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This paper examines the long‐term development of Orientalism as an intellectual field, with the European learning of China between ca.1600 and ca.1900 as an exemplary case. My analysis will be aided by a theoretical framework based on a synthesis of the world‐system and network perspectives on long‐run intellectual change. Analyzing recurrent debates on China within European intellectual circles, I demonstrate that the Western conception of the East has been oscillating between universalism and particularism, and between naive idealization and racist bias. This oscillation is a function as much of the changing political economy of the capitalist world‐system as of the endogenous politics of the intellectual field. Despite their contrasting views, both admirers and despisers of the East viewed non‐Western civilizations as uniform wholes that had never changed. I argue that the fundamental fallacy of Orientalism lay, not in its presumptions about the ontological differences between East and West and the former's inferiority, as previous critics of Orientalism have supposed, but in its reductionism. Understanding non‐Western civilizations in their full dynamism and heterogeneity is a critical step toward the renewal of the twentieth‐century social theories that were built upon and impaired by the Orientalist knowledge accumulated in the previous centuries.  相似文献   

Terrorism in its purest form is self‐help by organized civilians who covertly inflict mass violence on other civilians. Pure sociology explains terrorism with its social geometry—its multidimensional location and direction in social space. Here I build on the work of Senechal de la Roche (1996) and propose the following geometrical model: Pure terrorism arises intercollectively and upwardly across long distances in multidimensional space. Yet because social distance historically corresponded to physical distance, terrorism often lacked the physical geometry necessary for its occurrence: physical closeness to civilians socially distant enough to attract terrorism. New technology has made physical distance increasingly irrelevant, however, and terrorism has proliferated. But technology also shrinks the social universe and sows the seeds of terrorism's destruction .  相似文献   

After introducing a perspective on terrorism as postpolitical and after establishing the criteria for success that are immanent in this form of antipolitical action, this essay interprets September 11, 2001, and its aftermath inside a cultural‐sociological perspective. After introducing a macro‐model of social performance that combines structural and semiotic with pragmatic and power‐oriented dimensions, I show how the terrorist attack on New York City and the counterattacks that immediately occurred in response can be viewed as an iteration of the performance/counterperformance dialectic that began decades, indeed centuries, ago in terms of the relation of Western expansion and Arab‐Muslim reaction. I pay careful attention to the manner in which the counterperformance of New Yorkers and Americans develops an idealized, liminal alternative that inspired self‐defense and outrage, leading to exactly the opposite performance results from those the al‐Qaeda terrorists had intended .  相似文献   

This paper suggests that Lenski's classification of agrarian societies into simple versus advanced, based on the use of iron in the latter, obscures important variations in the gender division of labor and the level of gender stratification. In particular, his categories lump the gender egalitarian irrigated rice societies of Southeast Asia with the great majority of agrarian societies, which are strongly patriarchal. Based on my general theory of gender stratification and experience coding and analyzing gender stratification in the ethnographic databases and fieldwork in 39 countries worldwide, I propose a three‐category alternative. First, agrarian societies are divided according to the technological criterion of irrigation into dry (rain‐fed) and wet (irrigated rice) categories. This distinguishes two gender divisions of labor: a male farming system in dry agrarian and an "everybody works" system in labor‐intensive rice cultivation, in which women are important in production. Second, irrigated rice societies are divided into patri‐oriented‐male advantage and those neutral to positive for women, based on the nature of the kinship system. This distinguishes the gender egalitarian Southeast Asian wet rice societies from the highly gender stratified majority of irrigated rice societies. Furthermore, these distinctions in gender equality are predicted by my gender stratification theory.  相似文献   

This article examines the notion that globalisation has resulted in the decline of the nation‐state. It argues that during most of its history globalisation was in fact associated with the rise of the nation‐state through the construction of overseas empires that extended and strengthened it. The development of global political organization has reinforced the nation‐state through the growth of international organizations based on the principle of national sovereignty. It is transnational flows, networks, and organizations that have challenged the authority of the nation‐state. These do not, however, float in a global limbo but are always rooted in and dependent upon some nation‐state or other. Transnational movements can embarrass nation‐states but have little real impact upon them and challenge them far less than did the nationally based labour movements that have been undermined by globalisation. Some see globalisation as leading to a global society transcending national units but this view overlooks the continued importance of national institutions and international relationships, and the emergence of strong regional organizations, in a society that is essentially multi‐level rather than global in character.  相似文献   

Distortionary Taxation and Optimal Public Spending on Productive Activities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using a general‐equilibrium model with endogenous factor supplies, this article investigates the provision of factor‐augmenting public inputs. Such inputs are intermediate goods that affect production functions in a collective manner and give rise to increasing returns. Unlike with collective consumption goods, deviation from the first‐best condition for a public input is inappropriate if taxes are set optimally. When taxes are not optimal, a second‐best rule must include a feedback effect on revenue as well as the deadweight cost of taxes. Implications for benefit‐cost analysis and for interpretation of estimates of the social returns to public capital are explored.  相似文献   

