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引入创伤视角,通过对两个社会创业实践的案例研究发现,残疾人社会创业的实践路径可以用疗愈创伤来概括,即治疗创伤促进创伤愈合的过程。首先,治疗创伤是残疾人社会创业的动机,残疾人社会创业缘起于治疗个体、群体与社会创伤的动机;其次,残疾人社会创业的过程包括机会识别、资源整合与合法性获取三个方面,残疾社会企业家通过考量创伤与优势匹配识别创业机会,通过链接社会支持网络与吸纳残疾人群体整合资源,通过满足外部需求与激发积极情绪获取合法性;最后,创伤愈合是残疾人社会创业的效应,残疾人的社会创业实践最终实现了个体、群体与社会创伤愈合的多元价值。  相似文献   

赵延东  洪岩壁 《社会学研究》2012,(5):47-69,243,244
布迪厄的"网络资源"和科尔曼的"社会闭合"两种研究进路长期以来一直统治着社会资本与教育获得的研究领域,前者强调蕴含于社会网络中的资源对教育获得的影响,后者则强调闭合网络的支持作用。本研究试图将这两类社会资本纳入同一个研究框架中,探讨二者之间的差异、联系及其对教育获得的影响机制。本研究认为两类社会资本间的主要差异体现在社会资本来源的不同,"网络资源型"社会资本的来源是家长的社会网络,其作用主要是为孩子提供更好的教育机会;而"社会闭合型"社会资本的来源则是家长与孩子本人、教师及其他家长之间形成的紧密社会结构,孩子可以直接从此类社会资本中获益。但两种社会资本之间又存在复杂的交互作用,可以共同促进孩子的学业成绩。通过对一项全国城市中小学生的大规模社会调查所得数据的分析,本研究进一步检验了这两种社会资本对教育获得的具体作用。  相似文献   

"三失"青少年是指失学、失业和失管青少年.对G省1488名"三失"青少年的调查研究发现,该群体位于社会边缘地带,资本缺失严重,在家庭网络、同辈网络、学校网络和社区网络等社会网络建构方面能力不足,难以获取相应资源,较难融入社会主流.帮扶"三失"青少年就要改善其经济环境,构建帮扶部门联动机制,建立信息监测系统,通过精细化帮扶,健全"三失"青少年社会网络,提升"三失"青少年的文化资本.  相似文献   

初级群体呈现出衰弱的变迁趋势.这是现代社会发展的必然结果.初级群体的变迁对青少年的社会化过程中的人格发展、心理健康以及社会角色等的培养造成了消极的影响.以社区为平台,构建完善的社会支持网络,在青少年从社区获得社会支持的同时,又可以促进其自身成为社会支持网络的志愿者,使青少年、家庭、社区成为一种"共生"的新型关系.  相似文献   

社区社会资本理论:社区社会资本是一种集体视角的社会资本,关注社会资本对集体的重要影响,进而会在整体上推动群体的存续和发展,其主要体现为和谐的关系网络,有效的制度规范,群体间的信任、凝聚力,互惠互助、共享合作的价值观和合作性的社会组织等。这种以社区参与为基础的社会资本属于居民共同体。  相似文献   

高校贫困生问题:社会资本视野下的研究和分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校贫困生的人数不断扩大,他们的生存与发展问题日益突出.社会资本是镶嵌在个体社会支持网络中的物质和精神资源.本文论述了社会资本的概念和一般性作用,详细分析了社会资本对解决高校贫困生问题所具有的功能和意义,并对提升高校贫因生社会资本的可能途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,农村剩余劳动力大量涌入城市,产生了留守儿童这一新的群体,其社会支持问题El益突出,引起社会各界广泛的关注。厦门“凤凰花助飞体验营”服务项目借助增权视角社会工作理论,在实践中探索出建构留守儿童社会支持网络的路径:增强个体自我效能感,提升建构支持的内在能力;集体中参与,多中心地构建近距离的社会支持;倡导创造建构社会支持网络的良好社会与制度环境。  相似文献   

韩国残疾人总数约为251万,他们既享有普惠性社会保障政策,也享有残疾人特惠性社会保障政策。特惠性社会保障政策由经济支持、医疗支持、教育支持、就业支持和社会服务提供等政策构成。残疾人社会服务宏观层面主要考察服务制度,包括住宅机构、社区康复机构、职业康复机构、凭单制度等,虽然服务制度从20世纪的保护模式中心漸变为自立生活与残疾人为中心模式,但保护模式、社区培训模式和以残疾人为中心模式共存。  相似文献   

积极的残障身份认同对残障者本身具有重要意义,残障身份发展是残障者实现身份认同的路径,理解残障身份发展的过程也可以让残疾人工作者更好地为残障者提供教育、康复等相关服务。本文通过梳理较为典型的西方残障身份发展理论,结合国内残障身份相关研究及本土社会文化背景展开讨论。文章认为,在西方残障身份发展理论框架下,残障者形成积极身份认同的关键在于认同并融入一套在残障社区内共享的残障文化,而在我国社会文化背景下,目前并没有一套成体系的残障文化,残障者也难以体会残障的文化身份感,国内残障者的身份认同缺少本土残障文化依靠。  相似文献   

