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Journal of Management and Governance - In this study, we examine the relationship between the role and compensation structure of non-executive directors when firms on the TSX Venture Exchange...  相似文献   

A series of product safety and child labor scandals in the mid-2000s aroused global concerns over business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in China. The general public expects companies to be socially responsible and to look beyond the maximizing of profits. In this study, we examine the relationship between the issuance of CSR reports and performance, in terms of accounting income, market return, and growth by firms listed in China in 2008–2009. We find that the historical performance of firms has significant and positive effects on the issuance of standalone CSR reports. There is also a positive correlation between current CSR disclosures and subsequent performance. Finally, we find that corporate donations are positively associated with improved performance in the following year. Our results support the view that CSR is a useful business strategy even in a developing country such as China. We call for government authorities in emerging markets to advocate CSR practices and for the market participants to change their perception of and attitude towards CSR.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of political connections on firm operational efficiencies. We test the political interventions in investment and employment decisions. Our results provide strong support for the presence of investment inefficiencies and excessive employment amongst politically connected firms, whereas the detrimental effect of political interventions is substantially larger on employment decisions. We further find that such operational inefficiencies are more pronounced for low-growth connected firms. Finally, the economy-wide cost of the excessive employments is estimated to be 0.19 % of GDP annually.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an important issue, which has generally received less attention in corporate governance literature, being the effect of managerial ownership on the relationship between debt and firm performance. By employing a sample of Egyptian listed firms, the generalized least squares method, as a panel data technique, is used to examine the joint effect of debt and managerial ownership on various measures of firm performance (i.e., Tobin’s q and ROA). The results reveal that managerial ownership moderates the relationship between debt and firm performance, with the relationship being negative (positive) in presence (absence) of managerial ownership concentration. The implication of this finding is that the optimal capital structure is more likely to be contingent on contextual variables as well as the roles, power, and stakes of key internal and external actors. Put simply, the effectiveness of one corporate governance mechanism (i.e., debt) is more likely to be contingent on the effect of other existed corporate governance mechanisms, and hence, there is not one best arrangement of either capital structure or ownership structure, but different arrangements are not equally good.  相似文献   

This paper examines the non-linearity between Chief Executive Officer (CEO) power and firm leverage using a sample of 295 selected small and medium-sized enterprises listed on China Shenzhen Stock Exchange SMEs Board during the period 2009–2013. Specifically, a threshold estimation technique developed by Hansen (J Econ 93(2):345–368, 1999) is applied to investigate whether firms with powerful CEO use a sub-optimal leverage. The results confirm that there is a double-threshold effect exist and suggest an inverted U-shaped relationship between CEO power and firm book value-based leverage. Thus, these findings reveal that the distribution of decision-making power within firms can affect financing decision are made and CEOs with higher ability to exercise decision-making power tend to use lower leverage to pursue their own benefits.  相似文献   

This study examines audit committee (AC) members’ perspectives on mandatory audit firm rotation (MAFR), mandatory audit partner rotation, ways in which ACs monitor auditor independence and objectivity, and the costs associated with switching audit firms. In-person interviews with AC members in Canada were conducted to improve our understanding of the reasons underlying AC members’ positions on MAFR. All AC members interviewed in this study were adamantly opposed to MAFR. MAFR was perceived as a threat to their shareholder-granted authority to make audit firm appointment decisions. Participants believe that their professional judgment and observations are the most effective means of ensuring auditor independence and view MAFR as an unnecessary intervention. We explain these results using self-determination theory. Our findings were also used to develop a conceptual model of AC relationships with external auditors and financial management.  相似文献   

The paper analyses to what extent ownership structure, capital structure, and dividend policy as corporate governance mechanisms drive the firm value. From a data panel of publicly quoted Chilean firms for the years 2002–2010, we find that there is an inverse U-shaped relationship between ownership concentration and firm value. The positive slope is supported by the supervision hypothesis; whilst the negative relation between ownership concentration and firm value is supported by the expropriation hypothesis. We also find that there is a positive impact of both leverage and the dividend pay-out on the firm value. In this case, these two mechanisms reduce the free cash flows which otherwise might be used opportunistically by managers in their own interests (free rider problem). Contrary to the previous empirical literature in Chile, it is found that the mere fact that a firm is affiliated to a business group/conglomerate impacts positively its value. This positive effect is basically driven by the development of intragroup capital markets, and the governance imposed by the rules of the conglomerate.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how different types of owners influence the extent of firm internationalization, measured by the share of firm exports in total sales. The results of the analysis carried out using firm level data of Estonian and Slovenian firms, show that the firms under the control of the insider owners are, on average, more internationalized. State control, on the other hand, hampers internationalization efforts. Further, more productive firms, larger firms, more capital-intensive firms and those with high level of investment in both fixed capital and R&D are more successful in internationalization process. Finally, high market share also leads to increased internationalization through exports as firms seek to expand in foreign markets after having dominated the domestic ones.  相似文献   

