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The purpose of this study is to investigate whether banks’ management behavior is related to corporate ethics. We employ earnings-management and expense-preference measures to evaluate management behavior. Using a very large sample of banks from 15 countries and controlling for a number of bank- and country-level factors, we find that managers in Islamic banks are less likely to engage in unethical business practices compared to those in commercial banks. We also document that Shari’ah supervisory boards embedded in Islamic banks affect and shape managerial behavior and mitigate agency problems. These results establish a link between corporate ethics and management behavior through Shari’ah and Shari’ah supervisory boards.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the minimum rate of return (k e ) required by family business shareholders is inversely related to the emotional endowment presented in these firms. After reviewing the socioemotional wealth (SEW) literature, we find empirical support to justify that different SEW dimensions influence k e . Findings from a population of 207 family firms show that the identification of family members with the firm and the renewal of family bonds with the firm through dynastic succession have consistently negative impacts on k e , while family control and influence have significantly positive impacts on k e .  相似文献   

An instance of the k -generalized connectivity problem consists of an undirected graph G=(V,E), whose edges are associated with non-negative costs, and a collection \({\mathcal{D}}=\{(S_{1},T_{1}),\ldots,(S_{d},T_{d})\}\) of distinct demands, each of which comprises a pair of disjoint vertex sets. We say that a subgraph ??G connects a demand (S i ,T i ) when it contains a path with one endpoint in S i and the other in T i . Given an integer parameter k, the goal is to identify a minimum cost subgraph that connects at least k demands in \({\mathcal{D}}\).Alon, Awerbuch, Azar, Buchbinder and Naor (SODA ’04) seem to have been the first to consider the generalized connectivity paradigm as a unified machinery for incorporating multiple-choice decisions into network formation settings. Their main contribution in this context was to devise a multiplicative-update online algorithm for computing log-competitive fractional solutions, and to propose provably-good rounding procedures for important special cases. Nevertheless, approximating the generalized connectivity problem in its unconfined form, where one makes no structural assumptions about the underlying graph and collection of demands, has remained an open question up until a recent O(log?2 nlog?2 d) approximation due to Chekuri, Even, Gupta and Segev (SODA ’08). Unfortunately, the latter result does not extend to connecting a pre-specified number of demands. Furthermore, even the simpler case of singleton demands has been established as a challenging computational task, when Hajiaghayi and Jain (SODA ’06) related its inapproximability to that of dense k -subgraph.In this paper, we present the first non-trivial approximation algorithm for k-generalized connectivity, which is derived by synthesizing several techniques originating in probabilistic embeddings of finite metrics, network design, and randomization. Specifically, our algorithm constructs, with constant probability, a feasible subgraph whose cost is within a factor of O(n 2/3?polylog(n,k)) of optimal. We believe that the fundamental approach illustrated in the current writing is of independent interest, and may be applicable in other settings as well.  相似文献   

Designing strategies for corporate social responsibility (CSR)-practice nowadays has become essential for organizations. Notwithstanding, how organizations appear internally in a socially responsible context toward their employees has been insufficiently investigated. This study aims at ascertaining how Internal CSR can be conceptualized as well as how it affects employees’ commitment. To do so, the manifestations of Internal CSR are discussed based on social identity theory and further literature, while the developed research model is checked for suitability through a survey generating 2081 employee responses from an international pharmaceutical company. As one result, it can be stated that the factors proposed to constitute Internal CSR are confirmed. Further, the findings entail the following conclusions: Internal CSR has a notable influence on employees’ Affective Organizational Commitment whilst relatively moderate impacting Normative Organizational Commitment. Additionally, Affective Organizational Commitment adopts a mediating function regarding Normative Organizational Commitment.  相似文献   

Classical group testing is a search paradigm where the goal is the identification of individual positive elements in a large collection of elements by asking queries of the form “Does a set of elements contain a positive one?”. A graph reconstruction problem that generalizes the classical group testing problem is to reconstruct a hidden graph from a given family of graphs by asking queries of the form “Whether a set of vertices induces an edge”. Reconstruction problems on families of Hamiltonian cycles, matchings, stars and cliques on n vertices have been studied where algorithms of using at most 2nlg?n,(1+o(1))(nlg?n),2n and 2n queries were proposed, respectively. In this paper we improve them to \((1+o(1))(n\lg n),(1+o(1))(\frac{n\lg n}{2}),n+2\lg n\) and n+lg?n, respectively. Threshold group testing is another generalization of group testing which is to identify the individual positive elements in a collection of elements under a more general setting, in which there are two fixed thresholds ? and u, with ?<u, and the response to a query is positive if the tested subset of elements contains at least u positive elements, negative if it contains at most ? positive elements, and it is arbitrarily given otherwise. For the threshold group testing problem with ?=u?1, we show that p positive elements among n given elements can be determined by using O(plg?n) queries, with a matching lower bound.  相似文献   

