat of competitive pre-emption will moderate this relationship. Using a sample of Austrian SME exporters, we find support for the positive effect of entrepreneurial orientation on the use of active internationalization websites, but do not find a significant moderating effect of competitive pre-emption. In this way, we add to the growing research on digital internationalization by explaining the circumstances in which traditional firms choose between different internationalization website formats.  相似文献   

The public administration sector, including state owned enterprises (SOEs), has developed various types of information disclosure practice, in response to stakeholders’ demands, in parallel with developments in the private sector. This paper analyses the corporate social responsibility (CSR) information disclosed by SOEs and the influence exerted by the characteristics of the SOEs themselves (size, industry sector, degree of government ownership and number of years in operation) and by those of their managers (age, gender, CSR education profile and CSR responsibilities in the workplace). To do so, an index of CSR information disclosure was created, based on the responses made to a questionnaire in this respect. An empirical regression model was then applied to test and categorise the factors analysed. According to the results obtained, the size and sector of the SOE, together with the manager’s CSR responsibilities, are the factors that most significantly affect the online disclosure of CSR information.  相似文献   

The article analyses the role and the significance of management by values in the conditions of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The theoretical aspects of the problem and the results of empirical research conducted in a number of Russian companies are examined. An assumption is made about organizational values influencing the formation of personal priorities and guiding principles of the employees, which leads to the increase of the degree of social responsibility of a given business.  相似文献   

梁利峥 《经理人》2012,(4):96-100,22
从创业开始,冯军就被外界视为"另类",连他自己也一直强调是在"看不起"和骂声中成长起来的。从"冯五块"到"假面影帝",冯军一直处在舆论的风口浪尖上,他也似乎很享受聚光灯下的感觉,用他自我调侃的话说,"没钱做广告,就当是牺牲自己  相似文献   

Existing research on the market evolution model focused on new product sales growth for a single product category. Accordingly, this approach did not imply any interactions among separate but related product categories that could affect each other's market growth. However, the importance of analyzing these inter-category relationships is emphasized because such an analysis helps managers to better understand the underlying market dynamics and develop more profitable product-line strategies for a multi-product market.  相似文献   

We add to the global–local debate by highlighting concerns with the empirical and conceptual validity of the construct ‘integrated’ as it operates within corporate social responsibility (CSR). We do so by investigating the extent to which foreign national culture and related local issues are incorporated into the CSR policy of 37 multinational corporations, examining strategy development and implementation across global locations. This research suggests that integrated internationalization strategies do not resolve global and local CSR issues. In fact, they reinforce outcomes similar to global strategies, where core issues identified by headquarters are legitimated and local issues are marginalized, an outcome that appears somewhat at odds with the spirit of local responsiveness embedded in CSR thinking.  相似文献   

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