This paper, unlike previous studies, focuses on the decomposition of impacts of core competencies on firm performance and the moderating effects of environmental turbulence on the basis of developing structural equation models using the partial least square (PLS) method. By taking a disaggregated approach, the decomposed effects of core competencies on firm performance are examined and the relative influences of all three major constituents of core competencies, marketing competencies, technological competencies and integrative competencies, are studied. Furthermore, this approach helps to avoid the so-called “pitfall” of being vague, tautological, endlessly recursive, and non-operational, for which some studies based on a resource-based view have been criticized. All three constituents are found to have significant influences on firm performance. And these relationships are moderated significantly by environmental turbulence such as market turbulence and technological turbulence, except that market turbulence is found to have no significant moderating effect on the relationship between integrative competencies and firm performance.  相似文献   

Executive compensation is one of the most critically evaluated aspects of a firm. Driving this attention is the debate into what exactly are the consequences of executive pay. Since a majority of prior compensation research has aggregated industries into a single omnibus sample, it has been difficult to detect compensation effects that are likely industry specific. Accordingly, we focus on a high technology industry and examine how CEO incentive compensation affects firm competitive behavior. Utilizing a sample of U.S. pharmaceutical firms, we find that both short- and long-term incentives of a CEO are positively related to firm competitive aggressiveness. Moreover, our results show a positive relationship between long-term incentives of the top executive and the diversity of competitive moves undertaken by the firm. This study contributes to technology management, compensation, and strategy literatures and generates interesting possibilities for future research.  相似文献   

While academic researchers continue to debate the effect of board independence in increasing performance, its efficacy could also be reflected in whether firm performance is made more stable. Board governance activities are a constellation of actions aimed at managing agency costs and ensuring the viability of a company over time. The efficacy of such actions would, therefore, be reflected in a distal outcome, specifically, in lower firm performance variability. Boards that can control agency costs and limit both underinvestment and overinvestment would reduce a firm's deviation from its mean performance trajectory. Using a longitudinal sample of publicly traded companies in the United States, we find that board stability, board resource provision, and CEO influence are negatively associated with performance variability. Board independence is not associated with performance variability. With increasing board independence, greater board stability and greater CEO influence are negatively associated with performance variability, however, greater board resource provision is not associated with performance variability.  相似文献   

A firm's capital budgeting and strategic planning decisions have the potential to affect many groups of people called stakeholders. A stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the firm's objectives. This study examines whether the presence of a code of ethics that specifically addresses capital budgeting/strategic planning decisions will significantly raise the awareness of social responsibility during the long-run planning process. This study also examines whether firm size is associated with the awareness of social responsibility during the long-run planning process. Support was found that a code of ethics that addresses long-range planning is associated with higher awareness during the planning process. Firm size was not found to be statistically different.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(6):102017
Previous research about the effects of board structure and process on the firm financial performance is based on conflicting theoretical perspectives, and empirical results, mostly based on regression analysis, are inconclusive. Building from Complexity Theory and configurational analysis, this study offers clarity to inconclusive previous empirical results about the link among several board features and firm financial performance. From a sample of 295 non-financial firms from Southern Europe for the period 2001–2010, and by using fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, findings of this study show that firm financial performance depends on a complex configuration of several board features (board size, board independence, leadership structure and board activity) and several corporate characteristics (firm size, firm leverage and firm age). This paper has implications for academics. Despite different theoretical arguments and inconclusive results of the wide empirical literature addressing the effect of board characteristics on the firm performance, building from Complexity Theory this paper adds to our knowledge because it empirically explores under which circumstances different board features should contribute positively or negatively to firm performance. The results of this study have also implications for policy makers and practitioners by providing some useful hints to the controversial relationship between corporate governance and financial performance. In this sense, general corporate governance recommendations must be rethought.  相似文献   


Retail networks are striving to achieve competitive advantage by increasing value through loyalty and efficiency with a focus on service operations. As sales promotions have become an integral part of the retail supply chain planning, customer behavioural aspects based on loyalty and service operations have been challenged greatly. Subsequently, management capabilities, such as planning and timely replenishment, have become complicated tasks for many retail store managers. This study develops a model integrating retail network value and efficiencies with customer behaviour and performance. We validate the model using survey data from prominent U.K. retail store customers. Our data analysis shows that both loyalty and service operation attributes have positive significant impact on customer behaviour, while the service operation mediates the relationship between loyalty and customer behaviour. This result gives a new outlook to build managerial capability based on customer loyalty and service operations. Our results specifically show that the service operation attributes will indirectly influence the customers’ buying behaviour even in the presence of loyalty attribute such as promotion schemes. This result sends a strong signal to retail supply chain managers to offer customised promotions considering local community rather than having uniform sales promotion nationwide.  相似文献   