A list assignment of G is a function L that assigns to each vertex \(v\in V(G)\) a list L(v) of available colors. Let r be a positive integer. For a given list assignment L of G, an (Lr)-coloring of G is a proper coloring \(\phi \) such that for any vertex v with degree d(v), \(\phi (v)\in L(v)\) and v is adjacent to at least \( min\{d(v),r\}\) different colors. The list r-hued chromatic number of G, \(\chi _{L,r}(G)\), is the least integer k such that for every list assignment L with \(|L(v)|=k\), \(v\in V(G)\), G has an (Lr)-coloring. We show that if \(r\ge 32\) and G is a planar graph without 4-cycles, then \(\chi _{L,r}(G)\le r+8\). This result implies that for a planar graph with maximum degree \(\varDelta \ge 26\) and without 4-cycles, Wagner’s conjecture in [Graphs with given diameter and coloring problem, Technical Report, University of Dortmund, Germany, 1977] holds.  相似文献   

Let T be a weighted tree with a positive number w(v) associated with each vertex v. A subtree S is a w-central subtree of the weighted tree T if it has the minimum eccentricity \(e_L(S)\) in median graph \(G_{LW}\). A w-central subtree with the minimum vertex weight is called a least w-central subtree of the weighted tree T. In this paper we show that each least w-central subtree of a weighted tree either contains a vertex of the w-centroid or is adjacent to a vertex of the w-centroid. Also, we show that any two least w-central subtrees of a weighted tree either have a nonempty intersection or are adjacent.  相似文献   

Given a configuration of pebbles on the vertices of a connected graph G, a pebbling move removes two pebbles from some vertex and places one pebble on an adjacent vertex. The pebbling number of a graph G is the smallest integer k such that for each vertex v and each configuration of k pebbles on G there is a sequence of pebbling moves that places at least one pebble on v. First, we improve on results of Hurlbert, who introduced a linear optimization technique for graph pebbling. In particular, we use a different set of weight functions, based on graphs more general than trees. We apply this new idea to some graphs from Hurlbert’s paper to give improved bounds on their pebbling numbers. Second, we investigate the structure of Class 0 graphs with few edges. We show that every n-vertex Class 0 graph has at least \(\frac{5}{3}n - \frac{11}{3}\) edges. This disproves a conjecture of Blasiak et al. For diameter 2 graphs, we strengthen this lower bound to \(2n - 5\), which is best possible. Further, we characterize the graphs where the bound holds with equality and extend the argument to obtain an identical bound for diameter 2 graphs with no cut-vertex.  相似文献   

A universal labeling of a graph G is a labeling of the edge set in G such that in every orientation \(\ell \) of G for every two adjacent vertices v and u, the sum of incoming edges of v and u in the oriented graph are different from each other. The universal labeling number of a graph G is the minimum number k such that G has universal labeling from \(\{1,2,\ldots , k\}\) denoted it by \(\overrightarrow{\chi _{u}}(G) \). We have \(2\Delta (G)-2 \le \overrightarrow{\chi _{u}} (G)\le 2^{\Delta (G)}\), where \(\Delta (G)\) denotes the maximum degree of G. In this work, we offer a provocative question that is: “Is there any polynomial function f such that for every graph G, \(\overrightarrow{\chi _{u}} (G)\le f(\Delta (G))\)?”. Towards this question, we introduce some lower and upper bounds on their parameter of interest. Also, we prove that for every tree T, \(\overrightarrow{\chi _{u}}(T)={\mathcal {O}}(\Delta ^3) \). Next, we show that for a given 3-regular graph G, the universal labeling number of G is 4 if and only if G belongs to Class 1. Therefore, for a given 3-regular graph G, it is an \( {{\mathbf {N}}}{{\mathbf {P}}} \)-complete to determine whether the universal labeling number of G is 4. Finally, using probabilistic methods, we almost confirm a weaker version of the problem.  相似文献   