张连德 《城市观察》2012,(1):182-187
青年农民工在城市生活中缺少各种社会支持网络,导致其陷入经济贫困、政治贫困、能力贫困和心理贫困状态,从根本上限制了青年农民工的城市融合。必须通过政府、非政府组织和人际和谐关系三个方面,构建农民工社会支持网,进而实现社会融合和社会和谐。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the structure, interaction, and function of the support networks of women and men with psychiatric disabilities. The study took a mixed-methods approach, using quantitative (n=181) and qualitative (n=42) data from a region in southern Sweden. The quantitative results showed that the respondents received widespread support of different types and from many different sources. However, the qualitative interviews revealed that many of the interviewees did not perceive the received support as supportive. The respondents’ internal resources influenced both their ability to receive support and their perception of the support. The informal and formal support sources formed the external resources of the respondents. Our interviewees often experienced formal support as conditional support, while informal support from the family was experienced as unconditional. There was thus a gap between the structure and function of the social support. This article contributes important knowledge from the perspective of persons with psychiatric disabilities.  相似文献   

Social work education on disability content has become more important due to political changes in the last two decades. The United States protected people with disabilities from discrimination in community and employment settings with the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. These changes have empowered people with disabilities to become more independent; however, social workers primarily fulfill roles as case managers, and often make decisions for people with disabilities. This is not consistent with the empowerment perspective embedded in the disability movement. Most social work schools have minimal courses covering disability content. Previous research and the Self-Esteem Hypothesis indicate that social work education, social proximity to people with disabilities, self-esteem and other demographic characteristics are associated with social discrimination, or attitudes, toward people with disabilities. Social work students (n = 73) participated in a survey in the last semester of their program to assess how these characteristics were associated with their attitudes towards people with disabilities. A multiple linear regression revealed that social work education preparedness to work with people with disabilities, an MSW education, self-esteem, and having a friend with a disability were significantly associated with students' social discrimination towards people with disabilities.  相似文献   

Common Ground Co‐operative (CGC) provides training, administrative, and job coach support to five social enterprises for which persons with developmental disabilities are the non‐share‐capital partners. This study examines the use of social return on investment (SROI) as a means of determining the value of program impacts related to quality‐of‐life changes for enterprise partners and their families. The process of conducting this SROI analysis is described and analyzed in terms of its utility in employment services for persons with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

There is a basic principle that all children and young persons with intellectual disabilities should be able to enjoy citizenship on an equal basis with others. This includes enjoying personal dignity and exercising choice, control and freedom in social, community and cultural life, in keeping with their individual lifestyle preferences and aspirations. There is a need for a stronger human rights narrative to achieve this. This article identifies a conceptual framework for a rights-based approach to the integration of children and young persons with disabilities. Seven components of such a framework are identified: citizenship and social inclusion; recognition; agency; voice; capabilities; equality; and self-realisation. This framework was developed as part of an Irish case study involving consultation with young persons with intellectual disabilities, their parents or guardians and professional staff delivering support services. The rights of children/young persons with intellectual disabilities are essentially those of children generally. While this principle may be obvious in many respects, its implementation presents significant challenges. The need for a transformative narrative and its components are outlined.  相似文献   

Persons with physical disabilities often face isolation in face-to-face settings or limited opportunities to form relationships due to an ongoing, and often derogatory, disability narrative of difference. Unlike face-to-face interactions, social media let persons with disabilities control how and when they disclose information about their disabilities and offer new opportunities for relationship formation. This qualitative study establishes a theoretical framework for exploring how and why persons with physical disabilities choose to disclose their disabilities on social media platforms. Major findings from the study describe three strategic approaches (open, secure, and limited) to disability disclosure on social media. The study also examines the relationship between age of discloser and age of the disability as key factors in approach selection.  相似文献   

In the past, the type of discrimination against persons with disabilities in South Korea was seen mainly as being related to the physical environment and social systems that ignored disability. However, the emergence of social model and anti-discrimination laws established in numerous countries has rapidly expanded the scope of social participation for persons with disabilities as well as their awareness of their rights. This article posits that a type of disability discrimination that could emerge in the future is microaggression, which can appear in diverse forms in newly formed human relationships as the scope of social participation increases.  相似文献   


This article will discuss social development models and their application to the establishment of social work field education in Lithuania. A model of field education as social development is presented and discussed, with reference to promoting core social work knowledge, values and skills, establishing relationships between educational and social welfare institutions, and identifying the impact of field education programs on community well-being. Examples from the authors' experience in educational program development and implementation are presented, along with implications for international social work education.  相似文献   

社会管理创新是一个时代课题。随着以信息技术为支撑的网络社会的逐步形成和深入发展,虚拟网络已经渗透到现实社会生活的各个方面,成为人们社会交往的重要渠道和实现人际关系的重要载体。网络社会对上海社会运行的影响力逐渐强化,现实社会对网络社会的依赖性与日俱增。网络时代的到来,对上海的社会管理工作带来了全新的命题。一方面网络为城市社会管理提供了新的手段和方式;另一方面网络也对上海现有的社会管理体制形成较大的挑战。深入揭示网络社会与现实社会的互动关系及内在机理,阐明网络传播对现实社会管理产生的种种影响,把握利用网络加强社会管理的有效方式,构建涵盖网络社会与现实社会的社会管理的新体制与新机制,是上海社会管理创新的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

Social workers are being asked to respond to the rapidly increasing number of individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). However, the curricula in schools of social work have limited content on disabilities. This article describes a course which prepares social work students for work with individuals with ASD through an empowerment approach in an ever-changing socio-cultural and political environment. This approach changes the focus of disabilities from a narrow perspective on particular services and rehabilitation to a broader concern with human rights, social inclusion and quality of life. The article describes the development of the course in collaboration with a university disability program, the areas of emphasis for the course (family focused, interdisciplinary, lifespan) and the multiple modes of delivery. The implications of teaching the course as an elective or as integrating it further into the curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

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