This paper proposes criteria for distinguishing those types of social forms that are susceptible to lawlike explanation from those that are susceptible to interpretive accounts. The main criterion concerns the rankability of choice alternatives. The choice process is modeled as having two subprocesses. The first subprocess is a rational one in which unacceptable decision alternatives are eliminated, reducing the universe of alternatives to the set of interchangeably acceptable options, termed the admissible set. In the second subprocess, an arbitrary choice is made from the admissible set. In rational‐choice settings, the admissible set consists of just one element, the optimum. However, this is clearly not the only possibility, as the example of language, with its plurality of interchangeable phonemic options, bears witness. The fundamental concept: At one extreme—the extreme of language—the admissible set is large and the arbitrary‐choice subprocess dominates the rational‐choice subprocess. At the other extreme—the extreme of rational‐choice theory—the admissible set consists of a single element and the rational‐choice subprocess dominates the arbitrary‐choice subprocess. Social law has its proper home in those territories of human activity where the admissible set is small; social interpretation has its proper home in those regions where the admissible set is large.  相似文献   

In the United States, language 'rights' have been tethered to ethnic or racial entitlements as a means to redress historical patterns of discrimination and exclusion. The perception that language 'rights' are about the redress of past wrongs has had negative effects on efforts to gain broad public support for the teaching and maintenance of languages other than English. The language‐as‐resource orientation ( Ruiz 1984 ) is considered as an alternative to a language rights approach. However, analysis of texts produced by advocates of the heritage language movement reveals the shortcomings of the language‐as‐resource metaphor in advancing broad‐based support for the teaching, maintenance, and use of minority languages in the U.S. While efforts to promote heritage language education as a national strategic priority may result in short‐term governmental support, wider and more sustained popular support for such programs will require significant modifications in the underlying values and ideologies about the status and role of languages other than English in education and public life.  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2004,30(2):169-176
This paper asks what we can learn from the parallels between terrorism and PR, either for the understanding of terrorism or—of more direct concern here—for the understanding of PR and its place in contemporary society. The already poor public image of PR may suffer from insufficient clarity about these parallels. It is suggested that while analogising between the two is of value, the differences between terrorism and PR also need to be stressed. Public communications need to be differentiated in two ways, firstly in terms of the distinction between spectacular and participatory types of public sphere, and secondly in terms of the distinction between values-based and power-based modes of address. Combining these concepts generates a simple 2×2 matrix for c1assifying public communications. This can help both to identify terrorism and PR as different forms of public communication, and also to identify the practical PR challenges facing governments and civic society in the struggle against terrorism.  相似文献   


In the past few years, terrorism has introduced most Americans to trauma on their own soil. However, African-Americans have lived through trauma and terrorism within the U.S. for centuries. African-Americans have very different perceptions of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. Historical data reveal that African-Americans have endured various forms of domestic terrorism for hundreds of years. Based on a national survey, most African-Americans have very different perceptions of 9/11 than European-Americans. The authors propose there is a great deal to be learned from African-Americans regarding how to manage terrorism. But, to cull the valuable lessons from African-Americans’ experience of terrorism, there has to be respect for African -American experiences.  相似文献   

This article considers inter‐individual variation in omission rates of the preverbal particle ne in 991 negations produced in conversations between 73 native and non‐native speakers of French. It appears that both endogenous and exogenous extralinguistic factors are linked to omission rates of ne . Whereas age and gender were found to have little effect, the degree of extraversion of the speaker, the frequency of use of French and the native/non‐native status of the speakers were correlated with omission rates. Among the exogenous factors it appeared that the composition of the dyad was linked to omission rates: non‐native speakers interacting with native speakers omitted the ne more frequently than the non‐native speakers in conversation with other non‐native speakers. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to outline a social science understanding of terrorist threat, with special reference to political violence of new terrorist groups, fundamentalist movements and extremist organisations such as Al-Qaeda. Four main terrorism topics will be examined: (i) Definition of terrorism . We will make explicit the political and moral implications of the word 'terrorism' by tracing a brief history of terrorism; at the same time, a definition of terrorism will be proposed based on an overview of terrorism studies. (ii) Typology of terrorism . The topic to be addressed here concerns the classification of terrorist groups, paying special attention to contemporary fundamentalist movements and extremist organisations (particularly after World War II). (iii) Explanation of terrorism. Criticism will be made of psychological explanations of terrorism that try to trace political violence back to specific personal traits or psychopathological profiles of terrorists. We will offer an alternative explanation, focusing on specific social, cultural and religious factors to be considered the root causes of terrorism. Suicide terrorism will be used as a case study. (iv) C ounterterrorism policy . Here, we will discuss some of the limitations and counterproductive effects of the counterterrorism measures adopted by governments after 9/11, including new antiterrorism legislation, the case of special detention at Guantanamo Bay, and the Iraq invasion. Most of such limitations are due to a misunderstanding of the political culture and ideology of Islamic extremism and fundamentalism (Islamism). Some concluding remarks will summarise the findings of the article and underline the most important suggestions for a future research agenda in the sociology of terrorism and counterterrorism.  相似文献   