We consider two extremal problems related to total orders on all subsets of \({\mathbb N}\). The first one is to maximize the Lagrangian of hypergraphs among all hypergraphs with m edges for a given positive integer m. In 1980’s, Frankl and Füredi conjectured that for a given positive integer m, the r-uniform hypergraph with m edges formed by taking the first m r-subsets of \({\mathbb N}\) in the colex order has the largest Lagrangian among all r-uniform hypergraphs with m edges. We provide some partial results for 4-uniform hypergraphs to this conjecture. The second one is for a given positive integer m, how to minimize the cardinality of the union closure families generated by edge sets of the r-uniform hypergraphs with m edges. Leck, Roberts and Simpson conjectured that the union closure family generated by the first m r-subsets of \({\mathbb N}\) in order U has the minimum cardinality among all the union closure families generated by edge sets of the r-uniform hypergraphs with m edges. They showed that the conjecture is true for graphs. We show that a similar result holds for non-uniform hypergraphs whose edges contain 1 or 2 vertices.  相似文献   

A resource-sharing system is modeled by a hypergraph H in which a vertex represents a process and an edge represents a resource consisting of all vertices (processes) that have access to it. A schedule of H=(V,E) is a mapping f:?→2 V , where f(i) is an independent set of H which consists of processes that operate at round i. The rate of f is defined as \({\rm rate}(f)=\limsup_{n\to\infty}\sum_{i=1}^{n}|f(i)|/(n|V|)\), which is the average fraction of operating processes at each round. The purpose of this paper is to study optimal rates for various classes of schedules under different fairness conditions. In particular, we give relations between these optimal rates and fractional/circular chromatic numbers. For the special case of the hypergraph is a connected graph, a new derivation for the previous result by Yeh and Zhu is also given.  相似文献   

Managers use many decision making tools when developing a firm’s strategic direction. Ideally, such tools yield a good solution for an acceptable amount of application effort. This paper presents the results of an experimental research project that compares the effectiveness of a theory-based strategic decision making tool, theVRIO-framework, with two alternative decision making heuristics for predicting the stock-market performance of different companies. First, we assess how the predictions of theVRIO-framework contrast with decisions based on “gut feeling” using the forecasts derived from a recognition-based decision making tool, theRecognition Heuristic. Secondly, theVRIO-framework’spredictive power is compared to predictions derived fromAnalyst Ratings. Our results suggest that the predictions of theVRIO-framework are superior to those of theRecognition Heuristic and theAnalyst Ratings, supporting the practical usefulness of resource-based theory. We conclude that resource analysis is important to strategic decision making and discuss the implications of our findings for future research and management practice.  相似文献   

An edge irregular total k-labeling \(\varphi : V\cup E \rightarrow \{ 1,2, \dots , k \}\) of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a labeling of vertices and edges of G in such a way that for any different edges xy and \(x'y'\) their weights \(\varphi (x)+ \varphi (xy) + \varphi (y)\) and \(\varphi (x')+ \varphi (x'y') + \varphi (y')\) are distinct. The total edge irregularity strength, tes(G), is defined as the minimum k for which G has an edge irregular total k-labeling. We have determined the exact value of the total edge irregularity strength of accordion graphs.  相似文献   

A safe set of a graph \(G=(V,E)\) is a non-empty subset S of V such that for every component A of G[S] and every component B of \(G[V {\setminus } S]\), we have \(|A| \ge |B|\) whenever there exists an edge of G between A and B. In this paper, we show that a minimum safe set can be found in polynomial time for trees. We then further extend the result and present polynomial-time algorithms for graphs of bounded treewidth, and also for interval graphs. We also study the parameterized complexity. We show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the solution size. Furthermore, we show that this parameter lies between the tree-depth and the vertex cover number. We then conclude the paper by showing hardness for split graphs and planar graphs.  相似文献   