This paper analyses bidder short-term returns of 58 takeover bids that occur between 1997 and 2005 on the French market. Furthermore, the determinants of this performance are examined to improve understanding of the sources of value creation or destruction arising from M&A. This study reports that M&A are typically friendly, horizontal transaction, and relate to the entire target capital. The event study methodology is used to estimate bidder value creation. Three findings are shown in this study. First, we find strong evidence that the announcement of a takeover bid generates significant, high returns for the bidder with prebid blockholder position in the target (toehold) versus the bidder without toehold. In this case, there is a strong presumption that the synergies’ motive is the prime reason for the offer. Second, these results show that bidders with low potential growth positively influence share price around the bid announcement. In addition, the growth profile of the target is associated with value creation for the bidder.  相似文献   

We investigate the valuation effects related to corporate minority block purchases for a European sample of 113 purchases over 1993–2006. We argue that corporate block ownership, as opposed to institutional or individual block ownership, has several unique characteristics and can create significant short- and long-term wealth for target and acquiring firm shareholders. Because target firms that exhibit signs of inefficient monitoring or agency problems benefit the most, we conclude that corporate block ownerships can align incentives and mitigate information problems in corporate business relationships.  相似文献   

This paper compares the value of audit quality, proxied by the selection of a big N auditor, to the external claimholders of private and public companies. Although the combination of a lower ownership concentration of public companies, the greater demand for financial information quality about these companies and their higher litigation risk can result in the expectation that audit quality should be more valuable for public than for private companies, the greater information asymmetry between the managers and the external stakeholders and the unavailability of alternative mechanisms for monitoring the managers can make external audit more valuable for the external claimholders of private companies. In this paper, we test these two competing views by analysing if banks and lenders take into account auditor selection in the formation of the cost of debt. Our results support the second view: we find that only private companies obtain a lower cost of debt when they are audited by a high-quality auditor. These results are robust to both endogeneity and unobserved firm-specific heterogeneity.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of board size on the economic impact of bank mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in the US. Using a hand-collected dataset of 508 M&A between 2012 and 2018, we find that board size is negatively related to acquirer excess returns. In an additional analysis, we show that large boards have positive value implications for banks that combine the CEO and chairman roles as well as for large banks. Our findings indicate that a “one-size-fits-all” approach to board size is not necessarily in the interests of shareholders; instead, a more flexible and proactive formulation is needed.  相似文献   

Recent research on environmental scanning has shown it to be an important part of many organisational processes related to strategy. A fundamental aspect of scanning behaviour is the mode or channel through which information is gathered. Existing research on mode selection and source use has suggested that managers prefer to use personal sources that are either internal to or external to the organisation depending on context. What is not clear, however, is why one source may be preferred to another and how different scanning modes might complement each other. We explore these issues through the collection and analysis of interview data from seven organisations of widely differing sizes. Using the organisation itself as the unit of analysis, we offer a number of theoretical contributions concerned with mode and source use in environmental scanning activity. We find that quality of information source may be less important in explaining source use than previous studies suggest. We also uncover heavy reliance on internal reporting on the environment, compiled using multiple channels, in larger companies. Furthermore, we present a variety of instances where scanning modes were used to complement one another in different ways, the patterns changing according to organisation size. Our findings, while exploratory and theoretical in nature, also have practical implications for growing organisations that wish to ensure their environment is scanned as effectively as possible.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2017,50(2):145-167
Drawing upon prior research suggesting inertia prevents organizations from learning, we suggest that the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and strategic learning (SL) is not as straightforward and linear as has been suggested. The size and age of an organization, considered indicators of inertia, are important factors affecting how EO contributes to the components of SL. Data from 182 software companies confirm the non-linear relationships between EO and the dissemination, interpretation, and implementation components of SL. The results also indicate that the U-shaped association between EO and specific components of SL is more pronounced for larger and established companies than for younger and smaller ones. These findings depart from previous work based on strategic learning from mistakes, and offer a specific understanding of the relationship between EO and the four distinct components of SL. These results suggest that companies should opt to facilitate the individual components of SL as they are affected differently depending on the level of EO, and the age and size of the organization.  相似文献   

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