Core Journals in Economics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article ranks core journals in economics using the textbook citation method. Rankings are produced from citations in graduate‐level microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics textbooks. Textbooks used in the study were chosen through responses from a survey of professors in top‐tier economics departments. The top nine journals or core journals from this study correlate closely in rank with the results of two comparison studies. Second‐tier journals identified in this study correlate less closely in rank with second‐tier journals in comparison studies.  相似文献   

Sociologists tend to eschew biological explanations of human social behavior. Accordingly, when evolutionary biologists began to apply neo‐Darwinian theory to the study of human social behavior, the reactions of sociologists typically ranged from indifference to overt hostility. Since the mid‐1960s, however, neo‐Darwinian evolutionary theory has stimulated a "second Darwinian revolution" in traditional social scientific conceptions of human nature and social behavior, even while most sociologists remain largely uninformed about neo‐Darwinian theory and research. This article traces sociology's long‐standing isolation from the life sciences, especially evolutionary biology, to divergence in the metatheoretical assumptions that typify conventional sociological thought versus contemporary evolutionary biology. We conclude with a discussion of the recent emergence of a nascent "evolutionary sociology" that integrates sociobiological reasoning with contemporary sociological thought.  相似文献   

Terrorism is an incredibly dramatic problem of our times. The remedies taken so far do not seem to be able to solve the problem. This paper gives an alternative reading of the phenomenon: apart from the origin of a single terrorism and the specific means it may use, every terrorism simply represents, from an individualistic point of view, the measure of the ability of a system of rules to absorb the changes without anyone choosing a violent option.  相似文献   

This paper examines a range of interactional activities participants carry out in the course of corner shop transactions in Quito, Ecuador. These activities include: phatic communication exchanges as traditionally conceived, that is, conventionalized forms such as how‐are‐you and health inquiries; individualized exchanges in the form of conversational work around a range of topics (e.g. politics, health, school); and creative language play activities (e.g. wordplay and linguistic play with names). These activities are described as reflecting participants' orientation to the maintenance of positive rapport or friendly relations ( Aston 1988a ) with the effect that the service transaction becomes a pleasant and even an entertaining encounter. Such orientation is described here in relation to the familiarity existing between shopkeepers and customers as a result of frequent contact in the context of the barrio (residential neighbourhoods) in Quito. As such the study lends support, from a different socio‐cultural perspective, to recent work in the area that highlights the centrality of phatic communication in task‐oriented interactions in English (cf. Coupland 2000a , 2000b , 2003 ), and brings to the fore a wider range of activities which appear to be employed for rapport‐building purposes in service encounters.  相似文献   

Gerhard Lenski's ecological-evolutionary typology of human societies, based on the level of technology of a society and the nature of its physical environment, is a powerful predictor of various dimensions of social inequality. Analysis of comparative data shows that while some dimensions of the stratification system (such as measures of social complexity) exhibit a monotonic trend of increasing inequality with level of technology from the hunting-and-gathering to the agrarian type, others (such as measures of freedom and sexual inequality among males) exhibit a pattern of "agrarian reversal" in which inequality increases from the hunting‐and‐gathering to the advanced horticultural type but then declines with the agrarian type. Theoretical and empirical implications of the agrarian reversal pattern for the study of social inequality are discussed.  相似文献   

I perform the cointegration tests for the trivariate model of real monetary aggregates, real personal income, and short‐term interest rate. I find the existence of a long‐run relationship among these three variables. To check the stability of a long‐run money demand relationship, I implement a rank constancy test and CUSUM test. The test results show that real M1 is relatively more stable than other aggregates, but structural change occurred during the 1970s and early 1980s. This is consistent with prior research on money demand.  相似文献   

This article discusses two aspects that are important for understanding the relationship between Western news media and terrorism: the changing representation of terrorists and terrorist attacks in the media and, with it, the changing definition of terrorism. By calling attention to evolving news media practices in times of terrorism, I argue that advanced communication technologies and the emergence of global media ecology since the 1990s has made terrorism more visible in both national and international media landscapes. One result is that the more the news media expose terrorism to global audiences via the “front door,” the more controversial the use of the terms “terrorism” and “terrorist” become in social, political, and scholarly discourses. The paper addresses the evolving journalistic practices and their consequences as documented in previous studies on media reporting of terrorism in several national contexts, mostly the UK, the United States, and Israel.  相似文献   

以宗教名义进行社会动员,是当代全球恐怖主义的一个重要特征。宗教动员下的恐怖主义已成为当代恐怖主义的主导势力,并经历了三重路径,且每条路径中都表现出国际"安全阀"遭到双重的破坏和挑战。梳理当代国际恐怖主义因"宗教动员"而泛滥的路径,可以为国际反恐提供某种思路,从而消除恐怖主义进行"宗教动员"的不良后果,并优化良好的宗教发展环境。  相似文献   

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