A path in a vertex-colored graph is called a vertex-monochromatic path if its internal vertices have the same color. A vertex-coloring of a graph is a monochromatic vertex-connection coloring (MVC-coloring for short), if there is a vertex-monochromatic path joining any two vertices in the graph. For a connected graph G, the monochromatic vertex-connection number, denoted by mvc(G), is defined to be the maximum number of colors used in an MVC-coloring of G. These concepts of vertex-version are natural generalizations of the colorful monochromatic connectivity of edge-version, introduced by Caro and Yuster (Discrete Math 311:1786–1792, 2011). In this paper, we mainly investigate the Erd?s–Gallai-type problems for the monochromatic vertex-connection number mvc(G) and completely determine the exact value. Moreover, the Nordhaus–Gaddum-type inequality for mvc(G) is also given.  相似文献   

Given a directed graph D=(V,A) with a set of d specified vertices S={s 1,…,s d }?V and a function f : S→? where ? denotes the set of positive integers, we consider the problem which asks whether there exist ∑ i=1 d f(s i ) in-trees denoted by \(T_{i,1},T_{i,2},\ldots,T_{i,f(s_{i})}\) for every i=1,…,d such that \(T_{i,1},\ldots,T_{i,f(s_{i})}\) are rooted at s i , each T i,j spans vertices from which s i is reachable and the union of all arc sets of T i,j for i=1,…,d and j=1,…,f(s i ) covers A. In this paper, we prove that such set of in-trees covering A can be found by using an algorithm for the weighted matroid intersection problem in time bounded by a polynomial in ∑ i=1 d f(s i ) and the size of D. Furthermore, for the case where D is acyclic, we present another characterization of the existence of in-trees covering A, and then we prove that in-trees covering A can be computed more efficiently than the general case by finding maximum matchings in a series of bipartite graphs.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating hybrid frequency moments of two dimensional data streams. In this model, data is viewed to be organized in a matrix form (A i,j )1≤i,j,≤n . The entries A i,j are updated coordinate-wise, in arbitrary order and possibly multiple times. The updates include both increments and decrements to the current value of A i,j . The hybrid frequency moment F p,q (A) is defined as \(\sum_{j=1}^{n}(\sum_{i=1}^{n}{A_{i,j}}^{p})^{q}\) and is a generalization of the frequency moment of one-dimensional data streams.We present the first \(\tilde{O}(1)\) space algorithm for the problem of estimating F p,q for p∈[0,2] and q∈[0,1] to within an approximation factor of 1±ε. The \(\tilde{O}\) notation hides poly-logarithmic factors in the size of the stream m, the matrix size n and polynomial factors of ε ?1. We also present the first \(\tilde{O}(n^{1-1/q})\) space algorithm for estimating F p,q for p∈[0,2] and q∈(1,2].  相似文献   

Management literature is currently giving growing conceptual and empirical attention to the peculiarity and relevance of entrepreneurial attitudes in family firms, with divergent outcomes. Aiming at concretizing the effects of these attitudes, denoted by the entrepreneurial orientation construct, on family business performance and considering that family dynamics come into play in this relationship, we particularly investigate the impact of control mechanisms and family-related goals. Findings are based on a sample of 180 family firms and show that Proactiveness and Autonomy are particularly relevant to financial performance. Agency-problems avoiding control mechanisms moderate the effect of Innovativeness and Autonomy, while socioemotional wealth (SEW) goals moderate the effect of Risk-Taking, respectively. The usage of these mechanisms and managing SEW goals provide opportunities for a more efficient exploitation of entrepreneurial attitudes.  相似文献   

A graph G is said to be equitably k-colorable if the vertex set of G can be divided into k independent sets for which any two sets differ in size at most one. The equitable chromatic number of G, \(\chi _{=}(G)\), is the minimum k for which G is equitably k-colorable. The equitable chromatic threshold of G, \(\chi _{=}^{*}(G)\), is the minimum k for which G is equitably \(k'\)-colorable for all \(k'\ge k\). In this paper, the exact values of \(\chi _{=}^{*}(G\Box H)\) and \(\chi _{=}(G\Box H)\) are obtained when G is the square of a cycle or a path and H is a complete bipartite graph.  相似文献   

We show that for all reals c and d such that c 2 d<4 there exists a positive real e such that tautologies of length n cannot be decided by both a nondeterministic algorithm that runs in time n c , and a nondeterministic algorithm that runs in time n d and space n e . In particular, for every \(d<\sqrt[3]{4}\) there exists a positive e such that tautologies cannot be decided by a nondeterministic algorithm that runs in time n d and space n e .  相似文献   

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